Jan 12 18:16
@uhoh It takes multiple votes because sometimes people are wrong. But mods can close with 1 vote, as can gold badgers with dupes, because we assume they'll be correct. CVs age away so that a highly viewed question which only 1 in 1000 users actually think should be closed is closed over years because every year 1 out of thousands of visitors thinks it should be closed. And leave open votes don't remove CVs (they can remove items from the queue, but that because its assumed that if a lot of people agree it should be left open with few people thinking is should be closed, the closer was wrong)
Jan 12 18:16
@uhoh If you are closing a question just because you can't answer it...that's very bad...I sincerely hope no one does that. Closing questions is for questions which can't possiblly be answered by anyone (ex. didn't ask a question, has 100 questions in 1, unclear what asker wants), are off-topic (ex. whats 1+1?), is totally subjective (there is no right or wrong answer, totally opinion ex. what's the best rocket?), or is a duplicate...and that's more or less it
Jan 12 18:16
@uhoh Close voting is somewhat subjective, but the goal is to make it as objective as possible. And (outside of community specific reasons) close voting is the same everywhere
Jan 12 18:16
@uhoh Yes, because its assumed all soup will be eaten by mouth. If someone offered you soup you needed to eat with your nose, I'd imagine you'd decline :) Similarly, here it is assumed all questions will conform to certain rules, including not being opinion-based
Jan 12 18:16
@uhoh A opinion-based question is one that will be answered with opinions, hence the close reason.
Jan 12 18:16
@planetmaker No. Saying "opinion-based questions aren't allowed here. if you want you can ask a new, non-opinion based question or modify this one to not be opinion-based" is the task of more experienced users, not crafting a new question in their name
Jan 12 18:16
@DavidHammen "How does it stack up" is opinion based, so is difficult/ease of adoption, pitfalls, etc.
Jan 12 18:16
@planetmaker Except its a different (but related) question and your edit would conflict with the author's intent.
Jan 12 18:16
@DavidHammen I downvoted and VTCed because this is an opinion based question, not the XTCE
Jan 12 18:16
@planetmaker I rejected your edit. Changing the question to ask a different (albeit related) question is for the author to do if they wish, and other users doing it conflicts with the author's intent
Nov 24, 2024 16:28
@MichaelHarvey Uhh...no Why do you think that? The username?
Nov 24, 2024 16:28
How is one releastically supposed to know someone's belief? You can only know what they say, and if someone says I believe in the Quran/Islam, they are presumably saying that they agree with it. Hence, wouldn't a person who inteprets the Quran as calling ofr murder be allowed to discriminate against a Muslim (in absence of the Muslim saying they don't think murder is ok)
Nov 24, 2024 16:28
Read this article. It contains quite a few verses which make it clear that "I believe in the Quran" means "I believe in murder". There is also no way to actually determine whether or not someone who says they believe all homosexuals should be killed actually thinks that and isn't making it up.
Nov 24, 2024 16:28
How/Why is Islam, a religion which calls for the killing of all non-muslims, more worthy of respect in a democratic society than a religion which calls for the killing of all homosexuals? Those sound equally bad to me (maybe Islam is even less worthy of respect because it wants to kill more people).
Nov 24, 2024 16:28
What if a Muslim said I believe in the Quran or I follow the Quran and they were discriminated against for that?
Nov 24, 2024 16:28
How would this work in practice though? Islam calls the murder of all non-Muslims and I don't recall Islam being illegal in the UK.
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@MissUnderstands "M+I+S+S+ +U+N+D+E+R+S+T+A+N+D+S=???" was a joke to prove the point that I don't understand how one would add the OP.
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@MissUnderstands At a minimum, if you ask a favor, you need to the most basic things to allow people to help you. Also, you can't get upset if no one has the time to help you as a favor within an hour of posting your question. Anyways, I suggest, when you get unsuspended, try to follow rules and be nice and when someone is kind enough to tell you your mistake, don't attack them. They're not trying to drive you out of here. Frankly, if everyone acted the way you did I would leave this site immediately and not return. Being rude is actually what would drive someone out.
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@MissUnderstands You have been suspended on many many sites over and over again but you don't stop. I did warn you that continuing would likely get you suspended network-wide, and here we are. Continuing will just result in more and longer suspensions. Whether you understand or like the rules or not, you need to follow them. That isn't up for debate. If you want to change the rules, that's what Meta is for. I also don't know what you want from users. They're cowardly if they don't explain their downvotes and bullies if they do. Regardless, by asking a question you asking a favor. Continued...
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@MissUnderstands Please be nice. This community and other communities you have posted in have done nothing but try to be nice to you (except I do think its possible there is 1 user targetting you with downvotes but that is far outweighed by the many upvoted one gets for good posts) , understand you, and help you. You continue to repay them by being incessantly rude to them, refusing to learn, and insisting that your autism prevents you from not being obnoxious to people (a claim which is clearly false and has been contradicted by multiple autistics on this site alone). Continued...
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@uhoh You do know I've asked probably 100-150 questions network wide write and 85 on Space SE alone right
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@uhoh answered this question for the record. And I don't know how I'd calculate the OP (M+I+S+S+ +U+N+D+E+R+S+T+A+N+D+S=???) Also, writing a good question isn't semantics, its literally the point.
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@MissUnderstands Incorrect
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@uhoh Link for Law SE please?
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@uhoh Saying "I need help with doing the math for X" might be fine. Asking a question and saying "heres what categories of math I can and can't do" is irrelevant, because by asking a question you're asking someone to tell you something you don't know (Unless you self answer)
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
@uhoh Sure I'd be curious where you've seen that the entire question should be stuffed into the title while the body should be filled with random, useless, unrelated, and irrelevant details about the OP's math skills.
Nov 20, 2024 18:00
As stated to you multiple times, the title is a summary of the body. The actual question should not be stuffed into the title while the body contains useless and irrelevant details about your math skills.
Nov 3, 2024 03:41
@Miss_Understands I’m sorry but this site is made for everyone not just autistics. While I agree that many people are pretty awful, that doesn’t mean that we should all be offensive and obnoxious (or do things that others perceive as offensive and obnoxious, to a reasonable degree).
Nov 3, 2024 03:41
@Miss_Understands You’re able to close vote on 4 sites so you should know that downvotes and close votes are different. Also, Considering that the majority of people are “creationists” as you say, I think you’re comment is probably going to offend a bunch of people, btw.
Nov 3, 2024 03:41
@Miss_Understands It’s only been 11 hours. SE is not a guarantee of an answer in 3 seconds, sorry. Users have already explained to you what you’re wrong about and I’m not interested in restating their arguments.
Nov 3, 2024 03:41
and meta if you haven’t already. Also, something that I do is look over my questions a day later and see if I still like them. I’ve caught many potentially bad questions that way. Also, please be nice to people. People are trying to help, and I’ve noticed you’ve made a bunch of rude comments recently. Please don’t. Rather than storming off in a huff, learn and grow. Everything you know you once learned (for the most part).
Nov 3, 2024 03:41
@Miss_Understands Please don’t leave. I’ve been on this other side of this, if you were able to see my deleted questions you’ll know that I have been downvoted into oblivion sometimes too. Most of the time, that means that the author was wrong about something and/or your question was a bad one. Rather than leave, learn. My understanding is that there’s been many times where, like all of us, you discovered you were wrong about something and learned. Learning is the point of this site. However, in terms of the “poor quality question” issue, I would advise taking a look over the help center…
Nov 2, 2024 14:40
No one blamed you. 3 good questions in short succession is a good thing
Nov 2, 2024 14:40
Hot Network Questions (aka tons of upvotes from around the network)
Nov 2, 2024 14:40
I find it crazy that 3 of your questions are on the HNQ at once right now
Oct 22, 2024 21:57
Please link to the article by "Gupta"

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break thing...
Sep 27, 2024 17:40
And on the subject...this weird story thing seems like it might be discussion spam:stackoverflow.com/beta/discussions/79031855/the-digital-dawn
Sep 27, 2024 17:39
Nah that's probably a bit of an exaggeration...but its close
Sep 27, 2024 14:24
I'm not arguing "let's force everyone to have looser autoflag conditions" I'm arguing "let's give people a bit more of a choice"
Sep 27, 2024 14:23
The minimum is currently 99.75% but that doesn't prevent me from only doing what is historically 100% accuracte
Sep 27, 2024 14:23
@JeffSchaller what do you mean? People can always keep their autoflag conditions higher...
Sep 27, 2024 14:14
@JeffSchaller Actually MS prevents autoflagging thresholds below 99.75% accuracy
Sep 27, 2024 14:12
The reason that I am arguing that we should reduce the accuracy (slightly) is because it would result in more spam being deleted quicker. Very simple.

I simply don't see how 99 correctly autoflagged posts do less good than 1 wrongly non-deleted autoflagged post
Sep 27, 2024 14:10
@JeffSchaller although maybe where Smokey has historical 100% acurracy it would make sense?
Sep 27, 2024 14:09
@JeffSchaller Well the issue is that preventing something from being posted wrongly is much more problematic than wrongly flagged it and it not getting deleted
Sep 27, 2024 14:06
@tripleee I don't see that either...perhaps because you have a lot of privs?
Sep 27, 2024 14:05
@JeffSchaller would you not say that more benefit is done through 100 posts correctly autoflagged and deleted much quicker than 1 post incorrectly autoflagged and not deleted?
Sep 27, 2024 14:04
@JeffSchaller they only come with penalties if the post is deleted, not if they are declined though.
Sep 27, 2024 14:02
@JeffSchaller my point is I don't see why you need an apology for "We had something click a button but because it was wrong it actually had no effect on you"
Sep 27, 2024 14:01
@tripleee what do you mean? What harm is done by an FP (provided it isn't actually wrongly deleted)