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11:06 PM
who was the guy who was going to preorder the new battlefront?
was that Mutch?
No idea, why?
Forbes got an opinion piece agreeing with me, You'd Have To Be Crazy To Pre-Order 'Star Wars: Battlefront' forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2015/04/18/…
Am gonna preorder it :P
ah yeah it was you. bad muffin.
Wait why?
Can i be a good muffin :P
11:09 PM
preordering encourages studios to ship incomplete and/or completely broken games
no one should preorder anything
AC: Unity and the Master Chief Collection both happened because preordering is so popular
lol I have AC Unity (XBone) too
Never played tho :P
Wait I dont mind if they ship a broken game
They'll just update it later on
lol MCC hasn't been fixed yet as far as I know
it's been like a year
xD but I wouldn't mind a broken game its okay :P its still playable
MCC wasn't playable at all on release. I think single player works now but multiplayer still doesn't at all.
holy shit yasuo is tricky to play
11:12 PM
@IcyDefiance if there's any decent pre-order bonuses and the big review sites right before the release date says it's awesome, might be keen. otherwise, meh just wait to see what the masses say
just won a bot game, just me and 4 bots vs 5 bot
It can go either way. Personally I don't see an issue with preordering; especially more niche titles
but I did terribly anyway
@Chris the review sites only get to test multiplayer on some in-house testing servers. they don't get to see the servers under load. so if the game has any multiplayer then it's still not reliable.
also, both Ubisoft and EA have been known to flat out deceive reviewers, or even refuse to let reviewers touch the game until after release, because they know it's broken
Review embargos are a bigger problem than making a reviewer wait until release to play
11:15 PM
IIRC Total Biscuit only got to play the intro of the new Wolfenstein before release, and he really didn't like it. That one was actually awesome on release though so I have no clue what that was about.
once he got to play the full thing he praised it quite a bit
yeah forbidding reviews before release is bad news
Forbidding negative reviews is the worst of all.
Choosing my classes for next year, too much?
nope looks good
11:19 PM
lol i picked AP Bio twice, got to switch that
basically the whole concept of preordering lets AAA companies make millions by just showing people a really cool trailer, and the actual game is a waste of money for them to put effort into
Max credits generally recommended in college is about 18
@TheMuffinCoder no maths?
@OMGtechy Ap Calculus?
Oh I just saw the elective bit blank
11:20 PM
@SpartanDonut wait am in highschool rn, the max credits for my year is 45
Tbh it's a totally personal thing anyway
Music was one of the best things I took
Yeah I knew you were young and wasn't sure how that would translate to what you were doing. :D
lol in college, if you can take more than 18 credits without going insane, you're mildly superhuman
@IcyDefiance and it works, sadly
it worked*
people are very gradually catching on
11:21 PM
Watching someone play a game on Twitch is what usually sells me these days
I just hope the movement against preorders doesn't plateau before stopping the practice
Sometimes that results in a preorder if the game is in beta
it all depends eh, lots of variables
Enough cynicalism, why WOULDN'T they show an awesome trailer? Why shouldn't I get excited about things? And if they're making something I think I'd like, why shouldn't I preorder it? It's disposable income; I won't die if it doesn't live up to what I hoped.
I honestly don't think preorders are the main problem
Preorders just allow the companies to make money by doing bad things
11:22 PM
I personally like to get excited about things and enjoy life
if a game lets a bunch of people play the beta version before release, that's totally different. the beta basically is the release, even if it's limited to a few thousand people.
If companies weren't doing bad things preorders would be just dandy
@SpartanDonut what about kickstarter
that's essentially preordering
Kickstarter is an investment - there is major risk involved no matter how you cut it
@OMGtechy the first 2 questions have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm saying, so I won't dignify them with a response. the 3rd question, well, I care about the quality of games and would like them to improve instead of just getting an endless stream of broken shit.
11:24 PM
@IcyDefiance well then don't order the next one.
@OMGtechy for sure, and I mean if you get burned from a bad pre-order then I imagine you would be hesitant for pre-ordering from that publisher or developer again. but yeah, getting hyped is fun, long as the hype lives up to the delivery. Up to the consumer at the end of the day, nobody's forcing anyone to pre-order
It's all too serious
I've never preordered a game in my life, and don't plan to
pre-ordering Star Fox 64 was my biggest hype ever
11:25 PM
13-year-old me could not sleep the night before
@SpartanDonut indeed
@Chris do a barrel roll
and then I was horribly disappointed in the morning when the retailer said their shipment was coming one day after, lol
haha oh no!
Honestly I think better refund / return policies on digital games and open retail games would solve this preorder problem
probably, yeah
@SpartanDonut yeah
11:26 PM
I pre-ordered Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round recently, just because costumes, admittedly took a gamble for not knowing how the game would run on the PC. but it all turned out fine, no qualms
yeah imo I wish Steam had a refund thing like the Google store, like a 1 or 2-hour refund window
Speaking of which, I did manage to get refund on a game I preordered once and it was shit
Stronghold 3
Via steam IIRC
Lack of accountability is really the problem
I'd rather have a customer get their money back then feel bad about their purchase
@Chris well luckily tallowmere is awesome :D
seriously though
recent review, thumbs down
0.3 hours played
"needs controller............"
it's like, whelp
11:30 PM
Users man
oh, yeah, yesterday my opinion of controllers was improved just slightly
super meat boy's condescending messages toward keyboard users convinced me to try using a controller to play it
GOG offers a refund thing, "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. 30 days coverage after purchase.", which is pretty awesome of them
and I actually performed better than with a keyboard XD
11:31 PM
I actually like MKX better with a controller than a fight stick. I dare not try a keyboard
I can't see myself ever buying a stick
I suppose you have easier access to all the buttons?
cuz you've got whole hand instead of just a thumb and trigger?
For me it's more about the joystick precision
I'm significantly less sloppy
11:33 PM
whole hand to move the stick instead of your thumb then?
kinda like a mouse in comparison? like first-person shooters, mouse precision aiming vs thumbstick aiming
That and the gates (above)
ah, so it clicks/locks in without straying
very nicely so
cool. didn't know!
Mine came with a square gate and I bought one of the above and swapped it out. I personally like it better but you have purists on either side
11:35 PM
Some say certain games (or even characters) call for certain kinds of gates
that's like, nerd level 11 :D
The "problem" with the Mortal Kombat is that it has a dedicated block button as opposed to simply moving the joystick away / back from the opponent. I found my hands didn't want to be that coordinated
Going back to a controller for that was much more intuitive
For me
I struggle a bit with blocking in DOA
I got MK for the PS3 a couple years ago
Yeah I'm not great at blcoking in MK yet either xD
11:40 PM
just spam attacks like a pro
11:55 PM
apparently finnish has a lot of rolled Rs, and the condition of not being able to roll your Rs is called "ärrävika"...which has a rolled R in it. just like "lisp" in english can't be pronounced by people who have one. I am now convinced this is completely intentional.
I suffer the rolled r problem. This is why I took french instead of spanish in high school
I suffer the problem of shit memory and no motivation to study. That's why I almost failed Spanish class. XD

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