Jun 28, 2024 21:11
Albeit, your assessment is accurate and I agree with getting a GAN charger in general, I think most of us aim for fewer items on our bathroom countertop, not more... =)
May 11, 2024 15:09
@DonQuiKong You're putting a lot of stock into forcing the guest to fly within a specific date range. OP verified that the guest flew from D.C. to Venice on November 10th. Assuming that the guest fulfilled their length of stay (let's assume 2 days) then it shouldn't matter the date of their return flight. Would you have penalized them for staying an extra two weeks to do some tourism? You'd have to prove that the guest's date range is significantly more expensive than a quick turn-around.
May 11, 2024 15:09
@DonQuiKong You clearly have a different definition of the word "clearly". OP has not made any attempt in the comments to clear up any details.
May 11, 2024 15:09
The guest bought a round-trip ticket. Was your original intent to not reimburse for a round-trip? A one-way trip reimbursement policy sounds extremely anti-guest.
Nov 10, 2023 09:34
You're a contractor, you cannot be laid off, you merely cease to be contracted. You do understand that's one of the risks of contracting, right?
Sep 28, 2023 10:17
Wait, so if I am on a road-trip through Oregon and buy a bag of chips at a gas station but don't eat them till I'm home in California then I need to turn myself in?
Aug 29, 2023 20:07
Remember, you're never "in" a traffic jam, you are the traffic jam. Driver C is simply not on the road. Also, the driver who "beats" the system is the reckless driver and most of the time considers themselves skilled but it was the acute awareness and reflexes of defensive drivers that allows them to narrowly cut off drivers without causing a pile-up.
Jun 30, 2023 13:55
@ChrisMelville I invite you to edit money.stackexchange.com/questions/50387/… to use "Value Added Tax" for those of us "in the back"...
Jun 30, 2023 13:55
@ChrisMelville If you're going to peruse a financial website, don't expect others to cater to the lowest common denominator. Googling "financial CD" in your favorite (presumably non-American) search engine would have taken less time than your comment for such a non-esoteric acronym.
Jun 19, 2023 03:08
Have you ever flushed a boiler? That is NOT water I'd want in my drinking water...
Jun 10, 2023 08:02
Oof, this is a tough one because you've already caved in to a few things. You could consider setting up that company email with an auto-reply which states your actual start date.
Jan 12, 2023 00:17
Do you still have the option to move to Seattle? If not in the heart of the city then hopefully something cheaper outside of the city? Is physical presence in the office a requirement? Right now you're just telling us that you didn't hold up your end of the bargain but are free to keep the extra $70k you've made in the past two years. Yes, the reduction to $115k stings but it doesn't sound like it blindsided you.
Jan 6, 2023 18:00
@dsollen You might be right and so might I; the average business will make the decision which loses them the least amount of customers. Have you ever tried asking a woman her thoughts on being in the same room as a urinal?
Jan 6, 2023 18:00
The presence of the gender-specific urinal is quite possibly going to be "discriminatory" soon since not everyone can use it. A forward-thinking owner would have none of these or just one and they would make it child-height. High-traffic bathrooms like those at state fairs could justify the need for speed but the average business almost never develops a queue.
Dec 22, 2022 19:49
@Skies No, per my comment it would be unwise to claim that I'm the only MonkeyZeus in existence when my search scope was just neighborhood.
Dec 22, 2022 19:49
Are you aware that you're relying on proving a negative which is notoriously difficult, if not impossible? How could this possibly absolve you of responsibility? That's like me saying "Whelp, no one in my neighborhood is named MonkeyZeus so that means I'm the only one in existence".
Dec 19, 2022 14:53
@Yehuda_NYC Great, now look up application times. Air moving past the UV lamp doesn't get sterilized unless that lamp was powerful enough to burn your house down. I'll re-iterate the fine instructions: "The germicidal UV light should be positioned to shine on the surfaces that are prone to mold growth like the A-coil..."
Nov 22, 2022 08:42
I'm 99% certain that anyone using Netscape or Dreamcast has realized LONG ago that most websites do not work well in their web browser. Unless your website has the ubiquity that Google has then the only other valid reason to make it compatible on Dreamcast is if you're serving content which is relevant to the hobbyist's which use Dreamcast to surf the web.
Nov 15, 2022 20:33
With the advent of the digital age, more and more games are like a merry-go-round. You pay to be on it and the conductor decides when to stop. You didn't buy the merry-go-round with your one dollar token, you bought time on it. If you spent enough time on a merry-go-round to feel vested as an owner then you'd have to argue how you did something useful: Did you perform maintenance? Did you touch up the paint? Did you clean up the vomit? Did you do anything except for enjoy yourself?
Nov 15, 2022 18:27
Request that the original email be forwarded to you as an attachment. You need to inspect the headers for spoofing. If it wasn't spoofed then your computer or credentials in general have been compromised. At minimum, change your password. You should also request that they specify whether the email was sent through your desktop client or through a web interface like OWA. As far as I can tell, they have not presented enough evidence against you. You might have to take responsibility and flak for having a compromised account but not for calling someone poopy face.
Oct 7, 2022 16:25
Your employer, in very stupid language, said they want you to be more presentable and more sociable at work. Yes, they can ask you to not look like a slob at work because it reflects poorly on the company; weird, right? They want more cohesion amongst employees; mind blown! Can you bring your lunch to the canteen after heating it up? If they have a problem with your living conditions then they should offer to pay the difference for you to move closer.
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray "Do most houses have a vent coming down into that water heater/ furnace room from the roof as well as the chimney?" Generally no. That is a cumbersome configuration which puts more holes in your roof than necessary and has the ability to intake the bad air which is being exhausted. Fresh air is usually taken in through the side of the house via wall or rim/band joist.
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray It doesn't help that the definition of vent is ambiguous. Vent: an opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space. The chimney is a vent pushing bad air to the outside. You are in need of a vent that supplies that room with fresh air.
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray I assume CO2 is a typo; carbon monoxide is just CO and odorless. Anyways, the answer is to supply adequate fresh air to that water heater year-round or else the next visitor to your house could be a coroner.
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray Maybe your chimney is undersized for two heaters. Maybe your chimney has a dead animal blockage. Maybe in the summer time there are strong cross-winds which push air into your chimney. There are far too many maybes but IF you plan on tackling this yourself then at least properly test your attempts by performing a water heater chimney draft test such as youtube.com/watch?v=AZCWEonZvUs
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray Sorry, I'm not physically there. A licensed HVAC tech or plumber would be required to properly assess your situation. I cannot determine from here where simple holes or forced air circulation is required to make your house safe year-round.
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray Is this a new house build? A new water heater install? I'm confused how it passed inspection.
Sep 15, 2022 03:18
@FranklinGray Sorry, I'm not trying to split hairs. Totally sealed or not, summer or not, whatever; that room is not getting enough fresh air, period.
Aug 13, 2022 16:11
How long have you been renting? When did this high bill start? Do you come from a region where electricity is cheaper and simply have sticker-shock? How old is the unit? How often does it run?
Aug 10, 2022 15:17
You violated "not to make them available to any third parties without the prior approval of the management" quite prominently by literally uploading the code to a third party, GitHub. You don't have control of that system so how do you plan to ensure that your code isn't on backup drives across multiple datacenters which can be accessed by GitHub employees and/or subpoenaed?
Jul 20, 2022 19:12
@MichaelHall That's all fun and games until the boss approves one request and not the other.
Jun 8, 2022 10:14
I sincerely hope you're not working full-time for just 500€/mo.
May 19, 2022 07:59
If she fails to come in on a Tuesday for example then have her come in on Wednesday. Can the WFH days be floating instead of fixed?
Apr 24, 2022 00:01
So your main concern is that you might have to serve a new 90-day notice period starting today? That seems incredibly unreasonable but I do not live in India. Is it illegal to just stop working on April 25th as originally planned and then start working for the new company?
Apr 24, 2022 00:01
@PhilipKendall That makes more sense but it sounds like the current organization's counter-offer was revoked (no declined) due to declining midnight deployments. Actually, now that I read it again I am not even certain that OP was leaving for a new company and if they were then it's ambiguous as to whether or not they declined the new company in favor of the counter-offer.
Apr 24, 2022 00:01
I am so confused. You received an offer for a new job within the same organization? So you decided to not serve your entire notice period? And you're surprised that your company is being spiteful now?
Jan 12, 2022 18:39
Noise-cancelling headphones?
Sep 5, 2021 05:24
Only 150 survivors?? That hard drive will be used to bludgeon another survivor over a disagreement faster than anything useful can be extracted from it. If you can so readily re-establish society from a single hard drive then you probably didn't need that hard drive to begin with. Unless you can first sustain the bottom tiers of Maslow's hierarchy of needs then the remaining 150 will die out in short order.
Sep 2, 2021 20:56
@llama Yes, OP has clarified that it is in fact just a difference in language. I'm not saying one is more right than the other as long as you're understood in your locale. An apartment is rented, a condo/flat can be bought or rented, an apartment/condo building/complex is bought, and a house can be rented or bought. Just figured I would provide these American expressions for OP since the majority of the audience is American on this site.
Sep 2, 2021 20:56
This might be a language barrier thing but what is the difference between buying an apartment or a house? Typically you rent an apartment; if you bought it then you essentially bought a house, no?
Aug 29, 2021 15:56
This is the most asinine installation I've ever seen.
Aug 29, 2021 15:47
Oh okay, well at least make sure to do the hose test once your silicone cures =)
Aug 29, 2021 15:47
@JimmyJames Beats me. I doubt OP is looking to turn this into a multi-day carpentry/painting headache unless enough evidence suggests that they should. FrancisJohn, if you have an unfinished basement beneath your entrance then check for signs of water infiltration on your rim joist, floor joists, and sill plate.
Aug 29, 2021 15:47
@JimmyJames That's a question partially for OP; they'll have to confirm/deny additional damage. Floor molding tends to be at least primed on 3 sides; ditto for the shoe molding. Either of these could be solid wood instead of MDF so the swelling would be less prominent. Additionally, the shoe molding would act a first line of defense for the floor molding. If the water was coming in from the back side then it would have swollen the floor molding due to the unprimed 4th face, no?
Aug 29, 2021 15:47
@JimmyJames Just because it's not in the question doesn't mean it's absent. It could have easily dried up by the time OP took the picture. Based on the swelling it is likely MDF anyways and will never recover to it's original size.
Aug 29, 2021 15:47
@JimmyJames The bottom of trim molding is usually exposed. A carpenter won't paint this for you unless you explicitly asked and it's in the quote. The water got in the house, sat on the floor, and was absorbed by the molding which is clearly evident by the swelling.
Jul 30, 2021 18:15
@wot Also note that the employer very likely knows this task should take longer than 2 hours to get it done. If you spend 8 hours or an entire weekend perfecting the task then that opens you up to abuse for free overtime. "Hey sport, you handily completed that interview task in 2 hours so here's a 2 week project that I expect you to have completed by Friday."
Jul 29, 2021 09:10
They'd be happy to pay for your commute if you agree to let them reduce your salary! Paying for your commute could be seen as an expense which can be written off at tax time. Payroll is actually a double-expense once you factor in all of the taxes and other stuff. This is true at least for the U.S.A.
Jul 27, 2021 18:05
How big of a raise did she ask for? Are you making your employees beg for a cost-of-living raise? Is this a request for fair-market pay? Does this person suddenly think they deserve 40% more because they learned how to move a column in Excel? Does her "good" work easily outshine her peers' work?
Jul 22, 2021 05:04
So there is no physical difference between the old one and the new? I would definitely opt to just leave the old one on, remove the new one, caulk/silicone around the old one to waterproof it, and install the new showerhead.