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I call it like it is.
1- John Rennie didnt bother replying to my message above. That's rude. He initially closed my comment as duplicate and initially provided a single link that was not really a duplicate of my question.
2-Emilio insisted on applying dumb rules like "mainstream science" (argumentum ad populus fallacy) & "personal theory" for downplaying my question. It was later shown I wasnt that far from mainstream science (and in agreement with JR himself) . As for the "personal theory" that rule is stupid beyond understanding. It is important for clarifying a question to give context,
3- much later a mod (who?) then did something useful by providing true duplicates to my question, I dont know who did it, but thanks
7 hours later…
@ManudeHanoi think others are calling it like it is too. others are not under an obligation to reply. "dumb"? "stupid beyond understanding"? have you seen the mainstream science meta post? its supported by the "community". suggest you review it. its voted/ group consensus policy. not saying am happy with it myself. have you read any physics books? taken any classes? etc?
2 hours later…
@ManudeHanoi This isn't a "private" room.
It's as public as any other room on SE.
-of course JR doesnt have to reply, he is allowed to be rude.
-yes ive read the mainstream science meta post:
It's been upvoted by 26 people :/ . Is that the "community" ?
You dont like, I dont like it, so let's not pretend otherwise.
-My level in physics is unrelated. Unless of course this website is for scholars only (as some seem to believe).
5 hours later…
@ManudeHanoi my feeling is that you managed to ask an unintentionally deep question, a sort of talent of neophytes, but to answer it takes a lot of patience, and havent really seen any signs from you of that yet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoshin

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