Jul 30, 2022 17:28
I sent a message asking about this to an HTC representative on Reddit who's been pretty active and seems like a nice guy, perhaps he can help out with it.

 Android Enthusiasts

Welcome to the main chat room for android.stackexchange.com! H...
Jun 4, 2014 19:11
where a person has the same question as the OP and has tried the solution but found it didn't work.
Jun 4, 2014 19:10
Jan 12, 2014 20:49
Also how do people request for a question to be reopened?
Jan 12, 2014 20:49
It does change the question/quite a big revision but seems legit, what do others think?
Jan 12, 2014 20:48
Jan 11, 2014 00:12
This is on a Nexus 7 stock 4.4.2
Jan 11, 2014 00:12
It's not in the Display menu anymore.
Jan 11, 2014 00:12
Does anyone know where the auto-rotate option has gone from KitKat? :/
Aug 26, 2013 12:19
Hah yes I'm definitely sure. It's a Nexus S running the latest OTA update it could get (4.1.2 I think?) so it doesn't even have a quick settings for auto-rotate.
Aug 26, 2013 10:47
Also in the awkward position of my power button being broken so I can't turn it off like that and abd isn't recognising it so I can't reboot through that
Aug 26, 2013 10:47
Not confined to one particular application, happens on launcher and in all apps.
Aug 26, 2013 10:46
Anyone seen any behaviour where the screen rotates despite the auto-rotate being turned off?
Jul 24, 2013 12:43
Oops sorry just read your second bit, see you've seen the bundled version.
Jul 24, 2013 12:42
Just the setting up of Eclipse with Android is easy, I think they actually have their own bundled version on the developer website now.
Jul 24, 2013 12:41
@PeterBoné You'd be better off asking on StackOverflow perhaps but I think you should test on a real device, not use AVD, it is slow.
Jul 24, 2013 10:43
I ordered a medium t-shirt since I figured Americans are a bit for forgiving in their sizing but even that is pretty big.
Jul 24, 2013 10:43
Just got my android.stackexchange stuff today :)
Jul 23, 2013 15:41
and @Izzy yep saw that, +1 for you. I keep meaning to get around to buying Tasker and setting up some at home/work stuff.
Jul 23, 2013 15:40
@geffchang That's how my app does it, you still get a report about volume change if it stays at 0 and volume down is pressed, just need to keep track of the previous volume and do if(currentVolume <= previousVolume) then count it.
Jul 23, 2013 10:23
@Izzy I think know you know Tasker? Fancy weighing in on the last bit of my answer here android.stackexchange.com/a/49711/12357 I'm not sure whether it's possible or not with Tasker.
Jul 19, 2013 13:15
@DanHulme There you go, should have your 5th! I'd never actually heard of MHL before, interesting.
Jul 19, 2013 11:11
I'd say "Is there any android device which is using PIN connection for miracast? " is shopping but "Or is there any setting to set our android application to use PIN connection?" is on-topic perhaps? Maybe ask for an edit.
Jul 19, 2013 11:10
@Izzy Yep you're free of guilt!
Jul 19, 2013 09:34
The 'thinking break' is called an ellipsis and people seem to really overuse them on this site for some reason, are they focussed on when you're taught English in schools? As far as I recall I was never explicitly taught them, I just had to Wikipedia there proper usage for example as I'd never heard of them as 'thinking breaks', only seen them used instead of omitted words, but apparently they can be used to indicate thought. Learn something new everyday.
Jul 19, 2013 09:32
@Izzy @Izzy I meant the revision before that sorry, I added the links and changed the grammar/spelling back to the correct form :) And @DanHulme has the brackets explanation spot on.
Jul 19, 2013 00:21
I just think if half the changes are dubious (skeptical)/incorrect they shouldn't be approved.
Jul 19, 2013 00:14
At all is incorrect, it did fix 1 spelling and grammar mistake.
Jul 19, 2013 00:12
Is it possible to see who approved an edit? I'd assume it's not but just wondering. Someone's just approved this edit: android.stackexchange.com/posts/16159/revisions which didn't actually fix the spelling/grammar at all. I was in the middle of writing the rejection but someone already accepted it.
Apr 23, 2013 01:37
@BenBrocka I just followed him around the network using his network activity tab and then reporting/commenting about all his posts being spam, seemed to irritate him quite a bit and he had no idea how I was watching his activity over all of the different StackExchange sites. Had a "@Peanut HOW ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME!!!!!!" comment on one of them.
Apr 22, 2013 23:56
Although his rant over on Unix/Linux was quite amusing: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/73373/linux-not-working-help
Apr 22, 2013 23:56
Is there any way to report a user? Got this one guy spamming as he's angry with StackExchange android.stackexchange.com/users/32723/ewd
Apr 15, 2013 13:14
Marked as very low quality since it did kind of try and answer the question but it didn't add anything that the OP didn't already know and didn't actually answer it.
Apr 15, 2013 13:13
@Izzy Ah okay thanks. Flag in question was on: android.stackexchange.com/questions/32637/…
Apr 14, 2013 23:59
What does 'disputed' mean on a flag?

 The DMZ

A serious place where infosec is discussed PS we don't do hard...
Feb 10, 2014 22:13
Anyway thanks guys and ping me if you ever get Rory in the monkey suit.
Feb 10, 2014 22:12
Yeah CTF would be too complex I'd imagine. @AJHenderson I'm trying to bear it in mind.
Feb 10, 2014 22:09
Yeahh good idea. Maybe some SQLi stuff.
Feb 10, 2014 22:07
But if anyone could think of simple defense stuff that'd be great
Feb 10, 2014 22:07
Well the overview just says 'cyber defense', and we get to pick within that basically. I've gone more for the exploit side since a) seems easier to think of challenges for and b) I've got more experience with that
Feb 10, 2014 22:04
I did it at 17 or so that's why I thought it might be good.
Feb 10, 2014 22:03
More general than tech, some will have experience and we do get to teach them a bit.
Feb 10, 2014 22:02
Haha! I figured it might be a long shot. So I've got like a really simple steg challenge and maybe something like the first few levels of hackthissite, some SQLi maybe.
Feb 10, 2014 22:00
So, how do I go about that?
Feb 10, 2014 22:00
Feb 10, 2014 21:59
Has nothing to do with age determination
Feb 10, 2014 21:59
@AJHenderson Think I've obviously worded my post incorrectly :p
Feb 10, 2014 21:55
Hah actually I meant my message was about security and after lurking for 5 minutes I realise that's almost off topic here..
Feb 10, 2014 21:54
Hey all, I realise this is about security and almost off topic for this chat :p but... I've been asked to come up with some very basic challenges for 14-15 year olds relating to 'cyber security'. I've already got a few in mind, but wondered if anyone had any interesting ideas or things they might have done in the past when learning? And sorry about not helping your words-per-message!
May 28, 2013 11:58
Quick question, I think I'm right in saying that for RSA the message you're encrypting has to be the same size as the public key/modulus and produces a signature of the same length? Does ECC have this property as well? So if I have a 64 byte ECC key do I have to have a 64 byte message?