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@agent86 Just because it exists, doesnt meant its not a Joke :P
@fredley Ah. Well, unless they have been on Top Gear, I probably wouldn't have any clue who they are. (They haven't been on Top Gear, have they?)
@RonanForman Good point.
@RESPAWN No. Although I gave up watching that a few years back. I can't stand Jeremy Clarkson
@Wipqozn86 Allonz-Engage
Top Gear is one of my favourite television shows, even though it's not an entertainment program.
Those guys are so funny.
@agent86 That's Tennant
I used to love it, but found the format tiring after a few series
@GnomeSlice Is this a different top gear?
@fredley I hear people say that quite often. I personally find the guy funny.
I'm British, shows should have seasons that are 6 episodes long, and no more than 3 seasons.
@RonanForman No, I'm talking about the UK one.
@OrigamiRobot hey, cut me some slack. I just combined doctor who and star trek into one catchphrase :P
@OrigamiRobot Make it so. So's are cool.
@RESPAWN He's very, very right wing (for here). I find that hard to get around.
@fredley Haha really? My b/f really likes the show and his humor.
@fredley Wow, he is, really?
I actually like James May the most.
@OrigamiRobot that was on one of our serious lists! there's no concrete progress, but not because none of the things we came up with are good. just because no decisions have been made yet
Either way, I think the three of them possibly have the best job in the world.
@FAE ...yes. Probably doesn't seem that way to Americans, but then, Santorum.
@GnomeSlice I like James too, he amuses me
@fredley Yyyyyyeah.
I would love to spend my days driving a car sideways shouting "POWER!!!!"
@FAE James is the most talented of the 3 by a long way
@AbbyTMiller I still vote for @GraceNote's House of Snark
Here guys, watch this. This segment brought everyone in my family to tears it was so funny.
@FAE I still can't believe that whole thing wasn't a joke played on Europe.
@fredley I like his subtlety
@agent86 me too
Oh, come on, Insert Coin has been a blog for years
@fredley I really... really wish it was
We can't do Insert Coin
@FAE Yes. He's also very intelligent, unlike the other 2
I'm not sure that video will actually cover the whole segment though.
That one is my favorite because:
A) It's already a chat easter egg
B) It was my idea
@fredley Yeah, like when he goes on a rant about explaining something, then the other two just laugh at him.
Yeah, no it doesn't cover the whole thing,
@FAE He did some excellent programs about toys
The Lego house was part of that
@GraceNote Why ever not?
He also built similarly stupidly large-scale things out of other construction toys.
1 min ago, by Grace Note
Oh, come on, Insert Coin has been a blog for years
Wait no...
@AbbyTMiller zblorf has 5 stars which is as close as we come to consensus here
Hi @SeanGallagher Whay brings you around these parts?
@StrixVaria i'm a fan of zblorf m'self
They skipped the best segment...
@fredley I haven't seen those, but I did see a couple eps where he was talking about space or something
Q: What was the first Blizzard game to release Mac and PC versions on a hybrid disc?

seanI believe D2's release in 2000 was hybrid, but it has been a while. Which hybrid Blizzard release was first, and were all subsequent releases hybrid as well, or were hybrid releases spotty? The Wikipedia pages don't appear to note it. Full catalog on Wikipedia, organized by date.

Q: First DOS videogame ever?

ivanfoofooI wanna know the first videogame ever released for DOS (any version of it). When I was a kid I was a heavy user of DOS, and I remember playing lots of very old games which were developed way before I was even born. The oldest game I remember playing is Paratrooper, which was released in 1982. Tha...

@StrixVaria Not so, that Jin post about lazers got 12 stars!
@GraceNote InsertCoin.com doesn't exist. What is it?
I've be fine with zblorf.
@RonanForman O was alerted to some sort of mind blowing discussion on naming and brand strategy allegedly taking place
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I'm trying to find the blog. There is probably a hyphen
@FAE He's good. I find Richard Hammond extremely annoying though. He 'plays' his character too much, it comes across as very fake and shallow
@SeanGallagher i never said anything about mind-blowing
@fredley Yeah, he's funny, but he tries too hard sometimes.
or even "strategy"
@GraceNote hyphenated is a mod site.
@GnomeSlice Yeah. He's just not that funny.
@fredley Have you seen the one where they became truckers? streetfire.net/video/…
That said, with there being Insert Coin Clothing as the first result for searching for Insert Coin, I'm not too keen on using that name
@GnomeSlice At work
@AbbyTMiller ok. Naming is an integral part of the strategy of a brand identity.
also - just having fun
@SeanGallagher yes, that one
This episode has hands-down the funniest segment I've ever seen of probably any television show.
@SeanGallagher My buzzword-meter just exploded.
> The world around us is becoming more and more artificial: online banking instead of bank counters, 3D cinema instead of real hands-on experiences, cloud computing instead of hard disks, or navigation systems instead of road maps. And yet, what’s authentic and real continues to communicate trust and reliability – without being obsolete at the same time.
> A Swiss watch will be as fascinating tomorrow as it is today due to its precision, a Mercedes, with all its technological sophistication, and [...], to get your PC in top shape
@AnnaLear these aren't buzzowrds they are important terms that people should know whole heartedly or learn about
@GnomeSlice I thought the robin reliant rocket was good.
@GraceNote T_T
This doesn't make sense.
@AnnaLear SYNERGY!
@GnomeSlice Is that the infamous 'change up, change up, murder a prostitute, change up' clip?
either way, I'm out. back to photos and work
@RonanForman Double backwards synergy.
@fredley I waffle on Hammond. I like seeing him make more grounded commentary, but it's very rare I see that. Like on Brainiac, he was like this absurd parody of himself and sometimes when I see him doing other projects like that, I just kind of shake my head, thinking "What are you doing, man?" >_>
@RonanForman PARADIGM
@FAE His talk show was godawful
@fredley That was good, but just last night I saw the one where Jeremy had to drive a reliant robin a terrifying distance of 14 miles.
I cried tears of laughter.
@FAE waffle as a verb? Double disowned!
They did the Top Ground Gear Force thing pretty well.
@GnomeSlice Is that the one where he falls over all the time?
I can't find the best segment of the lorrying challenge online anywhere...
@GnomeSlice That was pretty good. V obv staged, but still funny.
@fredley Hah, yes.
@fredley I dunno, I read somewhere later that the guy in question didn't actually know about it, but I get the feeling he was planning to have his yard remodeled anyway.
@OrigamiRobot That's a totally valid usage yo
@GnomeSlice Yes. I find it strange that a lot of people don't realise it's scripted. I often see the scripting as very heavy handed.
@fredley Explain that again but with a different phrase than 'heavy handed', I don't actually know what that means.
@FAE Just because it's valid doesn't mean it's not dumb, yo.
...huh. Apparently, Insert Coin is also a section for game-related articles in Forbes
@fredley Oh, clearly most of it is. Although they do do some things that aren't.
@GnomeSlice Obvious
For example at least two times they've interfered with the BBC's newscast. They drove the Peel P50 thing through the hallway behind one of them once, and another time they drove little radio controlled cars with fans on them up the side of the building and around on the glass behind the newscast.
I love the specials, though. The Bolivian one was awesome.
The specials are pretty good
@YiJiang Guesstimate is in the dictionary. Does that mean it's not dumb?
PS I cant actually see your link so I'm just guessing at its content.
My father got a ton of movies and TV shows on his media box from his friend with real internet, including every episode of Top Gear.
We've been watching them in no particular order.
@GnomeSlice So it's like your own personal Dave, but without the ads?
@fredley Dave?
Note for the un-British: Dave is a free channel in the UK that plays almost nothing but Top Gear repeats
Then, yes I guess.
We've been watching them in-order on a per-series basis, but not watching series' in any order.
@OrigamiRobot In which dictionary? Tell me, so I can go burn it or something
Nice upload, but too bad they cut off the beginning.
@fredley Sounds like the best channel ever.
I'm also not sure if the bit in there where they roll the car behind a newscast and get everyone running over to see if he's okay was scripted or not.
@RESPAWN It's ok when hungover
It's not a BBC news agency.
@GnomeSlice I'm pretty sure it was scripted. A lot of the show is. But it's still funny, so I don't care.
@RESPAWN A lot of it is, but I dunno, that wasn't a BBC news casting agency, and they looked pretty concerned.
@RESPAWN All the news stuff is scripted, it's never actually visible on the news.
There's a decent upload of the trucking one, but I till can't find one where they show the race.
They also make a lot of references to celebrities on the show, which means I don't get most of the jokes.
I just find the presenters hilarious together.
Richard Hammond's acting is a bit forced some times, but eh.
There was the time they all went to Vietnam and rode motorcycles across it, and they started buying each other really large and ridiculous 'gifts', like statues.
Which they then had to carry around on their bikes.
Q: What are the classics of retro gaming?

BaneI'm looking forward to going "back to the roots", and I'd like you to give me a list of gaming's most influential retro games. I plan to emulate them, I don't own any consoles. I don't think this questions should be closed because it's subjective. The gaming community has quite a consensus on wh...

Speaking of which:
Q: What was the first Blizzard game to release Mac and PC versions on a hybrid disc?

seanI believe D2's release in 2000 was hybrid, but it has been a while. Which hybrid Blizzard release was first, and were all subsequent releases hybrid as well, or were hybrid releases spotty? The Wikipedia pages don't appear to note it. Full catalog on Wikipedia, organized by date.

Holy crap, I wasn't planning on buying the current Indie Royale bundle because I already own four of the games, but I do want the chiptune album. However... on its own the album Roots costs $10... while the entire bundle is currently $4.56 minimum.
@GnomeSlice $5 minimum for the album
@YiJiang Mine says 'Buy now: 10 USD'
I mean if you're looking to get it through the bundle
I might buy it just for that, Unstoppable Gorg, and to have those Radian Games games via Steam.
I bought a radiangames bundle he released on his own site a while ago.
> Dude fk you. English is not my 1st language. How many languages you know that you can use properly ? I bet your're limited to English and English only >.>
Which I posted about and recommended, and suggested a ton of times in here, but nobody actually bought it.
The worst "I'm not English dude" impression I've ever seen
@badp you really should play Inferno+.
@murgatroid99 I think you'll like this:
@GnomeSlice you sound like an advertiser
@badp o.O?
are you affiliated with Inferno+?
prepares the hammer
Lauren Gundrum on April 20, 2012

A few months ago, I outlined a contest formula called “Hot Topics,” which has become a staple in CHAOS’s site-promotion efforts. For those who missed that post, Hot Topics initially worked like this:

Pick a topic of the week, and enter everyone who asks a question related to that topic into a random drawing to win a prize. The number of entries a person gets is equal to the number of questions they ask about the topic of the week.

We now have a few variations on this contest format.

Variations on the Hot Topic Format …

@FAE nowhere on Gaming, it's on the diablo 3 forums.
@badp No... but it is the kind of game you would love based on the other games you enjoy...
@GnomeSlice I feel I'll hate it due to fps issues.
@badp No, it's actually not as graphically intense as you think, which is another reason
You would have loved the Radiangames bundle.
@badp Ah, gotcha
Lots of arena shooty things.
@GnomeSlice This doesn't make you sound like any less of an advertiser
@GraceNote Advertisers don't know what game he plays.
Besides, I never said I didn't sound like one, I said I wasn't one...
@Wipqozn86 I didn't make it in time to close this one, but I got two others :P
@GnomeSlice Depends on the advert style. "You've like these, you might like this too!" is pretty common in some circles
I must vanish now, though
@GraceNote bai
@GnomeSlice Dude, this is the age of Google and Facebook. Advertisers know everything
@GnomeSlice Selling your interests is what Facebook does.
Speaking of advertising, this is ridiculous: gog.com/news/gogcom_gift_to_botanicula_owners
It's like their mission statement.
Oh Ballsack, the Radiangames games aren't though Steam. Oh wait, Desura codes, nice
Ok, I like bacon cheeseburgers, but...
@FAE I saw this. I don't think that's actually 1050 slices of bacon.
@FAE That's disgusting.
Yay 100 helpful flags!
That's not a burger any more.
I wouldn't eat it as a burger, but I want some of that bacon.
@OrigamiRobot Congrats!
Is that supposed to be bacon? It looks like plastic.
@Wipqozn86 oooo D3 as game on
Didn't realize the beta had multiplayer
@FAE Looking at that actually makes me feel a bit ill
@Sterno It makes me want some sushi. Since sushi isn't just a giant ball of grease.
It's not subjective because I said it's not subjective! Twice!
Anyone want a Steam key for 'Tobe's Vertical Adventure'?
@Sterno Yeeeep
@GnomeSlice Oh that game, sure!
Aren't you supposed to be poor?
@Oak You'll have to divide into groups probably, max is 4 players at once.
@RonanForman Are you on Steam right now?
@LessPop_MoreFizz what the what?
@GnomeSlice Yup.
@FAE can still be fun
@Oak Aye. Raven, Origami, Wipqozn and I tried to play once.
It'll probably be tough though during a stress test weekend.
@RonanForman That work?
@sterno this guy:
@Oak The connection and lag was so bad we gave up
Q: What are the classics of retro gaming?

BaneI'm looking forward to going "back to the roots", and I'd like you to give me a list of gaming's most influential retro games. I plan to emulate them, I don't own any consoles. I don't think this questions should be closed because it's subjective. The gaming community has quite a consensus on wh...

@GnomeSlice Yup.
Q: What rewards in Trials Evolution are linked to achievements in Trials HD?

BrysonicWhen I started Trials Evolution for the first time, I immediately unlocked a shirt because I had a certain achievement in Trials HD (I can't remember which one it was, unfortunately). Which Trials HD achievements grant rewards in Trials Evolution and what are the rewards?

Considering it's stress test, you may be getting DC'd a lot, which might make teaming tougher.
@FAE are you all in North America?
Welp, I don't get it. Yes, the FAQ says that we shouldn't ask "catalog" questions, but doesn't explain why. I don't see how this question can't be answered by an older member of our community. @LessPop_MoreFizz, please explain your claims. I showed that it's not subjective twice so far. I'm not asking people if they like something or not, I'm asking a question that is, as I said, a matter of fact. — Bane 11 mins ago
@Oak I'm in the EU, the rest of them are in NA.
@FAE because I remember you're in Europe
@FAE well, I guess it makes less sense for me to play with NA people
@Oak Well, you can try! It just might be tough.
@LessPop_MoreFizz this line is what made silently rage
> Yes, the FAQ says that we shouldn't ask "catalog" questions, but doesn't explain why
@FAE if you failed, and not during a stress test, then...
@LessPop_MoreFizz @Bane We discussed them, weighed their goods and bads, eventually had a vote and ruled them out. The reason you can't ask them is ultimately because we, the community, have decided so. – badp♦ 21 secs ago
@Oak Well that's why it's a stress test! You could still attempt and give them some data to work with?
I suppose
@Wipqozn86 "I showed that it's not subjective twice so far" was what got me
and that's why you simply say they are off-topic. Wink, wink.
I've seen people bring up the "It's not stated why" in the FAQ multiple times, claiming it's a reason for a question to not be closed. It's fairly annoying.
We really need to be more careful about saying "This question is bad because it is subjective"
Subjectivity is okay!
@fredley Like the other Wicked Lasers, this thing is completely, paradoxically useless. According to its own safety manual, you can't do anything with it.
Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

@Wipqozn86 Yes. It would be fun for maybe 5 minutes. You'd pop a balloon, light a match, then you'd have done everything you were ever going to do with it.
@Sterno, I've just noticed your avatar. It's awesome.
@Sterno Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.
@fredley Even that is just far too dangerous to do, a 1W handheld laser is just a stupid idea.
@LessPop_MoreFizz -1, not enough pizza.
@badp there is pizza there
I said "not enough."
Speaking of not enough pizza
it is lunch time
lunch? oh, right. You and your heresy.
Q: About Monster infusable abilities

Georgeis there a way to fuse Tonberry or Don tonberry with an area of effect attack ? like Ravage or Blitz

@Fabian Tsk tsk tsk. I moderate Gaming with my YW handheld lazers just fine.
The lazers run through the internets so my retinas are safe.
@badp If lunch is a heresy, I will never consent to orthodoxy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, I was speaking of your timezone.
Having returned from lunch, I think my witchery just really confirms the hereticalness
Also I thought ortodoxy needed an extra h but I was wrong
@badp The earth is round. The sun shines in different places at different moments.
But then, I guess @badp is a card carrying member of:
The Flat Earth Society (also known as the International Flat Earth Society or the International Flat Earth Research Society) is an organization that seeks to further the belief that the Earth is flat instead of an oblate spheroid. The modern organization was founded by Englishman Samuel Shenton in 1956 and was later led by Charles K. Johnson, who based the organization in his home in Lancaster, California. The formal society was inactive after Johnson’s death in 2001 but was resurrected in 2004 by its new president Daniel Shenton. Origins—the Zetetic societies The belief that the Ea...
@LessPop_MoreFizz You gotta admit the one in the picture is also a round Earth.
Flat or not, does it really matter?
Humanity already tried to pick the one correct time zone. And then they flunked horribly with UTC.
Apparently the 'Correct Earth Time' was too obvious to be the right choice: it was clearly a trap set up by an elaborate trolling scheme
(At any rate, I'd like to mention that the only time zone mentioned in the Blizzard post is CEST. Although the Correct Earth Summer Time is not really that correct, it is still an acknowledgment.)
@badp In the euro blizzard post.
@LessPop_MoreFizz and probably mostly because of Germany
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I hadn't realized different areas had different activation times.
@FAE Blizzards Euro offices are in Paris.
wait - no. Noon PDT is probably 2100 CEST.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah that'd do it then
@LessPop_MoreFizz At any rate, it's timed with the CEST weekend :P
@badp yep
@badp Yes. And the US post is listed in PDT:
I am perfectly happy to acknowledge CET as Correct Euro Time if you like.
Botanicula is a ridiculously charming little game
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would call it a victory, good sir.
@FAE Perhaps, but point and click? ehhhhhh.
@badp That's fine. But seeing as I am not a Euro, out here, it is lunchtime.
@badp Ah, I like point and click games, so. :) I know they're not to everyone's tastes though. Still, despite that, the character and atmosphere and music are all pretty great.
@FAE Have you checked out Sword and Sworcery yet?
If you like point and click, you owe it to yourself.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have not. I have heard some buzz about it being released on Steam, but I don't really know much about the game at all.
Q: Can i play one-handed world of warcraft

Noob FeederI'm an one-handed person, due to an accident. Before it happens, I frequently played World of Warcraft (but, i confess, i was a noob). Obviously, i'm not supposed to type at keyboard and click with mouse at the same time. Is there something that i can use to make it possible? Thanks

@FAE It's... an experience unlike any I have had from a game in some ways.
the deliberate use of time is remarkable.
Oh, I wasn't aware it was point and click. Hmmm... I'm trying to curb my game purchasing lately, I mostly got this Humble Bundle because I've had my eye on Botanicula for a few months now.
Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP?
Oh wow, it uses music in its gameplay?
@FAE Music is integral to the game. It's a collaboration between a game dev and a musician in a lot of ways.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am a music game junkie, so this just skyrocketed to the top of my "must have" list.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How necessary is the Twitter co-op thing? I'm not much of a twitter user really, so I'm wondering if it'll hinder gameplay or enrichment by not using that.
@FAE the 'twitter co-op thing' amounts to there being a button next to every line of text in the game that you can use to tweet said line of text.
So... not.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...oh. Well then.
@FAE Yeah, it's not really a thing at all.
The main thing to know is that the game is designed to be played over a month in small chunks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...huh
@FAE lunar stuffs.
Oh wow, that sounds neat.
Hm, looks like our tag for this is just ?
@FAE That's a mis-tag. Paging @badp to fix?
what to change it to?
oh, sword-and-sworcery.
I hoped I didn't need to read the backlog :P
You don't need to
@LessPop_MoreFizz Grabbed it on Steam, as they're apparently have a little 25% off deal. Thanks for the recommendation. :)
@badp Well, the full title/tag would be , but that's 10 characters too long. :/
@FAE no problem. It's a pretty magnificent game.
Q: In Devil May Cry 3, what's the point of fighting the optional midboss Jester?

MdaGI've had the option to fight him twice now before the second encounter with Vergil. The battles feel so out of context with what's happening storywise. There is no apparent reward either when you win? I'm playing the recently released HD-version.

@LessPop_MoreFizz Looks like we can safely remove the tag from the existing questions I think, can you confirm?
@FAE Yeah, should all be fine
Super cool question ^^
@Michel wow
@LessPopMoreFizz LOL
@Michel Why?
Q: QR Code discovered in the Soundtrack

GimlaoSince some people were saying that there would be things hidden in the soundtrack, I played a little with "Sonic Visualiser". Using the track "Spirit", we can found a QR Code at the end : After cleaning it : 1955 1958 1960 1961 1967 1969 1971 1977 2003 2005 What does it mean ? ^^;

Q: Skyrim third shout

Greg HaspelThere is something I'm missing. I'm stuck at the gate. I hold the shout button down and I blast the gate open. Everything I have read to this point says to hold it down. That is not working. I have held it tapped it for various lengths of time. I've even tried with various combinations with othe...

Can someone explain to me why the crap question reference from @Raven on this comment: @NickT Because it's not a question about the game. It's a question related to your hearing (or inability thereof). If the question was, "Why does Lulu say, 'Transmogulate'?", it would still be a crappy question, but it would at least be about a problem in the game. gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/63318/…
@NickT Mind me taking a stab at editing the question?
@Michel @RavenDreamer I think a question of 'What are the quotes that Lulu says?' is a perfectly valid question. Explaining then that some of them just sound weird and you would like confirmation for them also seems to keep it within a good question IMHO.
@James I Agreed in the point "What are the quotes that Lulu says for each spell, I can't understand them and I could use it as resource to improve my game-play against lulu"
@Michel Most of her abilities are auto targeted, hearing whats going to happen wont help much more than seeing it ;)
@James But "I Hear Bee, is that really Bee? because it's funny" is not a good question (maybe in @Raven thinks it's not even a question)
@James feel free
@James True. It'll not help that much. But some people just play by what they hear not only what they see
I hope they weren't a disabled gamer either, cause they just got TOLD
Q: What does Lulu say?

Nick TWhat are the quotes that Lulu can say while casting? Almost all of them are amusing but some seem to be more nonsensical than others, like 'Frog Ovulating!'. It would be nice to have a list to compare against.

I try
Feel free to alter it if need be, but that looks like a valid question to me (no longer asking people to guess what you think you are hearing).
I Think it's a weak, but VALID question. But i can't throw any openvotes or close votes (low rep 4tw xD)
Q: Rift Expert Dungeon Gear Requirements

Cory PetoskyI hit 50 the day of 1.8 (healing cleric), and I'm wondering if I can do expert dungeons with my tank buddy. The Internet seems outdated on just how endgame progression works since the expert tiers merged in 1.7. In fact, I can't find a single resource that's been updated since the change. The i...

@StrixVaria 6 minutes
When can I play the D3 beta?
is that what you're talking about?
@NickT In 6 minutes.
> Friday, April 20 at 21:01 CEST, until Monday, April 23 at 19:00 CEST
what does CEST stand for?
@NickT Central European Summer Time.
In EST that means 3:01PM
Or E(S/D)T, whatever we are now.
think D
not that I'm one of those people that flips out and says "YOU REALLY MEAN EDT, RIGHT? CUZ IT'S DST RIGHT NOW AND EST MEANS -5 NOT -4 SO EVERYONE WOULD BE AN HOUR LATE"
no. just you.
I used a web service to translate the time for me so I couldn't make any mistakes like that.

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