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12:01 AM
According the imei.info, my phone's IMEI number is for a Sprint Galaxy S5. According to imeidata.net it's for a Galaxy S3. I have a Verizon Note 4 o_O
thats the problem with IMEI numbers, the only country which actually enforces unique IMEI is the US, but most of those phones are import models, so IMEI numbers have even doubles
not the best system but who have thought that mobile phoning would become so popular
But I'm in the US :p
yep and probably using an imported phone which you got from verizone within a package with a tarif plan
Same with network card MAC addresses. Knew a hospital that had a problem once.
@Videonauth well it is Samsung, which is Korean, so I guess they could get around manufacture laws
@RobotHumans huh
12:06 AM
yeah MAC is as well to short to handle the massive amount of devices today
@Videonauth If IMEIs aren't unique, why are people so scared that they'll be stolen?
because of people which are overly paranoid telling them
@ParanoidPanda tsk tsk tsk
im counting out pandas here :D
in fact the chances are very high thea somewhere on this world multiple devices exist having the same iMEI number as your phone has
another site's seeing the S3
Well, seeing as one site finds a Sprint S5 and two find an S3, I'd say there's a slight possibility @Videonauth :p
12:17 AM
wow just in time answered now the question is closed lol
@Zacharee1 see my awesome skills of edit-fu askubuntu.com/q/777562/522934
no check the edit history of the question itself ;)
and --flag-we-don't-mention-here :p
3rd site finds S3 again
12:22 AM
simply couldn't resist
good idea though
yeah those databases simply display that what they already have seen
Well Swappa found my Note 4, found an S5, but on Verizon instead of Sprint, and found an S4 instead of S3
Another site found the Note 4
Maybe the Note 4 was more popular than the s3 or s5 and borrows chips from their allotments, because sales.
So it isn't that some phones have the same IMEI in this case. It seems like Samsung's just using a random number generator and getting repeats :p
@RobotHumans maybe, but why would an S3, S4 Verizon, S5 Sprint, S5 Verizon and Note 4 Verizon all have the same IMEI? Seems a little careless IMO
5 devices lol
12:27 AM
eh. maybe it's at the end of the number namespace for one of the units and they used the rest in other devices willy nilly
you get an IMEI, and you get an IMEI, and you get an IMEI and you get an IMEI
Everyone gets the SAME IMEI! :p
mei mei mei :p
And then there's the MEID, which on my phone is the IMEI without the last number :p
Ooh shiny. Official Android support on the Pi3
12:40 AM
@Zacharee1 lol, thats what you get for answerin in comments :p
Well it's technically OT :(
still you could have answered it unless if it gets closed later on
this way now you missed out on 25 rep
evening, all
@onebree not for Herr Deutscher
12:48 AM
02:48 am here
@Videonauth Yikes. Schlaffen Sie. (How'd I do?)
one f in ' schlafen' only capitalized is ok as lon its the start of the sentence
@chaskes well I'm insomniac in a clinical way
@Videonauth #relatable
and don't want to take med's every day because of the risk of addiction
@Zacharee1 thanks
Melatonin like me?
12:53 AM
nope side effect of a PTSD
May I ask?
But I meant have you tried melatonin? :p
you may but im not going to discuss this in here, hope you understand
@Zacharee1 doesn't work
@Zacharee1 PTSD can lead to loss of sleep, because the thoughts are reoccurring, and maybe even worse during dreams
@onebree you hit the head on the nail ;)
@Videonauth Of course! :)
12:55 AM
Melatonin is a naturally-occurring substance in your body that increases in production as light outside decreases. More importantly, blue light, which is why computer or phone screens can keep you up.
@onebree Thx f.lux
The melatonin you purchase is in small doses (usually 3-10 mg), just enough to put you in this state. It is helpful for someone stressed by something minor.
@Videonauth Nail on the head?
@Zacharee1 the reversal was intended ;)
Ah ok lol
@onebree Interesante
12:57 AM
A stronger reaction is benadryl, or rather the active ingredient. While it is an antihistamine, such substances can be used to encourage sleep (Z-quil, same as benadryl), or in different doses can be used as anti-anxiety medication
Yeah. I took some Benadryl last night because I didn't want to risk third almost sleepless night
To control PTSD really requires therapy. It is not necessarily a chemical imbalance, but more psychological (than psychiatric).
Well i see onebree has deeper insights in that, im using flunitrazepam as sleep medication
Meaning medication for sleep may not even help
@onebree Ah
You're quite knowledgable in this subject
12:59 AM
@Videonauth I''ve heard of Rohypnol
yep thats how its called as well
And that doesn't work?
and even therapy doesnt help in all cases
@Zacharee1 I am interested in psych stuff. I learned the neuroscience side in high school, and some general psych in college (1 class).
1:00 AM
Oh cool
I've also had my fair share of medication in this area. Not for PTSD, but depression/anxiety
@Zacharee1 it does work but has a high addiction tisk so i try to not use it everyday
so im sometimes awake for 3-4 days
Rohypnol is also the medication used in date-rapes... Ruphies.
1:01 AM
I would've been surprised if rohypnol didn't work
@onebree Hence the Uh
@Videonauth Way are you not death yet?
@Videonauth :(. Yet you still seem to have higher brain function than me :p
thelimit for brain degenration is at 10-11 days
Insomnia, which is a side effect of Video's PTSD screws with your biological clock.
@HenryWHHack That takes 10-11 days
1:03 AM
@Zacharee1 That's good Because I love @Videonauth. :)
if i would not have gotten my kitty cat in 2011 i would probably dead by now
the longest I was awake for was 41 hours. Basically, I was trying to cram so much. I ended up (really) forgetting to take my medicine, which has a side effect of drowsiness, in the evening, so I just stayed up and didn't feel tired.
@Videonauth Always have a cat.
@onebree Noice
@onebree see guys, i can get to sleep. i just can't stay asleep. less than 4 hours later my eyes snap back open.
1:04 AM
@RobotHumans Sounds lovely.
Guess we're all just a bunch of crazy insomniacs in a chat room
I am on a much lower (read: 1/3 of the size) dose now, and feel better in the psych_ology_ way, so if I skipped an evening, I would maybe not sleep for another 2-4 hours, but still not feel good the day after or so. (Just strange feeling, maybe more irritated)
only 21:04 here
I thought you were west coast? Maybe I was thinking of brown1
@RobotHumans NJ
1:06 AM
@Videonauth Kitty! :D
@Videonauth TUX KIPKAY. :)
my life saver
Cat trapped in a dog's body.
1:07 AM
Fun facts:
1. As you age, you require less sleep. You can still sleep 8 hr, but your body technically only needs 5 at say age 60 (something like that)
2. Some people can get by with 3-5 hours sleep and it not affect them. It is not the best, but their brain function isn't as bad if someone e;se slept 3 hr
@Videonauth Thank the kitty for me then ;)
oooh, let me find a photo of my dog
@Zacharee1 doing every day, her name is Akina
@onebree Doog*
see banner photo: twitter.com/twobree
1:08 AM
@Videonauth :)
her name is proxy
which means spring blossom in japanese
Oh nice
@onebree The expression looks like she's plotting your demise calmly.
1:10 AM
My dog Proxy -- she's so majestic! 🐕 https://t.co/YfIwglOwxB
okay, the second one looks like happy dog
is someone here Eric?
that would be me
Okay, because I saw a new follower
that would also be me
1:13 AM
@chaskes that's why i asked
@Zacharee1 do you have any more questions?
I know, just goofing a little. :)
Um, I don't think so
Okay, if you do, be it medication, neuroscience, or stuff you can ask. I haven't taken a bio class since 2012, but I still remember a lot. (They ingrained it in us)
1:19 AM
Will do :)
yep or meanwhile, after dealing with those issues since 2009 you can as well ask me. Got a pretty good insight meanwhile
If I remember correctly, I believe PTSD and OCD are in the same family as well. OCD is more specific, in that there is usually routine involved. But it can be more general, manifesting in thoughts or feelings without an immediate trigger.
@onebree not quite, would be hard to put an obsessive control disorder in the same family with a post traumatic stress disorder
Okay, then I am remembering wrong :-)
1:23 AM
But OCD can be more general without routine or habits.
and its more common as well
@Videonauth I wish you good health and stuff with your journey in mental health. (I am bad at saying good things like this)
@onebree dont worry im not good at that either :)
if i'd had twitter you probaly would have one more follower
How old are you video? Aren't you like a teenager?
1:25 AM
Don't die. Find great success. <-- that's the easy way.
Or am I thinking of Henry...
@RobotHumans put that on a fortune cookie
well i got now 37 years of computer knowledge on my back and i got my first computer at age of 6
rest is simply addition ;)
@Videonauth okay it was def Henry then I was thinking of
but inside im still a teenager xD
i refuse to grow old
1:27 AM
I got my first computer at 3 or so. 19 years later, I am a software developer
His age is also on his network profile if you're too lazy for math
Ahh. Kids these days with their open source compilers and dynamic languages. In my day we had BASIC or you paid for Visual Studio.
I hate kids!
I forgot SE shows age
@HenryWHHack Wait, you're not a teen then?
1:29 AM
BASIC ? such a high language ? my fist stesp have been in hex assembler code ;)
My first step was Python in 2012
@Videonauth I did that much much later
I actually didn't program until college. And I started using Ruby when I worked at OldCo. Now I am still with Ruby.
i loved those days trying to get a programm running within 8 KB memory of a sinclair spectrum
I did take Java (second half) this past semester at SecondCollege
1:31 AM
@Videonauth I took the nerd quiz and got 96.
nerd quiz?
@chaskes oh another nerd god then ?
It's linked on video's au profle.
what is this quiz!
Yes: All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!
1:32 AM
@onebree look at my profile page on AU
@onebree took a programming class in college. it was java. hated it... but passed with flying colors
user image
@HenryWHHack ^^
@RobotHumans I hate kids from 0-5!
Nah. Kids are great. As long as you can return them to their rightful owners.
woot at 5 they bacome real pesky first, before they are just sweet angels
1:34 AM
at 5 they get into the "why ... ?" age
but still i'd love to have children tbh, just not found the proper counterpart to myself
No on kids. It's more efficient to borrow them and be the crazy uncle. Then have a dog.
94%. A couple questions I answered nerdier because I did X more often than now at OldCo
1:53 AM
Woo, in 6th for the month, and the month is almost over... people really like their twitter:
i prefer twitter on my phone actually
night all. Just realized the time! I can't forget to take my medicine (or rather, take it late on a work night) ... :P
@onebree sleep well
if you're back in 5 minutes, we know this happened
2:09 AM
anyone has knowledge in youtube-dl ?
how would a command look to download something as mp3 ?
I'm not really impressed by 16.04... :(
compared to 14.04 so much is broken.
Like, none of my third-party indicators work properly. :(
well i only can compare it to feisty which i tried ages ago and 15.10
but yes unity has some pretty bugs in it
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Complete iPhone backup without iTunes? by palermonz on askubuntu.com
YES! just got the door slammed in my face by my 9 year old because I wouldn't turn on the celling fan in her bedroom because the a/c is on
2:30 AM
Good morning friends :-)
@James that makes me sad
anyone reading up on machine learning might enjoy this first video in the caltech machine learning course. the following lectures are found by google and placed in the side-bar
excellent thanks.
yeah machine learning and AI is an intresting and boroad field tho
well, i'm about 6 books and 3 videos deep... and documenting my exploration, so maybe it will be helpful for other people and worth a fiver - even if the me learning doesn't solve anything massive.
@James yup
2:38 AM
i think the combination of neural networks, cartesian genetic programming, and using the neural network to define relevance probability and weight is probably an interesting area to poke at.
@Seth So I am not the only one who thinks this. OK. I feel better now.
@RobotHumans this video is frightening
far from the only one.
@TheBrownOne sorry. i think you can tell what i meant though
Yes, I can.
2:45 AM
@RobotHumans let me find something which you may find interesting to sniff through youtube.com/channel/UClOeW4P8ekXaKxJaZU_LK6w
Is anyone else excited for the Google clone of Amazon Echo?
Hi, do someone here knows anything about systemd?
@TheBrownOne oh?
wait...I am not even sure what Amazon Echo is...
It's a speaker/personal assistant for the home
Oh voice assistant..
2:48 AM
@RobotHumans Maybe you would like "Learning how to learn" from Coursera to add some techniques to your process
Isn't that what Google Now, Cortana, Siri are...minus the speaker?
yeah let us speak with machines, havnt we enough people to speak with around us ? ;)
@userDepth i don't see myself paying coursera for it. thanks though.
@TheXed yeah, but this makes your home feel smarter and more connected
@Videonauth machines don't take attitudes with their masters...
2:49 AM
they do if you program them to
@TheXed well then ask my computer he has a terrible attitude of acting up ;)
@TheBrownOne that is just what I need "smarter and more connected" home :-P
actually haven't some learning machines taken attitudes on their own?
Mmm Itś optional to pay
@TheBrownOne My accent breaks most voice recognition
2:50 AM
Q: 'python-software-properties' has no installation candidate while installing torch

user172132I'm pretty new to Linux, I'm using Unbuntu and want to install Torch. I'm following this guide http://torch.ch/docs/getting-started.html#_ The first line runs fine, but when I enter the second line I get the error Package python-software-properties is not available, but is referred to by another...

@Videonauth, trust me...you don't know what attitude is until you have a 9 year old going on 16,,,
Voice recognition in elevators: youtube.com/watch?v=5FFRoYhTJQQ
One thing is to make self-quizzes and Impress presentations of what you are learning @RobotHumans
@userDepth eh, i have enough things to learn with the caltech course and books for the moment. until i hit a wall in "trying it out", i don't think i need more inputs.
i'm having to read pybrain source right now... so, while the documentation is simple - it doesn't constitute steps to learn how to use it unless you want to read source.
I hear ya, takes more time. I suggested because it has helped me to get more in depth with stuff
2:54 AM
it could be, however, that this is their noise filter. thanks for the recommend. if i hit a wall, i'll take that direction.
I like to wet my feet before going into the pool too
@RobotHumans The clip I posted above is from Bournistown, another great show on netflix
@JourneymanGeek Accents and voice recognition (in elevators) youtube.com/watch?v=5FFRoYhTJQQ
@chaskes i haven't finished hearing about Odin yet, and you're posting more stuff for me to watch. let me finish the first one first. have you seen brickleberry? it's terribly offensive, but hilarious
@RobotHumans I saw the first episode but haven't had a chance to go back. Yes and yes.
You'll like the elevator clip since it's about ML.
@chaskes clearly they didn't have a large enough training set. also, my house is cleaner now. making ground, but i'm in my 3rd week of allocating time to make ground.
3:01 AM
eleven ... LOL
@RobotHumans Limey's Show is another excellent Scottish show to add to your list
@Videonauth eleven - three - same thing really
@RobotHumans Are you still refusing to use EFI? I just deleted the partition on another computer that had the active grub on it, had a flash of panic, and then realized, heck, it's efi, no problem at all.
@chaskes My current linux box doesn't have efi enabled. My Win10 gaming set top box does probably, but I haven't checked.
Ok. :) for multi-booting it is so much easier than legacy bios.
3:10 AM
Eh, no. I like having dedicated hardware. It's irrational, but I like it.
brief aside - i was a huge proponent of uefi during its inception until i saw all the horrible implementations.
I agree that there is something irrationally satisfying about dedicated hardware, but I get antsy if I only have 1 distro on a box. (But I did just pick up a refurbed T420 for a dedicated freebsd since it doesn't multi-boot easily with linux.)
well, I'm not expert but a lot of the implementations seem to be getting better
I only get to test on disposable money. I don't get a lot of that. So my personal learning set is sometimes limited.
@chaskes I am using a t420 right now.
@TheXed I had a T61 (which was awesome) for a long time and the T420 is awesome too. But I use a System76 for linux.
@chaskes I have about 25 more of them sitting on a shelf at work...
3:16 AM
I've currently got a brasswell nuc that runs fedora as its main OS, windows 10 and ubuntu VMs atop that
nucs are very cool
the formfactor is brilliant
but don't get a passively cooled one if you can avoid it
had a ton of issues with my brix
my vendor at works keeps trying to sell me nucs...
ok, good advice thx
@JourneymanGeek You're in singapore? We used to get a couple of Singapore tv shows here.
3:37 AM
@chaskes my condolences. Unless it's the noose
I'll have to look for the noose. Well, the shows were silly but I liked them. I suppose because they let me see part of the culture I didn't know about. One was I'm Not Useless (which let me practice my chinese) and the other was a show about a chinese/hindi intermarriage @JourneymanGeek
1 hour later…
5:07 AM
Sheepshaver here I come
although i have a real macintosh and extracted the rom off it :P
5:22 AM
now i need the mac os 9.2.2 cd :/
2 hours later…
7:25 AM
7:54 AM
8:06 AM
Q: Does anybody know free alternatives to ispprotect.com

blade19899In short what ispprotect does: "ISPProtect is a Malware and Antivirus scanner for web servers. It contains a signature based scan engine and a heuristic scan engine to detect Malware in websites, CMS- and shop systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magentocommerce etc. A third scan level in ...

8:20 AM
finally got mac os 9 on sheepshaver :D
8:54 AM
Q: How secure is the Debian package/server system? (How easily could the package management / debian mirrors system be compromised?)

emfI asked the question recently at Information Security stack exchange, where this was met with "better to ask at the Unix/Linux debian community". Main question: I'd like to know any information about how secure the Debian package management/mirror system is. This question is intended for the be...

Q: Problem with downloading large file from internet

hudiRecently when I am downloading some bigger library with maven it takes a couple of time. I also try to test it with just wget and still same problem. After 99 % it still freeze for 10 or more minute: wget http://download.scala-ide.org/sdk/e38/scala210/stable/site/plugins/org.scala-ide.scala.comp...

9:07 AM
Q: How do I set up a udev rule to mount the SanDisk Cruzer USB upon insertion in order to eliminate an fstab entry?

FrankSuppose I run sudo mount -a after setting /etc/fstab to: /dev/usbhd1 /path/to/mount/point ntfs rw,auto,nofail 0 1 Yesterday, upon asking what steps our architect and I should do next after a SanDisk USB disconnect on an Ubuntu Linux 16.04 operating system installed from a Live CD on a Leno...

3 hours later…
11:53 AM
Why do I aways miss smoke detector.
@HenryWHHack referring to me?
@JacobVlijm That post was off topic.
Why are you guys helping that poster?
@HenryWHHack What? sure off topic, even voted so, but he is still a human being
Off-topic means I probably won't post an answer, but I won't ignore his existence
I'd even give hime a receipe for a cake in a comment if he accidentally posted a question here on the subject.
12:22 PM
Something today and next week the malls where I live may be blowing up.
Q: Automate CP command

Ravi Mitra ReddyI have multiple files to copy from one directory to another directory. Always I need to give whole copy command from source to destination. I want to automate this. Please anyone share ideas how to do this. For example : cp /tmp/commercial-products.json /apps/jboss/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/deploy/h...

1:09 PM
Ugh..I can't get my phone out if slient mode...
There we go.
1:41 PM
apparently not :p
@Zacharee1 sup?
Got 5 mins, need something?
just annoying
Oh okay.
2:23 PM
I am on Xubuntu, with terminal tiled on the left, and Document Viewer tiled on the right.
If Terminal is in focus, but I mouse over Document Viewer, nothing changes. When I scroll on Doc Viewer, it now becomes the focused window -- not terminal
This seems to happen in other cases (a program vs firefox) when I scroll on the unfocused window
Is it possible to scroll a window without setting it to focus?
please ping if you have a solution/advice
2:46 PM
Another package is in Debian!
woot! Is this the mail server?
Nope, it's the Qt HTTP server library.
@onebree hmm, you can do that in unity.. have you looked through the settings?
Today I learned that shrinking a partition with Gparted can take 11 hours :)
It took over an hour to move my 1.4 TiB partition 1 MB to the right :D
So yes, gparted can be slow.
2:53 PM
@Edity Have you played Power Pete on it yet?
@NathanOsman Haha,wow!
I guess it has to move all the data around
@Seth I am using Xubuntu, so xfce
Yeah, I needed some space to convert a primary partition into a logical one.
@onebree I realize that. My point was if unity can do it xfce should be able to. Have you poked around?
@NathanOsman Is it possible to see the progress in some way? I mean, during the whole 11 hours there was no way for me to see how far it had come, how much progress it was making, etc.
@Seth Not yet. I was curious if anyone knew off the top of their head.
2:57 PM
@onebree Maybe you could post it as a question?
I will if I find no solution this evening. I was curious because it is slightly annoying as I am taking notes from a book for work today. But meh

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