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2:01 PM
@izx mhall119 is in #ubuntu-unity if you want to talk to him.
brb after supper.
2:21 PM
32 more Rep and I get +100 on all sites :D
Editing time
oh, the bonus?
I need 210 more, to be 2k
2:22 PM
show off :P
askubuntu.com/a/155406/61218 izx has answered this
>>> dir(Gtk.PositionType)
['BOTTOM', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'TOP', '__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__coerce__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__div__', '__divmod__', '__doc__', '__enum_values__', '__eq__', '__float__', '__floordiv__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getnewargs__', '__gt__', '__gtype__', '__hash__', '__hex__', '__index__', '__info__', '__init__', '__int__', '__invert__', '__le__', '__long__', '__lshift__', '__lt__', '__mod__', '__module__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__neg__', '__new__', '__nonzero__', '__oct__', '__or__', '__pos__', '__pow__', '_
@njallam bump
@aking1012 Thanks
now I'm going to tell you how I fount it...
2:24 PM
please do
only has 262 rep here, including the 100 rep bonus ;p
Yup @aking1012 Dies ist es!
dir(Gtk) | grep pos
oh look there's stuff that has position in it
@jokerdino Thanks for the tip - I pinged him, but I'm not going to pester him over the +50 bounty he owes me, whose grace period is up in like 2 hours...
Heavy metal music max volume
OK, ½ volume but that is loud on my rig
2:28 PM
I can't turn mine past about 10%
Why is it every time I post about something, you guys post 1 better.
? I don't do that...mostly
Time to listen to Zedd :D
const Zedd = epic
The music
2:59 PM
@izx you'll at least get 25 rep if he fails anyway
3:19 PM
Oh yeah, thanks for that reminder. I guess it just bugs me when people offer bounties and then appear to walk away -- Ubuntu engineers at least shouldn't be doing it... (popey, hopefully-not-mhall)
Not that I care so much about the rep, more about the principle
@aking1012 Almost anything with Jason Statham in it is watchable for me -- perhaps's todays best B-movie star
I disliked Death race
I couldn't stay interested in the movie. I like the remix from the Scorpions though
@izx i understood your point.
hi all
@jokerdino In general, I don't watch remakes -- the original was good, corny, presumably less-gory fun, IIRC
3:23 PM
The only thing I found upsetting about that movie was that it made me want the car
@JoãoSantana o/
@JoãoSantana hey!
@izx never heard of the original
To my thinking about 40% of all "new" movies are remakes/adaptations of something
@aking1012 +1.
@jokerdino Pity :P Have you seen Cannonball Run?
seems there's no creativity anymore.
3:26 PM
def. not
@aking1012 Absolutely, but "official" remakes are usually...bad.
@izx he hasn't seen star trek or star wars and you're asking about cannonball run?
But I must say, from what Shakespearean theater I've seen, adaptations are done really well -- saw Patrick Stewart as Macbeth a few years ago, transplanted into a dystopian future
@aking1012 WTF? @jokerdino Hand in your nerd card immediately. Why this kolaveri towards scifi?
@izx ar u indian ?
3:28 PM
@izx who said I was a nerd? :/
@HackToHell No...@jokerdino turned me onto that song a while back ;)
lol @jokerdino that song sucks :P
@HackToHell I posted a sarcastic message saying the best English song ever.
He just liked it I think.
@jokerdino Never mind... you just not into scifi or just too young? :P
/me cannot wait for the 'next' resident evil movie. they're always fun
3:30 PM
@izx it is not really my kind of thing.
How was promethus, could not watch it ...
but I might like it if i get to watch it.
@aking1012 I have watched the first three movies.
heh. I watch TDK every half year
good guy
3:32 PM
@HackToHell Haven't watched it, but like most Ridley Scott stuff it should at least look great and be decent overall
@HackToHell You mean the next alien movie from the same director?
Memento and The Prestige by Nolan also rock
@HackToHell I actually had the joker as my gravatar when I joined the site.
@aking1012 yep
@HackToHell I sort of liked Memento.
3:33 PM
@izx worth a sunday then
I watched it after watching the tamil remake.
@HackToHell Thanks for the recco -- will check it out.
@jokerdino Aamir Khan's ghajini is based on it
@jokerdino I dunno about the Tamil version, but the Hindi Ghajini was an absolute turd -- 3 hours+ of steaming s**t, with pointless backstory and the usual nonsensical sing-and-dance routines.
The Prestige was good...Memento didn't do it for me.
3:34 PM
@HackToHell it was based on the tamil Ghajini no?
@izx I have not watched it yet, was thinking of spending a sunday on it
@jokerdino tamil one was based on memento
I bet y'all liked Inception
@HackToHell yeah i know
@HackToHell I wouldn't, if you've watched Memento...
@HackToHell i liked shutter island more
@jokerdino +1, awesome atmo
3:36 PM
it was something like sixth sense IMO
the last scene twist
and I also liked primal fear
yeah, shutter island was awesome
@jokerdino i had read the book that was based on...so no fun for me
I became a mad fan of Di caprio after that and inception
I heard the great gatsby is going to be great as well.
I am being tested on TGG tomorrow >_>
catch me if you can, also good
3:37 PM
@aking1012 I like watching the rare ones that stay (mostly) true to the book -- your visualizations to the visualization, but most suck. e.g. I liked No Country... (and even some of the later Harry Potter movies)
Who liked departed?
+1 to both of the last two statements
Who loves hp ?
@jokerdino It was an adaptation of Infernal Affairs(an asian flick)
I don't really like HP, narnia, Twilight etc.
3:40 PM
@aking1012 right. didn't know that.
i feel like listing movies that I liked.
@aking1012 lololol
The first movie I remember that turned me off book adaptations, at about 12 IIRC, was this one... I kept wondering, where did the lady come from! :D
3:42 PM
public enemies, Up, Butterfly effect, fight club, se7en, curious case of BB, Ocean trilogy etc.
I actually liked Brad Pitt at one point.
Then I defected to Di caprio.
Do you guys like Transformers ? I love it
@HackToHell not much.
but i wouldn't mind watching it again.
C'mon guns, explosions, jets, CARS wat more do you want ?
none of the reasons that impress me.
i would probably prefer absorbing story lines.
I fall for movies with that
3:44 PM
The same actress from the first movie?
Megan Fox?
She got replaced in the third movie
I think it was Rosie Huntington in the third one.
3:45 PM
@aking1012 why was that removed? ;)
hey @jokerdino I need the post that shows you how to create a USC link in Ask Ubuntu, give me a hand please
because it would have made me look like a creepy old man
@BrunoPereira hmm the script on meta is it?
looking for 2 mins, kinda lost here :/
3:46 PM
@joke You would like Kungfu Panda then ?
Q: How to post links that install software via apt?

lovinglinuxThere are some posts with nice Software Center icons and links to software installation via apt. How to do that?

He hates that contraction, IIRC
@HackToHell Yeah that was quite fun.
close boated
bye guys
3:47 PM
@BrunoPereira is that the one?
bye @HackToHell
@jokerdino <3
@BrunoPereira: just whitelisting skype icon no longer works; you need to install the sni-qt libraries unless you install from the partner repo (which includes it as a dep)
@izx just tested on my pc, actually tested it. No previous version installed and downloaded from the Skype website
@BrunoPereira Hmm, didn't for me --- needed sni-qt -- you must have that installed (lots of other packages use it for notifs) - can you check via dpkg --list | grep sni?
3:51 PM
@izx but before whitelisting it it did not show up :/
@izx I stand correct, removing it from the whitelist prevents it from showing up, can you add that to your answer?
@jokerdino, can you check this if it is working, only compiled for Linux. figuring out , if it requires something more packages than defaults
@AnwarShah how do i install it?
just extract
3:56 PM
or run it at least?
i see a .exe, .config and another file
@BrunoPereira of course, just let me check on something real quick, because there was an associated question where "blacklisting" it did NOT remove the icon and required a fairly elaborate hack
run the .exe
@BrunoPereira (Still confused why I got pinged for it in the first place) are we now going to get that into the interface sooner? xD
@AnwarShah how do I do that?
i don't have wine installed
double clicking
double click doesn't do anything. :/
3:58 PM
isn't it working?
no :/
$ mono StackEd.exe
Missing method EnableVisualStyles in assembly /home/jokerdino/Downloads/StackEd/StackEd.exe, type System.Windows.Forms.Application

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, C
"Open with Mono Runtime"
anyway, I got to go for today.
good job so far!
i'll talk to you tomorrow
good night
good night. I 'll save the text and try
4:00 PM
removed from whitelist, logged off, back on, no icon. add to whitelist shows the icon again. sni-qt installed and alive
@izx 32 or 64 bits?
@BrunoPereira 64...
@izx me 2 :/
logged off and on?
Bizarre, so I'll just add it saying "this may also be needed"
@BrunoPereira No, let me try that...
4:03 PM
<sub>you need to log off</sub>
Good night all, leaving now....
@BrunoPereira Yep, rebooted even -- still get the icon with no whitelisting necessary. So I'll add it as a "just in case you don't" to the answer.
@izx this makes no sense what so ever!
demand bug report!
@BrunoPereira Haha...from who? I'd wait until 4.0 makes it into the partner repos... BTW, can I just mention the problem and link to your excellent answer instead of redoing everything?
4:11 PM
@izx better, you can copy, edit it for further needs and ping me when done so I can delete my answer
ur on Unity3D right?
yes, 3D...
man, I hate this.... Give me access to your desktop, nau!
(ping me when you are done with your answer)
This answer and comments may shed some light....whitelisting should not matter if sni-qt is required....will edit the answer, btw.
hum? why would it matter and why removing it from the white list disables the icon then?
@izx what key path are you reading the whitelist from?
@BrunoPereira whatever dconf-editor gives/tells me... btw, is there a smaller download-for-ubuntu icon that can be used inline (like that little software center one)?
4:19 PM
yeah, there is, check the post jokerdino posted, it has multiple solutions
4:34 PM
Skype stopped getting audio
during a class call
@BrunoPereira RDP?
@AmithKK Radio Difusao Portuguesa?
@BrunoPereira Remote Desktop Protocol
@AmithKK yeah, that also works ;) what is wrong with it?
@BrunoPereira ROFL! BTW, fixed, please let me know if you have any suggestions.
@izx love you man/woman/thing, gj and thanks again for these imba posts!
4:39 PM
@BrunoPereira Thanks!
@AmithKK hey, I don't judge, not here to call people names!
but what was wrong with the RDP thing?
@BrunoPereira That was a reply to this:
28 mins ago, by Bruno Pereira
man, I hate this.... Give me access to your desktop, nau!
@AmithKK :D he would not be so stupid to allow it :/
@AmithKK Actually it's one of my special AU VMs, so I wouldn't mind at all if really necessary.... (now that Skype problem is done, reverts to snapshot) :)
@izx I only think about users you have no body or face...
4:42 PM
Well I'm close to 200 :D
Good Night
@BrunoPereira That will serve you well once we all start evolving into energy beings ;)
need help!
click the first linked musing on that video (bangarang)
what game is that? does it exist?
why not?
it looks like jet velocity two without other ships
@aking1012 /me drools....
any other options?
4:50 PM
Need a canonical answer for repository versions http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/3415/need-a-canonical-answer-for-repository-versions?atw=1
@QuestionsFeed that is more than done Question Feed(er), why U bother with that now?
erm i don't know. there might be some downloadable/paid version. it looks simple-ish to clone
hi all
5:06 PM
@BrunoPereira good call on listening to skillrex btw
Hi @Mahesh
The make your own map part of one of that series makes me think the map is just a curve and they make a surface perpendicular to Z of width width. So a map editor is basically drawing a 3d curve
OK, why on Earth does Notebook.set_scrollable() take 2 arguments. Surely it would just be the boolean like the doc says. (ping @aking1012 )
5:22 PM
I never used set-scrollable
I just add a viewport that holds a scrollable-window
I want the tabs and the content to scroll independently
ok. are you sure there's not an example on nulledge?
There is barely anything there on Notebook widgets
Yeah, they're really poorly documented in python >>dir() and help() too
What do you think the other argument could be?
wait, forgot the pass the argument on one of them and the other must be self. Derp herp derp
when all else fails, look at the C/C++ docs
and yes. looks like self
I am so stupid sometimes
This isn't causing a problem but what does this mean?
(notetaker:3513): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget `GtkNotebook': invalid matrix (not invertible)
on that i have no idea.
I just keep thinking of the film :P
5:40 PM
Not invertible makes me think there's an image somewhere that it thinks it can't flip b/c it's not initialized or something, but that's a wild guess
Ah, I think I know what that is then
OK, not that
That's all I've got
6:06 PM
@BrunoPereira audio-surf.com
6:26 PM
@aking1012 OMG, thx man
7:04 PM
Hello all
Is there a way to see removed posts?
Not for non-moderators
What about questions and /or answers? I'm asking the same question in a different way?
@Mitch if you're a 10K user, yes.
unless its hard deleted (example: We go to the SE team and they perform a sql query to remove it from the DB)
which has only happened once network wide as far as i know.
The reason I ask, I just noticed in my rep that either a question or answer was removed, but I don't remember being up that late last night.
here is the message:
you should always be able to see your deleted answers.
7:14 PM
I can't see this one
how much rep did you lose?
its not the rep, but I'd like to know what was the question/answer. 2
ah, that was an edit.
on a now-deleted post that got migrated to meta, thus confusing everything.
hope that answers your question.
@Mitch askubuntu.com/suggested-edits/12124 - because the parent post was deleted, you lost the rep from that edit.
@jrg I did the edit?
Afternoon everyone.
7:22 PM
afternoon @GeorgeEdison
@Mitch yes.
@jrg Did you get that message last night about the second Mac build for NitroShare?
I think his first build wasn't working or something.
afternoon @GeorgeEdison
@GeorgeEdison I saw it, haven't had the chance to test it yet. :)
No problem - just making sure you know about the new one.
7:23 PM
@jrg is it this question: meta.askubuntu.com/questions/3199/…
@Mitch yes
@jrg I can't see what I did, but what the heck :)
@jrg Sorry if I bothered you..
No, don't worry about it.
It's kind of what I do. :)
Well, thanks for putting up with me, :)
hey everyone, @GeorgeEdison I posted some info about your app about my testing in the Ubuntu App room
7:31 PM
@mateo_salta o/
so, anything new
not a lot. thinking about goofing with python-ogre some, and i have to do a couple of screen-recordings tonight
@mateo_salta I'll be right there.
Goodnight all
like a podcast @aking1012
7:35 PM
Archival copy(legal backup) of something that has nasty copy protection
oh, ok
yeah. it's one of those things i find utterly silly, but sometimes you have to do it to protect an investment
yep, especially with the prices
Answering a question by using information from the Web http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/3532/answering-a-question-by-using-information-from-the-web?atw=1
You know what I think would be awesome? A device for people that live in apartments or the hearing impaired. Inline HDMI (one in, one out) that Normalizes volume(forbidding it from passing above or below a size adjustable threshold).
I can't believe it doesn't already exist and get sold everywhere
7:58 PM
so the landlord would install this device?
@aking1012 Yeah, that would be a good idea.
@mateo_salta I was thinking polite neighbours, but I suppose hotels might find them useful too
Ooooh. So this would be something the apartment would install?
But then how would they enforce its usage?
I could see it at hotels and resorts, they could build directional mics into the surround speakers
I was thinking from polite-ness or getting irritated when explosion noises are tolerable whispering is inaudible. hotels it would be pretty easy(permanently attach it to the input or place it somewhere inaccessible)
8:04 PM
like in the wall
HMDI only sends the one channel's worth of signal, so I was thinking just adjust by analysis, not feedback
by channel i mean set of feeds, not audio channel
so the people installing would need to set the threshold with Db meters on install
That or it could have a network interface
physical switches for home users, network interface for corp users
Don't forget that performing certain calculations on audio samples will introduce latency.
(Adjusting volume wouldn't be a big problem but, for example, adjusting pitch or noise cancelling would.)
since it is hdmi, it could include a video delay to match the delay for the process
8:10 PM
Absolutely. I wasn't thinking about doing all kinds of fancy processing. Just a 'check what would be output power, adjust if required' and yes
if it couldn't be done fast enough to not introduce delay, you could simply delay the signal
you'ld be responsible for sending both anyway...
sox can do it fine at audio line-speed on a beagleboard
I wish PPAs kept download statistics.
It would be nice to know
boo for only having ONE download for python-lenstoggler
i've got 30 or so for each architecture of aircrack though
i know i downloaded it once to make sure the deb install-deinstall worked and the guy at webupd8 had to get the deb from somewhere...i must be missing something
8:37 PM
Uh... why are YouTube videos showing up blue? :P
GPU acceleration
sounds like a bug regression. i've never had it happen...but it's definitely a reported and oft-questioned bug
Q: Flash video appears blue

pst007xAfter updating to Ubuntu 12.04 from Ubuntu 11.10, all video is still blue, whether playing in a browser or a player. Same problem occurs in 11.10 as well. I have tried to uninstall all Flash and re-installed but it makes no difference. What is causing the blue Flash video? Ubuntu 11.10 64bit U...

8:42 PM
why is the upvoted comment to a bug that's a dupe bug?
the original dates back to users across 10.10-12.04
Also, I'm not exactly thrilled that apt-get is pulling 19 MB every single time I run sudo apt-get update.
It never used to do that.
There have been a ton of updates recently.
@GeorgeEdison uno momento
Q: the size of apt-get update lists is too big

dumb906I ran a clean install to Ubuntu 12.04 and so far everything has been working well. I especially commend the Ubuntu team for this release. I only noticed that the size of repository update is now about ~13MB. Normally, it is about this size for the first time you run apt-get update after a clean ...

So it's a bug then.
Regarding Flash and the "blue screen" - the video I was trying to watch is available in HTML5 - so I'll just do that instead. Problem solved.
8:58 PM
/me is wondering why Panda3D is not available in repo...it seems to have compatible licensing
Downloads the Linux driver for Realtek's RTL8188CE and compiles it himself.
Now what do I do? I've compile it and run sudo make install. Trying to probe the module results in:
FATAL: Error inserting rtl8192ce (/lib/modules/3.0.0-17-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtlwifi/rtl8192ce/rtl8192ce.ko): Invalid argument
Someone suggested rebooting, so we'll try that.
Heh... it worked.
9:24 PM
when all else fails, fall back and punt i guess
9:35 PM
Q: How can I update "Quickly" using a PPA or similar in the Source file?

AndresI am running an ubuntu derivative that runs a bit behind in the updates. The version I'm running ~$ quickly --version Quickly 11.10 Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.7.2 Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.7 Quickly used library: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/quickly Quic...

need a close boat.
9:49 PM
@izx - re that proxy Q - not putting words in @jorge mouth ... but that bounty Q is for unity. All the variants do stuff differently - Lubuntu is going to be a challenge.
@fossfreedom, you're probably right then. Would the answer for Lubuntu be anything like this one for Xubuntu: askubuntu.com/questions/150210/…
I strongly suspect Lubuntu/LXDE will be similar to Xubuntu and XFCE - so yes ... if there is no answer after the bounty period, personally, I would widen that one you linked to cover Lubuntu as well and close the current one Mahesh has opened. Lets wait and see.
Sounds good. I'll close out the dupe comment for now on Mahesh's q.
... having said that ... if I had more time (I dont) - lxproxy as a GUI wouldnt be hard to extend to make it "system wide" - just need an extra button and slightly rework the current procedure to make it work.
Thanks for the pointer - I probably don't either, but I'll take a very quick look at the source.
10:18 PM
Q: How do I get QSystemTrayIcon to show up in Gnome 3?

George EdisonI can get a QSystemTrayIcon to show up in Unity by installing the sni-qt package which acts as a broker between the application and an application indicator for the program. However, running the application under Gnome 3 doesn't work - no icon appears anywhere. Is there a similar package that d...

10:44 PM
Can you answer this? How can I use face-recognition to login? http://askubuntu.com/questions/155140/how-can-i-use-face-recognition-to-login?atw=1 #softwarerecommendation
10:57 PM
@QuestionsFeed That's a baaad idea.
All you need is a picture of the person and bam! you're logged in :P
@GeorgeEdison I agree with this. But there are some new "techniques".
11:33 PM
I just don't like the idea. :P
I mean, it's cool and all, but as George said, really insecure.
@jrg True. Film culture ;)
Oh, i'd totally use it if it was secure.
However, we have the CSI: Fake Reality affect happening.
Well it couid never be secure, what if someone cuts your head and place it in front of the camera?
unless you have a 3d laser scanner, and a retinal scanner. I think all you would need is a picture on an tablet, or paper
Still you are vulnerable to the above mentioned "vulnerability" :)
11:42 PM
no one would take it that far if it was so much simpler to hack
anyways, its a neat idea
I think I'm more likely to see a Iron Man HUD/JARVIS in my lifetime than accurate facial recognition login.
Although JARVIS appears to run on a Mac, so I'd rather not use it. ;P
well that didn't work.
there we go. Have to admit, it looks pretty cool. :P
"google glass"

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