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A: Using Excel to communicate to an Arduino to light 20 LEDs

GreenonlineThis really is a question of two parts: "Can I communicate to the Arduino using Excel?", and; "How can I light 20 LEDs using an Arduino Uno?" Considering each aspect in turn... Excel side To add to chrisl's comment, which (partially) explained the Excel side: ... if you write code in Excel VBA...

Down voted within 4 minutes, that's impressive work V****O..!
What's really impressive, is that I am correct. SE knows what to do with garbage Q+As.… and… The -2 rep will be returned to you, and the +10 rep your received will be deducted from you.
Ahahaha! Two downvotes for a very good answer! OK, the question might not have been the greatest question on this site, but the answer was nice and comprehensive. Look, ChatGPT is gaining traction, and Stack Exchange is losing it. And guess what? ChatGPT doesn't tell you off for asking a bad question, whereas SE and SO epitomize doing that. Maybe, downvoters, rethink your strategy.
@NickGammon - The question was closed by 3 users. You reopened it. Why? It surely needs details when you look at the second paragraph: "I want to have about 20 different LEDs maybe more". "About" and "Maybe"? I watched 8 minutes of the 22 minute youtube video you linked to. The presenter is complaining about all the things they don't like about SO. My advise to them, is to go somewhere else if they don't like it. There is a great place to ask broad questions with no clear direction or specifications:
@NickGammon - RE: your comment in the question: " I've reopened it, and I'll upvote your answer to partly compensate for you-know-who". That sounds like "sympathy voting", and as a moderator you should know it's wrong. Shame on you.
@NickGammon - I've finished watching the video. There are many complaints about SO, but the latest one deals with AI. Some users are afraid they won't get fake internet points for their answers AI uses. Some users feel like SO "used them" for knowledge and to make money. Businesses are in business to make money, other wise they cease to exist. When you get a product for free, you ARE the product.
@VE7JRO Re the sympathy voting, I'll amend my claim to be "I thought it was a good answer so I upvoted it". I don't know why the answer was voted down. Maybe the question wasn't great, but the answer was detailed. At the point in time when I said I would upvote it, I hadn't (as it didn't exist) but was trying to encourage Greenonline to ignore the possibility that he would get negative rep from attempting to be helpful. Once the answer was posted I upvoted it on its merits.
My advise to them, is to go somewhere else if they don't like it. - people are doing that, that is the point of the video.
@NickGammon - The video made several points. What was crystal clear, is it the bias against SE. They mentioned several other SE "milestones", like the "Monica" issue. The video also claimed the introduction to AI was the start for the drop in user engagement. Do you thing resurrecting legitimately closed questions will help? How about answering off topic, too broad, poorly written questions like this one with a "book report" answer? Are you afraid that SE might area51 the site again? Don't worry. SE will do anything they want with the data, and if you don't like it, tough luck.
I suppose the brief answer to the question above would be "Yes it can be done. Next!". That would literally answer the question. However I have the view, not shared by everyone, that our purpose here is to help people, quite a few of them newbies. If you were one of the downvoters to the question, you might at least have pointed the OP to a good answer to this general sort of question on Arduino SE. Are we here to help people or not? I am, but I can't speak for everyone.
If you want to continue this discussion I suggest you make a Meta post about it ... poor quality questions, the use of AI, whether or not a mere three people should be able to close questions (unlike Stack Overflow) and so on. This back-and-forth between us isn't really helping the OP here.
Don't worry. SE will do anything they want with the data, and if you don't like it, tough luck. I don't mind what SE do with the posts I make (short of butchering them). I post answers to help people, not to become famous or to make SE rich. If the data "leaks" into an AI database (or is used to train an AI database) then fine, as far as I am concerned. It will still hopefully help others who may be wondering what the answer to a particular question is. I don't have aspirations to "own" or "copyright" general knowledge.
@NickGammon - Last question. Why did you re-open a question that you knew was too broad and was closed by the community?
People had put effort into "answering" in the comments. I was encouraging Greenonline to turn that effort into an answer. As for its broadness, do you really, truly, want to "help" new visitors to the site by just downvoting and closing their questions? Without any attempt to show them where they could usefully go? I don't think only three votes should be required to close a question and I'm going to agitate for that limit to go back to 5. It took you just six minutes to close that question after it was posted. Not exactly a lot of time for the OP to be given a chance to improve it, was there?
@NickGammon - There were 3 VTC, and now there is one more, so it's 4 so far. The question's had no improvement made in 6 days. Lets see how many years it lingers until it's closed.

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