When I change the screen resolution of my laptop from 1366x768 to 1024x768 via [Displays ...], the entire screen is still filled, stretching the picture uglyly. How can I have a pixel wise 1-to-1 mapping such that the original proportions are preserved?
This I need particularly when I want to ...
I've rollbacked this answer since the latest edit was just incorporating others' answer and was significantly different than the others' answer. askubuntu.com/posts/47218/revisions
@MathCubes I haven't heard of mergerfs. I've learned something about unionfs and aufs. As far as I know, aufs is preferred solution in Ubuntu. unionfs is outdated. But nowadays, overlayfs is the one that's being used everywhere and included in the kernel AFAIK
I want my system to revert back upon reboot. basically like a live cd but with my current state. How to do this? I found [systemback ](launchpad.net/~nemh/+archive/ubuntu/systemback) but it creates live cd for that.