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Q: Macchanger not working automatically

Sci00213So i installed macchanger and it works manually but i also set it up in the installation to automatically change mac address when a network change is detected in a device and it does not work at all. I tried the official guide but it did not help. I use the latest ubuntu 18 LTS version. I reconne...

@Fabby lol, I hadn't :)
1 hour later…
@Rinzwind I saw timeshift. It's system restore. What I want is running the OS on RAM (or part of the filesystem) and gone when rebooted.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix It wasn't what I looking for. Thought good suggestion :)
@terdon Maybe I didn't express the precisely . ^ Running on Ram was what I was looking for
Here is a guide wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM but looks outdated
@Anwar Oh, so you don't want to restore then? You want it to revert to its original state on each reboot?
The simplest way would be to work on a live session then. Won't that do?
@Anwar Use a live USB stick and boot that: anything that you save is gone.
If you've got Ubuntu installed already, activate the guest session and use that: same thing All links, visited sites, documents created gone after LOG OFF (no need to even reboot)
For the live USB stick: all installed programs will be gone after reboot too
For the Guest session: Only documents, links, emails, ... will be gone.
What are you trying to accomplish in simple English? (don't use "boot to RAM: that's technical English)
wasn't guest session removed? :P
@Rinzwind By default: you can still activate it. (last time I looked)
Q: Iptables command to check whether rule exists at specific line number

AnonymousIs there a way we can check whether a iptable rule exists at specific position, i couldnt find any something like below, iptables -C INPUT 1 -j ACCEPT

I wrote a post on how to create a guest session. It was for Gnome and Arch and a while ago, but if Ubuntu no longer supports this, you might want to check it out @Anwar:
A: Create guest account in Gnome 3.X on Arch Linux

terdonIt turns out it's quite simple with GDM. I assume you're using GDM since you're also using Gnome. First, create the guest user account with a blank password: sudo useradd -d /tmp/guest -p $(openssl passwd "") guest The openssl passwd "" will return the hash of the empty string, thereby setting...

Upgoated above.
@Anwar Try this first as it's slightly easier...
@Fabby Why are you so set on retaining a user whose only contribution was a poorly researched and badly written question?
@terdon Because I've had to reinstall PCs more than once where the user deleted their Windows directory.
I just want this to be a signpost for users not to do this
Actually; let me make that more abundantly clear.
@Fabby Then it would really be better if you posted a new question, one that is actually well written and might be found by a google search and then post an answer that explains why removing the kernel isn't an option.
Attempting to use that, frankly, crappy question for this seems counter productive.
And certainly attempting to hound the OP seems very intrusive.
@terdon I just wanted to know if CMs could
I hope not... That would be a pretty serious breach of GDPR.
(I know Shog9 could, but won't)
@terdon That's why I tagged the Q with GDPR.
@Fabby What makes you think he even could? Deletion should remove all data on the user.
@Fabby Yeah, that's what confuses me. If you know this is illegal, why would you expect CMs to admit to breaking the law even if they were?
@terdon Nah, you need to keep the records for judicial reasons.
so it's removed from teh UI, and inaccessible to the End-users, but should still be retained for judicial reasons.
the GDPR is complex
@terdon I'm a manipulative SOB.
@Fabby I'm pretty sure that's wrong. If a user deletes their account, I don't have the right to keep their email address.
I don't want any answer and don't care: I want the CMs to think if they have access maybe they should notify someone that *they shouldn't
@terdon It's been a while since I've read the law.
I'd need to read it again to give a 100% correct statement.
@terdon But that as not the reason for posting the question anyway.
If the CMs have the data, maybe someone is now thinking, Hey, shouldn't we remove this access?
Veggies are in the oven! (=back)
yes. like live. but I want my configured system as the base.

The objective is, I want to use ramdisk for speed which can be discarded without problem
@Fabby I know it
@terdon I've just tried to edit the question and try and make it better, but after Elija's edit I wouldn't know what else to add.
If you want, you can edit the original...
@Fabby No, I don't want at all. I think the whole thing isn't worth keeping at all :/
:D Different experience: you've never been in customer support, I presume?
On another note, @EliahKagan is back! Yay!
@terdon Starred!
@Fabby No, it's not a matter of different experience. I know people who've deleted C:\WINDOWS but that's i) considerably easier to do than deleting the kernel, ii) not really relevant and iii) absolutely not what that question asks for. My main quibble here is that the question is a pretty bad one and really not worth spending so much effort on. But hey, your call.
I smell a reference to "pulling a terdon" somewhere in there...
@terdon I'm on my last few days of compensation time. Monday I'm back to work and won't have any time for this kind of crap questions any more.
@ByteCommander That was 2 years ago...
(Still a bit funny but I'm starting to feel sorry for poor terdon now)
@Fabby That you know of! You don't know how many people's machiens I've borked since then!
@terdon :D :D :D
Maybe a few by trying to dirt a big disaster into a small disaster answering questions here, but actually, positively telling someone to remove recirsively all files in their home directory???
Naaah! You're too kind hearted to do that kind of thing...
@Fabby we shall not forget :P
@terdon has a heart of gingerbread
(Flemish expression: meaning "kind-hearted")
If you don't mind me chipping in my opinion, there is no such thing called a dumb question, just uninformed bad answers. Someone asking is a way of expressing the need to gain wisdom and knowledge, so a question, however trivial can never be dumb or needless.
@terdon mail address needs to be removed yes.
you can leave the comments but need to detach them from the registration they used (be it mail or actual address).
@Videonauth I beg to differ. Some questions ARE dumb.
@Videonauth It can be if the same person asks the same question for the third time in 3 months.
>:-) That's a dumb question in my book!
@Rinzwind You are free to disagree with me but that's my philosophy, my way to roll.
I know but I have had some questions even you would call stupid :=D
@Fabby And if the person has Alzheimer Syndrome for example? Its really hard to draw a line, so i treat every question as an genuine attempt.
@Rinzwind If you encode it in the database instead and remove it from the UI, that's "deleting" as well, but reversible if law enforcement asks you for the information after "deletion".
@Videonauth :D Good one!
(Not the case with this Project Manager though...)
@Rinzwind Go!
@Fabby nope. Our law states it needs to be cleared. As in "all personal data needs to be nullified".
@Videonauth I never said it was a dumb question. I said it was a crappy question. Not because the underlying question was bad, but because it was poorly researched and badly written and showed no effort whatsoever. It is a bad question for the standards of the site.
@Fabby Is there gravity in India?
@Rinzwind Dutch law?
@Rinzwind :D :D :D So dumb it's funny!
@Fabby yes, but probably european :)
@Rinzwind Reminds me of: Do you have a 4th of July in Germany as well?
I mean, seriously, the question was:
> Hello I want to delete my kernel and run the OS without the kernel. i dont like linux i only want GNU so i keep GNU and remove the kernel thanks?
@Rinzwind The GDPR says that you can keep information for law enforcement.
@Rinzwind My answer: No, we skip from the 3rd to the 5th every year...
Then he started treating me like I was the idiot.
Americans! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Fabby You should have explained that it works like February 29th!
@terdon :D :D :D
@Fabby sigh. Yeah will that one I can imagine you'd have to figure out he means "do you have an independence day" ;-) But yeah.. americans >:)
@Fabby unless an infant ... "is 60 seconds the same as a minute?"
The whole conversation was:
Do you have July 4th in Europe too?
No we skip from 3 to 5 every year
I mean: Do you celebrate July 4?
No we don't celebrate US independence day in Europe,
I mean: Do you celebrate independence day in Europe?
No, each individual country celebrates its own Independence day, except for Germany who was never conquered since before Roman times, so that have no independence day , but they celebrate Day of German Unity (Reunification of East and West Germany)
@Rinzwind Reminds me of:
5YO daughter goes to daddy and asks:
Daddy, what is sex?
Daddy: if she's old enough to ask, she's old enough to get the explanation.
So he explains her and her eyes grow wider and wider.
from the link:
How do you lose weight without moving?
I was bitten by a turtle when I was a young lad. Should I still drink orange juice?
Do you think NASA invented thunder to cover up the sound of space battles?
Do you guys think that if Michael Jackson hadn’t died he would still be alive today
And then daddy asks: Why did you ask???
Daughter: Mummy said dinner is going to be ready in a couple of secs
stupid girl :=)
@Fabby oops :D
"If there's a speed of light...what's the speed of dark?"
@Rinzwind :D :D :D
H I L A R I O U S !
"Whenever I have a professor that tells us to ask anything because there are no stupid questions I immediately raise my hand and ask "why do meteorites always land in craters?""
"How Long Can You Survive By Eating Yourself?"
"Why Don't Any Animals Have Wheels?"
@Rinzwind that one is actually a fascinating question. I've heard of a spider that reportedly had some sort of wheel that allowed it to spin its abdomen around, but I haven't been able to confirm it.
@terdon because legs are easier to create. Nature ALWAYS picks the easiest working option.
@Rinzwind Um. No, no it doesn't.
As you would know if you'd ever watched a mammal, especially a human, giving birth.
The easiest option would be a door in the lower abdomen!
no cuz that would be troublesome when not being pregnant
Fear of Long Words Phobia is called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia :=)
@Rinzwind It could be stimulated by the pregnancy. Just like lactation or placenta formation :P
Fear of Long Words Phobia would be sesquippedaliophobiaphobia :P
@terdon You sure you're not talking about this biological research? cc @Rinzwind
@Fabby Yes.
Although that's really a very misleading WP article! The most fascinating datum, that spiders were actually better at making webs when on LSD is left out!
> Drugs administered to a spider affect its ability to build a web.[1] Webs produced under the influence of LSD (omitted in this image) show increased regularity.[2]
Ah, the original Science article didn't test LSD. They give a book reference for that claim but the book doesn't include its source:
2 hours later…
Q: CentOS doesn't work in full screen even after VirtualBox Guest Additions installation

SabrinaI've just download CentOS 7 Minimal and install it in VirtualBox. Then, I've followed this site to install VirtualBox Guest Additions in CentOS, unfortunately full screen still doesn't work even after I rebooting CentOS guest OS. I also don't see any error during installation. Here are the su...

4 hours later…
Q: keep directory with 3M files/300K dirs in disk cache

MortenBI have a slow disk with 3mill images in ~300K directories, linux mint on ubuntu 18.04. df -lk: /dev/sdb1 1952558140 1214544040 738014100 63% /data cat /etc/fstab: UUID=<uid> /data xfs rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota 0 0 If the drive has not been accessed in 30 minutes it ...

1 hour later…
@EliahKagan As per meta
1. I felt sorry for the guy (we came down too hard on him)
2. I've seen people do stupid things
3. As the user has deleted their account in disgust, not spending more time on that Q than I've already spent.
4. I'm off not but work starts again Monday! ;-) I'll be very entertained then I'm pretty sure
@Fabby Understood. I have no objections. :)
@EliahKagan Already upvoted your answer, but still reading.
If you finish reading in five minutes, the system will let you take back your vote if you find you disagree. :)
@EliahKagan Done reading and accepted as an answer.
The meta question was actually just a "What if" question.
What if CMs could do this?
I hope they cannot.
and if they can, I hope someone at SE is seriously thinking about the GDPR now and to remove that possibility.
@EliahKagan So how come you've been gone for so long and how come you're back?µ
On holiday???
Out of probation for a new gig? Looking for a new gig?
Please note that I always ask too many personal questions and you can safely disregard them or throw a bone instead of a piece of meat and then say "And that's all I'm going to say about it. Drop it now."
I know that I know nothing...
1 hour later…
@Fabby Thanks to your resurrecting the how to kill kernel question I got a silver medal called "Lifejacket" which seems rare!
Haha I see the question got closed again. Want me to change it and reopen it :P
@WinEunuuchs2Unix It already had a reopen vote last time I looked.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix One of the reasons I answered.
I want the gold Lifeboat medal though...
@Fabby ohh.... elaborate on the gold lifeboat please :)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I was looking it up and just edited my chat message.
Gimme a minute, bro!

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