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Q: mod button missing but i have forge (minecraft)

HiCaptain_25i've downloaded forge but i can't see the mods button in Minecraft 1.7.10. What do i do? I've tried restarting, changing the name of my profile, and it's still not showing up. What can i do to fix this problem?

@sommerjj This isn't off-topic. It is not a crash report.
@Alex It's still tech support.
@Frank It's not tech support though, so it's not off-topic
@Alex Application is not working as expected. Resolving that is tech support.
@Frank the same issue will occur even in non-modded Minecraft, I'm supporting opening this question again.
@Alex Except this issue happens ONLY because you're trying to mod it.
@Frank Except it doesn't. This can happen with ONLY not mods, too. Making this on-topic.
@Alex You're trying to change the launcher to launch a modded version. Not vanilla. Wanna launch vanilla? There's no need to change these settings. Modded only.
@Frank To change the version from 1.10 to 1.2 for example, you have to use these settings. So it IS on topic
@Alex It's still not on-topic. Making mods work in Minecraft is off-topic. Period.
It's not just limited to crashes.
But it's not a crash. It's a very easy issue to fix, it should be closed for that reason, but it's not Tech Support
Yes it is.
The app is not working.
Fixing it is tech support.
If mods were not involved, this wouldn't be a problem.
It's literally in the title.
Yeah. And?
I, and many others, have a much broader view of what constitutes tech support.
He says "No. Gameplay questions about modded Minecraft are, and have always been, on-topic. The decision you are referring to specifically mentions technical support questions being disallowed (which as far as I'm aware, we are limiting that to mean crashes)"
This isn't a gameplay question.
It's literally a, "Help me get modded Minecraft working!" question.
Which I classify as tech support.
I don't care if it's not a crash or not. It's tech support, therefore off-topic.
Ok. If I see any questions like that, I'll make sure to flag them. But it's still not a crash. So I must of gotten the two confused
Definitely not a crash.
But we don't limit it to just crashes, because the problem space is huge.
Then I'll make sure to flag future questions like that as off-topic.
The broader interpretation I use is, "Is this asking us to get modded Minecraft working?" If the answer to that is yes, then I vote to close.

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