Sadly, most of the games I play in have monthly sessions at best. Also, players travel from a somewhat greater distance to play. A consequence is that during the month many players misplace their character sheets, or they accidentally leave them at home.
Depending on the game it might be relati...
Other than "victim->killer" transference, the curse could be "contagious" in some way - if you have aligned yourself with a party who is cursed, it makes sense that you will end up in the same way.
So Cline is more likely to feature characters who would choose to sacrifice themselves in order to save others, rather than Stross, whose characters would favor preservation of the self?
@BESW I would say that victory conditions in "classic" Mythos games are closer to "I may have gone crazy and/or died, but at least I managed to prevent the world being devoured at this time."
@BESW Looking through the Steam sale today, I also became aware of TIS-100 - yet another game by Zachtronics along similar lines. It seems a lot less instantly-accessible, but does have a Mac version.
I don't know if you do flash at all, but if so, you might want to take a look at The Codex of Alchemical Engineering, which is done by the same developer along somewhat similar lines.
@BESW It sadly doesn't help you right now, but GOG actually has some really good sales, too... even rivaling "Steam-cheap". The summer one just ended, unfortunately... keep an eye out for them though.
@doppelgreener My reading of the skill cap is that it is a set figure and never changes, but it's only a hard limit during character creation (e.g. the skill cap may remain at +4, but through milestones, you can get +5 or higher)