Sep 7, 2018 03:59
Is apple revealing the new products in 6 days then?

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
Nov 10, 2017 20:55
"yes I did" replied Alex, or "Yes I did" replied Alex, where there is no period before the parentheses, should the "Y" "yes" be capital?


Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Jun 27, 2017 19:55
It's a calculator
Jun 27, 2017 19:54
I have the cable, but it's 3.5 mm to 3.5mm
Jun 27, 2017 19:53
How much are they?
Jun 27, 2017 19:50
This is kind of off topic: but how do I connect my TI-83+ to my computer to back up my programs when all the calculator will output is a headphone size thing?

 The Periodic Table

Haikus are awesome / Chemistry's even better / So pull up a chair
Jan 26, 2017 04:30
I'm trying to combine Sodium, Chloride, Hydrogen2, Oxygen
Jan 26, 2017 04:26
If I have a compound that has H and Na which would go first?


Chat about the Blizzard FPS Overwatch, wherein Sterno hates Ge...
Oct 11, 2016 05:22
Don't you hate it when you fire a gravitation surge that took 3 mins to charge, only to see that a genji deflected it or a's DM destroyed it?
Sep 27, 2016 23:33
does anyone have overwatch on Xbox?
Sep 27, 2016 23:32
The ult charge rate charges incredibly fast
Sep 27, 2016 23:31
Weekly brawl is op, anyone agree?
Jun 24, 2016 21:08
Jun 24, 2016 21:07
Charges* I meant to say
Jun 24, 2016 21:07
Does it take longer to naturally have your ultimate chargers different heroes?
Jun 23, 2016 01:40
⭐️ There is your star

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
Sep 27, 2016 23:42
@Frank thanks I flagged
Sep 20, 2016 03:23
Quick or competitive?
Sep 20, 2016 03:23
Sep 20, 2016 03:22
@Unionhawk you talking about overwatch?
Sep 15, 2016 22:32
What does this chat room talk about ?

 Movies & TV Moderation and Maintenance

Maintenance and review room for For ...
Jul 8, 2016 21:37
Oops. Can a mod please help? Sorry if I'm not supposed to talk here
Jul 8, 2016 21:37
Q: UUID displayed instead of username

AlexI've found a bug where my profile name appears as my UUID instead of my name… It happens for: Movies and TV Physics Electrical Engineering Super user Puzzling Programmers Is this a bug or is this just me being inactive and having only 101 rep on those sites?


 Discussion between Frank and Alex

Imported from a comment discussion on
Jun 22, 2016 21:37
Then I'll make sure to flag future questions like that as off-topic.
Jun 22, 2016 21:35
Ok. If I see any questions like that, I'll make sure to flag them. But it's still not a crash. So I must of gotten the two confused
Jun 22, 2016 21:33
He says "No. Gameplay questions about modded Minecraft are, and have always been, on-topic. The decision you are referring to specifically mentions technical support questions being disallowed (which as far as I'm aware, we are limiting that to mean crashes)"
Jun 22, 2016 21:32
Jun 22, 2016 21:26
But it's not a crash. It's a very easy issue to fix, it should be closed for that reason, but it's not Tech Support
Jun 22, 2016 21:14
@Frank To change the version from 1.10 to 1.2 for example, you have to use these settings. So it IS on topic
Jun 22, 2016 21:14
@Frank the same issue will occur even in non-modded Minecraft, I'm supporting opening this question again.
Jun 22, 2016 21:14
@Frank Except it doesn't. This can happen with ONLY not mods, too. Making this on-topic.
Jun 22, 2016 21:14
@Frank It's not tech support though, so it's not off-topic
Jun 22, 2016 21:14
@sommerjj This isn't off-topic. It is not a crash report.
Jun 22, 2016 01:08
Sometimes games like that are modified to fit the theme. It's not a "hack" it's just changing some numbers in their OWN game. That's not hacking if it's their game.
Jun 22, 2016 01:08
Yeah hacking/modifications to games aren't quite on topic here… what's the question?