opinion: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/256211 should have received a comment by the close voters - the poster's new to ppcg and even posted to the sandbox
@Ginger nothing's stopping you to try and beat the existing sed answer :) if you are interested, have a look on sed's tips page for generating decimal numbers
@JonathanFrech you can avoid bc with vim's i_<c-r>= . also it seems in vim, the comparison operators returns 0 or 1, so you can also use that instead of sorting. is there a reason why you chose v instead of vim, since it seems you don't use any v-specific features?
i guess it's all just a slippery slope, mitch schwartz still brings up good points, ie. you could just run a code minifier to satisfy the requirements, but is it worth it? idk
'all answers on this site should make some effort to meet the winning criteria' maybe we should stop enforcing this? as caird said (i think), it's a bit pointless to just golf variable names and remove whitespace, so why not just include such answers? i don't mean just to these hard challenges, but also to smaller ones in general, where you see answerers posting approaches that will never beat the shortest existing one, yet still do post them because these approaches are interesting
@user well idk k (just realised that the 'know' in 'idk' is more savoir than connaître (as opposed to 'i dont know' where the 'know' can mean both) so my sentence sounds off (at least to my ears))
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines relaying my comment here, basically for my bounty, the way the awarding system works is that once i see a valid answer i will start the bounty, then the bounty will go to the shortest answer in a week, even if that shortest answer may not be the first valid answer. do you think this reduces participation?