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12:58 AM
@DavidCarlisle: dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1083808 :) (if, by any chance, you don't have access, just poke me)
1:39 AM
@JosephWright: This seems to have returned... Could you verify that I'm not mistaken?
2:12 AM
@cfr tex.stackexchange.com/questions/198805/…… well that's pretty cut-and-dry, isn't it?
5 hours later…
7:19 AM
@PauloCereda ?
7:45 AM
Only for the .NET fans (e.g., Paulo Cereda, G.C., etc): download.damieng.com/documentation/…
8:12 AM
Good MAEN ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Yo!
8:29 AM
@egreg Is it really "wrong" to wrap one relation symbol in \mathrel{}? At least semantically, it seems the most sensible way
@tohecz It shows little knowledge of the TeXbook. ;-)
@egreg that's possible
@tohecz Consecutive relation symbol are set without any space (and penalty) between them
@egreg well, then the two way produce the same output, don't they?
@tohecz Yes.
8:33 AM
ok then, nice to know I can stick to semantics ;)
@egreg Do you understand the reopen vote there? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/198902/double-prec
@tohecz No.
@egreg ok thanks, good to know I'm not the only one
@tohecz It is perhaps conceivable that a symbol is not covered by the Comprehensive List, but as the requested symbol is not even in Unicode, I'm inclined to believe it doesn't exist.
@egreg am I mistaken or should U+2ABB be that symbol? decodeunicode.org/de/u+2abb
@egreg also ISOAMSR has double precedes and succeeds in E35B and E35C w3.org/TR/WD-math-980106/chap6/ISOAMSR1.html
8:49 AM
@greyshade Wow! I didn't find it!
@greyshade Thanks, I updated my comment.
@greyshade I'll reopen the question; please provide the answer.
@greyshade don't use that list! that's from the stix submission using private use area slots before the unicode code points were allocated, use w3.org/2003/entities/2007doc/02A.html
@egreg it's in the supplemental math operator's block 2A00-2AFF - I'd say that's where you'd go looking for it;)
@DavidCarlisle thanks for that hint - I'm not using that list by default, it was just the first result google turned up for 'double precedes'..
@greyshade that's unfortunate:-)
@Johannes_B: Good Morning -- how are you?
@JosephWright: Yo back! ;-)
9:05 AM
Ok, so the question is re-opened, but doesn't make any sense now. Let's answer it with a XITS answer, and then merge the two questions back.
@egreg, @tohecz go ahead and answer it - i have to run, afk
@greyshade I'm not gonna answer it, I don't work with Xe/LuaTeX
@ChristianHupfer Good Morning. I am fine. How was your trip to your parents in law?
@Johannes_B: Very relaxing
@greyshade I'll leave the answer to you.
9:15 AM
@Johannes_B: Life in Thüringen is very relaxed ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Even more here ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Mey i ask which part of Thüringen?
@Johannes_B: Birth town of Bach ;-)
@Johannes_B: ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Eisenach is far far away from Freiberg. :-)
@ChristianHupfer Wow, Rainalds show is ten years old. Are we getting old?
@Johannes_B: Yes, but it's nearer as my home region ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Professorin für Hammerwurf in Sofia. :-)
9:27 AM
@Johannes_B: ;-) "Da essen sie noch Hunde... nach altem Rezept" ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I don't get the Klonk today when mentioned
@ChristianHupfer I never ate dog. How does it taste? :-)
@Johannes_B: My klonk works ...
@Johannes_B: ;-)
@Johannes_B: This question is a little bit unclear: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/198809/… -- I decided to leave it open anyway
@ChristianHupfer I have come across classicthesis so many times the last few days.
@Johannes_B: It's one of the strange 'templates' ;-)
@ChristianHupfer And the whole thing is just bad, as any other template. And the author is a professor.
@ChristianHupfer Well, yeah ;-)
9:38 AM
@Johannes_B: There is no contradiction between being a professor and producing bad things/rubbish ;-) (Generally spoken! ;-))
@ChristianHupfer That is completely right.
@ChristianHupfer And the good thing: The Klonk works again :-)
@Johannes_B: You did unmute it? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Yep, kill firefox
@Johannes_B: Naughty firefox, naughty
9:51 AM
@ChristianHupfer I like this song -> youtube.com/watch?v=gRr9E9cVqHE
10:03 AM
@Johannes_B: Sorry, I was away for some minutes
@Johannes_B: You're an electro fan, right?
@ChristianHupfer I like Music, almost every kind of music.
@ChristianHupfer I can't stand Schlager and Volksmusik.
@Johannes_B: Ah, I am a little more restrictive ;-)
@Johannes_B: Wo can stand Schlager and Volkmusik really? :D
@ChristianHupfer Strange people like it ;-)
@Johannes_B Even Cage's?
@egreg ?
10:09 AM
@Johannes_B Ever heard about a “composer” named John Cage?
@Johannes_B: I think, egreg refers to John Cage
Damn, he was quicker :D
@egreg @ChristianHupfer Just listening to a youtube thing of him.
@egreg Skimming throug Thirteen Harmonies (1985) but it just sounds weird.
@Johannes_B This is his best composition: en.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2F4%E2%80%B233%E2%80%B3
@egreg found it already, even tough the link didn't show ;-)
@egreg I'll check it out.
@Johannes_B One of the weird links by Wikipedia. It's like Duchamp's “pissoir” and it means nothing, although some “savants” try to find deep meaning in it.
10:20 AM
@DavidCarlisle Programming quotes. :)
@PauloCereda: Hello, how are you today?
@PauloCereda I can only see the toc:-)
@ChristianHupfer Hi! I'm feeling a little better, but still sick.
@DavidCarlisle Ah I'll send you the document. :)
@PauloCereda: Sorry to hear that! Have you been sick again? (If I missed some information: I was not on chat during the last two/three days) I hope, you will be better soon!
@ChristianHupfer Thanks. :)
10:26 AM
@egreg I am shocked you don't like Shosta and Cage... That's perfect stuff for mathematicians (and drummers like me).
and your link does not work, but well: this song is weird and I am not glad I already had to hear it two times. But at least its easy to TeX... (or to lilypond)
11:28 AM
All quiet here ...
Done. :)
@PauloCereda: I expected some part of an opera, not just lalala... :-/
@ChristianHupfer Ah ok. :)
Dellaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cittàààààààààààààààààààààààààààà!
I need water now.
@PauloCereda: Typically Paulo, continousely overacting :-P
@ChristianHupfer oy
11:39 AM
@PauloCereda: :-P
11:59 AM
Yay, @topskip is here! :)
(my urge for social contacts makes me come here :))
I have not used TeX for more than 24h.... I feel empty
@topskip Oh no!
@topskip: 24hours .... My whole weekend was texless ... you could say useless too! /sob
Now I have to fix a bug in an old piece of software...
@topskip Could you just add a code tag and say it's just version 1.0? :)
12:03 PM
I have an acutal user of the software that needs it... so I can't go around and fix the bug
@topskip Hello!
(but I need to find out if it is a bug anyway....)
Hi @tohecz!!
@topskip Name it a hidden feature! :)
12:28 PM
@PauloCereda you naughty you :p
@tohecz oh Tom. :)
I have a dillema: Print a PDF form, sign it and scan it. Or: scan my signature, lay it over the signature box. (Or: sign it by Comic Sans)
@tohecz I like the first option. :)
@PauloCereda well, that's the "correct" one
btw, I love my RPi: I click a button on the scanner, and get the file in my web browser. No need to attach the scanner or whatever
@PauloCereda it was a feature, not a bug (me: happy)
12:34 PM
@topskip woohoo
12:45 PM
@JosephWright I'm not sure what is the best strategy here since the useful stuff is now spread onto two questions. I would suggest merging into the older one with keeping all the answers from both questions.
Q: Double \prec as a single symbol?

Przemysław ScherwentkeWe have < and \ll. What about double \prec, i.e. something like \prec\prec but with spacing as in \ll? Remark. I could not find an answer in http://detexify.kirelabs.org/classify.html or http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/. I am not interested, how to construct this symbo...

Q: Variation on $\prec\prec$

Michael HardyIs there a standard TeX or LaTeX code for a symbol that bears the same relation to \prec\prec that \ll bears to << ? (And how do I get TeX code to get rendered in a question posted here? I'm accustomed to writing things like $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!}$ on math.stackexchange.com and havi...

@tohecz Perhaps check with Przemysław first? I can leave a comment
@JosephWright maybe. Well, he seems to have gotten the answer he had seeked from @egreg, but it's better to double-check before taking action, right.
@tohecz I've asked: merging is a rather one-way process so I'd rather be safe
just testing something
1:21 PM
Q: Chat doesn't onebox meta.se comments with newsletter code in the URL

Lightness Races in OrbitI don't know whether this is network-wide or just on SO, but chat doesn't onebox meta.se comments when I've come to the post through the Meta newsletter and so ?newsletter=1&nlcode=x is in the URL It should! i.e. http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/236552/ignore-american-and-british- engli...

I have learnt latex in adhoc fashion to able to write a document mostly for writing math documents. But I feel that my documents look ugly. Mostly due uneven spacing between lines dude inline math equations. I looked some solutions here but I didn't completely solve my problem.
What should I do?
@RamanaVenkata without some short example showing the issue, it's hard to say. But the most common culprit behind uneven line spacing is (incorrectly) using \displaystyle inside inline maths.
I started writing this file github.com/vramana/TopicsInAnalysis/blob/master/src/… But I started looking ugly. As explained I tried some hacky solutions But none of them felt satisfactory to me.
@PaulGessler I kind of don't want to read an entire book to fix this problem. I am hoping that I kind find some good examples of well structred math documents to understand how they typeset.
1:43 PM
@RamanaVenkata Lots of manual spacing => bad idea
@RamanaVenkata You have an awful lot of \noindent use too: this is 'bad news'
@JosephWright Okay. What's the way around it?
@RamanaVenkata in addition to Joseph's comments (this will also help the \noindentand the spacing business): don't leave a blank line in the source unless you mean to start a new paragraph. For example, before and after displayed math environments.
2:40 PM
@egreg: Did you make it for ArsTeXnica deadline? I've seen Roberto's post on the forum ;)
@ClaudioFiandrino I sent my paper.
@egreg Expecting your answer on the glue question with an algorithm to convert to a fraction :-)
@JosephWright I was writing one (not with the fraction, but I can add it).
@egreg Avoiding using e-TeX? Doable I guess if tedious
@JosephWright No, with e-TeX.
@egreg Doable without using auxiliaries, but tedious
@ClaudioFiandrino I missed because I was sick. :( But I'm writing a paper too. :)
@egreg Excellent!! In only two days.. that is the nice part of the story :)
@ClaudioFiandrino No, I was already preparing it. ;-)
I've sent mine too.
@egreg Oh.. is Roberto aware of this?
@PauloCereda It is really a pity... having you at the meeting would have been great!
3:10 PM
@ClaudioFiandrino I actually can't attend. :) Well, at least not in person, but maybe through Skype. :)
@egreg Still waiting for your answer: I've dealt with the e-TeX issue at least partly now :-)
@PauloCereda You should, definitely!
@ClaudioFiandrino I would need to fly to Italy first. :)
3:26 PM
@PauloCereda I was meaning you should try to attend through Skype ;)
@JosephWright I've done that fully. ;-)
@egreg Hadn't thought of \gluestrechorder/\glueshrinkorder :-)
@ClaudioFiandrino My Italian is rusty, I couldn't even talk.
@PauloCereda English is allowed
@egreg s/Italian/English/g :)
3:35 PM
@egreg Is there a reason for not using just
\def\scaleglue#1#2#3{% #1 is a factor, #2 is a glue specification, #3 is a glue register
    plus \strippt\dimexpr#1\gluestretch#2\relax
      \ifcase\gluestretchorder#2 pt\or fil\or fill\or filll\fi
    minus \strippt\dimexpr#1\glueshrink#2\relax
     \ifcase\glueshrinkorder#2 pt\or fil\or fill\or filll\fi
@PauloCereda we'll tell your mum
@JosephWright No. ;-) But my macro is more modular.
@egreg I realise that
@egreg The glue order part in particular could be an auxiliary
@DavidCarlisle Oh no!
\def\scaleglue#1#2#3{% #1 is a factor, #2 is a glue specification, #3 is a glue register
    plus \scaleglueaux{#1}{#2}{stretch}%
    minus \scaleglueaux{#1}#2{shrink}%
  \strippt\dimexpr#1\csname glue#3\endcsname#2\relax
    \ifcase\csname glue#3order\endcsname#2 pt\or fil\or fill\or filll\fi
3:39 PM
@DavidCarlisle What should I do?
Q: White space problem using multiple \ifnumequal

Peter SloanI am trying to produce slightly different documents based on a single numerical input. But when I use multiple \ifnumequal commands to get the correct bit of text it produces really strange white space around the text. Can you help? I have tried (as below) one \ifnumequal after another, and in ne...

@egreg :-)
@egreg % at EOL rep is yours by right as far as I understand the conventions of this site
@egreg could of course mark it as dup of a generic % qn but I'm not sure that really helps anyone (unless they know the answer already)
4:12 PM
@DavidCarlisle free rep. :)
@PauloCereda undeserved, of course
4:27 PM
@DavidCarlisle Also providing a much longer answer than needed is my department.
4:44 PM
@egreg perhaps having to give the occasional lecture will slow you down now term has started.
@DavidCarlisle Our terms start in October.
5:21 PM
please how to write the interior of X-U in latex please ?
@Vrouvrou There's no standard way; with yhmath you have \widering. If it were my document, I'd use an operator: \int(X\setminus A) with \DeclareMathOperator{\int}{int}.
ok, and if i want to make an ( over X-U and over it the interior how i must do ?please
6:03 PM
@PauloCereda No worries, I think English is fine too. Now you have really no excuses ;)
@ClaudioFiandrino :) Any livestreams on plan?
6:54 PM
Hi there everybody
I'm having the weird '\pdfendlink ended up in different nesting level than \pdfstartlink' error
I've upgraded TeXLive to version 2014 and still the issue remains
my hyperref version is 2012/11/06 v6.83m which is supposed to not have this bug anymore (tex.stackexchange.com/a/65224/13294)
Any ideas on what I could do to fix this? It's driving me a bit crazy
I've asked a question previously (tex.stackexchange.com/q/195140/13294) but the comments pointed to upgrading TeXlive to fix the issue
Now that I have, I see it's still there and I'm lost as to what I could do about it
@Gabriel Hello! :) Does the MWE provided in that question still raise the error?
@egreg Are you sure \DeclareMathOperator{\int}{int} will work?
@HenriMenke Even if it doesn't work for us mere mortals, the compiler always works for @egreg. :)
@PauloCereda $ pdflatex < @egreg always yields the desired output :)
@PauloCereda hi Paulo, unfortunately not. I'm getting this error in a large article IO'm working on so not sure I can share a MWE :(
7:02 PM
@HenriMenke Exactly. :)
@PauloCereda Is there a ways to obtain a dev version of nightingale?
@Gabriel I see. Does this help? tex.stackexchange.com/a/154184/3094
More info: it compiles fine with pdflatex but complains when I use: pdflatex -draftmode file.tex && bibtex file.aux && pdflatex -draftmode file.tex && pdflatex file.tex
@HenriMenke Sure! Just a minute! :)
@PauloCereda yes, using the draft mode makes it compile
7:04 PM
@Gabriel I meant, did you follow the instructions trying to find the offending entry? :)
@PauloCereda, I tried. Let me see if I got it right. This is the error output I see:
Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [15]
! pdfTeX error (ext4): \pdfendlink ended up in different nesting level than \pd
\AtBegShi@Output ...ipout \box \AtBeginShipoutBox
\fi \fi
does that mean the issue is at the beginning of page 16?
or at the end of it?
@Henri: could you ping me via e-mail? I'll send you some goodies. :) cereda at users dot sf dot net
@Gabriel The error seems to be in page 16. :)
sorry :P
@PauloCereda There is no attachment ;(
I see nothing that might be causing the error in that page, neither at the top or at the bottom. No footnotes, url links, nothing, just some text and refs to equations, tables and figures close to the edges
7:10 PM
@HenriMenke Read the forwarded message. :)
@Henri: there are two links: one for a video and one for the program. :)
@PauloCereda Sorry. I skimmed through it too fast.
@HenriMenke No worries. :) Hope you like. :)
@PauloCereda I'm about 4 minutes through your video and already got that song stuck in my head :)
@HenriMenke My work here is done. :P
@PauloCereda Did you know, that you can execute shell commands from vim using :!nightingale %, where % gets substituted with the current filename.
@PauloCereda Also, do you know about Ctrl+N autocompletion? Try it out, you will be amazed!
7:29 PM
@HenriMenke ooh that's indeed a good trick. :)
@HenriMenke I'll take a look. :)
Sadly, the problem is that I am not a fan of a Mac keyboard neither MacVim, so we have the worst of both worlds. :)
@Henri: directivewise, there's virtually no change. :)
@Gabriel I'm not versed into hyperref, so little I can infer about it.
@HenriMenke Youu need \usepackage{amsmath}
8:04 PM
@PauloCereda no worries, I'll see what I can do. Thanks anyway!
8:38 PM
Good MAEN ;-)
@JosephWright I added an e-TeX free version that also copes with infinite glue.
@egreg Cool
@JosephWright Maybe wipet could do it better. It's just a complicated parsing.
@egreg Possibly: low-level parsing requires a certain mindset
@JosephWright It would be easier if TeX displayed a zero component when doing \the<skip>
8:50 PM
@egreg Certainly
@egreg My impression is that the various \glue<thing> e-TeX primitves are not absolutely required in that sense: it is possible, if tedious, to do an expandable parse to find all of the potential cases
@JosephWright The output is well defined, so parsing it is just boring. I didn't try expandable parsing, as the goal is doing an assignment.
@egreg Yes, I realise that: I was trying to get at the fact that unlike say \unexpanded or similar, you can implement \gluestretch at the macro level and have expandability. AS you say, it's tedious.
@JosephWright It's possibly a byproduct of how \glueexpr is programmed.
@egreg Quite possibly: the NTS team I guess thought 'why not'
9:09 PM
@Johannes_B: Again one of those "Unbelehrbaren" in that link you gave me?
@ChristianHupfer Just read it ;-)
@Johannes_B: I have done so ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Just come home with the dog i am taking care of.
@Johannes_B: That throws another light on your question how dog tastes :-P
@ChristianHupfer Almost like a little kid. Always have to say what to do.
@ChristianHupfer :-D
9:11 PM
@Johannes_B: You are dog-sitting?
@ChristianHupfer yes, i am.
@Johannes_B: I am more fond of cats
@ChristianHupfer To tell the truth, i don't care.
@ChristianHupfer I take care of cats, dogs, people ... I just take care.
@Johannes_B: I am shocked about the order of the enumeration :-D
@ChristianHupfer It's either being a part-time janitor or a part-time dad ...
@ChristianHupfer But everything must be taken care of. One way, or another.
9:16 PM
@Johannes_B: Who takes care of you? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Good question :-D
@ChristianHupfer I hope Karma will drop in some time.
@Johannes_B: I hope, you will be a better janitor as that guy from Scrubs ;-)
@Johannes_B The real deal or is that a user's name? :P
@Daи The real deal, i don't know any stripper named karma ;-)
@ChristianHupfer well, to be honest, i am one of that kind. ;-) Always angry
hey @Daи What are you doing here?
@Johannes_B: Well, call me Dr. Cox then :-P
9:21 PM
@Johannes_B nice
@Johannes_B stopping in for a moment, had a question to ask but nothing urgent - was enjoying the conversation in the meantime
@Daи There was conversation while i was away?
@Johannes_B well the conversation to which I'm referring was yours
@Daи I am just a dog-sitter right now ;-)
@Johannes_B I'm going to be doing that on Friday haha
well since I don't appear to be interrupting anything right now, perhaps you could help point me in the right direction
@Daи Have fun to be the alpha dog ;-)
@Daи Sure, go on ;-)
9:27 PM
I've noticed that in the past PDF files I've generated with pdflatex have a toc in the pdf viewer
but I just generated one that does not, and I included a toc I can see in the doc
any reason why this works sometimes and not others?
@Daи There is, but none of us (as far as i know) is psychic, so a MWE is in order.

\parskip=1\baselineskip \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}

@Daи To be honest, we can help with a lot of questions, but sometimes it is just like showing a mechanic a picture of a car ;-)
then I begin document, custom title page, show toc, then doc
bibliography at the end
@egreg Still you will end up with ! LaTeX Error: Command \int already defined.
9:30 PM
@Johannes_B understood
@HenriMenke Oh, my! I was uncertain if I had met it before. :)
@HenriMenke Doing too little Analysis. ;-)
@Johannes_B disregard, I started swapping out packages and it appears hyperref is the magic ingredient
@Daи Did you see the cause?
@Johannes_B yes, I used hyperref in the one that did this and I didn't in this one
I included it and voila! PFM
@Daи Congrats, this is why a minimal working example is great ;-)
9:34 PM
@Johannes_B haha yes
@Daи Boiling it down to an MWE always makes the cause obvious :-)
@Johannes_B indeed
well, it's almost after dinner time - I suppose I should take care of basic hygiene issues and face the day (depart from the coder cocoon) :P
Some people know to be constructive and presume that one is stupid :-/
@tohecz: ???
A: Lighting in the hall: How to substitute a missing wire?

keshlamMy instinct would be to either go ahead and pull the third wire, or to try to solve this with something like the Lutron remote switches.

9:54 PM
@tohecz Do you want to keep the switches intact function-wise?
@percusse yep, I just want the XNOR model preserved. After all, there's only one type of switch that fits into the door frame, it's quite a special stuff
@tohecz Only that their live wire comes from Hall Lighting is that right?
@percusse yep, exactly.
@tohecz There must be a intermediate box somewhere. It is very unlikely that they are all connected directly to the fusebox.
Mostly it's at the top of the wall close to the ceiling somewhere
You have to find that box.
There you can see which cable goes to where.
@percusse that one is in the water main column, like 2 meters from the door, and I can't really access it
@percusse but I know this bit of information ;) There are 4 wires in the door frame: two go to the electricity box for the hall lighting, one goes to the rooms CB and one to the kitchen light
9:59 PM
@tohecz Then you have to install a smaller fuse at the entrance of the door switch such that it goes off before the fusebox.
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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