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Q: You can easily derive the Hubble constant from the age of the universe and c. IS THIS A COINCIDENCE?

Miss_UnderstandsNow pay attention please, because this is going to look like stage magic. But it only involves one multiplication and 2 divisions. It should be simple to explain away. I'm too stupid to do that, thus this question. I'm afraid to believe that I discovered something so simple. But the fact that it ...

You have discovered that 2$\pi c/(2 \pi ct_0) = t_0^{-1}$ is about equal to $H_0$. Congratulations. You also could have found this in any cosmology textbook.
@eshaya Great! Whew! I thought this had gone unnoticed! So, doesn't this validate the hyperspherical topology of the universe? Because otherwise, it's just a veeery strange coincidence. Right?
PS: How does 2πc / (2πct0) = the square root of the elapsed time? Wouldn't that be the circumference of the universe at time zero (i.e, now)? And where can I find this identity? I need to read about it. Thank you!
It works for raisin cakes rising too.
@eshaya Yeah, but that analogy incomplete. It correctly shows the universe locally, but it totally leaves out the global geometry. It doesn't show the past. The center of the expansion is the Big Bang, but you can't see the center in that model. The fatal flaw in the Raisin Bread model is that the bread loaf has an edge. The balloon is is a more complete way to look at it.
@eshaya C'mon! How does 2πc / (2πct0) = the square root of the elapsed time? It's not a rhetorical question.
It is very far from a coincidence. You are simply reversing Hubble's original calculation, where he derived the age of the universe from $c$ and the (observed) Hubble constant.
@LeeMosher Okay, so the universe is hyperspherical and expands into future time. Right? The large-scale topology of the universe is established now, right? Say so in an answer and I can close this ...after you kindly provide a ref saying so. Because a lot of other wonderful things arise from it that I haven't talked about, and I'm not going to talk about until I believe that other people believe that the diameter of the universe is its age. But notice that because of the metric, this implies that the most important diameter of the universe is imaginary. This simplifies sooo many other things.
You might benefit from a visit to an optometrist.
@Miss_Understands Please don’t leave. I’ve been on this other side of this, if you were able to see my deleted questions you’ll know that I have been downvoted into oblivion sometimes too. Most of the time, that means that the author was wrong about something and/or your question was a bad one. Rather than leave, learn. My understanding is that there’s been many times where, like all of us, you discovered you were wrong about something and learned. Learning is the point of this site. However, in terms of the “poor quality question” issue, I would advise taking a look over the help center…
and meta if you haven’t already. Also, something that I do is look over my questions a day later and see if I still like them. I’ve caught many potentially bad questions that way. Also, please be nice to people. People are trying to help, and I’ve noticed you’ve made a bunch of rude comments recently. Please don’t. Rather than storming off in a huff, learn and grow. Everything you know you once learned (for the most part).
@Starship there’s been many times where, like all of us, you discovered you were wrong about something and learned. === Sure. So what am I wrong about? I don't know how else to ask it. Like I want to beat the objections out of you.
@Miss_Understands It’s only been 11 hours. SE is not a guarantee of an answer in 3 seconds, sorry. Users have already explained to you what you’re wrong about and I’m not interested in restating their arguments.
@Miss_Understands You’re able to close vote on 4 sites so you should know that downvotes and close votes are different. Also, Considering that the majority of people are “creationists” as you say, I think you’re comment is probably going to offend a bunch of people, btw.
@eshaya Never mind my interpretation of the equation. === So, doesn't this validate the hyperspherical topology of the universe? === My question isn't whether this relation has been discovered before, and I'm very glad to see that it has because the likelihood of me discovering something is near zero. An internally, it's nice to know that I discovered it independently. === But what I want to know is, doesn't this validate the hyperspherical topology of the universe? Or is that something else that everyone knows but me? Because the only other explanation is that it's a coincidence ...right?
@Starship Users have already explained to you what you’re wrong about === If you read the comments, you'll see that no one has actually accused me of being wrong about anything. They just said that it's already been discovered. === I don't care who discovered it; I'm just jumping with joy that it's true. My question is about the age of the universe being its radius. I've never seen that anywhere. If you know where I can read about that, I'd very much like to.
@Starship you should know that downvotes and close votes are different. === I can give you a whole long list of things that I should know, but I don't. I ask them regularly at Stax. === your comment is going to offend a bunch of people, === As an autistic, people say that to me every day. You normals see us as rude and shockingly direct. Autistics see you as dishonest bags of ego fistfighting to be king of the hill, when there is no hill — just chalk lines drawn on the playground. It's why I finally decided I couldn't hang around you people, and lived in the woods for 3 years.
@Miss_Understands I’m sorry but this site is made for everyone not just autistics. While I agree that many people are pretty awful, that doesn’t mean that we should all be offensive and obnoxious (or do things that others perceive as offensive and obnoxious, to a reasonable degree).
@Starship TL/DR: I can't stand all this drama. The only thing I want to know is if the correlation between H and the age implies a hyperspherical global topology. That's ALL I want to know about. That's all I want to hear. That's the only thing I want to talk about. That's the only reason I've been here so long. === But the pickin's is gittin' preet-tee slim.
@Starship Ah, I'm always the last one to notice the obvious. Not one of you has actually read the thing! You looked at the pictures and blew it off. God damn! Well, that explains all the non sequitur comments. === Well, at least I understand now: y'all ain't for real. I don't need to take this place seriously
@Starship Look, just vote to close this so I can get away from cardboard, Youtube-educated, Paduan Potemkin "scientists."
8 hours later…
@starship This is my last contribution to the astronomy stack exchange. The system just suspended me for because my contributions got too many downvotes. I shan't return. == You guys voted me off the island. Well then, the hail with y'all. Have fun talking to each other. Bye. [curtsies]

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