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I've successfully gotten a python library to run on Windows.
I feel like this shouldn't have been such a huge ordeal to get Theano installed.
@MikeM: Just wanted to let you know I got a downvote (and one upvote) on that complex indices question. Of course no comment why. Take a look. Was I wrong (to your knowledge) or otherwise deserving?
howdy @arctic
Hi All, anyone a whiz with the TI-89?
@BenjaminR Are you trying to write a BASIC program on it? Or trying to do a regression?
Hi @Benjamin and @Axoren. Count me out on programmable calculators.
Just wanting to genrate a list of sequential variables
really simple
e.g. if I want the range [1,10]
rather than typing {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
is there an operator that will to the same, e.g. {1...10}
or {1:10}
In TI-83, I remember being able to just make a simple Label + Goto loop that applied one of your $Y_i$ formulas one at a time and printed the output.
(this is in math/calc mode, not programming)
TI-89 might be easier.
I don't know if there was a built-in function in TI-83, in TI-89 I don't know either.
I guess I just don't know.
Isn't such a thing google-able?
do you want to save a list of range 10?
So far it hasn't been
I don't want to save a list, I want a list for input to a function
@TedShifrin Hey. Also, I don't know if such a thing is easily queriable. It's a complex question whose subset substring matches likely don't lead to anything constructive.
well in python you can do this
e.g. gcd([1,10], 31)
list = range(0,t) + 1;
Isn't there a reasonable manual for using the TI89?
The main failing of Google is that it only has some searches like "The spanish guy who did the movies with the machete."
yep I know how to do it in any programming language, I am just borrowing this TI-89 from a friend
Surely there's a manual that discusses syntax?
Ted – I am looking at all the manuals right now, in the index and contents there is nothing about syntax of lists
Sorry :(
@BenjaminR Are you planning on using this during an exam?
I withdraw.
Yep. In ~45 minutes :-)
Find a python interpreter for TI-89
I hear there's Gameboy emulators on it.
There's probably python for it.
can't it be declared as a sequence ?
yes but how, Ali?
I want something like [1..10] or [1:10]
I'll check
basically I can't see anything on the syntax of range operators
That definitely looks like what he's looking for.
if not try delcareing it as a function
I am just gonna try and live chat with someone on the TI.com website
good luck
Ali – too much time for what I need to do in the exam, easier just to enter it manually
yeah.. don't remind me I have an exam in 5 hours xd
What subject is the exam for?
Algebra III – i.e. Abstract Algebra
Good luck.
I think the seq() function is the ticket though
but too verbose for my needs. Eh, I'll just type it in manually.
thanks guys.
1 hour later…
Interesting ... I've never known any instructor who allowed/wanted calculators for an abstract algebra exam. None.
i need help with this
Q: Largest power of $2$ dividing $n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots (n-2^k+1)$

user19405892 Prove that the largest power of $2$ dividing $n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots (n-2^k+1)$ is $2^k-1$ if $n = 2^k m$ where $m > 1$ is odd. We are basically adding up the powers of $2$ in the multiples of $2$ up to $2^{k-1}$ (and $k$). Thus, since we have $$2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32$$ we wo...

@EricStucky I am trying to solve the following: Prove that the largest power of $2$ dividing $n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots (n-2^k+1)$ is $2^k-1$ if $n = 2^k m$ where $m > 1$ is odd and $k \in \mathbb{Z}^+$.
@Axoren I didn't want that edit.
Then reject it. Also, $2^k - 1$ is not a power of two, hence the confusion.
You as the question asker have veto rights on edits.
My apologies.
Yes u19, I did read. I didn't respond since I didn't have anything to say, but you've tipped my hand.
Ah, thanks for pointing out the power of two thing
I was wondering why nobody was responding
I've recently lost my faith in negative numbers.
I started to realize that they aren't just the opposites of the natural numbers, but a whole different paradigm of numeric units. Naturals correspond to numeric quantities, negatives correspond to debts or removals of quantities. It took this long to have it sink in that those are very fundamentally different types of objects.
With this new perspective, I can't think of a way to justify division by a negative without falling back to the argument "it just works".
@Axoren Throw some modular inverse in there and shake vigorously
@MickLH The justification I might need now may be more akin to this proof that you can divide by three.
A proof that you can divide by negative numbers.
Ok that was harsh, feel free to derive rules for any special case your heart desires
I didn't even read what you said in time. I hope you're not taking my BS to heart.
I obviously believe that you can do these things, $\frac{10}{-5} = -2$. But I just feel like I understand that concept at too high a level to explain it formally from the original foundations.
Oh I'm being playful, I was berating you for making a "simple" division so complicated
@Ted I'm not quote sure what you mean when you say "we treat $d\bar z(\bar v)$ as the same thing". The only thing I would add is an example, eg that you would write $dz \wedge d\bar z$ as $dz^1\wedge dz^{\bar 1}$.
@Axoren When constructing it from ZFC, you just kind of define it to be like that.
But if you take anything in applied math where you divide by a negative on the way to your final answer, you can probably justify it within that application.
2 hours later…
The first paper I wrote with my current mentor has now been accepted in Advances. Awesome.
2 hours later…
congratulations, @TobiasKildetoft
@Huy Thanks
1 hour later…
congratulations @TobiasKildetoft !
Great!!! What is it about? @TobiasKildetoft
How much time did you occupy with it?
@TedShifrin They exam didn't have any restrictions on calculators. I really just used it for one thing, which was to find the LCM or GCD of two numbers faster than in my head and to quickly generate list of natural numbers that are less than x and coprime to x
Interestingly, the example sequential set of numbers I wanted to test for being coprime was exactly what was needed in the exam, so all I had to do was press the up arrow on the TI-89
(fyi – this is about quickly getting the fellow integer generators of some cyclic group $\langle a \rangle$.
$\langle 21 \rangle \in \mathbb{Z}_{30}$ was the one in the exam, which, admittedly is quite easy, but in past exams it's been $\langle 3 \rangle = U(31)$ for example which (at least for me) is a bit trickier just to do in my head)
Q: Difference between the definitions regarding distribution of prime numbers

sashaFollowing are the two theorems that Hardy and Wright state in their book Theorem A: The number of primes not exceeding $x$ is given by $\pi(x) \sim \frac{x}{\log{x}}$. Theorem B: The order of magnitude of $\pi(x)$ is $\pi(x) \asymp \frac{x}{\log{x}}$. where, $f \sim \phi$ iff $\; \f...

1 hour later…
@Evinda It is a classification of projective functors on parabolic subcategories of the BGG category $\mathcal{O}$ in type $A$. It was what I spent most of my time on during the first 8 months or so of my current postdoc
Has anyone ever plotted Andrew Guinand's formula for counting the zeta zeros?
@TobiasKildetoft Interesting. So current a potdoc, one publishes papers? How do you write papers? Do you read known ones and want to answer an unanswered question?
@Evinda Yes, I read a lot of papers and I listen to a lot of talks, to get an idea of what sort of problems other people are interested in.
Interesting. How many years is your postdoc? @TobiasKildetoft
It was a 2-year postdoc, which will end come November
And what will you do after finishing the postdoc? @TobiasKildetoft
No idea yet. I have not been able to find another position
You mean you would do also an other postdoc? @TobiasKildetoft
that was the plan if I could find one
Interesting. So you look for scholarships? @TobiasKildetoft
Are these sufficient? @TobiasKildetoft
sufficient for what?
for living
sure, the right ones are
Would you also like to teach at the university? @TobiasKildetoft
Hi @TobiasKildetoft
@BalarkaSen Hi
Hi everyone.
@BalarkaSen What are you up to? Summer break started yet?
Just sharing:
$\displaystyle\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx}|x|=\frac{|x|}x$
$\displaystyle\int|x|\ \mathrm dx=\frac12|x|x+C$
@TobiasKildetoft Summer break has long ended :(
@BalarkaSen You crazy people on the southern hemisphere
How about the winter break then?
Too far ahead.
I see. Here everyone basically stops functioning from tomorrow and for about a month
What for? Summer, I suppose?
Hello, please help me solve a system of equations: x^2+y^4=20, x^4+y^2=20
@Ivan Put the expressions inside dollar signs to make them look nicer
I did $x^2-y^2=x^4-y^4$
Yeah, fixed it
But what to do next
Is $x^2=1-y^2$ right?
or $x^2=y^2$
So let's split them up into two cases
In this case it's probably easier to think about it geometrically
are you sure about those roots of 77?
Yes, that is where I am now, but the answers are (2,2)(-2,-2)(2;-2)(-2;2)
@SteamyRoot Those should be rejected, because they make either $x^2$ or $y^2$ negative.
Yeah, but even so
@Ivan So I've solved it.
I think the complex solutions are always $\pm i \sqrt{5}$
Yes, thank you!
But can I ask why the roots of 77 and etc are not answers?
@Ivan Because either $x^2$ is negative or $y^2$ is negative.
@SteamyRoot Well, there may be some calculation mistakes.
Actually, you do have it right there
Please help me check.
$(y^2+5)(y^2-4) = 0$
@LeakyNun But don't we get only these: (2,2)(-2,-2)?
@Ivan No, $x^2$ and $y^2$ are $4$, but it is not bounded that $x=y$ or $x=-y$.
@SteamyRoot Yes, but there is another complex solution which stems from $1-x^2-y^2=0$.
Wow, yes! Thank you!
@SteamyRoot You could help me plug those solutions with $\sqrt{77}$ inside to check if they satisfy the equations.
But $1-x^2 - y^2$ is just the circle
it is just the circle on the real plane
Yeah, you're right
It will actually give a solution
But a mixed one, as in $x$ is real and $y$ is complex
Can I show you another system and what I did solving it but not getting the result?
@Ivan sure
t1= -1, t2 = -7
Fot t = -1
$x - 2y = -1$
$x = 2y - 1$
Then plug in first:
$39y - 11x - 5xy(x-2y)=0$
$29y -11x +5xy=0$
$39y -22y +11 +10y^2 -5y=0$
$10y^2 + 12y + 11 = 0$
I try to solve it and I get strange answers
Same with t = -7
Can you show me t=-7?
Fot t = -7:
$x = 2y - 7$
$39y -11x - 5xy(2y-7-2y)=0$
$39y -11(2y-7) + 35y(2y-7)=0$
solutions with the root of 7606?
$70y^2-228y+77 = 0$
Answers are (1;1)(39/5;22/5)(-2,6;2,2)(-3;2)
Sure you didn't typo anything?
That is what is written in my book, if there is an error, it is printing issue
your equation with $70y^2$ also hints at a root of $7606$, which is what I got
It is interesting that even the web solver does not get the answers
If you just plug in your supposed solution $(1,1)$
the first equation doesn't hold
Just did it and you are right..
There's a typo in the first equation
replace the 11 by 44
Did you find the mistake?
Lol, thank you! :)
A: Fake proof that $\frac{e^x-1}{e^x+1}=e^x$, via integrating $\operatorname{sech} x$ in two ways

Kenny LauBecause $2\arctan\left(\frac{e^x-1}{e^x+1}\right)=2\left(\arctan(e^x)-\frac\pi4\right)=2\arctan(e^x)+C'$. The results differ by a constant.

8 upvotes in 8 minutes
A question: how to prove that $\forall x\in\mathbb R:f(x)=0 \implies \forall_i:a_i=0$ where $f(x)=\sum_{i=0}^n a_ix^i$?
In other words, how to prove that every coefficient in a polynomial is zero if every value of the polynomial is zero?
Oooh, fake proofs :3
Can you use the fact that there is a unique degree $n$ polynomial going through $n+1$ points?
@SteamyRoot How is this proved?
@SteamyRoot I'm seeing some circles there if I am not mistaken.
In the first proof?
What exactly do you think is wrong?
> Formally, if r(x) is any non-zero polynomial, it must be writable as ${\displaystyle r(x)=A(x-x_{0})(x-x_{1})\cdots (x-x_{n})}$ , for some constant A.
I'm not sure how you prove that
Polynomial factorization
Essentially, you can do "long division" on polynomials
Well, alright.
What about power series?
I'm not too sure about that :/
Have you seen a power series which evaluates to a constant?
a non-trivial one?
Can't think of it right now
How would I solve $A^2=\left(\begin{matrix}0&0\\0&0\end{matrix}\right)$?
What about for bigger sizes?
Hmm... a nilpotent matrix
In dimension two, it should be rather straightforward
@SteamyRoot Is it true that $\det(A)=0\iff\exists n\in\mathbb N:A^n=$zero matrix?
That I find hard to believe
A matrix has determinant $0$ if one of the eigenvalues is $0$
But a nilpotent matrix has all eigenvalues zero
I see
As for your question to solve $A^2 = 0$
From that, you know the Jordan decomposition is either the zero matrix
Or a matrix with zeroes everywhere and a 1 in the top-right position.
And from that you should be able to get all nilpotent matrices of dimension $2$
Probably will get a lot harder in higher dimensions
I see, thanks
For myself to remember. The plotted spectrum I posted yesterday is not integrable.
@MatsGranvik what was it?
Why is it not integratable?
that looks continuous to me
@LeakyNun Because Mathematica can not integrate the symbolic expression that gives this plot.
What is the expression?
Integrate[(xres*((x1^(-1/2 + I t + eps)*((-(g1 - x1 + 1)) - 1)))*(1/
2 + I t - eps)^0 +
xres*((x2^(-1/2 + I t + eps)*((-(g2 - x2 + 1)) - 1)))*(1/2 + I t -
eps)^0 +
xres*((x3^(-1/2 + I t + eps)*((-(g3 - x3 + 1)) - 1)))*(1/2 + I t -
eps)^0)/(xres*((x1^(-1/2 + I t - eps)*((-(g1 - x1 + 1)) -
1)))*(1/2 + I t + eps)^0 +
xres*((x2^(-1/2 + I t - eps)*((-(g2 - x2 + 1)) - 1)))*(1/2 + I t +
eps)^0 +
xres*((x3^(-1/2 + I t - eps)*((-(g3 - x3 + 1)) - 1)))*(1/2 + I t +
eps)^0), t]
never mind.
can we get it in math form?
that looks nasty regardless, though
Yes it is. But this is only for the 3 first terms of Riemann zeta.
I mean, there's enough repeated stuff in the expression that I'd be surprised if it didn't simplify
there's tons of stuff to the power of 0, even
@SamuelYusim those factors to the power of zero is only there for me to remember what I started with.
It is the fraction, or division, that causes the problems probably.
well like, only one term has a denominator
Someone has submitted a solution to this question math.stackexchange.com/questions/860294/…
...unless I got my bracketing wrong
this is pretty hard to read
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with unit and let $M$ be a $R$-module.
For $m\in M$ is $Rm$ a $R$-submodule of $M$ ?
proving it from the definitions is not very hard
So, we have to prove that $Rm$ is a subgroup of $M$ and that $x*y\in Rm, \forall x\in R, \forall y\in Rm$, or not? @SamuelYusim
How can we show the first property?
For the second one, we have that x=r_1\in R$ and $y=r_2m\in Rm$. Then $xy=r_1r_2m\in Rm$, right?
elements of $Rm$ are of the form $rm$ for $r \in R$. You just need to show that you can add stuff and subtract stuff, and remain in $Rm$.
also that 0 is in there, but yeah
also, if you want to do the other part carefully you say $r_1 (r_2m) = (r_1r_2)m$, and $r_1r_2 \in R$, so this is in $Rm$. Do you see how the parentheses matter?
So, we have that $r_1m, r_2m\in Rm$. Then $-(r_1m)=(-r_1)m\in Rm$ and $r_1m+r_2m=(r_1+r_2)m\in Rm$.
Is this correct?
Yes, I see how the parentheses matter...
yeah, you've got it
Great!! Thank you very much!! :-) @SamuelYusim
no prob bob
can anyone tell which is a better book for beginners for number theory ? (1) Hardy and Wright
book by garth and ericson
ask Jasper and pick whichever he didn't recommend
@PaulPlummer Long time.
Yah been a while @BalarkaSen
Hi @PaulP
Is deficiency additive under free product?
@BalarkaSen any suggestions ?
Hi @MikeMiller
@Sasha I used Niven-Zuckerman-Montgomery.
I don't think so (deficiency is number of relations minus generators?)
I like that book a lot.
@Paul Yeah, after minimizing over all presentations. Do you have a good counterexample?
Oh, I see, you were asking for a comparison, @Sasha. No idea, haven't used Garth-Ericson.
It has an example which has deficiency 1 but if the free product thing was true it would be 2
Cool, so your first example is a c/e
@PaulP always have cool examples when it comes to things like this.
What is c/e?
counterexample, probably
Oh, duh
no idea why the slash is there but it is
how's your life been?
It has been cool, lots of procrastinating recently, I need to register for some of the MSRI workshops next semester (on geometric group theory)
And study for my analysis qual
School has been going well, and life in general.
@Paul Prof's going there this August.
Cool, is he going for the whole semester?
Cool, enjoy the workshop
@MikeMiller You? Hopefully I get funding for the workshops, not sure how competitive it is
I applied for the baby version of that last year but my department chose people with more seniority
He'll probably stay for a couple months. I'm thinking of the MSRI workshop organized by Agol.
The way it works is each department has a number of "spots", you apply through your department
And they just pick who gets to go
I'm a little worried though, isn't the deadline like April?
I think that is if you want to be there the whole time, I think just workshops it is different (I might be mistaken)
Oh, I'm thinking of the summer schools. Sorry
No idea. I've gotten funding to do a lot of travel despite having nothing to my name so it can't be that bad in general
Oh, and summer school works that way, I did not get into summer school
Anything interesting in terms of math?
I've been doing alright. The year went well. Been a little bit lazy lately but I meet with my advisor next week so I should get un-lazy
I have recently started reading a paper "Group actions on $\mathbb{R}$-trees", and sort of been looking around for the big picture on the subject, and how it comes about @BalarkaSen
I see. What's it about (ignore this if it's too technical)?
I see John Morgan's one of the authors.
Is this Morgan-Shalen?
It is Culler-Morgan, but it is definetly related to work of Mogan-Shalen
Cool, a colleague of mine thinks a lot about the Morgan-Shalen compactification, though I haven't talked to him in a while.
@BalarkaSen Groups acting on trees ;). Well group acting on trees seem to come up when studing splittings of groups (bass-serre theory), and has a relation to studying 3-manifolds and sufaces (rips machine ), and somehow you can get compactifications which is an analogue compactification of Teichmuller space. I am still trying to figure out what all these things are though, so I can't be of any more help at the moment
I don't know how it works but I can say why the latter is important
I think the main point of the paper is to prove stuff about compactification, but havn't gotten that far
@PaulPlummer Ah, ok. How does group action on trees come up from Bass-Serre theory?
Nah, that's silly, of course it does.
@MikeMiller I am interested
Deck transformations act on covering spaces. :P
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