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2:00 PM
@badp did my line count as inb4ing your inb4?
@KevinvanderVelden that's like half an inb4? inb2?
I'll take it
is that inbetween?
such optional
2:02 PM
good old Maybe monad
Also C#, though .bounce is invalid
@KevinvanderVelden In most places you can drop the name of a Swift enum when specifying its value because the enum is type inferred
I think that's quite neat
@Avery It doesn't just deny it. It freezes the gate for a few seconds, so even if you get out the card properly it doesn't read it and people start to line up on your back, ughh.
It amuses me more than it should that this is a perfectly valid way of calling an optional closure
This has a completely different meaning in Ruby
is that a list comprehension?
return the result of completion() if it does exist?
2:06 PM
Call completion if it is not nil, do nothing otherwise
oh btw, I was in kizilay. There were polices with SMGs in metro and tons of police cars around the whole square. It was scary, tbh.
The first completion is a parameter label and has nothing to do with the second one
Swift syntax is weird, but I actually really like it
CPAC panel: Is John 3:16 'extreme vetting'? https://t.co/3wK8uycdTy
Like, I want to believe it's a joke, but I'm not sure
The underscore indicates that this is a closure that accepts one parameter which we're discarding
@PrivatePansy It's so beautiful
2:09 PM
@TimStone I'd look up that passage, but I'm at work, and I feel that isn't exactly appropriate.
@PrivatePansy oh I thought it was the opposite. [_ for _ in completion? completion() : ()]
Meanwhile over here in Java land I think I'll die before multiline strings become a thing |:
@TimStone what's the syntax going to be
@badp Can't be worse than PHP Heredoc
I don't know if there's a good one
2:12 PM
@MBraedley Yeah, pretty sure it isn't
@PrivatePansy heredocs kinda are the least worst in a way
@badp Ehhhhhhhhh...
@badp I'm okay with C#'s @" " but I guess that's a minor conflict with annotations
I mean, JS has backticks, and Python has triple quotation marks
slowly stops screaming
2:13 PM
with Python """s the first line looks indented but it shouldn't be
also you can have multiple heredocs per line!!
@badp That is a problem, true
12 minutes past official start of use the SSL/TLS certificate works correctly.
@badp No. Just... no.
@PrivatePansy though docstrings kinda turn that around into a feature
Also the site seems to be functioning.
2:14 PM
@PrivatePansy Yeah, although backticks also introduce interpolation, but I guess that's not horrible either
@PrivatePansy and if I call my heredoc "SQL", ST3 knows to use SQL syntax highlighting for my heredoc!!
Although Pycharm supports automatically breaking strings when you hit return inside a string
@Arperum woo!
@badp I think ST3 should highlight that entire entire heredoc in bright red and make it blink if it thinks you're trying to write raw SQL into a tring
I did find out though that IntelliJ's embedded language feature lets me edit multi-line SQL strings directly, which is pretty great
2:16 PM
@PrivatePansy so long as you use placeholders and no interpolation it isn't too bad.
@TimStone ANd my college is not having a mental breakdown, so I assume it did not take the other services down.
@TimStone I'm currently working on Mason, which is like PHP but with Perl instead
it's sadness
but ST3 knows enough to do syntax highlighting for CSS Javascript HTML Perl and SQL separately
that's really impressive
(including knowing about "style" "onclick" etc.)
@badp something something bright red and blinking
@badp D:
@PrivatePansy hey the text editor supports the features.
maybe you shouldn't use them
2:18 PM
Think of how many people could have been spared the indignity of using Hibernate if only writing SQL in Java wasn't so gross
%   for my $thing (@things){
%     my $selected = $selected_thing eq $thing? "selected": "";
          <option value="<%$thing->id %>" <% $selected %>><% $thing->tagname %></option>
%   }
Wow, I thought you're joking about the PHP with Perl thing
Does <% %> do escaping at least?
we made it do escaping.
blood was shed.
2:21 PM
Okay, that's not too bad
The problem with PHP in some cases isn't so much that it's bad, but that it's deceptively simple. Variable interpolation and escaping is one such area.
You know what's a really great saying? "By fire be purged"
Because there's a number of people I would love to purge with fire
I mean... uh... love and happiness, am I right?
@BlueBarren I forgot the name of the card
best legendary
He's also in Heroes of the Storm
I don't think I have him in Hearthstone
although I haven't played Hearthstone in a while
He's also a boss in WoW.. Mainly
@Jutschge sometimes your cameos are more important
Also I barely played WoW
2:34 PM
Great game though. Also about 6000 hours of my life I'm never getting back :(
Too much of a grind for me
And yet I play hots
@Jutschge I lost 2500hours to d3 and holy hell 6000 sounds like a lot
@Arperum And now wait until the inevitable notifications that your server is overwhelmed by all the requests
The only game I've played more than League
In league I have about 3.8k Hours
I'm not sure what game I have the most hours in
2:36 PM
Well and the next game is Elite Dangerous with about 350 hours lol. Kind of a jump there
@Arperum nice
@Jutschge I think I got over 300 days /played
not sure though, I'd have to check altoholic at home
I thought when I checked a couple of years ago I had over 1000 hours in Minecraft on PC alone
I also have a ridiculous amount of play time in GTA:O
I got a feeling though that For Honor will soon be higher than Elite in my playtime.
But will it beat WoW?
2:39 PM
Nah. Impossible. Have yet to find another MMO that's as addictive. SWTOR had me until it went f2p though.
I'm playing TESO right meow
@Nzall Not my problem, that.
actually the fact people include the "the" in ESO bothers me
I dunno why I just did it
well I'll post some turkish memes here if y'all don't mind: "I got on bus for Ulus (a part of ankara) but apparently we're going to Nazi Germany"
well then
2:44 PM
@Avery Your bus is going to Trumplandia?
@Avery hehe, nein.
@Yuuki heh
@Jutschge Some of my friends are considering FFXIV.
or should I say...
@Yuuki I would definitely try it if it wasn't sub based
2:52 PM
I've played a little myself and it's rather fun. Although the beginning tutorial-ish part is a bit of a drag.
aren't all tutorials a drag? Especially in MMOs?
@Yuuki Hmm I tried it It's fun but it didn't really hook me.
@BlueBarren WoW is slightly more hands-off from what I remember.
Also I really dislike anime...
@Yuuki I wouldn't call the beginning of WoW that fun
2:53 PM
@Jutschge Y'know, people say that but the in-game graphics doesn't feel "anime-ish".
well I wouldn't actually call WoW fun at all
I don't know why but I'm watching a youtube video on an ant terrarium
Why? Who knows!
@KevinvanderVelden Are the ants doing non-antsy things?
In any case, one of the big draw factors FFXIV has for me is the job system. No more creating and juggling multiple characters to play different roles!
They're doing ant things
2:55 PM
(Also, crafting and gathering are less monotonous than WoW)
@KevinvanderVelden pls link
@KevinvanderVelden Question: wouldn't the mites just travel on the ants to the new habitat?
Yes (mentioned later in the video) but they're not harmful. Normally the ants would just move to a different place when there are this many
so I just posted a VERY controversial opinion on twitter. Let's see how much hate I'll get. Basically an anti govt group calling an ataturk-hating newspaper to be shut down. My reply was basically "No, no newspaper should be shut down. Not Pro-ataturk, not Anti-ataturk. Not pro-erdogan, not anti-erdogan. We can't call for freedom of press while asking the newspapers we don't support to be shut down. "
3:05 PM
@KevinvanderVelden lol @ the whispering "please subscribe" at the beginning
@Avery Now would probably be a good time to turn off email notifications or something.
@Yuuki It's already turned off
@Avery Wait, so even those that hate the government still support Kamel Ataturk?
Oh, sorry, KEMAL Ataturk
I thought he was called Kamel ataturk
@Nzall oh boy you wouldn't guess
the biggest ataturk supporters are anti-erdo
and the anti-ataturk folk are usually pro-erdo
@Yuuki The graphics aren't the problem I have with Anime (I actually enjoy the drawing style/graphics) but the story and characters. In FFXIV I just didn't enjoy the story that much and the gameplay was good but well... as I said it didn't really convince me.
Also an issue I see in a lot of asian MMOs is that you have to do serious mob-grinding for ages to progress. It's usually not as bad in the western versions but still present.
CERN / GSI Control System Software

Proposed Q&A site for software engineers and scientists working with and programming in the CERN / GSI control system framework (FESA, LSA, applications built on that)

Currently in definition.

@BlueBarren DOing so in certain towns in Flanders might possibly result in your time as mayor/other political position being taken from you. There has been rather large political fights over a mayor speaking french. Or even allowing civic personel to help you in french. Fights over language are rather mean at times.
@Arperum I thought the point of official languages is to avoid situations like this... oh wait Trudeau was speaking the language of Quebec
conundrum .-.
Personally I would say stick with whichever language the conversation was initiated in if you can even at my own expense. But that is my personal opinion on how I think the situation should be handled. Obviously some people think different and that causes problems, hence no right answer
I was instructed by my insurance company today to "fax" something to them.
I had no idea how to accomplish this arcane feat.
3:30 PM
@Jutschge Honestly, FFXIV just feels like WoW with some slightly different numbers and higher-res graphics.
So I just emailed them a PDF.
Goddammit hrblock
I haven't done tanking in FFXIV, but apparently aggro management is actually a thing you need to do. Which I think stopped being in a thing in WoW before Wrath.
They don't allow pasting into password fields
@StrixVaria I think this was the best course of action
just hope they have a printer if they need it printed
3:32 PM
sounds like you should just back out now
Database space is expensive.
@Yuuki Hmm maybe I'll give it a try again but for now... DEUS VULT

Proposed Q&A site for questions about how to self study a topic in tech

Currently in definition.

Ugh, dicks
So much for free
3:36 PM
raises brow
@Unionhawk Just cheat and use the devtools
$0.value = "lolz"
Hrblock won't prepare 1040 schedule D (reporting sale of stock) for free
It's over $50 to do that
@BlueBarren Yes. Flanders is officially Dutch speaking, Walloon region is officially French speaking (with a small region where German is the official language) ANd Brussel is Bilingual Dutch/French
@Unionhawk Ah, you can do it for free and upload the form if you want though
That form isn't that hard to fill out tbh
@BlueBarren Doing so can and will result in sanctions. Language purity is crazy shit.
3:39 PM
> As the Wall Street Journal first reported (and as I’ve independently confirmed through my own sources), the Trump transition team instead ordered CEA staffers to predict sustained economic growth of 3 to 3.5 percent. The staffers were then directed to backfill all the other numbers in their models to produce these growth rates.
The main thing I need to know is where the fuck do I report "I already paid the irs 4000 on this surely some bit of that is actually mine"
@Yuuki Uhm... That does not exactly sound legal.
@Arperum and I'm sure that's why initially Trudeau was speaking French in Quebec. Honestly you can never win
@Arperum Legal or not, 3.5% is crazy numbers. Like "hey, we're doing North Korea-style propaganda"-crazy numbers.
3:40 PM
@Unionhawk Like withheld or estimated? That's on the normal 1040 form
> Inflation-adjusted economic growth over the past decade has been under 2 percent. And independent projections for the coming decade are equally lackluster, thanks in part to population aging. The Federal Reserve, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and private forecasters predict about 1.8 to 1.9 percent annual growth.
Lines 64-74 are for recording payments that get subtracted from Line 63 to determine your tax obligation (or refund)
> He [Columbia Business School dean Glenn Hubbard] estimated that “reasonable or upper-bound estimates” for sustained economic growth would be about 2.75 percent. And to be clear, many economists find even that prediction Pollyannaish.
@Yuuki You do live under a soon-to-be totalitarian regime though, so nothing special.
I somehow doubt that middle America will buy that things are getting better if they aren't getting paid more though
On the other hand people are crazy
3:45 PM
welp I'm crying
@Yuuki Have to say I didn't laugh at this one because I was primed for tragedy. I was relieved that the headline wasn't literally true like so many are these days.
I've never filled out a tax form by hand because I've never needed to lol
And creditkarma tax doesn't seem to have a place to add that...
I have if you need help
Why has the Internet made everything so easy such that anything other than free online seems like effort
I usually go to H&R Block because I have a K-1 and am lazy, but
3:51 PM
I see where the form is, and where it is on the form
Technically my refund on this is probably going to end up being... High
Since I have a refund estimated already without "by the way there's way more I paid you guys"
Q: Terraria only count second night with Night Sensor

DovahkiinSo I have a Night Sensor, and an Announcement Box with a message I want to display at the start of the second night after starting, and the second night ONLY. I've tried using Logic Gates but they always fire at both nights. How can I manage this?

Q: Redeem Game Codes?

Lance StarskyOkay my friend completely screwed me over! >:( I've had my flashdrive (where he keeps claiming to have loaded 2 XBOX 360 games i bought) taken to an IT specialist And it was just his stupid game progress, non of my games were there. He downloaded my games for me AND Played them on his console. ...

Q: Should I craft golden copies of the cards going to the Hall of Fame?

TraceurBlizzard recently announced that some cards from the Classic set will go into what they call the Hall of Fame once the new expansion comes out. Cards in the Hall of Fame can't be used in Standard decks. These includes the following neutral cards: -Sylvanas the Windrunner -Ragnaros Firelord -Az...

When you hate Spider-Man but are also a good boy.
@Unionhawk My fiance got $6k back this year (we claimed our son on her taxes, which helps)
Knowing my luck I'll probably owe
@TimStone I think I'm going to end up with like 4
Which is pretty sweet
3:57 PM
IIRC, you want to either owe a small amount of money or break even.
All 4 going to the "ending debt and freeing cashflow" fund
AKA, a bottomless hole in the earth
@Yuuki Yeah, although unless you put it somewhere other than a standard savings account it doesn't make too much difference at the moment
Yields are so low you aren't making any money on the extra anyway unless you have debt to pay off (@Unionhawk)
@Lazers 2.0 Oh hey it's the Spaghetti Sauce guy again
I know it's not optimal, but I didn't set the withholding, so
3:59 PM
I thought they wouldn't withhold until I saw my check come in at way less than I expected
At least you don't have to pay estimated taxes ;)
Nothing like dropping $34k to the IRS
What's the difference between if(foo['property']) and if(foo['property'] != null)?
I think nothing?
Ah, false.
And 0
4:03 PM
Well, no, the second will go if false or 0 yeah
You don't want to use the former to test for existence.
false != null === true
And empty string
@Yuuki it depends.
It'll successfully null check, but it'll also throw other things away, potentially
4:04 PM
Also, what language are you using?
@Yuuki Strictly speaking most maps can contain null too, so
I'm assuming javascript
C# gets around this by throwing an exception on non-defined keys which I've found to be more obnoxious than not, but
I'm expecting a number and should probably throw out anything else, so I should probably use if(typeof foo['property'] == number) but at the same time, I might want to add a clause for an existent yet malformed/unexpected foo['property'].
@TimStone (And NaN, because lol JavaScript)
4:09 PM
> Breitbart Employees Demand Milo Yiannopoulos Be Fired
(NaN is also typeof number)
@TimStone :(
You could use Number.isSafeInteger() but lol IE
(you could shim it though, presumably)
There's also isFinite() which is also not in IE but that coerces strings to numbers
I'll probably AND an exists check with Number.isInteger().
F--k, no support for IE.
@Yuuki no support for IE!? But what will I ever do!
4:13 PM
@Yuuki Noyudodis
@Yuuki yep
Apparently because he's awful to work with but also now they have an excuse to point to
> "Sure, we knew he was a Nazi, but we didn't know he was like... a weird Nazi."
@Yuuki You'd really only need Number.isInteger() since passing in null would also be false
The polyfill isn't complicated at least, and is IE-compatible
Good lord, are none of the Number methods supported on IE?
I'm also wondering if I really need to be this stringent with parameter checking.
I'm coding for a library so ostensibly the only person using my code would be another programmer. And there are docs that describe what parameters are expected.
It's not like I'm accepting raw user input.
user image
> They're open different hours, though.
One is open 8:30 - 11:00
The other is 11:00 - 8:30
4:42 PM
mmm a Toronto school is banning cellphones
Q: I cant find my Mods folder ANYWHERE! I've looked everywhere! Help!

ZerianisI've searched so many different websites and tried things like Making a new folder named "Mods", Copied and pasted "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods", searched my trash my trash bin, EVERYTHING!!! Please help me! Thank you!

well good luck with that
4:55 PM
why does iOS insist on replacing correctly spelt words with other words?
I don't want you to correct melee to mellow
so duck off
@BlueBarren There were two good nicknames for @GnomeSlice on his phone, but I don't think anything will work for you.
@Yuuki hue

Proposed Q&A site for the popular UI prototyping application, Framer (https://framer.com)

Currently in definition.

@BlueBarren fun fact: verb of "to duckduckgo" (like to google) is "duck it"
@BlueBarren most turkish schools have cellphones banned
but I suppose it's surprising living is not banned
@Avery it's also probably the most common phrase after auto correct "ducks you over"
5:10 PM
also romantic relationships are banned. Did I tell bridge that my first romantic (and only/last with a female) relationship was ended by our school because romance is heresy?
@BlueBarren I disabled it on my phone.
@Avery Well apparently it's flip-floppy over here. This isn't the first time this Toronto school has banned phones
these are my keyboard settings, try it @BlueBarren
@Avery I wish I could disable that aspect of it. I'm totally okay with it helping me spell words or fixing mistypes but when I want to use the word "melee" it's because I want to use that word not something else.
keep predictive and check spelling on then
it'll recommend you to fix but not do so automatically
but I'm also lazy and want to leave auto-correction
it's a sauce up
@MBraedley huh?
@Avery I wouldn't say I'm surprised but also poo on them I think
5:13 PM
@BlueBarren search for @GnomePhone and @PhoneSlice
2015 brought us llamas, 2017 delivers cows
Also, it's an entry in the Memes of Arqade
Q: My game does not autosave?

Bhaskar VashishthI have played it almost 15 times, have completed upto third checkpoint all the times, but then when I quit and load the chapter, it starts from the scratch. Because of this I cannot progress any more in game as all that will be lost too if I quit. Here is a picture when I go back and reload: Y...

A: The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

fredleyMeme: GnomeSlice getting into trouble with Autocomplete Originator: GnomeSlice's Funky Phone Cultural Height: Whenever GnomeSlice is on the busty or has cold fjords. Cultural Height 2.0: Snacks in a place Background: Back to wang / Back to worm Jesus crusty/ Jesus cherish @orgyrambo what? W...

@MBraedley RIP @OrigamiRobot
5:28 PM
@MBraedley this has caused me to look at "Questions that are absurd without context" and of course @GnomeSlice is concerned with passing out from excessive drinking
@Avery rekt
@GodEmperorDune exactly
I wonder what she's doing
I don't remember her family name so can't check on facebook though :/
She's not at the same school anymore?
found her
THIS IS A VERY UPSETTING END. https://twitter.com/SteveKopack/status/834091428024352769
RIP cow. Hello delicious freedom :'(
5:38 PM
Good news update: @ABC7NY reports that the cow/bull will LIVE at a nearby animal sanctuary.
@Avery so um... is she hotter now... or...?
So this refactoring may be a bit more complex than originally imagined.
@Avery puberty, yo
@BlueBarren due to various reasons I can't comment on that
5:39 PM
@BlueBarren Considering that it's February and winter-ish, probably not.
mostly because I'm not at all interested in women and instead of "hot/not" scale I have "omg changed so much / omg she's still the same"
Unless the last time @Avery saw her was in December or January.
I last saw her around 5-6 years ago
Even then, human body temperature doesn't really vary that much.
5:40 PM
also hot or not should not be the first question when discussing people in general
Warm-bloodedness, go!
@Yuuki it's pretty hot in Canada right now, for the season at least
@GodEmperorDune yeah also that
@GodEmperorDune we're just checking if they're sick or not
5:41 PM
@GodEmperorDune I mean, if you're a firefighter, it seems like a very valid question to ask someone.
@Yuuki or a doctor
@Yuuki smoke inhalation is more deadly IIRC
@GodEmperorDune I feel like this is more of a IIRC than a IMO.
@Yuuki yes IIRC would be a better choice
ok I'm stopping checking her profile because seeing all those pictures with old friends (or enemies or whatever) is making me uncomfortable
5:43 PM
"enemies" I wish my life was that exciting
well didn't want to use the word "bullies" so went with that
my life is exciting and interesting
just not positively
I feel like this ticket is more complex than I am capable of handling.
@Yuuki story of my life
@Avery humans are awful but i'm glad you didn't use "frenemies"
@GodEmperorDune I actually thought about using that for a bit but decided not to
5:46 PM
@Avery and that's why you're a good person
user image
Aaand now I'm sad.
@Yuuki accurate
I mean, I will shit-talk Hanzos all day long to myself and whatever friend/group chat I'm in.
@Yuuki why did she main hanzo if she has Dva headphones?
5:47 PM
I will totally admit to doing that.
@GodEmperorDune Because he seems rad.
I try my level best not to yell at people in team chat or over text chat.
@GodEmperorDune wrong question
the correct question would be "where can I get one of those headphones?"
@Yuuki Group chat OTOH...
@MBraedley Yes, I will not say that I am such a saint that I don't talk shit about Hanzos in group chat.
But whatever I say in group chat doesn't affect people not in group chat.
Or at least I hope it doesn't...
Does anyone else have an occasional irrational fear that everyone else has telepathic superpowers?
@Yuuki No, it's just you and the characters in Legion
@Avery yeah those headphones look pretty nice actually
5:57 PM
@GodEmperorDune ikr!
Feb 16 at 14:05, by Stack Exchange
@StrixVaria ah good, just checking it was still going on
It's actually not.
We aren't using ownership as a joke anymore except that one time because it was special circumstances.
And @Wipqozn is a mod now so owner or not he can still ban you.
And when I make a particularly bad pun.

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