In *Introduction to Abstract Algebra* (2014) by Fine, Gaglione, Rosenberger, p.459, we have a very clear definition of the properties of the **norm** on a vector space such that *"Any inner product space $V$ is a normed linear space with |v| = $\sqrt{<v,v>}\ $ for* [all] *v $\in V$."*
Where *A* **norm** *on a vector space is a function $|\ |\ :\ V \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\ \ $satisfying:*
$(1)\ \ |v| \geq 0 \ \ for\ all\ v \in V$
$(2)\ \ |v| = 0 \ \ if\ and\ only\ if\ \ v = 0_{v}$
$(3)\ \ |tv| = |t||v|\ \ for\ \text{[all]}\ v\ \in V\ and\ t\ \in \mathbb{R}$