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@Kulfy :P Possibly. Apprently they are only going to take in 50% of students in a grade per day. They are also first starting school for grades that have exams. Next grades that have exams next year and lastly other grades. The last people will arrive in July 26th! Btw, how is any of this election related.
2 hours later…
I am sorry for the interruption/chat flow.. Is it a general/personnel discussion Area? I mean schools, uniform, masks, age 16??
3 hours later…
@PRATAP it's supposed to be about the election but no one is really talking about it.
looks like AU is getting some more mods.
How many mods are going to be elected?
Wondering what happened to other mods? We had a few more I think last time I checked askubuntu.com/users?tab=moderators
@Anwar hello!!
@Anwar two more slots
@Anwar yes, three of them resigned and another one is resigning at the end of the election
@Anwar hello! :D
4 hours later…
@jokerdino @Zanna hi. Hope your'e doing well :)
doing good thanks!
hope same for you
@jokerdino I see.
@Zanna Thanks
I think I should have visit the chats more often
was just thinking about you yesterday
Oh! really?
wondering what you were doing these days, hoping you are alright
yes, I was looking at the Trello board guidelines
was hoping to resume that project soon
after doing some editing things
seeing your name there I was missing those times
@Zanna Yeah. Doing fine. Though not perfectly
I miss those days too. I think I love this site and chat rooms.
I'll try to visit more often
:) :)
that would be great
8 hours later…
I need bout 25 more rep to vote in the election :o
@user1271772 You could make 13 suggested edits.
Oh wow, I hadn't thought of that!
Then you'll have 1 extra rep point to spare! :)
This is assume all are approved. Only approved edits confer reputation (+2 each). Rejected ones don't take rep away though.
I was only thinking from the perspective of upvotes on questions and answers.
I think I asked some questions about Ubuntu here over the years, but not very many of them.
So I would have 1 point to spare, meaning that I would get to 151 points, and then when I vote I lose 150 points, leaving me with only 1 left?
Voting in the election doesn't cost rep.
There's a rep requirement to do it, but it doesn't use up any reputation when you do.
Or do you mean, if you downvote an answer? (That usually costs 1 rep.)
Downvoting questions costs 0 now? It used to cost 1 rep right?
Downvoting questions does not cost rep.
I don't think it ever has.
If you post a question and it is downvoted, that usually costs you 2 rep (as with an answer), but the voter doesn't have rep taken away (unlike with an answer).
I say "usually" because, IIRC, downvoting a CW answer doesn't cost rep, and also because rep associated with downvotes is restored when a post is deleted.
I see. I now can see that I asked 3 questions on this site over the years, there was 0 answers to all of them! haha
@EliahKagan Likewise, if you edit a post and get +2 rep but then the post is deleted, you lose the +2, even though your edit may have been useful. This is one reason you may want to submit more than 13 suggested edits (assuming you have more than 13 to make that you believe are high quality). The other is that some of the edits might be rejected.
Lots of comments but never any answers. I wonder how I got 43 points, even though I only have 2 upvotes (maybe there was 5 upvotes and 3 downvotes)
@user1271772 I'm sorry to hear you didn't get answers. After the election, you could use you your new-found rep to place one or more bounties on your questions to draw attention to them.
@user1271772 You may be able to see the details on the reputation tab in your profile.
I can see some information there, but potentially less than you can see, because I can't see information about any rep changes associated with you downvoting. (If I could, then I could see what you had downvoted, which would make voting not private.)
I guess @EliahKagan you have enough rep to click on the score and see how many down and up?
However, based on the information I can see there, it looks like you got the +100 association bonus (which you get when you have more than some amount of rep on at least one other SE site), 2x +2 for approved edits, and 2x +10 for upvotes on a question. That adds up to 124, but you start at 1 (not 0), so that would explain 125.
Q: All sound files on Samsung Android phone are missing when trying to view them in my folder

user1271772My voice recordings on my Samsung Android phone are usually stored in the folder /sounds/ but even though on my phone I see 20 recordings, the file explorer app on my Ubuntu 16.04 is showing this folder as being empty. I'm able to find all my photograph files easily in the /DCIM/ folder, but th...

There was a comment: I answered the comment, but then no more activity on the question, hahaha
@user1271772 Yes. I've just looked at all three of your questions and expanded the score to see upvote and downvote totals. None of them have any downvotes.
(If they did, the downvotes should also appear in your reputation tab, though I wouldn't be able to see them there.)
Wow.... so I never got downvoted.
I always assumed that if I have a weird number like 125 (not a perfect multiple of 10, plus 1), then I got downvoted.
Or the downvotes were removed due to the user undownvoting (which the system allows for a short time after a vote, and also anytime after an edit that follows a vote) or due to the voter's account being deleted (which usually removes all their upvotes and downvotes, though there is a special procedure for sometimes keeping them in the case of people who have cast a huge amount of votes).
@user1271772 No, that looks like it's just because you started with 1 rep instead of 0 rep.
(Or started with 101 rep if the association bonus was applied immediately upon account creation.)
I see
Should this question not have been "bumped" by community user, because it didn't get any upvoted answers for more than 30 days?
Q: How to prevent my drive with Windows partition from unmounting undesirably?

user1271772My SSD has Windows installed and my HDD has Ubuntu. When I first installed Ubuntu, the files from the Windows SSD were always available automatically. Gradually I would find more and more that the files on the SSD would be unavailable, but I could fix this by restarting the computer. Soon this st...

The Community bot doesn't bump all question that are eligible for bumping. Of those that are eligible, it randomly selects one per hour to bump.
I have been eligible every hour for the last 2 years though?
I mean this question was asked in 2018 and it satisfies the rest of the bump criteria! Maybe it's because my question has 0 votes, it won't get bumped?
I haven't looked through to see if it does meet any of those criteria. I'm also not sure how many posts we have that do meet them. It might be a very large number. There's probably a SEDE query for this.
@EliahKagan Cool

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