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6:00 PM
-- Logy code --
main[Args] -> puts["Hello, World!"];
-- AST --
File(ast => [Rule(def => RuleDef(name => RuleName(id => :main), args => [Var(expr => VarName(id => :Args))]), clauses => Expr(expr => Call(name => RuleName(id => :puts), args => [String(value => "\"Hello, World!\"")])))])
-- Interpreter output --
Hello, World!
@DJMcMayhem I was on the debug branch for some reason.
i think logy have the most weird if/whiles
@Downgoat fix scoping please
Actually right now functions can't technically be called twice if they define variables
so all Cheddar submissions that are "functions" are invalid
@Dennis oooh. I remember why. It was that timing issue
Actually, do lambdas work or is it just named functions? I didn't test
Huh... weird... it works on TIO...
6:09 PM
I've already posted the vim answer, so I won't bother.
Then again the version is probably super old
I don't think I've ever spelled "phoenix" correctly on the first try
Q: Now I know my ABCs, won't you come and golf with me?

ETHproductionsWrite a program or function that outputs this exact text, case-insensitive: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. (Based on the alphabet song that many American kids learn to help memorize the alphabet, though edited for slightly more compressibility.) ...

@quartata named functions are only ones that are borked
Oh, well that's super weird
6:12 PM
How to copy folder to other folder - not the contents of the folder, the folder itself.
Wouldn't they both use the same scoping stuff?
Why is NewMainPosts so far behind lately?
That actually suggests it's probably something really small then
@ETHproductions always is
When I left in March, it was always about 5 minutes behind. Now it's 20
6:14 PM
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC cp -R folder new_folder
@ETHproductions it uses cronjob afaik
@quartata that copies contents
@quartata they should. The exact same code is run for lambdas and named funcs
You don't want the contents of the folder...?
Then just make a new folder?
mkdir new_folder/folder
Ah, no it's a build script
6:16 PM
And detecting folder existence is hard for a build script
Folder with suff in it, name "spam" > copy "spam" to "bar" so that there is "bar/spam"@quartata
if [ -e new_folder/folder]
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Yes. That is what cp -R does
I've finished the bookmarlet. But I gave up on IE and just went with what works in Chrome: gist.github.com/minxomat/d34af781691df0a7876f3a514aac3be5
@mınxomaτ nice
@mınxomaτ I'll test it on FF. Somebody gimme a rickroll link.
6:19 PM
-- Logy code --
main[Args] -> puts[5 * --1];
-- AST --
File(ast => [Rule(def => RuleDef(name => RuleName(id => :main), args => [Var(expr => VarName(id => :Args))]), clauses => Expr(expr => Call(name => RuleName(id => :puts), args => [BinOp(op => :MULT, a => Integer(value => 5), b => UnaryOp(op => :SUB, a => Integer(value => 1)))])))])
-- Interpreter output --
now just to implement if and while
wait if is useless
If you say so.
cuz the and-or conditionals can serve as a if
and pattern-matching also works
Most functional languages have both, sometimes it's inconvenient to break down a conditional into lots of functions
by that reasoning while is also useless because you can just use recursion instead
Well, while most definitely is useless ;)
6:23 PM
<cond> | <if> & <else> works and logy is basically based on logic so...
@Poke i dont know how to TCO in a interpreter
@wizzwizz4 So, does it work?
@DJMcMayhem Right. I had forgotten about that.
@mınxomaτ Loading...
What's loading?
Please wait for the wizzwizz4 HI process to respond...
6:26 PM
> Nice +
Download complete.
@mınxomaτ Sorry, I accidentally set the async flag to false... :-/
So, did it work?
0 bytes?!?
VLC can't do it either...
Well, what does firefox say about the file size?
@quartata tested, does not work
(also it's a python script w/ #!/usr/bin/env python3 on top)
6:30 PM
@mınxomaτ I downloaded it, and 0 bytes... -.(o.o).-
Can you test this video? It resolves to a weba for me, which should play in the browser.
@Dennis I think I know how to fix it. It might take a while, since I don't work on V super often, but I can probably get it working again
$ mkdir dir1
$ mkdir dir2
$ touch dir1/foo
$ touch dir1/bar
$ cp -R dir1 dir2
$ ls dir2
$ ls dir2/dir1
bar	foo
This is what you want, correct?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC ....why didn't you say that before
what should have the highest precedence, and or or?
I thought we were talking about Bash this entire time
6:32 PM
@quartata it's mostly os.system('some bash command')
^^^^^ please
(that's a python function call to execute a command in bash)
@wizzwizz4 You just posted your public IP here. But anyway, why are you posting the link? It's fingerprinted to your browser.
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Golfier in C lol
I just want to know if the song plays.
6:33 PM
@betseg shortened it to execute()
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC C: system();
@DJMcMayhem I switched to master. Should I switch back to debug?
Using TOR, but...
@wizzwizz4 seriously?
6:33 PM
You can never be too careful...
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC shutil.copytree("dir1", "dir2/dir1")
@mınxomaτ Did not know that... :-(
@quartata a way to do it in bash would be cool too
Err, I'm just going to download firefox now and test it.
It works.
6:35 PM
Oh nice.
Beautiful quality, not sure about the song...
@wizzwizz4 it's slow though...
and what about Tails?
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Oh, I only use it to resolve Google stuff.
I trust SE.
they probably got a SE mole
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC They have several.
I disabled them.
6:37 PM
@noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC If you're gonna do it in bash use cp -R dir1 dir2
But decide whether you're using Python or bash :P
Rofl. Just downloaded a vanilla Firefox, installed. The first youtube video I open: Firefox crashes. Well, just reminded me why I don't use FF anymore.
damn, what type of gun did you use?
do you live in a country like North Korea or Russia?
@quartata doesn't work.
Terminal output?
If dir2 doesn't exist, it should be created
@Dennis Yeah, it probably wouldn't hurt
6:38 PM
that's why it's called "copying"
Then do mkdir dir2 first?
I think maybe we're misunderstanding each other....
I'm assuming that you have a folder dir1 and dir2
@quartata oh wait, now my terminal decides it wants to create it for me
And you want to have a copy of dir1 below dir2
@quartata ye dir2 is build/blah and build might get emptied at any time. It's like ` cp -r ui/_locales/ chrome-build/_locales`
It's capital R
6:40 PM
@wizzwizz4 I don't have chrome on this machine. It's my clean windows test machine, I reset it after I've done what I need.
and just create the folder first
If it already exists it won't hurt
@wizzwizz4 ...you could have just deleted it? It was your message
@wizzwizz4 Nice. :|
Also, hello wizz :3
Mods can delete messages whenever they want :P
I guess then he wouldn't have gotten to show off mod powers
if it was just a regular self-delete that any stinking plebian can do
@Mego And edit them. And delete the revision history...
6:42 PM
Another useful youtube bookmark: javascript:location.href+="&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL". On any video, this will create a playlist of all videos on the channel even if the "uploads" playlist is disabled.
@quartata I was condensing the deleted messages...
That better?
Now it looks like a regular delete, but "contains" 3 messa -
Room owners can do that too! :-/ Not just mods...
@DJMcMayhem OK, switched back.
@mınxomaτ feels like a bug
hey, what are some top jelly answers?
Not really. More like a feature which should be there in the first place.
6:51 PM
I disagree. If I disable the uploads playlist on my channel some user shouldn't be able to get that listing anyway
Does that pick up unlisted videos?
@Poke That's not the way it works, (un)fortunately... -.(o.o).-
@Poke Every user can, by just clicking the "Videos" tab. This just plays them automatically.
@Poke Of course not.
@Poke Probably not. If it was enabled, would it be able to?
@mınxomaτ gotcha
It just triggers the JS to pull the channel playlist.
6:55 PM
That makes more sense now. I thought it was doing something else
@Poke Like what? Cracking the password for the Google database servers? (If it was, that would be some serious golfing / code-trolling!)
A Haiku version of Genesis:
> God makes some humans. They live inside a garden. Get tricked by bad snek.
Anyway, hey everyone
@BetaDecay I was expecting Phil Collins
@BetaDecay Snek? Not Snake?
I am bad at haiku
7:01 PM
I'm not really sure what the rules of haiku are
5-7-5 syllables
Bonus points for slam poetry
Sep 27 at 16:41, by TimmyD
Reminds me of one of my favorite poems:
Roses are red,
So is bacon,
Poems are hard,
I never really
understood the point of a
haiku, but oh well.
> Why do some poems
> Have so few syllables when
> More words sell better?
7:16 PM
@DJMcMayhem and @Geobits:

 Taxonomy of Game Mechanics

In pursuit of a comprehensive taxonomy of game mechanics. Curr...
Q: Least Common Multiple

MegoThe least common multiple of a set of positive integers A is the smallest postive integer B such that, for each k in A, there exists a positive integer n such that k*n = B. Given at least two positive integers as input, output their least common multiple. Rules Builtins are allowed, but you a...

Rules/constants must be loaded from a file ('include "file"')
Type '-help' to get a list of all REPL commands

wrapper -> puts["Hello, World!"];
Hello, World!
> nil
wrapper -> 10 +
        -> 20;
> 30
:D cool
is on github?
not yet
:/ the wildcard is borked
f[_]->"nope";main[A]->f[1]; throw a UnknowRule exception
@TùxCräftîñg Where's the n gone? It's unknown!
7:29 PM
@TùxCräftîñg ;_; ok
rofl the wildcard not working is a variable name typo
ruby is stupid o_O
question: should I have private & public or private & readonly & writeonly & public
private and public
@Downgoat Just public. We're all adults here.
7:36 PM
@Mego Do bots designed to emulate a 20-year-old's speech patterns count as adults if they've only existed for 4-5 years?
7:38 PM
Because @Mego said that we were all adults here.
Now we aren't.
@Downgoat nothing. nobody touch my cheese.
@Downgoat .knife, .platter, .cracker, .apple, ...
ew. Apples and cheese?
You've never had?
Well I am running cheddar on a mac...
7:43 PM
Oh man, polenta cakes with apples and shredded sharp cheddar is amazing.
how to todo list in github markdown?
@TùxCräftîñg same as normal markdown?
7:58 PM
anyone know the name of the really good python web scraping library
@Downgoat private, readonly and public.
@Yodle scrapy?
@Yodle Scrapy?
@Yodle Scrapy?
@Yodle Scrapy?
Possibly, I thought the name was longer than that.
8:02 PM
cheddar> class Animal(private string: name, private number: age) { }
            throw err;

TypeError: sproc is not a function
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
Depending on what you actually want you could go vanilla with Requests
wrapper -> it_dont_exists;
D:/Logy/parser/visitor.rb:11:in `visit': undefined method `fields' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:92:in `call'
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:106:in `visit_RuleName'
        from D:/Logy/parser/visitor.rb:9:in `visit'
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:179:in `visit_Expr'
        from D:/Logy/parser/visitor.rb:9:in `visit'
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:92:in `call'
        from logy.rb:62:in `block in <main>'
yeah im in the process of getting requests
8:03 PM
what a explicit error
cant use pip :(
normally it should throw a Logy::Error::UnknowRule
but here...
@El'endiaStarman I'd be quite interested in joining such a chatroom
@Yodle venv...

 Taxonomy of Game Mechanics

In pursuit of a comprehensive taxonomy of game mechanics. Curr...
8:04 PM
@Yodle i mean the library, bubs
wait nvm
@El'endiaStarman Ah, haven't gotten to that part of the transcript, I guess. Thanks :D
@Sherlock9 Yeah, I decided to short-cut that for you. :P
I know, I had to install it
8:05 PM
calls without brackets dont check if the rule exists
i misunderstood your sentence
Question on Jelly's code page ... it's 257 characters. How does that have each character fit into an 8-bit byte? Especially given that the code page is visualized as a 16x16 grid, which is 256 ...
@TimmyD Newlines and are interchangeable
Rules/constants must be loaded from a file ('include["file"];')
Type '-help' to get a list of all REPL commands

wrapper -> lol[];
Unknow rule 'lol'
wrapper -> lol;
D:/Logy/parser/visitor.rb:11:in `visit': undefined method `fields' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:92:in `call'
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:106:in `visit_RuleName'
        from D:/Logy/parser/visitor.rb:9:in `visit'
        from D:/Logy/interpreter/interpreter.rb:179:in `visit_Expr'
@TùxCräftîñg you working with someone in here on that stuff?
8:07 PM
Oh, so whether 7F is visualized as a newline or a pilcrow is up to the implementation?
mmk stop posting stack traces
I like stack traces, reminds me of pancakes
OK, I get it now. Thanks @Adnan
no problem :)
8:10 PM
wrapper -> lol[];
Unknow rule 'lol'
wrapper -> lol;
Unknow rule 'lol'
\o/ :D
@Poke I forget what I changed my edu password to :(
@Yodle Well I probably don't have it
@TùxCräftîñg Very urgent Trivial orthography error: Unknow
it's unknown with an n
8:12 PM
@TùxCräftîñg We're all very happy that you're making some progress on whatever you're doing but this give no context without scrolling up through several stack traces of yours. In the future if you're going to be posting an RSS feed of updates can you summarize what is actually working/not working so I know how I'm supposed to react?
Aha nevermind found it, was in lastpass
Apparently I had no internet connection so it didn't update at first and gave me the wrong one lol
oh goodie
git pull is returning "invalid value ssl handshake"
@TimmyD Not quite. Newlines and pilcrows in the Jelly encoding are both 0x7F. They look identical to the interpreter. You can freely interchange them.
@Poke Agreed. Actually, what might be better is for Tux to make their own room so that the interested people can go there without stack traces cluttering up this main room.
AND having a separate chat room keeps related content together, which makes it easier to catch up on progress and the like.
8:19 PM
@Mego Ohhhhhh. So, for those multi-line Jelly answers that are split into links, instead of a newline it could be a pilcrow, and it would work the same?
@Poke Actually forget about the web scraper thing I don't think it'l work for what I want. Remind me to ask you later about it.
cheddar> class Goat { init { print "THE GOAT HAS RISEN" } }
cheddar> Goat {}
\o/ User defined cheddar classes actually work
i am so damn surprised an uber-bork did not occur yet
@TimmyD Exactly
SE think a room named 'Logy' have the same topic as chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/15201/general-topology


Discussion about the Logy programming language — Github: githu...
@TùxCräftîñg Probably just goes by the room names.
8:27 PM
@Downgoat Give it to me to play with for an hour, I'll find more bugs than you'll ever imagine ;)
Do fields and all that work?
kinda. I mean they are made but interfacing with them is a bit borked
Do we have static things?
initalizer also does not retrieve a self yet
@quartata yes
inheritance and secondary constructors are also not implemented
wat iz gemfile.lock?
Bundler uses that to record what it installed last
Don't touch it
8:32 PM
i added a thing in the 'gitignore' but it's not removed on GH
was there a script to find all answers posted in a language?
I just got around to editing the aesthetically pleasing divisor tree sandbox post again. Feedback? chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/32643868#32643868
Have the bots stopped posting things here? Haven't seen anything today, or maybe I just haven't been looking at the right times
the latter
8:39 PM
@TùxCräftîñg that's beacuse its already tracked by gh. use git rm --cached ./Gemfile.lock
i already removed it on gh
@Yodle They haven't stopped, but their schedule seems more erratic than usual.
Distantly related to the game mechanics topic: a stub of a model of taxonomy of games.
@Downgoat var field<read: true/false, write: true/false>
This could also be extended to something more complicated
(The VG realm needs more kinds.)
8:50 PM
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

YodleWorld Time Conversion Challenge: Given an initial clock time in UTC and a list of countries: for each country in the list, output the local time it is in that country based on the initial time. In cases where a country is big enough to have multiple local time zones (like the United States), y...

There it is
yo, I've got a question that isn't really deserving of a full S.O. question... can a python class iter method return a generator as a closure?
SyntaxError: 'closure' is not a Python term /S
@Yodle If I'm being a stickler, UTC isn't a timezone
I know, but functions are first class, so it works anyway
...in that a function can define then return another function..
whelp, apparently not: TypeError: iter() returned non-iterator of type 'function'
9:08 PM
@Yodle They wait for you to ask about your posts before they post
9:24 PM
cheddar> class Goat(private string: name) { }
cheddar> Goat {}
Runtime Error: Goat has no matching constructor for `Goat {  }`
Available constructors are:
  Goat { String }
cheddar> Goat { "Downgoat" }
multiple constructors in cheddar now work :D
\o/ :D
Woohoo, rep-cap!
I love hitting 200
the new interface of regex101 is neat
@DJMcMayhem What's the most rep you've ever earned in one day, whether or not you received it all?
9:35 PM
@TùxCräftîñg I agree. It didn't change too much but it feels nice
question: should you be allowed to add new constructors to any class?
ah f**king photoshop is so confusing
I especially like the change to the regex options
and I know how to google well - I'm a programmer
9:36 PM
@Downgoat like arbitrarily? why would that be useful?
well basically they are these extend blocks which allow you to extend a class:
sounds like subclassing?
or do you mean more like adding to a javascript prototype
extend String {
    appendGoat() {
        return self + "goat";

"asdf".appendGoat() // asdfgoat
That would be very useful
the function or the feature? :P
9:38 PM
I'm wondering if I should allow constructors to be allowed in these extend blocks
I think probably not
because that requires you to know the internal representation of the class
ok thanks
and that breaks encapsulation
9:40 PM
and also it can make programmers mad
^ true if you are trying to not get mad you'd not be using cheddar
Assuming programmers using cheddar aren't going to be mad about something already! x:
Random side-note: the top three on the HNQ are all PPCG challenges
\o/ ranges are working in Logy
9:54 PM
@ETHproductions We hit HNQ often because a major component of the formula is the number of answers.
@El'endiaStarman though that's usually not good because trivial challenges then get on HNQ quite a bit
@El'endiaStarman Ah, yes. Those three challenges have 24, 18, and 11 answers
do we have a challenge to return a pointer pointing to the nth char?
brb sandboxing
@Downgoat Yes we do:
Q: Pointers, pointers, pointers!

fridgefishIntroduction In the error outputs of some languages such as Java, a pointer is shown to give the programmer an idea of exactly where the error went wrong. Take this example on Ideone: Main.java:12: error: ';' expected Invalid Java! ^ Notice the caret shows where the inva...

that's exetermly simple
brb sandboxing
10:01 PM
Q: Proprietary/Paid for Languages/Compilers

ElPedroI am pretty new here and there is an aspect of the accepted rules that I am not really clear about and would appreciate your opinions. I have recently posted a few answers using IBM/Lotus Notes Formula Language. The main reason for this is that it interests me in the same way as the Sinclair Spe...

Is the meta.SE cert failing to validate for anyone else?
Not me
ha, I just changed the score of the jQuery post to 200
Q: Natural construction

Luis MendoThe natural numbers including 0 are formally defined as sets, in the following way: Number 0 is defined as the empty set, {} For n ≥ 0, number n+1 is defined as n ∪ {n}. As a consequence, n = {0, 1, ..., n-1}. The first numbers, defined by this procedure, are: 0 = {} 1 = {{}} 2 = {{}, {{}}...

BTW why SE doesn't https
10:11 PM
@betseg ??
Defaults ro http
@ETHproductions I don't even know. Maybe like 270-300? Is there a way to find out?
I did actuality receive 216 once
Not as far as I'm aware. I sometimes keep track of the upvotes I get after hitting the rep cap
I earned 255 the other day (but only got 200).
Jon Skeet loses at least 80% of his daily rep to the rep cap
No kidding
10:14 PM
Eventually Jon Skeet will loose 100% of his rep due to SQL int cap :P
curious what will happen once Jon Skeet surpasses 4.3B
He'll hit a million in about a year and a half I think
@Downgoat He'll be long dead, and SE will either be non-existent or have upgraded to 256-bit servers
@ETHproductions ;_; y u sai dis
Or maybe 32-qubit servers
though even after he dies he will stilll continue to obtain rep
10:17 PM
I assume SE will be existing for a while too...
It's hard telling, but I don't see SE shutting down for at least another 5 years
...and I have now hit the rep cap, thanks @Downgoat for the upgoat
Has user Level River St had any other names in the past? I don't remember seeing them here before, but they have 14k rep.
or something like that
Steve verril iirc
10:26 PM
Must have been steve verrill, because Level River St is an anagram
Yep. I forgot the second L :/
ERROR: could not compute next item in ["yo", "oy", ...]
Yeah, fuzzy logic is hard.
10:36 PM
What's U+2DEA?
a combining letter o
Ah... I can't see it, and I can't copy it by itself either
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DowngoatNo, this challenge is not this Where is my error? My compiler has broken down and now it is only showing the index of the character which the error is on. In this challenge you will write a program to point to the given character. Examples Input: if (goat == Downgoat) { print(Downgoat)...

10:54 PM
why are ~40% of unicode chars too big, an ~40% too small?
@DestructibleWatermelon I'm not sure what you mean...
example:✏, clearly too small, 📋 changes the layout of the text it is so large
It's probably just issues with the fonts those symbols are displayed in
I know, but that doesn't make it better
what character should I use for saving a string to the string variable?

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