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3:00 PM
The latest Silicon Valley ep is really good
don't ruins it @Pip my gf needs to get home before I can watch it, i hooked her on it
@Jon clearly you should start your own recruitment agency
@Jon I will not :D
You hear they announced a season 3?
@Jovito for example, when a scene is pushed onto a stack, the scene being "covered" will have its OnPause() function called, so it can unload content or whatever else it doesn't need, because it won't be getting updated for a while
Nice hook :)
3:00 PM
@OMGtechy what?
then you pop the new scene off the stack, and the scene being "uncovered" will have its OnResume() function called so you can reload that content
HAHA, well man you have no idea how stressrelieving it is to know that I don't have to take care of my lawn this year
14 hours ago, by Jovito
I'd rather do that than go on a vacation
@Jovito was responding to that
3:01 PM
I think it might be the chore that I hate the most in my entire life
I rather scrub toilets.
@Jon I feel ya bro
I agree, yeah
My mothers answer to this problem was to pave all of it
@OMGtechy what?
my yard is just too big for that, lol
3:02 PM
@Jovito nvm man xD
but that would be ideal
@OMGtechy What?
@Jon my grandparents have a huge field with a large hill in the middle with loads of hedges ... that's fun to deal with
a weeks work sometimes
all day
@IcyDefiance you were talking to a schematic similar to the RV one we were using? Btw Hobo is doin the work
3:03 PM
@Icy Got it.
my neighbors love working in the dirt.. they have a garden, flower beds, their lawn is magnificient
Me on the other hand, I just don't give a shit about dirt
In fact, I hate working in the dirt.
I should take a pic of the lawn line between our yards
my lawn is yellowy -- theirs is super green
@IcyDefiance ^
@Pip yep the SceneManager I put in the RV framework was copy/pasted from one of my own framework projects
3:04 PM
Ah kk
@Jon this is what you work in software and not hardware
and yeah you linked me to that before, but I haven't talked to Hobo in forever
Check it out now
pretty much gave up on that project
Radiant Void??
3:04 PM
wasdqe for movement, mouse to look, click for laser
i don't get it
can you get closer to the asteroids?
you can move around to everything
the top number is your velocity (between all directions)
the bottom number is your thrust left (refills over time)
duesn't seem to work
out of power and nothing got closer
lags like hell for me but this isn't the best laptop so
3:08 PM
i can shoot a lazer, and it seems like it am propulsing
and I can look around
that is pretty much it
asteroids are part of the background
the other objects are not
what can I fly to?
there are two ships
also all of the debris around you (in the plane where you start)
hard to control, but still cool
and pretty buggy when you hit something
a bit :D
I'm not working on it atm, Hobo has said that once the basic framework is done that he is going to push it out to GDSE :)
Speaking of work, I'm going to boot into Windows and work on ma gaem.
(and front)
3:25 PM
don't discriminate against sides man
side racist
I thought society was better than this now,
side racist: one who is only racist part time, and is something else full time
@Jovito so you've suddenly started appearing, who are you ? :D (as in a teenage kid learning to program etc. )
3:44 PM
A wild Jovito appears.
Master ball!
@IcyDefiance what's the difference between onPause() and onLeave()? Does onLeave() call onPause()?
onpause means the scene is still on the stack and may be unpaused. onleave means it's done and not coming back.
when a scene is removed from the stack it calls onpause, then onleave
when it's just "covered" on the stack, it only calls onpause
Why would you want to just a pause scene? Instead of getting rid of it and creating it again when you need it.
because you can save the scene's state that way and come back to it later, but temporarily unload the content so it's not taking up memory
3:48 PM
example; minigame
jump out of the "main" game until the minigame is done or something
I pause for tailgaters
4:21 PM
@Jon destroyed my browser
haha me too
Worked fine for me :) Pretty cool!
@Pip Did u make that?
Şนpēr rคiຖ๖໐ຟ flค๓๖໐ฯคຖt fค๖นl໐นŞ p໐ຟēr
ohh right, that explains it
here I thought it was just funny game physics, but that actually makes sense
It's not game physics, but the power of sacred rainbow that bends the rules of space/time and universe.
he speaks the truth
all hail the rainbow king, @BlueBug !
my grace fabulousnesss<3
5:37 PM
i bend space time all the time every time 32% of the time
5:52 PM
@BlueBug how should I read it? "Super rainbow ? fabulous power"
I feel like soon the great purge of stars will begin by Josh.
@Ali.S "flamboyant fabulous power"
whats that?
being fabulous is not good enough. The true rainbow power rises from the deep within flamboyant spirit.
flamboyant spirit's like, our long forgotten savage spirit deep buried under our most dangerous instincts. Look at the man, then look at the flamingo. If you have what it takes to be super flamboyant fabulous, u can feel it.
@Pip think I'll get involved with monogame dev, anywhere you think I'd be good to start?
clone the dev branch of their github and compile that. don't try using the last stable release, it's shit.
6:01 PM
what's so bad about it?
it hasn't been updated in a long time. biggest problem with it is the content pipeline doesn't really work.
a few other small bugs, but they're less bad
at least that was all true when I tried it a few months ago
last release was april 29th
ooh then it might be better now
disregard what I said then, lol
hmm, looking around there seems to be a culture of "it wasn't in XNA so we don't have it either" which worries me
ah nvm I see why now
thought they'd finished the XNA API, turns out that's not the case
6:22 PM
yeah, the latest release of monogame is pretty pimping
I can't even open monodevelop lol
useless error message it seems too
i'm not on ubuntu but have the same issue
@Chris Have you considered porting tallowmere to chromecasT?
I mean think about it.. There are barely any games which you can play from your phone on the chromecast :P

There might be a reason due to processing power or transfer speeds, but still.. It would be a neat feature to have.
6:57 PM
@OMGtechy very close
@IcyDefiance what are you talking about? There are commits every day
@OMGtechy you have to use MonoDevelop 5
on the dev branch there are
I mean the releases on their website weren't updated in a long time
Yeah, we just pushed out a stable version late April IIRC
when I tried it, the latest release was still using a custom project template for the content pipeline, and it was totally broken
@Pip I meant monodevelop won't open at all for me, nevermind the sln aha
ah kk
I have some stuff, gimme a sec
6:59 PM
> System.TypeLoadException
oh god, lol
This for some XNA stuff that is mostly relevant: rbwhitaker.wikidot.com/xna-tutorials
that exception has only given me nightmares. you should give up now.
7:00 PM
@Pip thanks :)
Talk to me if you want some framework
looks like Windows only for me then
might be able to make VS Code work if you want to use Linux
you'll still have to use mono's libraries, but if the editor itself is the only problem, it should work
true, but I'm not too fussed
thanks though :)
Anyone heard of Fisheye Placebo? Not only is it beautifully drawn, it has some great programming references as well.
7:09 PM
@Lokkij lol whut
(the programming references are after the intro)
yeah I'm at part 2 now xD
oh wait 3
part 6 now ...
@Ali.S Looks like you're really glad you asked! lol
@MickLH ha?
oh god they're still using windows 7 after the world goes totalitarian
that thing is gonna be the next XP
7:20 PM
lol @IcyDefiance by that logic isn't 95 is the OG XP
@Lokkij aaaannnnddd now I've read all of them
because of the people refusing to switch to 98, complaining that it's too heavy
and that MS is fucking up so royally lol, going the wrong direction or whatever
lol one of my professors was a COBOL programmer. he does a lot of work on mainframes, and it sounds like they're not even close to going away in many large corporations.
that guy gets paid like $100/hour mostly because no one likes programming in COBOL
I'd agree that I don't see big companies getting rid of crazy shit at the core
7:23 PM
There's also Knite by the same author. Same beautiful art (in my opinion much more beautiful, even), but completely different story (and without programming references D:).
I've worked on systems that use PHP and Perl to patch data through shell scripts that trigger C programs written in 16-bit style that have been adapted to C++ database libraries
They had absolutely no interest in replacing that duct tape furball
I figured out how it got SO bad too, they always try to hire the cheapest guy to get the job done... And they tell them do whatever it takes.
I recommend the movie Ex Machina
Then if they screw it up, they just keep upping the price and finding a new guy until it works
7:27 PM
@Almo I've been wanting to go see it. It's good?
yeah it's old-school hard sci-fi
nothing ridiculous in it.
mmm I miss that, I could actually watch star trek
the director/writer wrote the screenplay for Never Let Me Go, which was also awesome, though I think taken from a novel
@TheMuffinCoder xD
7:29 PM
@OMGtechy xD i found this random avocado in the candy aisle today
You took the picture?
yep :D
@TheMuffinCoder still don't know that "I" am an avocado
ahahaha nice XD
thx, now lets see how many likes i get on instagram :P
@MickLH D: i messed up grammar on a meme
will i be forsaken for the rest of my life now?!?!?!
7:30 PM
lol I just thought I'd warn you before you hit insta
thx thx
D: buts its already on facebook
deletes posts really quickly
it's too late to abort
@Almo Cool, I'll definitely go see it then.
damn dude you better structure your public image system to benefit from that @TheMuffinCoder
spin it as extra funny without it
7:32 PM
I meant that
ah i see :P
lol I'm being your spin doctor
lol i'll get attacked by the grammar nazis on instagram
@Lokkij good link. reading them now xD
got my son playing starbound
7:33 PM
@Pip how can I install / use the templates from Protobuild?
unstable version
man, that game changed, i have no idea what I am doing
i stopped playing at the end of beta, lol
(in VS)
I used to hang out with the creator of starbound when he worked on terraria
i hosted one of the most popular terraria server for about a year
ah nice
tiy is his name
7:35 PM
bingo was his name-o
i discovered that if you offset your hand to the right 1 on your keyboard, his named spells you
@MickLH thx again :D
@OMGtechy :D thx
:@TheMuffinCoder there you go
He used to be super cool with my terraria group, offering us alpha of starbound and stuff
7:36 PM
then, he got paranoid or something... stopped talking to us
@Jon your were in with the cool kids
the paranoid cool kids
@OMGtechy thx OMG, xD i copied the wrong link
I saw :P
> And you sure know how to make my stack overflow.
Not that I'm implying you're an anomaly or anything. Oh but you're still special.
But not bad special. You're good special.
@SpartanDonut xD it only gets better
7:37 PM
@Jon he's still pretty cool on /r/starbound, or he was last time I checked there
worth a star IMO
The panel is just full of win here starting with "This isn't even my final form!" and ending with that xD
Yeah, he got busy is my guess
Starbound is his baby now
plus everything he says now, is scrutinized
@OMGtechy oh god you're right lol!
at his level, you almost have no choice but to stop commenting on stuff
every word will be taken the wrong way
7:39 PM
@Jon which in itself will be analysed
hehe, aka. cubeworld.
ok, bbl
lmao it saids i has 0 views yet someone already commented on it xD
cuz logics bro
whoa it updated, now 23
post it everywheres
7:42 PM
@OMGtechy xD i wish
this is most viewed one :P 1,207 views
it had to be a muffin xD
there ya go again
it's good too
@OMGtechy lmao i dont even know how to use imgur
copy the image url instead
7:44 PM
@OMGtechy thx for the info :D tips fedora hat
I'm using fedora right now
@OMGtechy @Lokkij I'd like to watch this as an anime. I really like the premise
I'll have to bookmark it and keep coming back
Ooh that'd be fun
yeah I'd watch it
7:52 PM
The latest chapter is from May 2014 though, so I'm not sure whether it's still alive
Same with Knite
It's too bad really
Knite was supposed to have 8-10 chapters but it only has 4
Yeah I was just going to say... WHERE ARE MORE D:
Reading some comments on the last one
> Another thing you should keep in mind:
Yuumei is in the process of launching a new set of earphones known as Axent Wear with a team of people, some from Berkley, the place she graduated from. It's set for early release in April of 2015. For more information on this, go to https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/axent-wear-cat-ear-headphones. As you can see, she does have a lot of work on her plate. Though I thoroughly sympathize with you all regarding the late releases (I'm a big FP fan too :) I must say that I can see why she hasn't posted much at all lately.
Well at least she's not inactive, just busy
Made me optimistic enough to sub at least
And I've not heard of this site before so I'll probably do some exploring
8:01 PM
if you've not heard of that then wowz
@OMGtechy tapastic
8:13 PM
@Lokkij Let me know what you think once you've seen it. :)
I will :)
8:26 PM
@Almo helped wakka get into gold the other night... now he's too high to duo with xD
I'm B1 again
oh cool! (Him in gold I mean)
I need one more win for B2
Q: Javascript: Why am I getting an error with 'throw new Error'?

Agent ZebraJavascript newbie, please be nice :) Why am I getting the following error with this simple code below? (testing on node server). code/app2/i.js:35 throw new Error("here") ^ Error: here here's the code. function c () { b(); }; function b () { a(); }; function a (...

Hey now. Me being in B1 again is cool too :P
But yeah not being able to duo is a bit of a bummer lol
but i'm in Chile for a week, so I can't play till next week
sorry I did not grat you for B1, I should have IT'S A TOUGH FIGHT MOVING UP
with all the afks and morons and shit
@Almo facedesk
8:30 PM
@Almo I'm just giving you crap :)
Sure, but I still should have said something :)
Oh huh apparently Knite does have a 5th chapter but it wasn't in the description of CH4.
Okay i posted my meme on 9gag... i am now ready to face the full power of the internet
Oh dear
@Lokkij have i gone too far down?
8:43 PM
13 + !0; // 14
"13" + !0; // '13true'
javascript wtf
i was going to ask if that was js before u told us xD
@TheMuffinCoder wtf dude. 9gag? what is wrong with you?
@SpartanDonut @OMGtechy Oh apparently the author of those comics will be "back into full swing soon with new comic updates" (posted 5 days ago) :D
I've just started writing my first javascript program and all I have to say is wtf
@Lokkij :D
@IcyDefiance lol i went 9gag for the first time 2 days ago
8:44 PM
@OMGtechy Coffeescript or LiveScript man.
@Lokkij I think I saw that on her tumblr or somethign yeah :D
9gag didnt seem that bad
@Lokkij I agree, I want to write some JavaScript though just cus :P
bettter than 4chan for sure
@OMGtechy Do the change, switch to TypeScript! :D
Being better than 4chan isn't all that hard
8:45 PM
@TheMuffinCoder their admins steal content from reddit, post it straight to the front page, and ban anyone who mentions it
aha I'm only doing it for employability so knowing JavaScript is better for me :D I might use it later though
up to you whether you care about it or not
also using visual studio code for the first time
gotta say ... nice
@OMGtechy use typescript! remember all js is valid typescript :D
@IcyDefiance lol i dont go to reddit
@OMGtechy LiveScript is like a crossover between JS and Haskell. It's nice.
8:46 PM
Anybody else feel like weighing in on reconsidering modding as being on-topic here? meta.gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/1946/…
Well I'll take a look at all the *Scripts later :D
@TheMuffinCoder sure, but aside from the dishonesty, they're taking what is often original content from other people and plastering their watermark over it
> There isn't much to disagree with in that answer but I disagree with it regardless
@IcyDefiance lol i didnt know about this
All i seen have been dank memes mocking 9gag
and that agar.io game that had that skin
there was more too, some stuff in a legal grey area, but I don't remember enough details
some dude did a bunch of research and made a big post that hit the front page of reddit a year or two ago
basically 9gag owners and employees are scum
8:48 PM
ooo i got 6 points from my meme on 9gag
not as much as the one on imgur (1,207 views :P)
given, at this point, the reddit ceo and many of their employees are scum too, though for different reasons
@IcyDefiance xD isnt everyone on the internet somewhat a of scum too?
To me, 9gag is like reddit except it doesn't have the good specialized communities and the people there are way stupider
@Lokkij :P i find it easier to find memes overall
reddit... i have to click on the links
9gag, just keep scrolling :D
@TheMuffinCoder nah. I'm on Voat now and its creator is pretty cool. it's not popular enough yet, though, so stupidly motivated people like neo-nazis don't get downvoted fast enough and are a bit too noisy there.
8chan might be cool. haven't spent enough time there to say for sure.
8:51 PM
@IcyDefiance lmao i never heard of Voat till u mentioned rn
@IcyDefiance oh i regret going to 8chan shudders
@JoshPetrie Has the point that Counter-Strike started as a mod, and is still to this day a commercially successful game, been covered?
ooo voat.co they need a muffin section :P
Or Dota?
Voat is growing by a few thousand accounts per week, but reddit has like 170m unique views per month. hardly any comparison yet.
I mean I feel it's almost insane to differentiate between real modding and development.
Real modding is simply developing the game further
(As opposed to fake modding: cheating)
8:54 PM
@JoshPetrie Thanks for bringing this up - saw it on my phone when I was out and about and forgot about it. I think you and Tetrad covered it well and I agree with you guys.
@MickLH No.
I am considerably less motivated after reading the meta thread :/
"does it harm this site?" - I do agree that is the important question
it's also true that modders hardly get any help here. I wouldn't blame anyone for making Mods.SE
I feel like modding got really lame after Halo 2
lmao i always wonder how people find the info to make mods
8:58 PM
but as it stands, I don't think it really hurts this site. I can't see a reason to declare it off-topic.
> But of the 100 or so modding questions we have, approximately 80% have at least one answer.
I'd look for upvoted or accepted answers, not just answers
I'm judging just by what I see, though, not any stats. Could be wrong.
@IcyDefiance I didn't really care.
I mean, many of those answers could be outright crap.
Or the question should be mis-tagged.

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