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3 hours later…
3:06 AM
EVO happening this weekend, steam puts Ultra Street Fighter IV on 66% off
valve is smart
valve or whoever made the game
3:40 AM
@Almo Most of the fanboyism I see comes from kids and it reminds me of this quote I saw about console fanboys.
"They are 14 year old playstation fanboys, who have a religious devotion to their console brand of choice. This stems from the teenage search for identity. Having made violently strong cases for their favoured console in arguments with their friends at school,
they are now ideologically wedded to this position and unable to deviate from it one iota for fear of the inconsistency being seen as weakness, and more importantly, of it undermining their own fragile sense of who they are: a Playstation Fan."
replacing Playstation with your technology of choice - and 14 with your age of choice. For ages over 19, remove "teenage"
1 hour later…
4:50 AM
@Noctrine i see the same thing with Nintendo fans who grew up with the NES.
@Jon looks nice.
5:42 AM
I grew up with all platforms I think
not really Atari and C64 but everything past that to a degree
if I didn't have something, one of my friends had it
NES, Genesis, 5" floppies, Gamegear, Windows 3.1, Mac OS 8(?), Gameboy, SNES, Dreamcast, Saturn, N64, PS1, PS2, Gamecube, PS3, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS4
and now it's iPhone, iPad, Android tablet, we'll see how VR plays out coming up. I dunno, like and dislike things about each platform, but if there's something fun to play on it I want to play, I'll find a way :p
1 hour later…
6:58 AM
I love consoles.
I like consoles too, though these days it feels like an inconvenience to have yet another computer that has to be hooked up to a screen. PC has the same capabilities as a gaming console, as well as being able to do everything a gaming console can't :/
double-clicking on a game is so much easier than having to switch HDMI input, boot up the console, find the controller again, etc
mind you, a gaming console has the appeal that it's gonna work out of the box without fussing around with settings and hiccups
I concur, It's a sad story though consoles take up a higher percentage of the market. Has to do with kids I would imagine.
when I was young a computer was something for adults, but I still wanted one.
consoles mobile then computer
I would love to make a console.
It would use compact flash medium
I compact flash card can hold twice as much data as a dvd
discs suck lol
I would think, that would be were next gen would go. something with a lot of space.
yeah I Don't like them nearly as much as the nintendo cart
so I follow a tutorial on SDLTutorials, type out all this garbage to find it's built around 1.2 not 2.0
I need to buy a book. All I have found for 2.0 is how to cycle sprites and display an image.
7:13 AM
Hey, whatsup? )
nothing much, how are you?
good, thanks, polishing Alpha before release
and you?
woke up around an 1 hour ago. can't get back to sleep. might play diablo
what time is it now at your place?
here it is 10am
7:15 AM
thats late )
US coast?
know anything about Quazal the multiplayer middleware package?
sorry, never heard of it, ever
what is it?
To my dismay I think it makes a lobby for multiple players to join a game like moh.
I was hoping that it would support mmo
probably too much for a middleware package.
metal of honor
7:20 AM
medal? ))
I'm not MMO guy at all ))
just doing my humble old-school RTS )
IBM has a research paper on MMO network architecture. I will look into that.
you play classic Starcraft?
I have played it before, not competitively though
extremely difficult
7:24 AM
I think I had stuck in SC1, around the middle of the Zerg campaign
what is your choice of RTS
so-called german-school RTS
Settlers, Anno, Knights and MErchants
a mix of Warcraft and SimCity
kind of
and yours, SC ?
yeah sc2 and tides of darkness
wings. I haven't spent any money on the expos
oh ToD, what a nice time that was )
and BtDP, with mushroom forests xD
yep, loved it.
7:31 AM
do you remember how crisp WC graphics was in that era? Full 640x480, pixel-perfect! )
I do.
Strange how impressions change as time goes by.
afk diablo
1 hour later…
9:00 AM
Sweet 17!
Good morning!
9:34 AM
guten tag )
9:49 AM
Got a new phone for birthday gift, Samsung Galaxy XCover3
Happy birthday then I think!
11:01 AM
The actual lerping looks a lot less cooler than the weird thing I had going on
using any cool curves or tweens or smoothstepping?
happy bday
just plain old lerps
they are boring alone =)
11:39 AM
float Quad::easeInOut(float t,float b , float c, float d) {
	if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return ((c/2)*(t*t)) + b;
	return -c/2 * (((t-2)*(--t)) - 1) + b;
	originally return -c/2 * (((t-2)*(--t)) - 1) + b;

	I've had to swap (--t)*(t-2) due to diffence in behaviour in
	pre-increment operators between java and c++, after hours
	of joy

You can smell the frustration of the guy from the comment alone
I guess this is where using Unity becomes pretty handy
Having all cool curve stuff really easily accessible
there's plugins, you can even just create a Curve and edit it in the editor all easy
Do curves affect the interpolation function?
11:45 AM
Or could I just simply instead of passing in the straight interpolation percentage to Lerp, feed it trough a curve
So instead of Lerp(start, target, helper.GetPercentage())
well, I think Lerp clamps to 0f or 1f, but I imagine there's some sort of curve thing to go outside those bounds if required
I would say Lerp(start, target, Curve(helper.GetPercentage())
My lerp doesn't clamp
So I should be able to do that, right?
11:48 AM
oh true, yeah if it doesn't clamp then that's fine
So I can actually implement the curve behaviour in the InterpolationHelper-class
11:58 AM
Oh and thanks a lot for sharing your utility class yesterday @Chris, it really helped me a lot :)
My pleasure
man, I was looking at this MegaSphere game again, antonkudin.itch.io/megasphere
and checked out the dev's youtube channel, watched some stuff. I dunno if this is new or if I just never knew, but Unity's SpriteRenderer supports normal mapping and shadows right out of the box, just tried it myself
12:16 PM
That's cool
I really should properly check Unity out sometime
Now I need to dump a shitload of curve functions to the curve class I just created
I never got that far
decided that SmoothStep was good enough for me :p
Is there an editor that I could draw & edit curves in and it would give me an equation for it?
Oh I should probably try smoothstep
12:22 PM
float smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, float x)
    // Scale, bias and saturate x to 0..1 range
    x = clamp((x - edge0)/(edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
    // Evaluate polynomial
    return x*x*(3 - 2*x);
That's from Wikipedia
Do I have to clamp?
I don't think so
Smoothstep looks good tough
12:23 PM
and you can smoothstep a smoothstep for a smoothception
lol, sure
Oh I should totally add that
Attaching curves to curves
just gotta watch out for not creating an infinite recursion
curve editor, try cubic-bezier.com
12:25 PM
Yeah I saw that but it just gives me a CSS code, not an actual equation
But I guess I could implement cubic-bezier and use that with the parameters it gives
ahh dang
oh wait I can't add a TInterpolationCurve parameter to the TInterpolationCurve constructor
Creates an infinite inception
12:43 PM
@Almo Ey Almo! I got Geometry Wars on sale :D was only 3$
>.< Your scores are so high, xD I'll never pass you on the leader board
1:01 PM
x^2 is the square of x
what's the word for x^3
1:05 PM
x^3 is the cube of x
after that you say "x to the 4th"
I'm trying to implement cubic bezier curves
I just need to find the y at given x
what the fuck is the third thing, t?
Cubic bezier curve is defined by four points, but in my case the first point is 0, 0 and the last is 1, 1
1:11 PM
so actually I only have two points
given an x coordinate on the curve, I should be able to figure out what's the y coordinate for the point, right?
@Tyyppi_77 then you don't have a cubic bezier curve
whoops caps
@Tyyppi_77 nope
1:13 PM
what's the time for?
It's not time in this case
Can't I just treat the curve as a graph?
Uhm how to explain
I am apparently incorrect :)
@Tyyppi_77 no
Given that it's a curve and not a graph =p
1:14 PM
sorry for being a math idiot btw
You know bezier curves can have loops in them right?
user image
This is the one that made it tick for me
Basically I'm looking for an equation that I can plug those values in the editor I linked into
1:16 PM
P0 is at (0,0), P3 is at (1,1)
The cyan and pink things are P1 and P2
You can't really create a loop there, can you?
Not with fixed P0 and P3
1:17 PM
Yeah, so can I cheat this somehow?
With a curve like that, I only have two variables right, "time" and "progression" as in the axes in the editor
And I'd want the progression value at specific time
A bezier curve is essentially a recursive formula
To get the third order curve you need to solve 2 second order curves, to solve a second order curve you need to solve 2 first order curves
I failed the project on bezier curve back in college... :(
that's actually quite cool, each P traverses from 0..1 linearly, and the curve is magically created
1:21 PM
Curve3( p0, p1, p2, p3, t ) = lerp( Curve2( p0, p1, p2, t ), Curve2( p1, p2, p3, t ), t )
Curve2( p0, p1, p2, t ) = lerp( Curve1( p0, p1, t ), Curve1( p1, p2, t ), t )
Curve1( p0, p1, t ) = lerp( p0, p1, t )
so it's essentially just a huge nested lerp?
@Tyyppi_77 non overloaded and skipped an optimization for clarity but that's the code
Thanks a ton
You're using C++ right?
1:22 PM
Templates :D
Got C++11? (Variadic templates? =p)
@Chris yeah it's really clever
no longer looks like voodoo magic
Still looks like voodoo magic :P
the science is showing!
1:30 PM
Sorry, stupid questions continue
Do I have to implement this for points, or are just single floats enough?
@Tyyppi_77 when did they start?
I've not seen any yet today =p
Probably exactly 17 years ago when I was born :D
@Tyyppi_77 single floats work fine, lerp doesn't care so the bezier doesn't either
Okay, now I've got the curve functions implemented
1:33 PM
now how the fuck do I use those?
Same way you (properly) use lerp! =p
@Jon and anyone who likes Silicon Valley, there's a new show called "Startup U" coming out pretty soon. I don't know what it'll be like. variety.com/2015/tv/news/…
But given all the points, and one "x" coordinate, getting the "y" happens how?
Some pointers would be appreciated
1:39 PM
There you go
@Tyyppi_77 if you use a single float the x coordinate is the time and the Y is the result
Curve3(0.0f, x0, x1, 1.0f, t);
(That's actually curve3)
(A curve between 1 point is something that doesn't make sense =p)
1:42 PM
Like that? No?
That can't be right
Looks like it
Try it!
Do I pass in x or y coordinates as the two points that vary?
given that point0 = (0, 0) & point3= (1, 1)
passing in the y coordinates seems to work
1:46 PM
Ooh yeah
hmm it's not returning to where it should
Otherwise it seems to work
It stops to 1.063847
And that's because the interpolation percentage never hits 1.0
1:54 PM
Now it works
Instead of going if (!interpolationHelper.Empty() && !interpolationHelper.Done()) { Lerp(); }, I now go if (!interpolationHelper.Empty()) { Lerp(); if (interpolationHelper.Done()) interpolationHelper = Empty(); }
And I clamp the initial lerp value to 0.0-1.0
2:10 PM
Aight, now it's working properly
Now I just need to add a few predefined curves
2:59 PM
Hmm now I need to refactor the gui element tweening system a bit
How does tweening stuff actually work in engines and such?
3:16 PM
No idea actually
I went with ApplyPositionTween(positionTweenDataStruct)
Aight menu sliding works again, a lot smoothly than what I used to
I was so fixed to my code I forgot my plan to go to a theater. This ticket is now a trash. OTL
3:31 PM
one ofthe most important play mechanics in binding of issac is that your shots are sent out at shot_velocity + player_move_velocity
allows you to shoot around obstacles, and helps with the fact they only give you 4 directions
Oh yeah... I need that fluctuating shot, but I am not sure how it got done. The bullets move slightly a bit weird. They didn't seem directly Initial_Velocity + Portion_Of_Player_Velocity.
right. well, whatever it is, you need to figure out something similar :)
looks like you're making good progress though
Ty Almo <3 hehehe
3:40 PM
@BlueBug Looks awesome <3
ty buddy! reading old transcript Oh...BTW where are you trying to use the curve for?
This can't be right
The curve control points' x values gotta affect something
well anyways I'm off
I hope I'll get this fixed tomorrow
5:38 PM
@Tyyppi_77 did you update bitbucket with your recent improvements? tomorrow I'm going to actually go through your code, and Thursday is going to be the first session of my class
5:49 PM
@BlueBug dude! looking good since i last saw it
hehehe I ma slowly working on it! ty @Joe But still far long way to go...!
6:17 PM
@TheMuffinCoder you mean on PS4?
just keep trying. I've played tons and tons of twin stick shooters since they invented them
check this level... an infamous robotron grunt wave
this game is 1981...
1981 binding of issac
|| 2014 Robotron 2084
sooo I downloaded and played HOTS... and I like it much more than i ever did LOL
but im garbage
HOTS is simple fun game. Do you die a lot? Give a shot to Murky!
Now with Murky, you are never actually dead!
@Joe it's way, way simpler
makes it easier to get into
or Lost Vikings. You play the game with three characters! Three life! And each of them have their own revive time. Playing with three life?! Wow so amazing!
6:24 PM
what server you play on?
if it's in NA, add Almo#1826 to your friends list
me Asia server... can't play with anybody here dang it. Anyway it's 3 26 am here. Gotta sleep. Peace internet souls v_v. Night
6:44 PM
@TheMuffinCoder streaming rl
@Almo sent from "bludendguts"
taking a break for the moment but well get some later
7:38 PM
hey guys. Is anyone here familiar with pixel shaders in DirectX?
You mean fragment shaders?
Or, wait, yeah that's the same thing right?
Wikipedia says it is, I've got experience with the opengl version, depending on what the question is I may be able to help
Maybe. I'm used to C# programming, not C++ and DirectX; but it's something basic I want to understand
I got some code that passes video frame data over to DirectX, renders it to a RenderTarget, I want to process the data through a HLSL shader and get the data back from memory.
It's all working except that the shader isn't being applied in the chain.
and I want to understand
1) how/where is the shader supposed to be applied in the chain
2) for shaders taking several textures as input, how do I define those inputs
do you think it's something you can help me with?
The first is that you'd make the RenderTarget a texture (it defaults to the backbuffer, i.e. what is shown on the screen)
Then you'd use a full screen quad with the required pixel/fragment shader
I have the RenderTarget texture, the code is here
I'm not sure what a full screen quad is, but the code does define vectors to draw into
The function ProcessFrame is what gets called for each video frame
Well, it's a quad (polygon with 4 points, in this case a rectangle) that fills the entire screen :)
7:50 PM
that must be vertexArray in CreateRenderTarget()
Seems like it
Seems like the code is already doing what it's supposed to? Are you just unclear of where the magic is happening? =p
It's not doing the magic; I get the frame data in and out successfully but the shader doesn't get applied. I don't know where to look.
The shader I'm loading is a very basic shader that should invert the colors; and that's not happening
Hmm bleh, sorry can't help you. Too much unfamiliar directx code
do you know where the magic should be happening in that code? At what point in the chain does the shader get applied?
I don't know how it works in directx sorry
7:54 PM
and there is code to define shader constants such as register(C1), but do you know how to define inputs such as register(S1) ?
because some shaders take several textures as input
I dunno, I've found some code that uses PSSetShaderResources
That has a count argument
it seems close; for DX11. I'm only using DX9, not sure what the equivalent is
8:33 PM
@TheMuffinCoder hey! so I now know why nobody plays Geometry Wars 3 online. It's not a fun multiplayer version. Local multiplayer is ok.
we play some rocket league next time
get in some normal (not ranked) 3v3 or 4v4 :)
8:56 PM
@Ali.S No I didn't push the most recent improvements yet because they're still a bit broken, but I will do so tomorrow. They aren't that big improvements, so missing them probably and hopefully isn't going to be that big of a deal. If you have time, I would love to get some feedback on the code, besides of the uselessness of the comments in the code :)
@Tyyppi_77 I might make some changes in your code, are they going to be greeted with open arms on your side or not? :P
9:27 PM
@Almo :D sry Almo that I havent replied earlier :P I was on the PS4 most of today
Geometry Wars is fun with capture the point! :D
And Ill play rocket league with u once I get better :P
@Ali.S That's actually a good question... Hmm... To be honest, I'm not quite sure. What kind of changes are we talking about? I'm sorry but I tend to get a little touchy? (is that even a word?) when it comes to other people modifying my code... One thing I definitely could do is take a look afterwards of what you changed, and make decisions then. Does that sound okay to you?
BTW new phone does not like the transcript, rendering all black and is laggy as hell
@Tyyppi_77 sure... for now I only changed folder structure so that it makes a little bit more sense to me :D but I don't think i'll be editing things very much
okay, have fun :)
It's 0036 in the night so i really need to get some sleep now
10:25 PM
I'm using Tiled to make my maps, but most (if not all) of my collisions will be handled using Box2D. Is there any point in using A* Pathfinding when I could use collision avoidance and steering behaviours?
@Almo im gona try a game, you playing?
11:08 PM
near dinner time
can't commit to a game at this moment :)
no worries lmk when you play
ok :)
we talkin HotS right?
ok just makin sure :)
im trying to save 7k for sgt hammer
11:08 PM
she's my main, you know
only champ im good with so far
ahh dag
if we play together i play tons of others
well kel thas? the blood elf was decent
im just doing random
get the extra shot range, extra damage at long range, faster Z cooldown, extra damage if you haven't been shot, increasing range in seige mode if you don't move, napalm, and extra range and damage on napalm
makes hammer super deadly
with all those range bonuses people in team fights just don't know they're being shot
yea and its really easy to ninja push a town
kind of cheap
but illidan is super cheap... not cool
11:12 PM
ninja's killed my dog
illidan isn't cheap... he's fragile
i can't proove it
polymorph with lili, and he's dead
he regens health by hitting things. if he can't hit anything for 3 sec, he's toast.
ilidan messes me up
must be doing it wrong
any char with a good stun stops him dead
you'll get used to it over time :)
one to worry about as hammer is stitches
11:52 PM
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