Manu de Hanoi

Feb 4, 2019 13:48
it seems Jesus' justice is in the heavens not on earth.
Sep 16, 2018 22:02
@vzn ok thanks
Sep 16, 2018 07:11
@vzn sorry I was wrong, my question is still there
Sep 16, 2018 02:41
@vzn my question got simply deleted and now I dont even have the list of duplicate links I intended to study jeeez
Sep 14, 2018 17:23
I just read the 1st parag of the wiki on solitron "In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave packet that maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity.Solitons are caused by a cancellation of nonlinear and dispersive effects in the medium. "
I dont need that. I'm fine with dispertion of EM waves
Sep 14, 2018 17:20
My theory doesnt involve solitron, just plain regular, not quantized EM waves.
In my question I was looking for proofs (invalidating my theory) that the EM field was quantized and didnt get anything. So, so far , my idea stands, quantum effects, come from the atom, not the incident light.
Sep 14, 2018 16:45
i've had a quick look at the pilot wave theory, and it's not my cup of tea. I find "my" theory more elegant/simplifying. My theory, in short, is that particles dont exist, everything is wavy, and made of real waves, not waves of probabilities.

I suggest you dont censor yourself here or anywhere else. Truth doesnt care about being mainstream or not. The childish reputation point strategies, schorlar pride, and group think you'll find here must be what they are, but no more than that. If u wrong , let them prove you wrong if they can. If they can't, their opinion doesnt matter.
Sep 14, 2018 16:04
@vzn thanks
Sep 14, 2018 06:21
who's lacking patience ? you cant even answer the question because it has been closed by the mods !
As for me, I merely ask that the answer be focused on experiments. That's not lack of patience
Sep 13, 2018 18:09
Sep 13, 2018 18:09
-of course JR doesnt have to reply, he is allowed to be rude.
-yes ive read the mainstream science meta post:
It's been upvoted by 26 people :/ . Is that the "community" ?
You dont like, I dont like it, so let's not pretend otherwise.
-My level in physics is unrelated. Unless of course this website is for scholars only (as some seem to believe).
Sep 13, 2018 08:07
3- much later a mod (who?) then did something useful by providing true duplicates to my question, I dont know who did it, but thanks
Sep 13, 2018 08:01
I call it like it is.
1- John Rennie didnt bother replying to my message above. That's rude. He initially closed my comment as duplicate and initially provided a single link that was not really a duplicate of my question.
2-Emilio insisted on applying dumb rules like "mainstream science" (argumentum ad populus fallacy) & "personal theory" for downplaying my question. It was later shown I wasnt that far from mainstream science (and in agreement with JR himself) . As for the "personal theory" that rule is stupid beyond understanding. It is important for clarifying a question to give context,
Sep 12, 2018 23:22
btw I dont understand how you end up in the private room I created with "john Rennie"
Sep 12, 2018 23:20
@vzn I said I was interested in the experiements about sub quantum/bohemian that seem to validate or invalidate my position. Besides I know what i'm doing with the mods and I didnt reject the "foundations", I merely challenged them. Many of them just can't back up the foundations when they are challenged , in short, they suck. Understanding he foundations means you know the founding experiments. Otherwise it's parrotting not understanding
Sep 12, 2018 20:40
@vzn Hi VZN, I am interested
Sep 9, 2018 17:42
Hi, I edited my question to answer your concern for duplication (see the bottom of the question):

Please consider reopening it.

 The h Bar

General chat for Physics SE ( For M...
Sep 11, 2018 17:13
@user1732 no, but I often pass by
Sep 11, 2018 13:05
@EmilioPisanty, let me lay it out *flat*. My question is an exact duplicate of this one

So closing it is fair.

I find the "mainstream" criterion you invoqued earlier ridiculous, and that's why I made fun of you. What's the name of that scientist who got burned at the stake for developping heliocentrism against the heavy handed *mainstream* moderators ?

This mainstream thing is nothing more than the Argumentum ad populum fallacy ( ) . And
Sep 11, 2018 11:18
@EmilioPisanty not so clear who's most mainstream between you and me now :D
Sep 11, 2018 11:17
@EmilioPisanty @EmilioPisanty sadly no one mentionned the Quantum Non-Demolition measurements of serge haroche in the duplicated answers :D.
Sep 11, 2018 10:55
@EmilioPisanty, in case the reply to bugged please check my above 2 posts
Sep 11, 2018 10:54
4-John Rennie himself who closed my question, posted an answer in the duplicated link he provided (self promo ?) titled "Do photons truly exist in a physical sense or are they just a useful concept like i=−1−−−√ ?"
This quote from his answer also goes along "my theory", so I believe I'm not far from the mainstream :
"The only time we really see light behaving as a photon is when it exchanges energy with something. So when an excited hydrogen atom decays a photon is emitted. Likewise a photon can be absorbed by an atom and excite it. As the light propagates to or from the atom it is rarely
Sep 11, 2018 10:41
Dear Emilio
1- My *question* is worded carefully for asking for mainstream physics answer .
At not point do I imply that "I know that it is directly contradicted by established evidence but I still have that theory." for the simple reason that my question is asking for that evidence because I dont know it.
2-The duplicate links have been updated with more relevant link. Thanks to who did that. At first glance, the most appropriate duplicate is "What is the experimental evidence for a quantized EM field?". By clicking on that link you will find that the selected answer to that question conta
Sep 9, 2018 18:20
@EmilioPisanty & @dmckee, what if some dude comes to you and tell you the world is flat and asks to be proven wrong ? Would that be "bad wording" ? Would that be a wrong question to ask to such high brow scholars who forgot that how we viewed the world for centuries? Wether I get something or not out of this isnt quite your concern, you should be providing a quality answer first and foremost .
@JohnRennie , I edited my question to show how it differed in a positive way from the other one
Jul 27, 2017 10:41
@GennaroTedesco a reference frame going at the speed of light could be singled out for the very same reason that other people in this thread are singling out such a reference frame because as they say it's impossible. You cant both say the reference frame is impossible and say the reference frame falls under the same category as other inertial reference frames. Because other reference frames are possible
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
I did, it's you who keep bringing "Michelson and Morley" when I told you you were overextending the scope of their results. You are confusing the scope of their experiement with the scope of the theory. They were testing for aether in as much as aether was affecting the speed of light. They found the speed of light was independant of the experiments. AGAIN that doesnt mean they experimented for aether going at the speed of light.
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
@GennaroTedesco you are confusing the theory with the real experiments.
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
@GennaroTedesco I hoped you'd understand i was meaning reference frames moving at the speed of light
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
@GennaroTedesco Michelson and Morley didnt experiment with any relativistic refence frame. You are over extending the scope of their results.
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
@mike4ty4 I dont have to reframe my question, it is perfectly valid. Lorentz or Einstein not having an answer to it doesnt mean the question is absurd
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
@GennaroTedesco Michelson and Morley didnt deal with reference frames at the speed of light... and that it.
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
a reference frame is virtual, I can make it travel at the speed I want
Jul 23, 2017 21:32
equations explode towards what? let me rephrase : as the speed of a particle goes nearer to the speed of light, then the size of the universe goes nearer to what ? EDIT: you already answered, the size goes towards zero