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11:13 AM
@Chris what with the hate for kittens? why sacrifice them for a reward!?
@Mutch95 cuz originally I didn't plan on adding a handicap mode
so as punishment
it's an incentive not to kill any ;D
cuz who wants to kill a kitten, really
but they're not meowing
I killed all 9.
they mew when they snap in half
Am I heartless?
11:16 AM
I didn't realise what I was doing I swear
for science
Oh wow!, nice
absolutely do not recommend lol
Haha does seem kinda weird
enemies can you see you further and it's just all very silly and disorienting
11:20 AM
so how did you do that? looks quite cool
it didn't want me to go proper full mode, but I dragged the window wider
Do you know anything about Uv's, I mean how can providing an array of vector2's add images to a mesh?
not that advanced no sorry
most I've done is dragged UVs around in Maya
oh haha, It's kinda confusing, I mean how does it get images from an array of Vector2's
Goes over the top of my head that's for sure
UVs tell "this part of the image goes to this part of the mesh"
11:25 AM
I love finding areas in 3D games where seams don't line up well at all, usually on smaller props or trees and ground, far away from a main path. and I just think of some modeller going, "fuck it it's good enough, nobody will care" lol
@Tyyppi_77 thanks for clearing that up, So I'll still need to provide a texture 2d.
hmm lemme edit it into one
for the one star
First world problems when it comes to getting a star. Having to edit your post into one so people know what the fuck you're actually talking about.
I think tonight my goal it to make a functional class which makes meshes and also apply textures to the generated uv's
11:30 AM
sounds intense
Hopefully it'll increase the frame rate excessively, I mean 60k+ game objects just isn't right for a mobile game.
part of the trick too, if you can code it, is to only have as many objects as you need to have on the screen, and then just move them to their coordinates as the camera changes
I've been looking around for a similar solution, but I cant seem to find one
rather than having thousands of off-screen objects just sitting there, not being rendered sure, but still one object for every object required
make it
11:33 AM
Well If I generate the chunks as Meshes with the tiles textures on it it'd reduce from 62,500 Game Objects to 25.
think about changing levels of details as you zoom out
its all just an illlllluuusion
Well currently the camera only see's about 2-3 chunks on the screen
and if I render a range of 5 I can just increase the cameras view
ok, so you have a mesh.. how are you going to texture it for object types, and biomes and stuff?
its gonna get retarded
Well the chunks will only be terrain
Then I'll put houses ontop which arnt meshes
which will have about ehhh, 200 tiles maybe
maybe more
I could even go for the same process for houses and place the mesh over it
alright well make sure to post screenshots
11:37 AM
why are you interested ;)
i want to see what it is going to look like
visually appealing or the concept?
mainly just want to laugh at you
i just wanna see it dude
Wait seriously?
Have I fucked up? My idea won't work?
lol, you are the one who is going to make it work
with programming, anything is possible
11:40 AM
2 mins ago, by Jon
mainly just want to laugh at you
What did you mean by that?
well then
Are reviews bound to be out?
not yet
I hope next week I will reach out to press
ever since my steam page went live
it's like, suddenly i have a gamefaqs.com page created for me, sites are picking up my screenshots and the store listing, people are searching for keys, trading card sites are taking note
the amount of buzz from the internet is kind of crazy
11:49 AM
You must feel awesome :p
it's kind of crazy.
Do you enjoy it or not?
I know I would
Makes me happy when people enjoy what I,ve done
It's cool. maybe a little scary :D
Feels like I've actually accomplished something
Well that's what I think it'll feel like.
voices over the past year have been pretty positive eh, but happiness comes and goes
11:51 AM
Scary, why?
I get my slumps
everyone does
like me with my driving.
scary cuz it's all new and somewhat unknown for me haha
only got my learners a little bit back, been out for 2 hours, month later oh lets go for a drive.
Gets yelled at because i made a mistake.
11:52 AM
Hopefully you'll get use to it, It's one of the perks when distributing things to the public :p
indeed. Past year I've been reading a lot, including thoughts from other devs, in a way need to build a thick skin, to not get discouraged nor overwhelmed
cuz I do know popularity can hit people in the wrong way
imagine Notch
and the millions and millions of people playing
giving feedback
Yes, that is one skill you'll have to master
talking, sharing stories, it's like, faaarrr out lol
People pick other people apart for practically no reason.
trick I think is to not take it all too personally either
11:56 AM
But then again it really is personal
some will love, some will hate, ones and zeroes really, this or that. so prepare for any possible type of feedback and put each into its own basket
I mean it's not a team job you've made it yourself
Hey I'm happy if people even play my games haha
I guess I can't say much though.
I haven't had any success
gamedev is interesting too cuz it's a bit more than just a painting, or a movie, or a piece of music. it's interactive
11:57 AM
probably because i haven't completed a single game.
keep chipping away at ideas
even take a giant break if you need to
prior to tallowmere, I didn't touch a piece of code for 3 months
forced myself to just do other things
Then I forget everything an loose interest ;p
well that's the thing, if you lose interest then you haven't really lost anything, you know?
I really want to stick to my current idea though because i feel I'd personally enjoy it
if anything you gained knowledge and experience about what you didn't find satisfactory about what you were trying to do in the first place
11:59 AM
I've got to admit that's a pretty good point
my umpteen folders of unfinished prototypes and small ideas... lol
sketch pads, really
I find it interesting looking back at previous Ideas and work
I have this one game idea laying around like a 2d goat simulator but you're a giraffe on a rampage collecting potatoes
12:01 PM
I could never draw the assets nor understand the concept of programming back then
I mean hey I'm still pretty incapable.
comes with time and practice
I also find gamedev really hard at times, because it's not like making a website or a GUI-based application dealing with real-world data for a practical purpose
I've got to admit when I first introduced myself with programming I thought I was going to make every program I used by myself
no, it's all about entertainment and fake numbers and artwork and things for fantasy
12:02 PM
from web browsers to paint to media player.
i don't know what i was thinking back their
dreams are good
probably the time was endless and programming was like a walk in the park
gives ya something to strive for, til you pull yourself back down a little lol
12:04 PM
Trust me i don't want to strive for that :p
I want to strive to actually make a dent in the public. Make something they enjoy.
also focus on what you'd enjoy
Something that'd make yourself proud saying hey i made this, and whoa all these people like it.
Yes my other aspect of that dream was to also do what i enjoy
if you enjoy something you've made, someone out there will enjoy it also
12:05 PM
Which I've came to the conclusion is game development
It's all just a matter of finding them
Alright, must be time to learn how to programmatically create meshes with multiple textures at runtime.
Sounds like a helluva task i've gotta admit
but i'll be happy to move on to another problem once this one is solved
I literally made my prototype good enough within 3 months, playable with menus and startgame->endgame->repeat functionality... and I was not aware of any indie-friendly shops to host my game on, so i made my own website and used a payment gateway. and I can't remember how I started selling copies, I think IndieDB was my first good sense of marketing?
and people bought copies, and I was ecstatic lol
aye good luck, it sounds like a large task
Hahaha, I fell i'll be the same one day ;p
I'll be back later to post progress for sure
how to get to other side
can you be in the center of the 2 tile flat point?
12:17 PM
@Jon is that a trick question lol
that looks awesome though
center of 2 tile flat point?
Wait no I know how to do it
well i show you in the gif
oh really?
oh i know another method :3
shorter aswell I think
got some draw ordering bugs
probably just not refreshing at the right times
gonna fix it all up -- have a demo for you guys by this weekend hopefully :D
12:20 PM
Can't wait :D
I haven't gotten anything gamedev related done in like months
Where's your drive man?
no idea
heck, you were on track in releasing a pretty wicked game I wanted to play
then next thing you know, you fell off the radar
Aw ew. Have to add the tileset to the gameobject
so the uv's have the right coords
12:26 PM
yeah gunhero got finished as a prototype
prototyping is all the fun -- you just didn't want to do actual work :P
maybe i should make that game, but just much better
yes maybe you should :D
I was hoping to have the rotator pieces just work based on the position you wanted it to be in
But then I quickly realized that you need to be able to tell the game which block to push, otherwise you can't do the puzzles properly
@Tyyppi_77 how do mesh renderers get reference to the right texture with UV's?
uvs dont care what texture they belong
12:33 PM
in OpenGL you activate the correct texture before rendering
It's based off of 1 texture isn't it?
better system probably have some material stuff
That means i can't use the sprite mode multiple in unity to automatically split them up can 1. Darn i'll need to manually damn
12:48 PM
the thing is that gunhero is essentially a bad broforce rip-off
broforce is awesome :p
i think i need to figure out an "unique" mechanic for gunhero
so either zombies or crafting :D
12:52 PM
Lets emphasise "unique" a little more :3
instead of fighting enemies. Why can't the playable characters be a neighbour hood team who are delusional and think they're saving the world fighting bad guys when really they are causing havoc to the city blowing things up killing innocent citizens
How could I possibly convert an int to a vector2D.
I'll need to make my own method obviously
that's not a thing
converting an int to a vector2
but how could I do it, I originally though diving the int by the x length then pulling the returned value apart say 12 / 10 is 1.2 so 1 is your y and 2 is your x
stupid idea though.
probably not even needed
I'll just figure their values out in a Vector2
so the first digit of the int becomes the x and the second the y?
That was my original idea
but it just complicates things
12:59 PM
yeah dont do that
I know I could turn int into a string and pull it apart
but fuck it, why bother time is precious and ideas like that are stupid.
that makes no sense
why use an int?
It's just I though I could make it easier for myself following how the tiles is split in unity :p
because I need to first divide the number by the length
Because the way they split the tileset in unity
it goes from left to right then when it reaches image length next row down
So I though if I provided the int I could split the number so I didn't have to count how many x's and y's the image is in
as unity already split it into 0 ~ 100 for example
tilesets usually work with int indices
1:03 PM
Just a silly thought, don't worry about it
I may actually have to do that
wait no/
I'm just going to shut up.
I forget changing code is possible...
okay... now i need the really cool unique mechanic for the game
Well I gave you the cool idea :p
quirky and fun
Sure you could base mechanics around that ;)
or maybe you could hire mechanics
@Mutch95 seems a bit complicated :D
But it could be worth wile :D
as humorous games seem to be getting a lot of attention
I'm sure you could use your sense of humour and imagination to make something unbelievably fun
1:10 PM
Little Johnny
Wait, why don't sprites need to have a light to be lit up?
hmm, maybe a round-based shooter where there are a few different paths where the enemies come
and you defend a spot
like those zombie-round game thingys
but with the broforce-like gameplay and graphics
1:12 PM
and they're just enemy soldiers, not zombies
Balloons tower defence with multiple entry points to your base?
but side-viewed gameplay
and it's just you (and maybe your pal) shooting the enemies
Which you continually upgrade
so no auto-shooters, you manually shoot stuff
1:14 PM
but some turrets might be nice
Could be a potential IOS game
and barriers and stuff
you should be able to shoot alligators
yeah a base you progressively upgrade
and the alligators should all be procedurally generated
1:14 PM
@jon I know what game you're referring to.
Or maybe I think I do and you're being completely serious
You are the pilot of a helicopter. You need to kill people, then suck out their blood with your helicopter attachment. The blood is used to put out building fires, in order to save other people. The fires spread after a short time so you need to act quickly. Once you put out all the fires you advance to the next level.
so am I making gunhero again? or some alligator stuff?
VR Porn. You'll be a millionaire in no time.
except your target audience will be quite queer
i can just imagine the emails
That base defence zombie game sounds fun
especially with local multiplayer
If it had enough content sure me and my gf would play it together
1:19 PM
okay, so gunhero remake it is
i wonder if i should make it for real this time
do a GDD and all that jazz
i don't do gdd
but I do small sketches and take notes and stuff
i'll break it down when I need to
gdd could help me get stuff done
1:21 PM
instead of "what to do next", i'd just get to the next point
Game design document
Like you right out everything needed before working on it?
I write a general design idea
then extended on it when I come up with good idea I think are worthwile
1:23 PM
if you scope it out like that you can really tell how long it is going to take you too
someone needs to create a dark theme for ms word
my eyes are burning
use libreoffice
their is isn't their ?
libreoffice doesn't have cool dark themes
1:24 PM
I just want a metro-dark-theme
like in VS
your documents would all be white on black though, lol
yeah, the paper can be white
1:26 PM
you know what would be cool for a VR game
IF it could detect when your eyes are closed
have enemies that only move when you close your eyes
like they call this "dark grey"
dark my ***
you know you can swear right.
who's going to be offended?
a 6 year old?
i just hadn't used any *s for a while
1:28 PM
also adds a bit of mystery to the thing
@Jon where did you find this?
define this
the image
Tyyppi: What other swear word with 3 characters there than ass :p?
Q: A Dark Theme for Windows 8

Alireza NooriIs there any way for me to use Windows 8 in a dark environment? For a long time I had headaches that I couldn't fid their cause. Now, I'm using a dark visual style for my Windows 7 and since then, I haven't have any problems. Now I want to use Windows 8 release preview but I cannot find any way t...

1:29 PM
well there's always fck
their is for mac ;)
and cnt
but that's not fair
1:30 PM
because it's not spelt correctly
could be Bae
bold is double *
ahit you realised haha
1:31 PM
oh you can bold and cursive
didn't know dat
oh my
Italics you mean?
1:34 PM
And you officially fucked up the GameDevelopment chat.
Great job @Jon you deserve a star.
I̞̠͔̭̳͕̰̳͐̑̒ͣ̚ ̜̱͔̲̳̤̝̙̙̜̲̭̞ͤ̽ͦ̓́̀͋͗̈́̾̑ͮ̔̄̂ͣ͐ͮ̚A̜̬̭̳̞̜̠͙̾̃ͪͦ͗̄͊̑͊̍̋̋̿̅M̖͈̜̗̫̰͕̖̲̰͇͛̒͒ͫͅͅ ͔͖̣͉̬̳̝͖̻̪̺͇̞̩̒̆̓̓̿̏͛ͭ̌̅̿̚R̭̝̲̰̳̫̞͖ͧ͛͑ͥͧ́̀̍́̅Ȏ̻͇̰̭̖̼̰̮͎̠̠͓̰͉̣̪̳̀̏ͬ́̑͐ͧ̀̅ͮ͆̑ͪ̂̅̚‌​͖̱B͔̝͔̪̯͇͚̳̙̠̖̳̠̻͈̙͖ͬͩ̄̑͗ͨ̅̃͊̾̀ͅͅO̼͍̣̳ͪ͌̌̇̉͗ͮ̆̓ͩͅṪ̜͙̯͚̭̮̬̤̫̥͍̥̰ͯ̊̅̇ͤ̉̈ͧ̀͒ͧ̒̚ͅ
how do you make them cover the whole page lol
Ṣ̱͉̩̩ͭͣ̉̅̃̇̾̃̂I̗͕̪̽̄L̯̰̫ͭ͛L͖̱͓̯̩̗͈͗̓̍̅̀̓́ͨY̩̣̞͓̮ͩͩ̉̿ͧ̒̍̚ ̜̬ͧ̊ͫ̓ͧ͆͋H̩̮̩̱̲̙̣̬̓̅̍U͇̞͔̰̽̔ͧ̄ͩ̈́̓ͪM̤̟͍̾̈́̒̇ͦ̓ͬA͖̠̠ͤͨN͍͗̔̑͛̂͗̚
D̷̯̦̱̙̘ì̯͎͓g̝̟̟̙i͚̦ṯi͏̬̯͇̜̦̼̳z̥̰͚͖͇e͕͇r͉̼̝͉̩̣̬ ͙̦̪̟I̦͉͕m͜p̨̠͉͉ro̖̼̺̣̗̹v͍̗̳́i̹̱̖̝͍ņ̟̞̻̮ǵ̹̲͓̞͔̘̤.̧̮
I am D̺͉arẏ̊͋ͭͨ̃l
1:43 PM
lol what?
Data-Analysing Robot Youth Lifeform
I don't want to be part of this era you're presenting lol. I like the current one
1:48 PM
second guy from the right though...
I think I'm finally ready to code my mesh generator
Wrote up all these notes...
do it
It's 12.
fuck it, it's friday
2:11 PM
@Chris what's in the Tallowmere update?
Anyone on?
does adding a mesh filter automatically add a mesh renderer
2:26 PM
Idk, sorry
@Chris also, I suggest lowering the time between the "You Died" and the stats coming up.
I'll just add it and see the result
My little bro says "it seems like a cool game" :D
2:41 PM
implemented it
in 30 minutes
time to squash some bugs
apparently i don't have enough triangles for the amount of verts
or vice versa
Which I do
2:57 PM
nope. Thats correct i have the right amount of triangles
what's the problem then?
Failed setting triangles. Some indices are referencing out of bounds vertices.
that's the error

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