Jul 14, 2024 17:18
People had put effort into "answering" in the comments. I was encouraging Greenonline to turn that effort into an answer. As for its broadness, do you really, truly, want to "help" new visitors to the site by just downvoting and closing their questions? Without any attempt to show them where they could usefully go? I don't think only three votes should be required to close a question and I'm going to agitate for that limit to go back to 5. It took you just six minutes to close that question after it was posted. Not exactly a lot of time for the OP to be given a chance to improve it, was there?
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
Don't worry. SE will do anything they want with the data, and if you don't like it, tough luck. I don't mind what SE do with the posts I make (short of butchering them). I post answers to help people, not to become famous or to make SE rich. If the data "leaks" into an AI database (or is used to train an AI database) then fine, as far as I am concerned. It will still hopefully help others who may be wondering what the answer to a particular question is. I don't have aspirations to "own" or "copyright" general knowledge.
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
If you want to continue this discussion I suggest you make a Meta post about it ... poor quality questions, the use of AI, whether or not a mere three people should be able to close questions (unlike Stack Overflow) and so on. This back-and-forth between us isn't really helping the OP here.
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
I suppose the brief answer to the question above would be "Yes it can be done. Next!". That would literally answer the question. However I have the view, not shared by everyone, that our purpose here is to help people, quite a few of them newbies. If you were one of the downvoters to the question, you might at least have pointed the OP to a good answer to this general sort of question on Arduino SE. Are we here to help people or not? I am, but I can't speak for everyone.
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
My advise to them, is to go somewhere else if they don't like it. - people are doing that, that is the point of the video.
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
@VE7JRO Re the sympathy voting, I'll amend my claim to be "I thought it was a good answer so I upvoted it". I don't know why the answer was voted down. Maybe the question wasn't great, but the answer was detailed. At the point in time when I said I would upvote it, I hadn't (as it didn't exist) but was trying to encourage Greenonline to ignore the possibility that he would get negative rep from attempting to be helpful. Once the answer was posted I upvoted it on its merits.
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
Ahahaha! Two downvotes for a very good answer! OK, the question might not have been the greatest question on this site, but the answer was nice and comprehensive. Look, ChatGPT is gaining traction, and Stack Exchange is losing it. And guess what? ChatGPT doesn't tell you off for asking a bad question, whereas SE and SO epitomize doing that. Maybe, downvoters, rethink your strategy.
Jul 14, 2024 17:18
Jun 30, 2023 13:55
I agree with @ChrisMelville . It is polite when introducing an acronym that may not be universally known to explain what it is on first usage. We don't all live in the USA, so we don't all know CD automatically. It sounds like what we in Australia would call a Term Deposit, and I bet if I started talking about a TD there would be confused looks.
May 8, 2023 07:05
@PaulJurczak So digitalPinToInterrupt(6) returns 6? My earlier suggestion therefore meant that omitting digitalPinToInterrupt would have been equivalent, however it doesn't actually solve your problem. I can't see anything wrong, except that maybe attachInterrupt is not working as intended.
May 6, 2023 05:36
If the interrupt number is not in the list for attachInterrupt (and -1 would not be) then it would do nothing.
May 6, 2023 05:28
@PaulJurczak However digitalPinToInterrupt returns something, which is what I suggested you see what that something was.
May 5, 2023 05:57
@PaulJurczak See above.
May 5, 2023 04:51
Try doing a serial print of the results of digitalPinToInterrupt for your pin. If it returns -1 then that pin isn't implemented.
May 5, 2023 04:46
Except that the Uno only has 2 external interrupt pins (2 and 3) so it is possible that the SAMD21 does not implement external interrupts on those pins. I don't know for sure.
May 5, 2023 04:46
What you have would work on the Uno, I am not familiar with the SAMD21.
May 5, 2023 04:46
As a wild guess, try: attachInterrupt(PROXIMITY_SENSOR_NC, blink, FALLING);
May 5, 2023 04:46
I can't see anything wrong unless digitalPinToInterrupt does not apply to the pins you tried.
May 5, 2023 04:46
Lol, you added your extra comment while I was typing. :)
May 5, 2023 04:46
Still, if you change it as suggested you can be certain that the ISR was not executed. eg. digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
May 5, 2023 04:46
Is it possible the LED is flashing so briefly you don't notice it? Can you change your blink function to simply turn the LED off? If it goes off you know the ISR was executed.

 Pin 13

General discussion about arduino.stackexchange.com
Aug 4, 2020 00:35
About a year ago someone (Nick Gammon I think) posted here in chat a link to a particular Atmel forum whereby you could post paid jobs for little electronic designs - Arduino Forum - Products and Services or Arduino Forum - Gigs and Collaborations
Jun 18, 2019 21:00
@josecanuc So you can "level up"? Or have people think your opinion is correct? Majenko lost 1390 points, Nick Gammon 575 points ... (sigh). Very odd.
May 28, 2019 21:48
Congratulations to @VE7JRO for becoming our new moderator. Thanks to Anonymous Penguin for all his moderation work in the past. And thank you too to Ghanima for running in the election. We needed at least two people to run or it would not have worked.
Sep 4, 2018 06:33
Look on the bright side! We don't have many arguments here. :)
Aug 3, 2018 09:18
Bye bye.
Aug 2, 2018 07:09
By asking questions here you are trying to turn Stack Exchange into a forum, which it isn't designed to be. Post a question using the Ask Question link, and people will be able to suggest a variety of answers, and then you can choose which one helped you the most.
Aug 2, 2018 07:06
@AdamUraynar This chat room is for chatting about the Arduino. If you have a specific question about code or hardware, and expect a prompt response, then I suggest you post a question in the usual way (not here).
Jun 22, 2018 07:26
So, there's that. :)
Jun 2, 2018 06:39
And look on the bright side, with luck you'll get rep from giving an answer and having it accepted and/or voted up.
Jun 2, 2018 06:38
@Juraj Comments under questions are not for answering the question. For one thing, this means the "answer" cannot be voted up or down. Also the Stack Exchange engine will consider the question to be unanswered and continue to bump the question from time to time. Also the OP cannot accept a comment. By all means improve the question by formatting it, but answers should be in the answer box.
Nov 6, 2019 18:55
@CodeSeeker Some email users don't understand the difference between TO and CC. In fact some clients provide a line for TO, a line for CC and a line for BCC. So the client may well have put Jake in the TO field, and Scott in the CC field, thinking that the email was going to both of them equally. If you are CC'd into an email, would you not be a bit perturbed if no response was given to the client?
May 28, 2019 21:46
Indeed! Congrats @VE7JRO. And also a big thank you to Ghanima for running in this election. Without your help it could not have proceeded. :)
May 27, 2019 21:06
@sa_leinad Agreed! I have sent similar sentiments to AnonymousPenguin via the moderators chat room.
May 21, 2019 07:36
I doubt that. :)
May 20, 2019 09:33
@Ghanima Thanks!
May 20, 2019 09:32
I just want to point out that, unlike some parts of Stack Exchange, moderating here is not particularly onerous. I know that Majenko does more than me in that respect however the number of things handled daily by moderators here are in the dozens, not the hundreds ... if that. It is a privilege to be able to assist the Arduino community, however you don't need to worry that it will take hours of your time every day.
May 20, 2019 09:25
@Ghanima Done! (I think) :)
May 19, 2019 06:26
@Ghanima Yes, it's a little weird. In most stacks there are a dozen or so vying for the job.
May 16, 2019 07:07
AnonymousPenguin is stepping down.
May 14, 2019 21:29
Just a reminder, Stack Exchange wants to have a real election, therefore we need at least two people to nominate.
Feb 24, 2019 19:21
How do you know it stops working? There is no visible output.
Aug 6, 2018 10:38
I didn't say that. In any case perhaps they are referring to: gammon.com.au/bootloader
Aug 6, 2018 10:38
In your Arduino Forum post you say you have solved it. Could you post the solution as an answer here please?
May 19, 2018 21:39
@dim I've posted a slight variation on your schematic as another answer to the original question (you didn't have a base resistor on Q1). Hopefully that is OK.
May 18, 2018 22:10
@dim I realize I drew something different, I was hoping that the moving of the resistors would lower the voltage presented to Q1. So the simpler solution is just to get a different transistor. So you don't have a problem with the 2N3904 which has the maximum rating of 40V?
May 18, 2018 05:29
I think there is a fundamental flaw, because when I tested it, Q1 did not turn on - if 30V was present at Q2's source.
May 17, 2018 22:16
Would that work? Now I have the voltage divider such that Q1 will have about Vce of 22V and the gate of Q2 is 8V from the source. Or is there a fundamental flaw there?
May 17, 2018 22:15
May 17, 2018 21:52
@dim Yes, I understand about the total ratings. Some quick calculations appear to show that 10k would be fine for driving the transistor enough to sink around 7 mA (if I used 1k and 3.3k). Isn't another problem, though, that 30V between collector and emitter (if the transistor is off) is approaching its maximum rating? Max for Vceo is 40V on the 2N3904, and 30V on the PN2222.