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1:00 PM
@Tyyppi_77 get the hit position, instantiate a sprite, make it slightly transparent, rotate it randomly, change the scale slightly to stretch for some variation
@Joe you can't switch on non-const cases in C#
basically in each case whatever:, the `whatever has to be compile-time constant
@Joe I have a Material, and a bunch of declared Materials, and I want to compare the material to see which material it is, but C# is saying it has to be an int, string, enum, or something basic
you can cheat it I think... switch(true){ case (newCondition >999):
dont know if youd want to, or if that helps
meh I'll just if it
We were talking about this blood right?
1:03 PM
@Chris So ... Dictionary<Material, MaterialType>?
the blood against the solid ground blocks are heavily skewed/scaled
if anything I think I change the rotation on them
How do you make sure that it doesn't render the blood sprite on the wall?
@MartinSojka that'd be a good way actually, store the key and what to do
@Tyyppi_77 I don't. there's always a wall, plus it's heavily shadowed, so I can get away without having to mask or clip any calculations
so it's always partially overlapping the block onto the wall, but it looks fine -- is part of my art direction I chose, bit of an easy solution
As a recovering C addict in the C++ phase, it's a little painful to invoke a hash table lookup when the type ID could be jammed into the Material struct and recovered with a single dereference
1:08 PM
if I had a scene like your outdoor stuff, I'd probably choose a few pre-made sprites that are cut off, and choose them to fit
hmmm have to do android debugger attaching over the network... doesnt work via usb or bluetooth
Oh right the shadow borders between the ground blocks and the back wall hidens the overlap I suppose
@Joe wtf lol, I had to use USB and the other options didn't work :P
@Joe you could try using the ADB Log thing and just see?
Yeah I can't really do that in GunHero
1:09 PM
@MickLH i can use unity remote on USB
But thanks for telling me how you did it!
but I cant get the damn usb working for on device app build
Okay G-gaps won't show atleast for now. SDL_TTF is stretching the font so the gap is disappearing
@Tyyppi_77 You can scissor your blood rendering to get the same clipping effect
That'd probably be quite tricky to implement
1:10 PM
@MickLH That would be my preferred solution if I can change Material. I might not though - it might be a third-party library, for example. A dictionary lookup is the "safe" (if slower) variant.
@MartinSojka Oh I saw the validity in your reasoning, I'm not calling anyone out except myself :P
@Tyyppi_77 Are you using SDL rendering functions, or OpenGL
Then I have no idea, but in OpenGL it's literally as simple as:
glScissor(x, y, w, h);
// render stuff here
So I'd expect SDL to expose similar functionality
Is the area the area where it is allowed to render, or the area where it is not allowed to render?
1:13 PM
Where it is allowed
Ah, okay
Well that sounds quite simple then actually
It's usually hardware accelerated too
I gotta write this down for when I actually try to implement the ground blood
1:15 PM
np, good luck lol
@Chris lol that log thing is going nuts
filter it with Unity
tag:Unity I think?
and that will display debug.log messages?
I think so, unless it's reported as your app name or something, pretty sure it will though
that was way easier than what i was trying to do *Thank you (was the purpose of this message)
1:30 PM
all good
this CSharpatron is crazy. as I toggle the C# scripts it created to become active (meaning it hides away the UntyScript file and enables the C# file in its place), if there are dependencies of files that I haven't toggled live yet, it creates a dummy copy of the dependent script it needs, just a barebones class of the same name with empty methods and empty vars, just so the compiler doesn't cry, meaning I can carry on to test the next file, it's great
1:45 PM
sounds awesome what did that cost you
$45 USD
really? thats cheap if it works well
so far so good, not done yet though (so will reserve final judgement til it's all converted and done lol)
yeah, has like twenty 5-star ratings
people saying it trumps all others they've tried
think I wasted one week last year trying to convert this over
idk call me crazy, theres something cool about porting... seems like an interesting way to learn a new language
and just to have all my prefabs remain intact, it's some sort of crazy wizardry, much impressed
1:51 PM
are you planning on segmenting this into steps
or just making a change over all at once
I honestly learned a lot about C# through the chat in here hahaha
or at least seeing it and being exposed to it, warmed up to it ;)
i never touched C# before this chat
killall -9 FL.exe :(
1:52 PM
Well, before I started having to enable these dummy classes, it had moved over my non-dependent classes all fine, prefabs intact, game ran
@Chris actually i was writing js in unity for about 4 months before i saw your first message about compile times and I switched that day
so atm I'm in non-testing mode, assuming it'll all work while I convert some 400-odd files remaining
@Joe hah, good on ya.
uh oh @MickLH has finally lost it, what happened
$ killall -9 FL.exe happened
You write something amazing, FL studio crashes, you lose all your work. Just another 10 minutes in the life of a musician.
some things are so amazing, the world doesnt deserve them? (he said realizing this was the most emo thing ever written)
1:57 PM
*Every time I try to make a silly little song
My efforts are all wasted 'cause machinery goes wrong*
@Chris C# is great
Hi! Good day, you guys familiar with bezier curve??
But don't ask to ask, please. (Just ask your question instead)
Lol, do you mind?
Nope :P
2:04 PM
No, but it saves time =p
But others may
Plus, people sometimes read but don't say anything. However if your question is interesting they'll respond (source: I've done this many times)
^ (I only responded because the timing of everything was really lucky)
Also there's a log so someone can come in in a bit and see the question and answer it, while otherwise you'd be stuck at asking to ask
2:06 PM
Oh.. I got shy, haha nevermind
@jane Bezier curves are linear interpolations between linear interpolations. What do you want to know? I'll have to take a 5 minute break in about 20 seconds
@Pip Great won't cut it. It's excellent!
@jane do ask! Bezier curves are cool
Hey guys is windows 10 really this bad?
Everyone seems to be having so many problems
2:07 PM
Jul 18 at 13:15, by Kevin van der Velden
user image
wait, I'm reading that Microsoft bought Pando Networks in 2013: techtimes.com/articles/39960/20150316/…
@TheMuffinCoder it's the first day of a new operating system, wait another month
@jane bezier curve image :D
@KevinvanderVelden yea i was planning on doing that :P i like windows 8.1
I do have the preview on a older computer and had no problems other than no audio worked
I'm just really having a hard time on how I would calculate it on my code :P I'm very stupid when it comes to math.
We've coincidentally talked about this a few months ago so I'm just gonna quote myself:
Jul 18 at 13:21, by Kevin van der Velden
Curve3( p0, p1, p2, p3, t ) = lerp( Curve2( p0, p1, p2, t ), Curve2( p1, p2, p3, t ), t )
Curve2( p0, p1, p2, t ) = lerp( Curve1( p0, p1, t ), Curve1( p1, p2, t ), t )
Curve1( p0, p1, t ) = lerp( p0, p1, t )
2:09 PM
Lol yeah the lerp pyramid is gonna be the lightest load on your math brain
What is lerp pyramid??
@jane not a specific term
Haha, see stupid questions lol
Lerp is a linear interpolation (from point A at t=0 to point B at t=1)
@KevinvanderVelden :)
2:10 PM
And a pyramid cause, well, it's a pyramid shape kind of :D
Everyone!!! Gangplank is dead in league
		lerp( a, b, t ),
		lerp( b, c, t ),
		lerp( b, c, t ),
		lerp( c, d, t ),
BTW I never got the solving for y working
Lol it's kindof a trip.... I want to post what makes it clear to me, but I bet it will confuse the situation worse
Alright, so if I have p1 and p2 as a line segment... how would I be able to calculate the tangent? I have searched some answer... but really, my brain is not getting anything at all.
2:13 PM
@jane You want the derivative of your bezier curve?
I'm interpreting "tangent" as the tangent line at a given point on the curve
Yeah, exactly!
So it's called derivative?? Is that the term I'm looking for? Lol
@jane Well that's a big part of it, you actually want the first order taylor series
@jane I applaud you for trying to figure it out. I don't like math either
2:15 PM
@Joe I just like the gif I posted because I was looking at making bezier curves and couldn't wrap my head around it... and then I saw that gif on wikipedia and it clicked
@jane Which is just y0 + (x - x0) * Derivative
@Joe Also I will watch this in a bit
this whole talk is amazing
@jane [x0, y0] would be the point you want the tangent line to cross the bezier curve
this gave me a grasp on alot of concepts i i hadnt considered before
2:17 PM
I will download it and watch it on my way to work tomorrow hehe thanks @Joe
I think i actually got it from a post here maybe a year ago.. i dont remember who linked it
That exact link isn't found in the search, just claim it for yourself
What is that equation for?
@jane The equation I listed is your tangent line, in y = m * x + b format
Which one? (if you hover over a message there's an arrow on the right side of it which you can click to reply to a specific one)
2:21 PM
@MickLH so that equation is derived from y = m * x + b?
It is y=mx+b, where b = y0, and m = Derivative
It's shifted on the x-axis also, to be centered on your point
@Chris thanks! :)
I'm not sure how to explain this without resorting to calculus
m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) For linear curves
You're fundamentally asking for a calculus operation
2:24 PM
Damnit now I want to write a raymarcher or something
@KevinvanderVelden Prototype my "Shadow Map Bending" idea :P
It uses ray marching to re-project shadow maps for small movements of the light source
Maybe, I'll need more info =p
Am I giving you a hard time? @MickLH sorry XD
@jane No it's all good :) I am just trying to not blast you with math since you asked specifically for not that :P
Though... hmmm, I could create a prototype that dynamically shoots rays and updates the texture in idle time
2:26 PM
@KevinvanderVelden If you actually want to work on it with me, I can get my ass in gear and get a first draft of a whitepaper finished up
Sure, don't know how much time I'll have
Given that I have about 50 bazillion projects I want to work on =p
lol I understand... all too well
@MickLH the equations you gave to me are hints to my treasure.. haha, thanks for the effort!! I'm just gonna dig deeper in internet
@jane I'm sorry I must do this, but I need to break the stagnation in our conversation.
d/dx lerp(f(t), g(t), t) = t*g'(t)+(1−t)*f'(t)+g(t)−f(t)
So, @jane, how far into that do you get before calling "fuck it" ?
2:30 PM
So this is calculus?
Yeah that's the analytic derivative of your function in closed form. (Aka, after the game has been won)
I like art, and my brain considered that as abstract. Haha
What is that lerp?
Linear interpolate
If I have to derive a formula from that equation....
lerp(a, b, t) has t as a percentage (from 0 to 1)
lerp(a, b, 0) = a
lerp(a, b, 1/2) = (a + b) / 2
lerp(a, b, 1) = b
2:33 PM
So a is the starting point and b is the end point?
And that one in the middle is....
Please be very specific, which one in the middle?
ah, that's just to show you, that if you give it 1/2, it calculates the middle for you
2:35 PM
That with 1/2 at lerp
And if you give it 1/4th, it gives you the point 1/4th away from a, 3/4ths away from b
So why do i need the middle point?
What middle point? In your bezier curve?
Ahh... yeah?
Lerp from start to middle, lets call that "Start Middle"
Lerp from middle to end, lets call that "End Middle"
Now your Bezier is the lerp from "Start Middle" to "End Middle"
2:37 PM
That would be a 2nd order bezier curve.
Now I get it!
Kind of
You can do it even a level deeper, that's a 3rd order curve.
Here's the picture for that:
30 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Jul 18 at 13:15, by Kevin van der Velden
user image
You could do as many levels as you want
I think I'm getting it :)
I called it a pyramid earlier, because the math goes like this:
2:39 PM
You understand that?
Lol yes
Applied mathematics is the art of chaining together lots of tiny functions, each of them doing almost nothing, in just the right way.
so, programming
Just pretend it's a B for bezier @jane :P
2:41 PM
@Chris Only if you're programming in side-effect free languages, or avoid functions and methods with side effects (like everything involving IO).
Alright haha, now I have an idea. :) thanks a lot @MickLH you're my math hero!
but really, like anything, just breaking things down and understanding how every little thing does its job
Dat mutable state doe
There should be a nerd comic about this.
Something something, Shows protagonist pages of hard math...
> No problem!

Alternate reality, Same exact hard math, but one function saves and loads with a variable...
> Nuclear bombs going off, shows galaxy with exploding earth bits flying by
2:50 PM
@MickLH Got a gif of a 2nd Brezier?
2nd order that os
Normally the 3rd order is used, because it feels intuitive
And is flexible enough to make a passable approximation of a circle by hand
That's really cool actually.. Why don't we learn this in school?
With the 3rd order curve, P1 is like a "softened" but mostly direct control over the derivative at P0
2:58 PM
You can also approximate Euler spirals pretty damn well with them.
(Those are used as transition curves in highway and railroad engineering).
Sorry, I know that you guys just got off helping someone with beziers
lol, still getting off @Tyyppi_77
I have implemented the nested lerp calls for tween curves to my framework
And I plan on using the beziers so, that they always start at 0,0 and end at 1,1
I predicted the link accurately
Now given the x value (the Time in the link), I would have to solve the y value (Progress) from the curve
So basically that's a sort of limited bezier I guess
I tackled this problem a while back for my bezier renderer
I have no idea how I would do something like that, but I guess it shouldn't be as hard as solving a "real bezier"
3:02 PM
It was ugly lol, yes you will definitely want to take advantage of the special case
Yeah I researched a bit on solving beziers a while back, did not look nice
Basically, solve for t from x, then plug that into your equation for y
Solving for t from x is the ugly part, because it's 3rd order polynomial
Ah, see I was confused with the t & x, probably assuming that in the special case they were the same
So is that for the special case?
Well lol, your special case is why it's possible to "just plug it in"
3:05 PM
Oh, okay
Solving for t will give you 3 answers
But in your special case, 2 of them will be complex
So just take the real valued t and you're set
It always takes me a while to get this stuff because I first have to realize what these things mean in Finnish
Aight, third degree polynomials, I think I might be able to do that
Do you do this stuff on a paper Mick or do you use some software?
sometimes it chokes on hard integrals and you have to bust out mathematica but for the most part it's good enough
3:10 PM
Three versions in sourceforge.net/projects/maxima/files/Maxima-Windows/…, which one do I want?
Biggest one
It's the same program with different runtimes bundled, I'd pick the fastest one
The one with most dowloads
The program is really not any kind of high performance anything :P
So first I want to get the equation for t using x, right?
3:11 PM
It needs any help it can get
@Tyyppi_77 Well, that's a way about the problem, I'm not sure if it's the only way.
and x in my case is the "Time", so a value from 0-1
Now if I just knew how to use this shit
Define lerp: lerp(a,b,t):=a*(1-t) + b*t;
Define cubic:
Yeah that what I was looking into
wait why do I implement lerp like that?
3:16 PM
because it's easiest for me to type it that way without thinking
But a + (b - a) * t is okay too?
whatever you like!
Probably more calculations for higher dimensional values
you dont want to tell me why my version is worse than yours? :D
the program can convert between them really
It doesn't matter
Type it my way, then type ratsimp(lerp(a,b,t))
3:17 PM
Though, hmm
I wonder which is faster
returns: (b−a)*t+a
Oh, cool
fuck i forgot the ":"
it wont go back to my way with factor() lol
it goes to b*t−a*t+a instead
which gives a tiny insight I hadn't noticed before
@MickLH you really typed all this in a surprisingly short period of time?
3:20 PM
Lol the ridiculous part is that I should have copied what @KevinvanderVelden typed earlier
@MickLH yes
I think it's letter for letter the same, except whitespace
1 hour ago, by Kevin van der Velden
		lerp( a, b, t ),
		lerp( b, c, t ),
		lerp( b, c, t ),
		lerp( c, d, t ),
@Tyyppi_77 wanna see something pretty? type cubic(a,b,c,d,1/2)
3:22 PM
all the fractions
lol wanna what happens if you try to copy paste it here? ((d/2+c/2)/2+(c/2+b/2)/2)/2+((c/2+b/2)/2+(b/2+a/2)/2)/2
Why is mine so much longer???
that's what he said
Because I used the other Lerp implementation?
3:23 PM
For 1/4, simplified: (d+9*c+27*b+27*a)/64
Okay, and then I need to solve the t
So it's Cubic(0, a, b, 1, t)?
3:27 PM
lolokok srstim agn
That's for generic t, huh
And, but my case simplifies it just a tad
Essentially removing one variable
And then solve(Cubic(0, a, b, 1, t), t)?
3:29 PM
Try it and see!
Which gives me three answers, and one of them is 0?
Can't be right
Think about what you're asking it to do
Hint: If you give it an expression instead of equation, it assumes you want the root
But instead I just want the equation
3:30 PM
solve(cubic(0,a,b,1,t) = x, t);
enjoy the horror!
It's better with colours
For some reason, I don't know if this is intended or just a side effect of the algorithms inside... but in cases like this where there is only one real answer, Maxima likes to put it at the end.
3:32 PM
So I want the last one?
also there is a last() function, to get the last item from an array, conveniently
I don't think he wants it at all
Is there a parameter that picks the last result line?
Do you want to take an output, the a and b values and then calculate the t from that?
If so: That's what the returned equation from solve does!
If not: then you use the simplify option =p
3:34 PM
@KevinvanderVelden He's trying to linearize a bezier curve, to use it's shape as a function of X, instead of a parameterized curve of T
@Tyyppi_77 the % character does that
How can you tell so quickly that which one of them is real?
Well this is not actually a safe way, but it's the one with no imaginary i in it :P
Oh yeah, now I see it
3:37 PM
(It's not safe and it might turn out to not be that one though, because a negative inside a radical would become imaginary, and then could cancel the i outside the radical)
So I should be able to test this now, right?
Plugging in a few test variables, and feeding it to the Cubic() again
You could do that, I prefer to graph it
Graph the whole thing or just the equation I just got
looks like there's a latex extension for chrome, converts latex between [; and ;] into images https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tex-the-world-for-chromiu/mbfninnbhfepghkkcgdnmfmhhbjmhggn
like so: [;e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0;]
3:41 PM
BTW thanks for suggesting maxima, this would have taken ages by hand
kinda screwed up on a dark background though, since it assumes a white background with dark text
@IcyDefiance there is also ChatJax, which uses $
I would love if people started using ChatJax here lol
look for this link:

start ChatJax
^^drag this^^ to your bookmark bar or right click on it to add it as a bookmark.
Then if you post a formula that maxima spits out, use tex(%);
and it will convert it to latex
$[\frac{d+3\cdot c+3\cdot b+a}{8}]$
ooh that renders to text instead of an image, too, which means I can style it with css
3:45 PM
@Tyyppi_77 where were we, plotting right? I recommend always plotting as a sanity check
cubic([0,0],[0.17, 0.67], [0.83, 0.67], [1,1], t);
plot2d([parametric, %[1], %[2], [t,0,1]]);

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