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10:00 PM
WOW! And I thought the servers here having 1TB RAM on them with a check time of 20 minutes was too long! :P
Everything about that drive is Pi related! =)
I forgot the name. What do people call when you hide a variable by declaring a local with the same name in a internal scope?


int i=4;
for(int c=0; c<10; c++){
int i=2;
is it "ghosting" a variable?
I forgot the term -.-
10:16 PM
I hate getting to 195 rep :X
@IanC I call that "annoying" when I need to review someoneelses code >:-D
@Rinzwind it's a really bad practice, I think I found the name. It's shadowing a variable
well the int i=4 tends to be at a totally different place. Like 4 pages up in the code :-P
Use Hungarian notation for variables... :D
@Rinzwind I'm not sure if C99 allows for declaring the variable inside for(), but that would solve the problem
I say I'm not sure because I'd some warnings before about mixing code and variable declarations
but I think they are fine inside for's
10:23 PM
I need 1 more good q @Fabby find me one :+)
waiting :+)
where? :D
you are worse than find in returning results @Fabby :+)
I just upvoted, you idiot!
10:27 PM
no I wanted a q :P
No, you wanted 200
already had 200 ;-)
I am planning my 200 for tomorrow >:-D
answer a bunch of good q's so it flows in when everyone wakes up
I'm only finding crap so far...
nothing beats seeing 100 rep when you wake up
me too D: D: useless q's all over
ah well. time to make the most of the extra hour we get and get some sleep :)
@Rinzwind Goodnight!
10:40 PM
@NathanOsman I just figured out what I want to do is really simple with JS, it would be something like

var ArticleElement = document.getElementById("article-div");
ArticleElement.innerHTML = //ReadTheFileWithTheArticleContent;
The articles would have to be formated already, which would be done by some script on the submit button
the more challenging part would be to make some authentication system, so I'm the only one who can submit, probably I'll need to learn using session cookies, PHP/ASP for the server side authentication, some hashing script on the userside and SQL for storing the hashes
I'll get there :)
question, how do i know a volume is encrypted ?
you mean if it uses LUKS?
I've one person saying my indicator can't see their mounted stuff, so i wonder if they're encrypted
uhm, I'm not sure, maybe LUKS loads some module?
and you could look for it on lsmod?
11:02 PM
@Serg which indictor?
11:36 PM
Issue #5
mint and a whiner...
@Serg Cool! Will look at it Monday. Week-end fully booked.
It's a disk usage indicator, shows whole bunch of info about partitions.
Again, born out of competition with Jacob
@Fabby you?

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