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Oooh, @Oliver_C and @Sklivvz are neck-and-neck to be the first 20K rep user on Skeptics.SE....
Oh well. That suspense didn't last long.

Congrats to @Oliver_C: 20,006. (Sklivvz: 19,957)
2 hours later…
@Borror0 - I can't disagree with you. Do you have any suggestions as to how we can make a political factchecking site overlap only in part with Skeptics?
I think it's safe to say it will be impossible to prevent a "factchecking" site from overlapping, at least in part, with Skeptics
We're trying to create a site that has utility during the US election cycle
something that serves a similar function as Politifact and FactCheck.org
but empowers the crowd (as opposed to an editorial team) to correct or confirm statements
Also, this site, while currently geared US, will (hopefully) serve an international scope
This is an exceptional project -- it is different than anything we've ever done
and we may have a partner or two onboard to get the word out
If you or anyone has any suggestions how we can make this succeed, I hope you let me know ([email protected]) or add your suggestions to the Area 51 proposal:
Election Check - Fact Checking Political Claims

Proposed Q&A site for proactive citizens who want to set the record straight on lies made by public officials and candidates seeking office.

Currently in definition.

@SamTheBrand I might be bias, unconsciously ignoring valid solutions to a problem because I see one who could benefit me, but I don,t see how we could make that site not overlap with Skeptics. More significantly, I don't see why we would want to find a definition where the overlap would be less blatant. To me, that's asking the wrong question. It's a solution in search of a problem, not a problem in search of a solution.
Let me ask: What is your goal into creating Election Check?
What problem are you trying to solve? Which niche on the internet are you trying to fill? Which audience are you aiming at? What kind of community are you hoping to build?
@Borror0 - You raise very, very good points.
First and foremost, we're trying to try something new. Secondly, and not far behind, we want to create something that can create a buzz.
But as to your point about benefiting Skeptics...
We're hoping there's a way to involve this site in a way that benefits you and brings attention to the amazing work here
Unfortunately, I dont think we can find a partner to help promote Skeptics.SE.com to ABCnews as a source of election cycle fact checking (whether this site can exist beyond the US election is another question)
Allow me to ask two other questions:
1. Do you (either you personally or SEI as an entity) think Skeptics is good at what it's doing?
2. Do you not think that, rather than building a new site, we could use this opportunity to further grow the site and the community? As I understand it, Gaming uses popular game launches to seed with questions which brings eyeballs to the site. Don't you think the US election can be a similar opportunity for Skeptics?
As I said, I might be biased here.
in re: 1 - No question
I think there is ample opportunity to promote this site, and we should figure out a way to do it
as for 2 - I think, yes, there may be a way to use this opportunity to grow Skeptics
I also think there are reasons this site may not be able to (or want to) fully take advantage of the US election
Hold on. I have an idea. Let me check something before, though.
We want eyeballs to fall on this site. We want people to use the US election -- to correct or affirm the claims made by some of the most aspiring (and deceitful) people on earth -- to learn about Stack Exchange
to see us as a definitive place to ask and ultimately find truth
and we want the truth out there
That site would still be Skeptics' [politics] tag. If the issue is marketing, isn't there a way you could just promote that tag? I know Facebook has approached Stack Overflow for a partnership over the Facebook tag. While that was a flop, as I understand it, can't we do something similar here?
If marketing is the issue, as it seems to be, I mean.
That was my original thinking
-- to create a US politics site in the vein of fb.se
It was rejected for a few reasons -- one of which was branding
creating a succinct brand for (one of) the first ever crowdsourced political factchecking sites
I feel the marketing dilemma would not even exist if we were called, say, Citation Needed. It's because of the generic unhelpful name, I feel, that you run into this issue.
Also, yes, because the Facebook site has not been particularly successful
It's silly to create a crowdsourced political fact-checking site when you already have a crowdsourced fact-checking site.
And to tell you the truth, one of the major reasons is because we had a major partner onboard who we were considering giving partial 'ownership' -- in an undecidded capacity
however, that partner may no longer be onboard
however, ha, i think we have a new partner onboard
but yes, man, you are being particularly logical about this
I'm going to look into doing the facebook thing with this site
I need to speak with a few departments to discuss the technical problems and branding problems
Sounds like you have a lot of fun ahead of you. ;)
This effort has been, for lack of a better word, very political
@SamTheBrand I cannot think of a better word, if only for the cheesiness of the pun it creates.
Man, its tough to argue with the Skeptics -- actually, almost everyone on this network
As I have said many times already, I may only be that I'm biased, but I feel there is a way to us this to promote Skeptics. I think it's a great idea - I'm actually surprised by how little current politics question we get (I suspect it's because our community picks its news sources very selectively, but it's only speculation at this point) and that such a deal could help us grow drastically. I'm just not particularly fond of your chosen mean, so far.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss with us.
The fact that you chose to create a new fact-checking site could be interpreted as a vote of no-confidence in Skeptics, but the fact that you've consulted with us early on and so many times goes a long way in mitigating that impression.
@SamTheBrand Think of it as our way to recruit our own CHAOS resident.
It's my pleasure. Stand by. The gears are turning over here, and thankfully, election day is 8? months off. Lemme know if you've got any ideas or throw it in the proposal. You'll certainly be informed of any steps moving forward. Thanks to you too. We need to test the temperature over here.
also, be careful what you wish for ;-)
@SamTheBrand Are you accusing Skeptics of not having taken the time to fully research the impact of something beforehand? Who do you think we are? :P
haha. my goodness. what have i signed up for.
I won't ruin the surprise, but I suggest you brace yourself.
OK OK. stand by. i'm out. goodnight!
You too.
5 hours later…
It's a bit troubling that Reddit didn't find this more worthy of upvotes than that.
2 hours later…
@Oddthinking Nooo :-)
9 hours later…
Ah, the beta phase just ended. At first I thought SX has some CSS trouble with the website again, because the design changed suddenly while browsing the site.
@Jin We're still using the beta logo at the moment. Intentional?
@Borror0 cache breaker fix is coming
you can do a hard-refresh on cdn.sstatic.net/skeptics/img/logo.png in the meantime
Also, we're still using the beta favicon.
Ah. Never mind.
yeah, favicons are ridiculously cached by browsers...they don't change much
Q: New Skeptics Design Has Launched!

Sean GallagherWelcome to the new Skeptics site! I've had an awesome time learning and designing for you! Thanks for all of your feedback and communication. :) If you're still seeing the old favicons, please load the follow urls and do a hard browser refresh. http://sstatic.net/skeptics/img/favicon.ico http:...

has instructions for how to refresh it
hello everyone! new design yay!
congrats guys. It was a lot of hard work and fun - and looking forward to catching all bugs and killing them
thanks @RebeccaChernoff
so right away i see bounty and indicator are wrong form beta
which ive already edited
just an fyi
Add / Show 6 More Comments seems too big here
A: Is squeezing pimples bad for you?

SklivvzAcne lesions should NOT be squeezed It can lead to permanent scarring. Acne lesions should not be squeezed. Popping of acne spots does make acne less visible temporarily but it is followed by more severe inflammatory lesions in a few days. Squeezing acne spots results in the rupture of the p...

@SeanGallagher Have you considered using another color than black for the background of the Ask Question button? I don't like how easily it blends in the design. It's the most important part of the UI, and as such should stick out more to be easily spotted by new users.
Perhaps reversing the colors (black text on yellow background) for this one button?
i think the gigantic text that says "ask question" might be enough. no?
There's something wrong in our favicon (maybe): area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/12612/skeptics
you just need to hard refresh
He's probably talking about the size.
yes: it's huge (and I did hard refresh) :-)
It's huge? For me, it's tiny!
wrong icon got trafficked
@Sklivvz yes. it has a fixed width causing a line break - fixed
@SeanGallagher It's big, but not eye-catching. That's just my personal opinion.
Is capitalizing the first letter of each title on the font page (but not on the question's page) voluntary or a bug?
Anyways: Obligatory samba for the occasion!
Q: New Skeptics Design Has Launched!

Sean GallagherWelcome to the new Skeptics site! I've had an awesome time learning and designing for you! Thanks for all of your feedback and communication. :) If you're still seeing the old favicons, please load the follow urls and do a hard browser refresh. http://sstatic.net/skeptics/img/favicon.ico http:...

pretty! Wish there was a site-wide share button on the homepage. (Also a badge for sharing a whole site).
The meta icon on my user page is HUGE.
Also, the "Sign up for the newsletter" on the sidebar is cut off. We don't see the R.
@Borror0 bug
The main site icon on my meta user page is also huge.
we're fixing
Oh. I don't doubt it. I'm just being thorough. :P
When you go under analytics, the number for each data point don't show up on mouse hover.
The "Title Caps" via CSS on the front page is not consistent with the normal case on the question page
6 mins ago, by Sean Gallagher
@Borror0 bug
Still on analytics, the keywords and the referring sites are both bold. I don't think that's intentional.
what is analytics?
i think jin fixed that sam
i see
Q: Remove the capital letter on every word (except the first) from the titles?

Rafael.ITAlthough I liked the new designed I have a suggestion, can we remove the lead capital on each word? Like just to preserve the original input. For instance: Remove The Capital Letter On Every Word (Except The Tirst) From The Titles? would be Remove the capital letter on every word (ex...

@SeanGallagher Are you referring to the text-transform: capitalize?

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