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I am a CS, BS grad. Part-time Tech Mmgt, MS Student.
I read papers published about the pandemic and am horrified
It seems like the news is always at least 5 months behind on the science, and expert warnings.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I was so infuriated by social media biologists with lots of followers, that I exploded on them. One wrote for the Times and still didn't look into it. It took her several months to land a new gig at the Atlantic, which she eventually covered the things I called her out on.
ANyway, I was wondering if anyone else felt this way, or how changing this dynamic of mass-education by way of the mass-media, may look to you
No offence to science writers, but are you being censored or something?
For example it was clear in late 2020 that the haphazard deployment of various vaccines would force improved variants to emerge.
It was clear that everyone was working on the most quickly mutating parts of the virus.
I just didn't understand why that would be done, if it is known that ths will create resilient variants.
It was clear to me that what these papers were saying, combined with the approach the world took, would result in a yearly vaccine.
VIR was saying this, and seemed destraught by it, even though it benefits as part of the biopharma industry
Where were all the voices against targeting the spike protiens?
Is any of this strange at all to anyone?

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