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8:00 PM
@RebeccaChernoff Example: @ChrisS got flagged for a question in our Vote-To-Close room for posting a question to be closed. Room empty at the time.
@RebeccaChernoff I would dispute that people haven't lately been trolling us with flags.
That's just the thing?. This has blown way out of proportions. I'm sad to hear that Iain was offended (and I had no idea), but still.. This the most active room on the SX and we're having a place to vent. Get over it, we're sysadmins..!
In general, my guidance would be: take things down a level or two. You don't need to cut things back entirely, but just be a bit more mindful of things.
@pauska /agree, he never spoke up about how chat was, and I could've sworn I remember him participating every once in a while too...
@RebeccaChernoff Had Iain let anyone know that he was offended, I'm sure we would have.
8:01 PM
actual-factual-case-in-point, the site electrician at my last job got an HR reprimand because he asked his assistant if he'd "seen the new dikes" within earshot of the HR lady.
He was talking about diagonal wire cutters -> http://www.google.com/products/catalog?client=safari&rls=en&q=diagonal+cutters&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16398333904075057810&sa=X&ei=71HqTur_McbZ0QHg7-3mCQ&ved=0CHkQ8wIwAg#ps-sellers
We're not unreasonable people. Well, I mean we are...but only to our end users. Not with each other.
@MarkM and now that we are aware it's something we do have to be more mindful of.
There's no need to overreact and blow things out of proportion. So let's all be friends, k? (:
@RebeccaChernoff 'mindful of things' means differnt things to different people. Some might tone down the boobs, some might tone down the cursing
@Shads0 Back when chat first started, he was a regular like me.
8:02 PM
@Aaron and there's nothing wrong with that.
And some might tone down the FLAG ALL THE POSTS images
@RebeccaChernoff WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too late
@sysadmin1138 I meant participating in our....'antics' :)
8:02 PM
@ChrisS nah.
@WesleyDavid must....star....cute....kitten!
@WesleyDavid Everyone, star this, now!
@RebeccaChernoff I'm forced to agree with Chris, it's already too late.
@WesleyDavid KITTEH <3
Also to be fair I think Iain is the politeness conscience of the site. He's also the one who brought up the snark issues - and he was right then too.
8:03 PM
See, at the end of the day we star the heck out of kittehs. Can we really be as bad as we're made out to be?
@RebeccaChernoff The fact of the matter is that this room is under a microscope. We've had more diamonds in here this afternoon than most rooms have visitors in a week. There are diamonds from other sites weighing in on our meta with their thoughts about a community that they plain don't participate in and we're a little upset by it. I hope you can understand our frustration.
@RebeccaChernoff Don't take this the wrong way, but you're just the most recent in what has become a long line of people telling us to take it down a notch or two today. That makes your point no less correct. But a lot of people have felt the sudden need to do so today; and it just seems like they've all picked today to tell us what they really think.
@Jacob @ChrisS I don't think it's too late. Much like with snark on the main site, it's something we as a community need to police ourselves on.
She was invited here to give us a female judgement
@voretaq7 I'm just saying this situation has been blown out of proportion. It's too late to say that it isn't.
8:04 PM
Yeah, @RebeccaChernoff We certainly appreciate your input. I hope you don't think that we're attacking your ideas, it's just not the first time we've heard them today. We've had plenty of time to refine our response rate :D
@MarkM Ditto. Not trying to rip on anyone or say they're wrong!
Hehe, I know. (:
@MarkM X3
Yes, I summoned ye mighty @RebeccaChernoff to our counsel.
@ChrisS oh yeah this has definitely snowballed into a yeti-monster
8:05 PM
@WesleyDavid YOU FOOL!!! Summon @@Chopper3 !!!!
@voretaq7 Your use of the 's' word offends me.
Every time people @ me, I get sad since I know I should see a snowman, but all I see is a corpse :(
but when the snow melts we're all going to be sitting in the puddle still, and we have to figure out how to make things right
@Shads0 I tried to summon @TomTom but had my soul riven in two in the process. :'(
That's basically what I'm saying though. Things got blown out of proportion. We all just need to take a step back, breathe, and things will work out. </happy, warm, fuzzy thoughts>
8:05 PM
@ScottPack Stand by for offensive image.
@WesleyDavid It's because you don't have the latest version of Apache on your mobile
@ScottPack Not me. I'm ready for some of the white stuff... It's so dark around here without any s- reflecting the city lights.
@Shads0 Okay, that made me lol.
@RebeccaChernoff I think that we're all fine with that. We're just afraid that all of the diamonds from other sites are going to try and police us and that's the absolute last thing that we want.
8:06 PM
@RebeccaChernoff I see no kittens in this post, your argument is invalid
I'm offended by all men in this room that don't have a beard.
@WesleyDavid Fine, I'll grow it back. sigh
What counts as 'beard'?
Most us us are on the front page of all-time rep. We love this community. We know how it works. We don't want someone from Cooking, or Drupal telling us how to conduct ourselves.
8:06 PM
@voretaq7 See, this is exactly why we tried to secede! You yanks trying to force your notions on us.
(No offense to cooking or drupal)
Cooking. shudder
I'm not here to shut things down. I'm not laying down banhammers or anything like that. I want everyone happy, and if there's problems, I want to jump in and see what I can do to help resolve things so everyone's happy.
@ScottPack Pfft - get lost. (leave the chicken fried bacon from Texas, I still wanna try that.)
@RebeccaChernoff SysAdmins are grumpy by nature...
8:07 PM
Then "someone" needs to reach out the people that are unhappy, which are unfortunately a wide mix of people
@ScottPack surrender your deep-fried cultural secrets!
@Aaron I'm still not sure who's unhappy.
@RebeccaChernoff Kittens help....a lot ^^
8:08 PM
Obviously Iain, but that's a revelation as of this morning.
Chopper3 for giving up his diamond, Iain for quitting, and all of us for unknowningly contributing to people quitting when we did not want to drive them off
Will the unhappy ones please raise their hand? We want to hug you.
@WesleyDavid STOP......I DON'T KNOW WHAT
sysneticon-dj, for getting unhappy with other people hammering the newbies
8:09 PM
@RebeccaChernoff ... wait, was that on the HTTP/LOLCAT list from yesterday????
See kitteh, click star. It's the new boob meme!
@RebeccaChernoff 1 kitten is good for at least 10 stars in any SF chat
@WesleyDavid ....no
@RebeccaChernoff I want whatever that cat got fed.
@WesleyDavid we've been starring kittens since I got here
I think this one was one of my favorites:
user image
8:09 PM
Mine too
@AdrianK No you don't. (Magnets. There's a big electromagnet over him.)
@RebeccaChernoff yeah, I think that's my favorite of the collection
@voretaq7 I refuse your version of reality and substitute it with my own.
408 was good too.
@Aaron Iain actually quit?
Absolute winner: was 429
8:10 PM
@GraceNote We're not sure
@voretaq7 Shucks. A hovercat could've finally taught my cat a thing or two.
@GraceNote I hope not
and 413, and... too many!
He posted on meta this morning and he hasn't been in chat all day
Didn't see 100 though, that's pretty good
8:10 PM
Like I said, he's pretty much our conscience
He might just be letting things work themselves out.
At least I hope he comes back to discuss it. It would be rather abrupt if not. =/
@MarkM Could be taking a day off of SF to chill.
@ChrisS I hope that's all it is
Always a fine strategy
8:12 PM
I genuinely like Iain
Which is more than I can say about most of you scumbags.
Oh, also - this actually made me laugh out loud... >_<
@GraceNote, I think maybe just chat, but I am not sure
While we're missing people, I miss @Womble. =(
(names in blue, I love you all, pls don't ban me)
... so ... tempted... to ... ban
8:13 PM
@RebeccaChernoff That is friggin hilarious
@MarkM He's around.
@MarkM this really is just too tempting, geez dude. q:
@sysadmin1138 Good
hey man ... kissing ass makes my ban hammer reflex kick in
8:13 PM
@Zypher You are handsome and I love you.
@RebeccaChernoff LULZ
@Zypher ^ kinda creepy coming from a cat, right?
@RebeccaChernoff oh that poor confused lizard....
@Zypher Flagged for intention
Be careful what you wish for
8:14 PM
@Shads0 flag all you want
@Shads0 Flagged for instigation.
@WesleyDavid flagged for response to a dumb comment.
@Shads0 Mother flagger.
@Shads0 flagged for indigestion
(we just had our xmas party...so full)
I know, it's totally saying "hey wtf dude I'm getting them BUT STILL HUNGRY"
8:15 PM
Don't talk about indigestion. I can't stop eating cookies and cake
@RebeccaChernoff Flagged for profane acronym.
They left the leftovers just outside my suite....
@WesleyDavid oy
I can't wait for xmas break. I'm off for 12 days. Paid. Doesn't count as vacation time.
8:15 PM
@RebeccaChernoff Tee hee!
I'm going to weigh about 50lbs more just from bordem
@Zypher Done.
Ok, I'm all done with cat relief
@MarkM Is that like boredom?
@WesleyDavid You're so lucky there are about 50 people in this room that can ban me for replying the way that I want to.
8:17 PM
@RebeccaChernoff My gecko would eventually get annoyed and leave.
@WesleyDavid I'll insult you on twitter.
(then again he's the world's worst hunter. Can't catch the worms when they're in a dish right in front of him...)
@MarkM Flagged as preemptive strike.
@MarkM flagged for threatening diamonds
@Shads0 @WesleyDavid has no diamond
8:17 PM
@WesleyDavid flagged for jinx
@voretaq7 I think it's hilarious how it keeps looking over like it's trying to ask what's going on
@ScottPack You poor person.
What my office needs is a mimosa machine. Or a coffee machine with an irish cream and whiskey buttons.
@MarkM Also flagged because you don't have a snowman.
@AdrianK Let's pitch in for one.
8:18 PM
@Shads0 Flagged because I have no idea what your name means.
@sysadmin1138 I just ate a piece of red velvet cake. I don't know why either. I hate red velvet cake!
@RebeccaChernoff <milton voice>I was told there would be insects. And now there are no insects. and I am very hungry. And if you don't bring me insects I will sleep on your stapler.</milton voice>
@WesleyDavid It's a nickname, durrr. "Tyler" doesn't sound nearly as interesting
My fiancee sent me this (since we're posting cute cats)
@mfinni Dry campus while trying to upgrade from Bugzilla 2.14 to 4.0w/PostgreSQL is probably anyone's idea of a tour duty in Hell. =(
8:19 PM
(ProTip: When you let your reptiles out to play on the desk look around before you grab for a stapler. They get very bitey when you grab their heads and pick them up)
@voretaq7 I can't imagine why
@AdrianK Just started at a new job, and it looks like almost everyone has some beer bottles on their desk.
@voretaq7 Flagged for animal abuse.
That lizard playing on the iphone is the funniest thing I have seen all day
8:20 PM
And there's Keurig machines every 50 feet, too
@mfinni You have an opening for any security analysts?
@ScottPack We just got one, the same day I started. Sorry man
@mfinni or an AD admin?
@Shads0 to be fair the gecko never tries to bite me normally. The vet tech on the other hand... bites, hisses, craps on her, climbs into her hair...
@Aaron I win teh internetz for linking it? (:
8:21 PM
@mfinni BLAST!
@MarkM That one's me :-)
Well, if there's ever an open competition to replace you, let me know.
@RebeccaChernoff To facilitate the IPv6 transition we're no longer giving away teh internetz. You'll have to settle for teh internet6z.
@voretaq7 kinky
@WesleyDavid That so purely rocks. And if that were here in Seattle, it'd be good beer too.
8:22 PM
@voretaq7 ):
no.... that's what he does when I have friends over.
I wonder if I can flag my pets as offensive....
Here's the thing:
1) Funny pictures: Some people get annoyed with "flag all the" meme we have here, but seriously - even SX employees have a private room where they link lolcats/memes all day long (re: last video podcast at the SO blog)
2) Scaring off new users: Couldn't we just get a popup for new users when they enter this room? "We're not live support, so please ask your question at the main site. Don't be scared if someone is having a steam vent inside the chat room, we're just sysadmins and we'd love to get more users to the room"
@pauska already says something like that. "You are a precious snowflake. This is NOT a place for 'Live Support', ask questions on the main site."
@voretaq7 I tend to just pick up my cat and toss her somewhere, heh.
Non-admins cant just read the transcript and point us out as bad guys.. you wouldn't go inside a biker pub and then write a news article about how foul their mouths were
8:25 PM
@mfinni Well I think calling them precious snowflakes is kinda snarky. But that was in response to someone having a flounce :-/
@pauska I think our current banner is good enough
@mfinni Yeah, but history have shown that they don't read that part
I think it might be worthwhile when we see a new user join to engage them
but for the love of god - who's the one offended then?
@RebeccaChernoff The lizard is self-tossing. How the hell he survives jumping 6'2 from the top of my head onto the floor is still beyond me...
8:26 PM
the SE mods?
Something like "Hey, welcome to chat. We're a bit rough around the edges so don't take offense"
we (the users/sysadmins) are all happy except Iain about this chat room??
Let's work on the popup text:

`We will not help you make your next Facebook killer. We are not support. We will make you cry. Here's a lolcat to make you feel better`
@pauska If we flagged it'd be instant action. And you wouldn't have people coming in here.
Cause chopper/synethicon was a whole different game
8:26 PM
@pauska Off site mod here (please don't eat me!) - one thing you could do is pin that message in the star queue - you see those hollow stars? They take precedence over your normal normal stars. So if you write a nice message you could get a friendly blue person to pin it.
@pauska I can't seem to figure that out either. Iain aside, we have no idea who (or even if) anyone else is offended
@Ninefingers Only lasts 14 days
@Ninefingers Pins decay after a while, though. I think the room description is more adequate for the job.
@pauska I think (though I don't want to speak for him) that @iain is generally happy but wants to see us police ourselves a bit more, like we do with on-site snark
@pauska There are six upvotes on Iain's post, and I'm not sure how to take them. Does that mean they agree? I dunno who they are. =\
@MarkM, I think Iain's point is that we should be more cognizant of what other people think and be more aware of what it might look like to other people
8:27 PM
@WesleyDavid Even I agree with him
@Ninefingers Or room owner
Honestly, the whole Boobs, , boobs , 5318008 stuff needs to go but everything else that we do is completely fine, IMO
@MarkM That's a shame. @GraceNote's suggestion is probably a better one then.
@Aaron aye, this is a good sentiment.
@voretaq7 I feel that there's a difference between snark (price of admission, I think) and being an actual hostile environment to people we want to include. I'm essentially new to Chat as of today though, so I don't know enough of the backstory or the normal tenor. I'm running with the "women in tech" mention, and my personal attempts to become more aware of "privilege".
8:27 PM
@GraceNote @Ninefingers I think a pinned post for a week or two may not be a bad idea though
I've seen him struggle to keep up a technical discussion while we throw meme pictures in between
We do have a job to do on that part
And I do agree with that in principle, but that doesn't mean that I will stop with the X ALL THE Y right awaya
Will I cut them down a bit? Yes, I do get carried away, especially on a friday afternoon
@voretaq7 Not a very lengthy solution, though.
@Aaron I don't think X all the Y is the problem. I think the density of profanity and lurid talk is what got on people.
Personally the thing MarkM just mentioned was always off-putting to me since the last time I was in here, but I was not one to act on it.
8:29 PM
@mfinni Sadly, there's a whole pile of people who are sufficiently literal as to be incapable of grasping snark/sarcasm.
Honestly - when someone starts an ontopic dicsussion (like actual sysadmin things) then the comedy hour should stop.. atleast be paused
we're not good at that
I'm just very uncomfortable with all of the blue in here. Don't get me wrong, everyone with a diamond on here at the moment is great, but studiohack and someone else were in here this morning dropping judgement left and right for no apparent reason.
@MarkM You mean I won't get to post my question about my Basic Object-Oriented Brokering System?
no, we're not
I just don't like feeling like we're under a microscope when the overall body of content in here isnt really that bad
8:30 PM
@GraceNote definitely not a solution at all - just a temporary reminder / "welcome, really, we won't bite (hard enough to draw blood)" banner while we figure out how to get everything cleaned up...
@MarkM Well, I heard it voiced earlier so I'll at least address some concern - we're not going to do something like station some off-site moderator or two to keep a vigil on this room. It's not our intent.
@pauska We're not good at that? I've been impressed with how the comic routine usually stops right quick and people get serious and start talking legit shop.
@GraceNote Ok, good.
If there's one thing sysadmins hate, it's people looking over their shoulders :)
So hey - to be sysadmin related : anyone ever use Terremark cloud provider or similar? I've never done such a thing myself, and am starting to play with it for work.
The preferable course of action is pretty much what Iain was calling for - if things have to be done, it shouldn't require even a Server Fault moderator.
8:31 PM
@GraceNote and we agree.
@GraceNote: Can we get a larger star list? We say too much funny things in here to keep it on the wall for one day :(
@mfinni never even heard of it -- but I'm cloud-hostile :)
The problem is that he posted on meta, disappeared, chopper quit, and everything spiraled out of control and now there's as much blue in here as there is black.
@pauska I think it works pretty well. Just about the whole room jumped on the discussion re: crontab prime-number interval modulus timing the other day.
That self-moderation is a good thing isn't in dispute. What needs to be moderated hasn't even come close to being discovered.
8:31 PM
@pauska You could always click on it and see the whole thing. Past that, you wouldn't even have the real estate.
@GraceNote We agree - thing is that he havent said anything.. we (atleast I) were shocked.. deeply.
@AdrianK I forgot about that - I still have a crontab waiting for me :P
A large part of it is that a couple of off-site mods came in here guns blazing and turned it into a huge mess while we were working it out within the community.
@MarkM blue is the new black!
to all the bluies: I've been bullied for like 8 months considering an out of context talk about a sock (I don't even remember what it was anymore)
8:33 PM
They exacerbated an already volatile situation
@voretaq7 yeah, I reproduced it locally too. 0,11,22 for */11
do you see me complaining? No!
It seems like this whole situation is nearly like a person walking into a nudist colony, and then staggering out whistling for the police and screaming THERE ARE NAKED PEOPLE IN THERE!! - Well duh - that's the culture. Like it or leave it.
@pauska You deserved it.
8:33 PM
@WesleyDavid Flagged for nudity.
@pauska Hey now. That sock isn't the worst thing we've said about you.
@MarkM Flagged for making me lol
@MarkM I think a lot of the memes we post are toe-to-the-line. The boobs memes are IMHO over it -- They don't have to go away, but they have to reduce...
LOL: Me: "I think this drive is bad." Coworker: "I thought you were typing on the keyboard!"
And yet at the same time, I realize that we do tend to get into areas that most of society has decided to call profane. So... perhaps we should figure out specific lines of moderation.
8:34 PM
@voretaq7 I think the funny paint image was a good production of that meme, however.
@WesleyDavid Across the street from one of our offices yesterday there was a guy who took all his clothes off (34F outside) and stood in front of the local baptist church in the crucifix position. Thankfully it wasn't one of OUR clients and cops sent him on his way instead of locking him up.
I don't think that profanity was truly the heart of the issue, to be honest...
@WesleyDavid Self-moderation was working well I thought. I never saw anyone get excessive. Besides, if you want to go farther, there's always The Other Place.
Could someone please tell me what the heart of the issue is then?
@RebeccaChernoff I really disagree with mods from other sites SEs being mods in all chats. I can see it on beta sites where traffic and number of mods are low. But on SF there's really not a whole lot of need for external mods in here. If mod flags in chat go into a similar queue as main flags, this would have been a non issue
8:35 PM
Cause I'm starting to get kind of lost
@GraceNote Hrmmm. I thought it was - that and being snarky to newcomers and venting about "dumb" questions.
Every single one of you blue's who came in here (and stayed) seem to agree with us (after a while)
Yeah, if profanity isn't the heart of the issue then I'm totally lost
Let me rephrase, I don't think that profanity alone was the primary core issue.
@pauska, I think that the under-riding theme is 'immaturity', and different people are interpreting that in different ways
8:35 PM
the ones who came in, threw judgements around and left however..
@GraceNote I'm still lost
@pauska Yeah, you should have heard what @ScottPack said about you and your predilection for... oh wait, I might not be able to say it in here now. =)
@MarkM possibly, but chat is set up as its own entity, so while it obviously ties into the sites...
I don't think the Bridge would be where it is if the concept of profanity were entirely disdained (though I'll admit you guys make us look like angels at times)
Who cares if someone indexes me saying "fuck"? It's not like it's going to hit #1 on google, there is lots of "fuck" out there.
8:36 PM
I hate to be butting in, considering I'm blue (and technically apparently I've been in here since yesterday...) but whilst we're all at it this feature request on MSO is about graded chat flags (chat flags stay on current SE site initially and only appear to all mods when nobody acts on it). Might ba an interesting solution to the all-mods "problem".
@WesleyDavid Hey now. I told you that in a Safe Place. Shut it.
Honestly, Studiohack and the other guy (anyone remember his name) came in here and made things 10 times worse. You guys keep telling us that you'll back off and let us handle it ourselves, but that's exactly what we were doing. The added attention caused some off-site mods to throw their two cents where it didn't belong and it resulted in us not even getting a chance to police ourselves and respond to iain's out-of-the-blue meta post.
@Ninefingers That is a GREAT solution.. why arent any mods responding to it?
@Ninefingers: Go point fingers in TL!
@MarkM The santa hat guy, Micael something
@pauska It's already been brought up
@Shads0 Michael Mrozek?
8:38 PM
@GraceNote Then its not visible to us...
@pauska that's not the right attitude. nobody needs to point fingers.
IT doesnt help that you talk about stuff in TL without actually posting on meta
@pauska indeed.
@pauska That's... why Ninefingers just linked it in here?
I have every reason to believe that we would have had a constructive (albeit heated) discussion about how to handle Iain's points on his MSF posts. Two blues from outside came in not understanding how we communicate daily with each other and started banning people.
8:38 PM
Oh hey, apparently some of my chat got flagged as spam/offensive. It's a good job I knew what was flagged so I know what to do whatever it was again. Oh wait... I don't know what was flagged. Why would I?
@RebeccaChernoff That was meant to be funny.. like the pointing we got here today
@pauska oops, did I miss my cue to laugh? (:
@GraceNote I don't think that was him
He posted on meta, but I don't think he handed out the ban that started the whole thing
@RobMoir I got hit for an hour too
@GraceNote So its going to look better if 100% of the regular SF chat people replies with "I agree"? Isnt it someone at SX's job to respond to feature requests?
Oh stop your whining
forgot that kyle banned me from chat for 24 hours?...
8:40 PM
@pauska Haaaaaaa I forgot about that.
So awesome
When I asked him about it he said he clicked a bit fast because some had a blast flagging me
@MarkM I don't mind outside mods weighing in personally - The outside perspective is important because all new users will be outsiders at some point
@pauska We evaluate things based on support for the feature request. Seeing how much support goes a longer way to identifying, say, priority.
Oh ya, I just wanted to stop the animated GIF IIRC :-)
I think @Zypher banned me once, but I asked for it. I hope that's doesn't make me into S&M...
8:40 PM
@shads0 If I got banned then it must have been while I was away anyway. Today has been an utter farce
@GraceNote It had 12 upvotes when I opened up the link!
@pauska Fabian is a mod and he proposed it, so we've seen it, don't worry!
@KyleBrandt right
@Ninefingers That's definitely a good solution -- I'd love to see the chat flagging system made into less of a free-for-all
@pauska I'm not even sure what you're upset about anymore, then.
8:41 PM
I've said before I get a lot of flags that I ignore because I don't feel that coming from this room's culture I'm qualified to judge another room's comments
@voretaq7 My point was more that they jumped in the middle of a discussion that they didn't understand. Most of us talk daily. If there's an issue we should be given a chance to sort it out ourselves, not have two people we've never seen before start banning regulars (and letting the one real problem starter go free)
@GraceNote Me neither. I didnt know you've talked about it internally.
@pauska The teacher's lounge is just the mod place.
Ok, ok fine y'all. Tell ya what. y'all fork over $5 for every half hour you want to be banned. Y'all can duke out who gets suspended from chat for the longest, and I'll go buy myself something fancy.
My god, congress has letters from the CEOs of Google and twitter, and this guy is citing some zdnet IT blogger
8:43 PM
@RebeccaChernoff Sounds legit. Can I pay in AppSumo credit?
@pauska Oi
^ see - smiley. We sysadmins need to do that to explain that we are trying to be funny.
@pauska ....Like that statement can't be taken out of context...
/me hides.
8:43 PM
@pauska why? because you think I'd walk into a mall or clothing store? Hell no. I'd head over to MicroCenter.
thanks for the heads up
@pauska Flagged for blaspheme
that was.. not funny
8:44 PM
Oh, @pauska, why do you make it so easy?
@pauska And now I look like an idiot, giggling at my desk xD
I dont know, it must be my DNA
god damnit im red here
@pauska We need to make a bronze sock award. To the person who has stuck his foot in his mouth the most.
@MarkM Then go ask yourself why nobody solved the problem until someone had to put up a meta post, people started monitoring and flagging and moderators from other sites came and finally did something about it?
@Rebecca damn! I married the wrong woman! She just wants old navy gift cards and stuff like that.
8:44 PM
@TomWijsman, mostly nobody knew there was something that needed to get solved
@TomWijsman Erm - nothing has been done
Can I get a hell yeah if you think gift cards are tacky for christmas?!
@WesleyDavid I find your idea about awards interesting, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter
We just got a huge police barricade in here, nothing else
@PeterGrace hell yeah.
8:45 PM
@PeterGrace I dunno, if you buy the right gift card, I tend to be pretty excited.
@TomWijsman There was no legit problem. Only a few people's concerns that chose not to take it up with us directly.
@MarkM Er. I didn't ban anyone, and I don't think I even spoke in here until right now, so I'm pretty sure I didn't "make it worse". I don't know why you have such a big problem with people commenting
@RebeccaChernoff hmmm- good business model.
@WesleyDavid Do not concur!
@RobMoir I'm sad whenever I use that line and nobody gets it
8:45 PM
@TomWijsman Sorry, people should know: Translated to english your name means 'KnowItAll'
But it'd basically be a case of "You knew what I wanted but were too scared to buy it yourself so you bought a gift card for its exact value instead"
You guys keep alternating between "why don't people say something if they have a problem?" and "why don't you guys mind your own business"
@MichaelMrozek MarkM eats babies for breakfast, don't worry.
oh this is just what we needed
another out of context blue telling us that we're wrong
@BartDeVos That joke is so old... Did you have to mention it? Not really constructive.
thats it.. im taking a break
8:46 PM
@BartDeVos no need for that.
@MichaelMrozek What that translates to is "Someone from within the community should have said something. People from outside should largely not have interfered since they don't know us."
@pauska Someone flagged, is all.
@pauska Don't forget your sock while thinking of a special person in this chat.
@BartDeVos FYI, that was flagged offensive
@WesleyDavid Then what was the meta post for?
8:47 PM
@ChrisS Figures
@TomWijsman someone inside the community that chose not to take it up with us directly. That's his prerogative, and I still love the guy, but I think many of us wish it had been brought up as a direct conversation.
le sigh
@WesleyDavid Probably because he thought that a direct conversation would have not worked out well.
So in other news, I need srsbsns help! I need a caption for this picture:
I find it hard to take criticism from people like @TomWijsman (n/o), who are never here, but tell us what to do... I find that strange... Why the need for al the morals all of the sudden?
8:49 PM
@TomWijsman You're right, he may have thought that. However, that doesn't mean that the line of thinking was correct
@TomWijsman This worked out so much worse.
@RebeccaChernoff It'd help if you had a picture there
@RebeccaChernoff "Image not found"
@RebeccaChernoff I suggest "I'm still looking for the right filename"
8:49 PM
@RebeccaChernoff Flagged for no image.
@RebeccaChernoff No hot link for you!
@RebeccaChernoff "There's a secret message in my picture, can you guess what it is" ?
@BartDeVos If that is your train of thinking... That goes both ways.
@TomWijsman Explain?
8:50 PM
@MichaelMrozek I didn't say you did
@WesleyDavid @TomWijsman well it was brought up in the right place (Meta). But that's lead to a pile-on effect
@BartDeVos Because you started criticizing?
@RebeccaChernoff, see, you're ASKING for the SNL "x in a box" jokes
@RebeccaChernoff "Surprise!!!"
@RebeccaChernoff "OHAI! I discarded the carpet covered tree in here so I could use this awesome toy!"
8:51 PM
@RebeccaChernoff "Why you ship me to Abu-Dabi?"
And we get blamed for taking it down a level
@RebeccaChernoff "Sorry our mail room is so small; it's a startup"
@MarkM I was guessing, since I couldn't figure out how else I could've affected things in here
I am sure that the people who have popped in here earlier today to "help us out" with their nice big banhammers - were acting in good faith as they saw best, but that doesn't alter the fact that they've made things worse :-(

If people think there's a problem with this room that's one thing, but having random people jump in who have, as far as I can tell, never visited before jump in and start laying down the banhammer is crazy.
@RebeccaChernoff "Holidaytiem"
8:51 PM
@voretaq7 Kinda like going to a city council meeting to complain to your next door neighbor that their dog barks too much.
right place, wrong timing
@MichaelMrozek I said that studiohack and someone else came in here and started talking down to people
Someone asked if it was you and I said that it wasn't
@PeterGrace win.
I said that you had posted on meta and that I disagreed with your post, but that you didn't exacerbate the chat issue this afternoon
@RobMoir Also goes for people who feel it's necessary to come and tell us what to do...
@WesleyDavid well more like going to the co-op board because your neighbor's dog barks too much.
8:52 PM
@RebeccaChernoff "Sorry, I ate all your mouses..."
13 mins ago, by MarkM
@GraceNote I don't think that was him
But what's happened is someone on the co-op board is on the city council and now we've got all sorts of hand-wringing and talk about ordinances
@MichaelMrozek Don't worry, alot of people are obviously misreading us as a whole....
@voretaq7 You are frighteningly aware of city politics. I'm voting you off the island next.
8:53 PM
@bartdevos I've got less of a problem with people coming over to to discuss things, to be honest. I might not agree with all they say but I'm not offended by anyone having an opinion.
on that note, I'm british. I need tea.
@pauska I really don't think that's the case, you guys and everyone else just have wildly different opinions on what's appropriate on chat.SE
i can't think without a cup of tea
@RobMoir Good point. I'm belgian. I need fries
oh, and beer
@MichaelMrozek Does that mean that all of us in here are wrong?
@WesleyDavid I'm also on my co-op's board :'(
8:54 PM
@MichaelMrozek That is correct. SysAdmin culture at large is rather salty, and when someone precious walks in not expecting that, they can get offended. It's like someone spitting out cold soup and complaining to the chef -- but it was gazpacho.
This place is most analogous to 4chan.org/b of all the chat rooms, for sure.
@pauska You can't really have a "wrong" opinion, unless somebody in charge specifically says "these are the rules for chat"
We do over indulge on the memes and the boobs
Non-sysadmins telling sysadmins how to talk to other sysadmins... it kind of makes me cringe
@PeterGrace We haven't posted dead bodies, insulted minorities or shared child porn. We're nothing like 4chan. =)
8:55 PM
@Aaron Mrm
@WesleyDavid speak for yourself! Though I generally seek permission from the subject before posting dead bodies.
@pauska I've never seen a site so concerned with "us" vs "them" before. The number of times somebody in here has said something along the lines of "you're not a sysadmin, so shut up" today is astonishing
@WesleyDavid Though you did say some rather nasty things about my horrid ex-employer this morning =D
@MichaelMrozek What do you expect if people are telling us "you guys should tone it down"?
You automatically get a "we" vs "you guys".
@MichaelMrozek It's a matter of cultural understanding. There really is a culture to this profession. Much like there is a different culture at many universities, or companies or whatever you can think of. So someone coming into HP and saying ...
8:58 PM
@MichaelMrozek That's another cultural thing TBH - but it's more extreme in here today because of the kersplosion of people who (at least in our perception) want to dictate rules of behavior
..."You're too straight laced, you need to lose the suit and tie!" isn't coming at it from the right perspective. That's just who HP is. A guy from HP coming into Googled and saying "You shouldn't let employees walk around in bare feet. It's disrespectful!" is just as off based.
In all the excitement, flag-activity on the main site has been rather light today.
Everybody needs to chill out. (:
@sysadmin1138 I can think of a reason..
8:58 PM
@RebeccaChernoff I would star that, but i'm out of stars
@sysadmin1138 yeah, and I'm getting rep by having squeaker answers being upvoted before you guys can clean my answers up! :P
Wait, you only get a certain number of stars?
@MichaelMrozek We were in the middle of a heated debate about how to handle Iain's meta post (which was totally out of the blue). Outside mods came in without understanding it and turned it into us vs them. We were sorting it out ourselves. Then @RebeccaChernoff and @GraceNote came in and we all cooled down and discussed it
@growse 30 stars a day
@voretaq7 You can be out of stars?
8:59 PM
@MichaelMrozek THEN you popped in and seemed to start it all back up
@BartDeVos yeah I forget the limit....
@voretaq7 Never mind
30/day apparently
@MichaelMrozek I don't mean to jump in, but the second you said something about being concerned with "us vs. them" I figured you were from SO and not one of the satellite sites. You might not be indoctrinated into their thinking, but SO in general has a cultural absolutism about them.
I wonder how much I could sell stars for
Man, if I don't type something once a minute, I get punted down to the 3rd row
8:59 PM
Would starring the latest 30 messages get me banned?
@MarkM and others: I apologize for coming in here and telling you guys how to do it, I was sticking my nose where I didn't belong, as I wasn't familiar with the situation.
@ChrisS Mrozek ran for Stack Overflow moderator earlier this year.
The problem is that everyone is telling us to sort out these issues that we didnt even know existed until this morning, but no one is giving us a chance to sort them out. Assorted OFF SITE diamonds keep popping in throughout the day and reigniting the shit storm

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