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So . . . anybody seen those introspection videos on facebook ? The year in review ?
So basically facebook makes a video out of some of your posts. When I was watching it I was like . . . omg, so many posts about "giving fscks" and complaining and such
12:24 AM
oh lol
actually, some of the things I shared, like my indicators being featured on OMG Ubuntu , that could go into a video, but that's not like "official" post, right ?
That is the only "year in review" video I ever watch
brb watching it for the 4th time
I thought of a joke that bad short term memory made you forget the first 3 times :D
I'm usually against those facebook videos, it's like a standardized way of trying to make your life/friendship with someone/whatever else looks special, which is kind of ironic.. @Serg
@IanC lots of bored stardom starved people overpaid and underworked looking for an outlet and facebook & co. is a great platform to fulfill the need.
12:30 AM
This one was a-OK actually. Mark was there, pity Jack didn't get much screen time, but he is there. Learned a few new youtubers from that video, especially two Japanese ones. Compared to other "Youtube Rewind" videos from previous years, eh, this is not the best one, but is definitely ok @Seth
I didn't see this year feedback on my facebook, but it probably doesn't have much, I guess my activity this year on my facebook timeline resumed to sharing one music video, and one picture of the place I surf
I seriously consider deleting my facebook often
I deleted my facebook many years ago... it was too time consuming and there was too many morons on there...not really stupid people.... just stupid things they would post.
@IanC well, making friendship special or looking back at the memories - there's nothing wrong with that. Sure, standardized way makes it a little less interesting, but IMHO it's people who make it special
like I can make simple , stock video , and some people will be just glad that I've made the thing
@Zacharee1 do you watch Pewds ?
@Serg I don't know, the more I watch it, the more I like it
At first I agreed with you, not the best. But now I think it is actually quite quite good.
@Serg no
12:37 AM
Holy crap! Tomorrow morning is going to be -28 and feel like -35 !!! I'm really missing Mexico or Dominican Republic right now.
Ugh no.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix C???
Yes Celcius but -40 Celsius and -40 Fahrenheit are equal.
I know that, but you said neither :p
Well minus 35 is close... .that gives me wiggle room :p
12:38 AM
I actually don't like the "Werk,werk,werk" song. It's absolutely annoying , at least to my ears. Uh . . .we already work enough tyvm we don't need a song that just hammers me down with reminders that I have to go slave off somewhere
Anyway it's not even winter yet!!!
@Serg oh god I hate that song
@Zacharee1 OK, so back to Pewds. He made JackSepticeye2 channel a few weeks ago, just as a joke or experiment maybe . . . Well . . .guess what ? He's got a golden youtube play button for it now . . .Just saw Jack holding it
They're all in England, by the way, right now. Mark, Jack, Pewds - there's gonna be a livestream
12:40 AM
I heard
@Serg yeah, I didn't mean the friendships those videos portrait aren't special, I just mean't using a standardized video that looks exactly the same on every facebook page makes it less special than if you started picking some photos yourself and shared with your friend to remember some funny times, or whatever
@IanC yeah, it's definitely takes away a little bit from the experience
I was watching Oblivion again yesterday, cool movie :)
ended up reading a poem because of a reference to it on the movie
@IanC I know I've seen that movie half a dozen times, but what was it about again briiefly?
No wonder that car eats a lot of gas . . .
12:46 AM
Google self driving car?
No , chrome wheels
it's a . . . visual pun
Notice there is no literal chrome on the figurative chrome :p
The story starts with Tom Cruise explaining how there was a war on earth, once it was invaded, the aliens destroyed the moon resulting in lots of earthquakes and tsunamis. Then humans used the nukes, won the war but lost the planet. He and a girl are still on earth taking care of some drones who protect some structures used to make energy of the ocean water, while they are waiting to be called to Titan (humans are colonizing a Saturn moon) @WinEunuuchs2Unix
12:48 AM
maybe . . . unless they found a way to sneak that in
story goes on, but I can't tell much more without spoiling
@IanC it was a great movie... little confusing how the Tom Cruise clone got the girl the first Tom Cruise had romanced... kind of made my mind hurt on that one.
oops I just spoiled it :p
that's the kind of spoiler I was trying to avoid haha
haha sorry I typed too fast
The poem it references is "Lays of Ancient Rome - Horatius", it's about a roman legend of a consul that hold a bridge against an army with 2 other consuls while they were preparing to destroy the bridge to avoid the enemy armies from reaching Rome. At some point Horatius held the bridge by himself, later jumping on the Tiger river and surviving it
12:49 AM
sigh . . . freakin' internship center . . .I wanna apply for an internship, and send an email to recover my password, yet there's no response since the afternoon
I had a bit trouble understanding some parts of it, the english is a bit tricky on some parts
but it's really nice poem!
"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds"
@IanC that poem is wayyyy too long to read. Rome's problem was expanding too far which might be America's problem because as you expand too far outwards you tend to implode.
it looks long, but you can read it all in about 15-20 minutes I guess
I read for 15 or 20 seconds and gave up...LOL
"*I understand that it is mandatory to get academic credit for unpaid internships. I also understand that standard tuition and fees apply: " . . . . Uh, yeah, sure . . . I'm glad to pay for finding a job where I'm not going to be paid
12:55 AM
Maybe Monica Lewinski has advise on internships?
1:15 AM
does anyone has a processor with big-endian layout to test a code for me?
What kind of processor is that?
I have three laptops, plus android phone plus android TV...
@IanC how would one know
@ThomasWard I've a way to check with a C code, not sure how to do it on terminal
boo mine is Little Endian
Do you like need a mainframe or supercomputer or something???
1:19 AM
lscpu | grep Byte <-- returns "byte order" data about the processor
[overlord /home/teward]% lscpu | grep Byte
Byte Order:            Little Endian
Thanks @ThomasWard, didn't know about that way to find it! :)
Mines little too :(
I googled
it led to this:
Q: Is there a system command, in Linux, that reports the endianness?

slmDoes anyone know of a command that reports whether a system is Big Endian or Little Endian, or is the best option a technique like this using Perl or a string of commands? Perl # little $ perl -MConfig -e 'print "$Config{byteorder}\n";' 12345678 # big $ perl -MConfig -e 'print "$Config{byteord...

I'm using a small C function on my code to check for it, which basically plays with pointer casting to check it
the code runs differently on a Big-Endian system, so I wanted to check if the Big-Endian code was running fine and resulting in the correct hash
original 32bit architecture might be bigendian
i wonder what my old ancient netbook is
or rather, x86 architecture
1:21 AM
I googled this: stackoverflow.com/questions/19275955/… and got this: // Swap endian (big to little) or (little to big)
So you can simply run a C program to change from big to little or little to big :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix this code change the endianness in the memory representation of a number, but the processor will still work with the same endianness. If you use a number representated in big-endian on a little-endian processor the arithmetics will behave wrongly :/
oh my... sorry... well at least I tried.
it's alright, I figured this out after trying to do arithmetics on numbers after swapping the endianness :p
I'll just sit back... sip my wine (ran out of beer) and try to figure out how to call a dbus script in init run level whatever.
1:31 AM
close votes?
stop saying Linux Ubuntu, people
Ubuntu isn't a version number of Linux
Ubuntu is a type of Linux
specifically "distro"
it's Ubuntu Linux not Linux Ubuntu, if you even go that far
I told Thomas Ubuntu wasn't a version number of Linux but he wouldn't listen!!!
1:33 AM
Ubuntu GNU Linux
scratches head, blinks, then goes back to what he was doing
Microsoft is loving linux in November stories.... so that would be... "Windows Ubuntu Linux Linus"? or "Linus Linux Ubuntu Windows 10"?
hehe j/k
actually @Zacharee1 I just say "Ubuntu / Linux" or "Linux / Ubuntu" in no specific order when I use them in the same sentence. Does it really matter if you get the drift of what they are saying?
@ThomasWard IMO askubuntu.com/questions/858578/… is a dupe of askubuntu.com/questions/18713/…, but I think the screen answer in the former is good and should be at the other post. Thoughts on a merge?
it annoys me
Linux Mint is Linux Mint because that's the name
but if it doesn't include it in the name, it's <distro> Linux
1:37 AM
I thought Linux Mint was Ubuntu? hehe
@muru already referred to in the accepted answer, with a pointer to the Ubuntu Wiki on screen.
it's a good answer though
probably could do with a merge.
i'll look later when i'm not as tired.
(coffee is needed...)
you could always flag it as a merge candidate so if I don't get to it another mod will, @muru
Coffee at 8:39 pm is not recommended.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix coffee at any time is acceptable.
@ThomasWard I will, once it gets closed. Just wanted see whether it looks the same to others
hail coffee.
1:39 AM
hail coffee
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I drink coffee to go to sleep. :P
hail coffee
oh no coffee after 1 pm is always bad.... you get fire knees
sounds like hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
if you haven't seen the movie the answer is... 42
$ python -c 'import sys;print sys.byteorder'
Little endian system here
1:51 AM
I downloaded qemu, but I still didn't figure how to use it, and I think I'd have to cross-compile the program to whichever architeture I decide to emulate on it
@Zacharee1 I wouldn't get upset.... someone might say it's not Linux it's Linus and someone else might say it's not Linus it's Unix... at the end of the day if you know what they meant that's the important thing... If we get too obsessed with crossing the t's and dotting the i's they call us anal retentive.
I have qemu too, but never played with it
it's only collecting electronic dust on my SSD
^^^ to future historians he removed "asdf"
Yep , future historians didn't miss out on anything special
it could have been code to alien zombies interns seeking to bring back gold standard... you never know!!!!
@Serg speaking of intern zombies.... maybe you can intern at cananonical (spelling?)
1:59 AM
I would love to, except they don't have any Denver internships
@IanC would like to show you something interesting I found today , apparently one of the students taking C printed out their exam . . . which doesn't look that good, and is kinda funny
show me haha
so . . . what you see there . . . is a person , filling out array of structs . . . the long way
And then they will try to search a students name . . .problem is that they didn't save anything , because they were sending everything to s[0] . . . so they were overwriting s[0] each time
oh, my name is there
Ian, yep
they are also not searching all the students
there are 5 instances, they are only looking on the first three for the name
2:04 AM
yep, looping form 0 to 2 , 0,1,2
@Serg I'm sure you can telecommute when it comes to internet issues and software questions which Ubuntu is all about... heck even Thomas and I can create a company called ILC "Iinternational Linux Consultants" and intern you for a buy in of two Big Mac Meals.
@Serg thanks for revelation 1 comes between 0 and 2....hehe
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you know what else comes after 2 ? lunch
dry joke, but that's the best i got so far
i am a little low on energy
and out of coffee
actually I was going to wash my hair so I'll have to skip lunch...AFK
@Serg did the teacher ask for a separate struct for the age?
@IanC I don't know because I don't have the question. I only found the code printout left at the printer this afternoon
But I'd guess they didn't
And also they have stray semicolon after Ian Ramos
s[0].family = 1; ;
also they scanf for Fname, but they search with Lname
2:10 AM
well, most seem like nervousism errors
like, repeating the index, iterating up to the wrong number
extra ;
I totally understand that people get nervous on exams. And to be honest, I don't think C is taught that well in our program, at least I don't see students getting the code intuitively
but holly heck . . . this code is just disaster
it wasn't taught really well on my graduation either, but it kind of was a bit off topic for the degree I was studying
don't they compile before giving the final code?
maybe they would notice the compiler screaming for his life
yeah , we're supposed to turn in screenshot of the command-line window of the program actually running
along with the code of course
hopefully they got it in the end, but . . . somehow i doubt it
@Zacharee1 where there's a will, there's a way . . . and bunch of adapters . . .all hail USB devices !!!
2:16 AM
Also . . . this
wat ?
NathanOsman, hullo
no idea
@Serg I think I'll release my sha256 C library on GitHub, seems functional
"could not translate tweet"
2:18 AM
@IanC Sure, that's a good project to show
I wonder if "Could not translate Tweet" is the literal translation.
We'll never know for sure.
@Zacharee1 BTW, you forgotz to make me a Discord mod. :)
oh noez
2:19 AM
@NathanOsman @Zacharee1 don't you guys know that drunken blabber is untranslatable ?
wat r u taking abt @NathanOsman
Oh hey.
ur mod
I am a mod. Cool.
@Zacharee1 kthxbai.
ubantu ax genral rum
2:21 AM
what's discord?
kind of a chatroom
I need to find two songs that go well together and play one through my tablet and the other through my phone, with an earbud from each in each ear
originally supposed to be like teamspeak for gaming
@IanC it's like Skype but better
7:21 PM . . . .ducking duck . . . I've nothing done yet
2:24 AM
oh, the IP7+ is only 2x optical?
that's basically worthless...
@Zacharee1 I'll join it, though I can't really use the mic right now
it's not voice
we're using it for chat
Seriously, people, just give the phone back
@Zacharee1 how will they push the next update?
2:39 AM
actually it's minus 35 with wind chill tomorrow Samsung 7 makes a lot of sense.
A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Speaking of sick mind, you should read the rest of the article.
@Serg wut.
can you spell dongle?
2:41 AM
I hope that has PoE...
@NathanOsman can't read the article just now... just saying a lazy boss who is clueless would fire anyone with a clean desk.... ironical.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix *ironic
Do you guys ever stop to wonder if Canonical (sp?) employees have AU accounts and they come to loiter in our chat room and read our Q&A and laugh at us?
Found that on imgur, someone was trolling their shop's customers
@WinEunuuchs2Unix there are a few actual Canonical employees on the site
they don't come here regularly, but they used to.
Mark Shuttleworth is here too
@Serg well for God's sake don't post their ID's
or IDs... spelling was my second language.
2:46 AM
well . . . I don't have to, their profiles openly state that they work at Canonical
Pfftt who reads profiles?
That's akin to hiding in plain site
or sight :)
Anyway after your spoiler alert... I just think they must laugh at us some times.
None are in chat AFAIK.
Jorge used to be around here but he's busy with cloud-ish stuff now.
I call that time-sharing
the heck
Yes. All of it.
2:50 AM
Cloud = Time Share Computing
my college only defines harassment only as abuse directed at someone because of their "protected status"
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in answer: VLC player can not support m4v files by CC. on askubuntu.com
@Seth "protected status" is a form of abuse IMHO.
@NathanOsman agreed.
I read the article you shared about the Amazon fellow.
2:51 AM
@Seth that's like saying Human Rights only apply to NATO interests
As soon as I got to the line where he grants access to his PC, I was like:
It's cold.
I had to walk home in the dark. Below zero. Ice everywhere.
2:54 AM
it's snowing...
It will be here soon enough.
They're predicting 10-20cm overnight.
I had to put my car in the garage and run to the gas station, and take out the garbage...
Oh I forgot. You're American. That's 3.937" to 7.874".
I am going to write myself a python program to make the conversion for me someday...
I just have to figure out out to accept input from the user....(don't tell I am going to learn on my own)
@NathanOsman yeah that whole thing was pretty bad.
What crony capitalism breeds for you.
2:57 AM
@NathanOsman 22F - Feels like 10F and snowing...
Nobody (and I mean NOBODY) but me installs software on my PC.
buddy it's minus 25 here
@NathanOsman You know I generally like the metric system, but why do you guys always insist on using tiny units (other than celsius)?
Are we using the same units here?
google edmonton weather for proof
2:58 AM
@WinEunuuchs2Unix do you live on the North Pole?
North pole is warmer I bet
They call it an "Alaskan Anomoly"
As stated last night, the north pole is underwater.
weathermen have cool terms some times
2:59 AM
$ python -c 'import sys; print float(sys.argv[1])/2.54' 10
Convert centimiters to inch
there's your program
@Serg Hey! New indicator idea...
@NathanOsman I missed the weather update "North pole is under water" but I did read Magnetic North Pole is moving a while ago.
@NathanOsman yesh ?
Another repo is up:
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that can't be celsius o_O
2:59 AM
@Serg A simple unit converter.
@Seth yes Celsius
Currently it is -17.1 F at the North Pole

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