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Nov 9, 2021 07:02
Hello, can anyone tell me more about where to read more about theseoptions when making a service? I didn't come across them in my first examples, which I don't think were considering virtualization.

I was going to write an fstrim.timer for Azure, but Microsoft already had, so I was looking at it as an example, and wondering where they'd read about all of these options?

 Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Jul 7, 2021 08:54
Okay, I’ll try. Unexplained downvotes seem to violate it though
Jul 7, 2021 02:28
Not that I don't deserve to be for ranting. But many serious questions with answers I would rather delete, because of these punk downvoters.
Jul 7, 2021 02:27
Can we please make that unlockable? See the morron who downvote you?
Jul 7, 2021 02:26
And Postill
Jul 7, 2021 02:26
Oh the dog is still a mod. I'm just voting for him again
Jul 7, 2021 02:25
At which level can i see who downvoted me?
Jul 5, 2021 23:37
i was just thinking about the year ahead of Rahmhound join the administrative teams. We are probably fine with David and Journeyman Geek. Heck if they step down I will happy watch the through with the only person I can remember constantly bickering with, Rahmhound. Sometimes are you wrong an i'd say 4/5 times I was crorrect but my memoory is failing me.

 The Loop

Where humor doesn’t work.
Jun 15, 2021 15:14
I can use this in life, in many more areas than online communities...
Jun 15, 2021 15:13
Thank you for taking the time to elaborate on this in the way that you did. I feel like I better understand the larger picture for all community sites, and am glad you accepted a nomination to be an powerful interface between your team’s goals and responsibilities and people like me who need reminders on civility; compassion as a vehicle works on me. I’ll remove my moderator comment. You really showed me we’re not intended to have adversarial relationships.
Jun 15, 2021 15:13
My apologies if I offended you, it can get frustrating dealing with a system that operates so quickly and without compassion sometimes that I forget to remember I am just one of many perspectives.
Jun 15, 2021 15:13
@TomJNowell Tom, thank you. That really is all very sensible and was a kind way of pointing out why I misunderstood the current scope of this substack.
Jun 15, 2021 13:25
BTW, the mobile and app chat rooms don't give the "message too long" error when hitting send.
Jun 15, 2021 13:25
And that if the valued members of this small community upheld the close vote with their voting rights, that a mod should take executive action to reopen the question that obviously has helped others and has been remedied…
Jun 15, 2021 13:24
@TomJNowell I thought that was my universal profile actually. I think honesty should lend to credibility, at the time I thought the moderation system here was seriously flawed, lacking any meaningful user recourse. Obviously that was a statement made in anger and mods do serve many important functions, but I was suggesting here that the closer should not participate in the pending edit.
Jun 15, 2021 12:15
Clearly reason should prevail over a vote count. Please respect your privileges and efforts of users to comply to the rules.
Jun 15, 2021 12:13
I lack the reputation to vote, but have seen the requested improvements made to this question, generalizing it it into an on-topic question. It sounds like one or more of the original moderators involved with the post should take a step back from involvement in this.
Apr 26, 2021 05:57
@Chris Why not target proteins with undesired payloads, instead of targeting the delivery vehicle. You said it is harder, but how much harder? Impossible?
Apr 26, 2021 05:34
Even if it crossed your mind, what was your explanation for it not being front page news over a year ago?
Apr 26, 2021 05:33
Thank you. But even if spike proteins were the only choice, which I know you are not saying, given the global reach and regionally-speaking random distributions, it is impossible for the vaccines to prevent infection more than they do interact with wild variants which accelerates learning about what is different.

Forgive me, but honestly, doesn't this shout perpetual pandemic from early 2020, and certain endless rounds of inoculations when months later the variants were in the tens of thousands and cocktails had to start being formulated.
Apr 25, 2021 04:56
I think there's a failure of the media to ask if these vaccine makers are counting on producing a new batch of vaccines, and if so, since when?
Apr 25, 2021 04:55
I've seen many warnings like this one:…
Apr 25, 2021 04:53
@Chris It's not what we see right now. It's what we see if we leave the virus alone. The spike proteins are always rapidly trying new things. And this should explain why it manages to quickly jump species barrriers.
Apr 25, 2021 04:52
@Chris The troubling thing about the politics is that there are many companies with life saving mAB/pAB cocktails that go unused, presumably because an generally uneducated field of doctors not keeping up with the advances made aside from the vaccine.
Apr 25, 2021 04:48
@Chris If all things are equal, I would target the most stable genes.
Apr 18, 2021 03:36
Is any of this strange at all to anyone?
Apr 18, 2021 03:36
Where were all the voices against targeting the spike protiens?
Apr 18, 2021 03:35
VIR was saying this, and seemed destraught by it, even though it benefits as part of the biopharma industry
Apr 18, 2021 03:34
It was clear to me that what these papers were saying, combined with the approach the world took, would result in a yearly vaccine.
Apr 18, 2021 03:33
I just didn't understand why that would be done, if it is known that ths will create resilient variants.
Apr 18, 2021 03:33
It was clear that everyone was working on the most quickly mutating parts of the virus.
Apr 18, 2021 03:32
For example it was clear in late 2020 that the haphazard deployment of various vaccines would force improved variants to emerge.
Apr 18, 2021 03:31
No offence to science writers, but are you being censored or something?
Apr 18, 2021 03:30
ANyway, I was wondering if anyone else felt this way, or how changing this dynamic of mass-education by way of the mass-media, may look to you
Apr 18, 2021 03:29
I was so infuriated by social media biologists with lots of followers, that I exploded on them. One wrote for the Times and still didn't look into it. It took her several months to land a new gig at the Atlantic, which she eventually covered the things I called her out on.
Apr 18, 2021 03:26
Has anyone else noticed this?
Apr 25, 2021 07:32
Apr 25, 2021 06:23
Apr 25, 2021 06:22
OP admits protocol limitation is 2 mbps
Apr 25, 2021 06:22
This in an internals improvement.
Apr 25, 2021 06:21
@nohillside The question is about iinternals, as the OP admits that 256 kbps AAC transmission is possible on AirPods despite the 2 mbps limit.
Apr 25, 2021 06:18
If you can see my stars, I would like to go over them with another moderator besides nohillside
Apr 25, 2021 06:17
Several issues here. But mainly my edit to the OP's question…
Apr 25, 2021 06:17
thank you for joining hyper-neutrino
Apr 25, 2021 06:16
@nohillside I'm not attacking anyone. Please read the original question. It makes no sense. I would be happy to go over the many places where logic is copletely broken before he asks if he should buy it or not.
Apr 25, 2021 06:03
Is that actually from a rulebook? The "author has final say on edits."
Apr 25, 2021 06:03
How about I just do better, as a favor?
Apr 25, 2021 06:02
@nohillside "Attack by challenging to do better?" are you kidding me?
Apr 25, 2021 06:02
@nohillside Why allow this repository be filled with non-sense? I'm going to correct it where I see it.