Sean Gallagher

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Apr 20, 2012 16:09
either way, I'm out. back to photos and work
Apr 20, 2012 16:08
@AnnaLear these aren't buzzowrds they are important terms that people should know whole heartedly or learn about
Apr 20, 2012 16:07
also - just having fun
Apr 20, 2012 16:07
@AbbyTMiller ok. Naming is an integral part of the strategy of a brand identity.
Apr 20, 2012 16:06
@RonanForman O was alerted to some sort of mind blowing discussion on naming and brand strategy allegedly taking place
Jan 7, 2012 00:26
@davidfullerton just launched a blahg
Jan 7, 2012 00:25
srsly shit is bananas
Jan 7, 2012 00:25
and what's really amazing is the best is yet to come for the gaming community
Jan 7, 2012 00:24
so o behalf of all us at stack exchange we thank you at gaming!
Jan 7, 2012 00:24
@LessPopMoreFizz yeah, i mean i expected it but as a person who always hopes concepts go over well it's always amazing when they go over extra well
Jan 7, 2012 00:23
I was pretty moved and that's why I offered to draw the avatars
Jan 7, 2012 00:23
I never expected people would make a special room for it and really pick it apart
Jan 7, 2012 00:22
@balpha @emmet and @davidFullerton worked around the clock on hatdash and it was really cool seeing this happen for you
Jan 7, 2012 00:22
if we did it would have been awarded
Jan 7, 2012 00:22
we never defined requirements
Jan 7, 2012 00:21
like really real
Jan 7, 2012 00:21
but the batman hat is REAL
Jan 7, 2012 00:21
we didn't want to but we have a lot of sites and wanted to make all the other things about hatdash work
Jan 7, 2012 00:21
it didn't get implemented in time
Jan 7, 2012 00:21
ok so the batman hat was originally for arkham
Jan 7, 2012 00:21
@LessPopMoreFizz thats pretty funny
Jan 7, 2012 00:20
Jan 7, 2012 00:20
are there more secrets?
Jan 7, 2012 00:20
or is it...
Jan 7, 2012 00:20
the batman hat may be the ultimate hat...
Jan 7, 2012 00:19
for real
Jan 7, 2012 00:19
in the flesh
Jan 7, 2012 00:19
batman MAY just show up at your house
Jan 7, 2012 00:18
Jan 7, 2012 00:18
would he save us!?!

 Hub of Reason

General discussion about
Mar 27, 2012 16:19
I've been instructed to fix bugs for now. I'm not trying to get sucked into arguments, and other debates. I'd like the community to be happy. If change makes the community happy - then I'm sure we will work it out.
Mar 27, 2012 16:17
Yes everyone gets that you guys hate the design
Mar 27, 2012 15:55
There is no such thing as a bad color. Colors don't actually mean anything. Any study is fairly ridiculous as it only offers insight into current culture from a hand selected small group. It doesn't take into account semiotics, and most color studies are constantly evolving. what is in one year as cool and refreshing is out the next.
Mar 27, 2012 15:54
@Christofian I saw that. I've been instructed to fix bug reports. It's difficult to make a creative case against a group of skeptics. In general the case here is "We don't like it." I can go around and cite more current information - say than a study of 3660 Germans in 1967, by a 62 year old guy. The bottom line is there is a small group that hates yellow and is making their case against and they are mods. The most outspoken of the site.
Mar 21, 2012 21:18
Mar 21, 2012 21:18
i see
Mar 21, 2012 20:51
i think jin fixed that sam
Mar 21, 2012 20:51
what is analytics?
Mar 21, 2012 20:41
we're fixing
Mar 21, 2012 20:39
@Borror0 bug
Mar 21, 2012 20:26
@Sklivvz yes. it has a fixed width causing a line break - fixed
Mar 21, 2012 20:26
wrong icon got trafficked
Mar 21, 2012 20:26
Mar 21, 2012 20:22
i think the gigantic text that says "ask question" might be enough. no?
Mar 21, 2012 20:19
just an fyi
Mar 21, 2012 20:19
which ive already edited
Mar 21, 2012 20:19
so right away i see bounty and indicator are wrong form beta
Mar 21, 2012 20:15
thanks @RebeccaChernoff
Mar 21, 2012 20:14
congrats guys. It was a lot of hard work and fun - and looking forward to catching all bugs and killing them
Mar 21, 2012 20:14
hello everyone! new design yay!