Jaroslav Jerryno Novotny

Nov 9, 2020 12:48
@Old_Lamplighter the "sources" don't lead anywhere, they are empty claims like your answer. Everyone talks about some statistics and pulls numbers from thin air, but where are the statistics?? All this is doing so far is spreading a rumor, because that's what it is until proper study is cited.
Nov 9, 2020 12:48
@Old_Lamplighter so far all you said is "dude, trust me", and until you disclose your sources it will remain so.
Nov 9, 2020 12:48
Proposed an edit to remove unfounded claims, it stains the answer with low quality content. Surprising a 132k user doesn't know better..
Apr 19, 2019 17:26
Most of the nice problems to answer are already answered/solved and google now provides more help too, so that filters users asking such questions out. I feel lot more questions are nowadays asked by kids that do not get what requirements a good question should have yet. I am a type of person that this requires lot more energy to deal with and moderate, I find more joy in solving problems or figuring out workarounds than in keeping things clean and organized ;)
Apr 19, 2019 17:14
@David I thought about it about 2-3years ago when I was more active on the site. But didn't think I had enough experience, seen cegaton pulling related and dupe questions out of his sleeve:), left it to maybe couple years later. In time I found myself visiting the review queue less and less and nowadays I don't even spend as much time on the site and write less answers, which is sad.
Apr 19, 2019 16:53
@David ok, I'll ask him again as I'd like to know more about him.
Apr 18, 2019 06:33
If you do a lot of flagging, post reviews, etc. giving you the diamond would just optimize things, the actions would be done and you'd no longer need to wait for mod. The election is basically about giving the diamond to someone who is correct with such decision making, which you are.
Apr 18, 2019 06:29
@DuarteFarrajotaRamos I think you'd make a good mod, I don't think you have temper or are impolite:) I think you understand the site well and it would be in good hands, you'd get my vote.
Apr 18, 2019 06:05
@David yep removed it after I saw the moderator questionnaire page as that serves the purpose I was after - to know more about the candidate. I was unsure if my comment was a good fit in the nomination section because I don't know where the 'how do you see the site being moderated' of the candidate goes. Probably in the questionnaire and not into 'about me' in nomination.
Sep 24, 2018 22:22
I made a server here: discord.gg/fFuTXPg
Sep 24, 2018 22:16
That would work, ok. What timezone are you located at? I'll look into the library tomorrow, have better idea what the job requires, how much should I ask for it and also if I am truly able to do it :) We can then also discuss better maybe over skype or discord or google hangout.
Sep 24, 2018 22:08
I'll research more about it tomorrow (it's 0:05 in Prague now:) and will get back to you. I'll know more and maybe try some things and I'll be more confident if I can do it to take the job.
Sep 24, 2018 22:06
If it didn't work for other people trying, maybe there are some other roadblocks on the way other than just calling the functions. I don't have the device to do the testing and debugging of streaming the data from it to Blender, so I am not sure I am the right person for the job without the equipment. I could try to import recorded skeleton positions from some sample data pack using the .dll library.
Sep 24, 2018 21:53
If you know what is packed within the .dll it's not that hard, otherwise you'll need to go through the source code to find out. Reverse engineering how the library works without much documentation is the time-consuming part.
Sep 24, 2018 21:48
@Denis Yes, the way would be to import ctypes and access the dynamic library like dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("plugin.dll"), then use it's functions like dll.function_name(param1, param2). docs.python.org/3/library/ctypes.html#loading-shared-libraries
Jun 1, 2017 21:07
@Tak there is also this piece to the puzzle to get the rotation matrix from aligning both vectors: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/19533/…. I'll try to put the pieces together on the .blend file you send.
May 29, 2017 14:08
@Tak Some time ago I wrote this intro into matrix math: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/44760/… it might help. Also this: blender.stackexchange.com/questions/44637/….
May 29, 2017 12:31
This should align the character in the direction of the door
May 29, 2017 12:30
- apply this transform matrix to the armature object's world matrix
May 29, 2017 12:30
- construct a 4x4 transform matrix that projects vector A onto vector B (should be some rotation and translation)
May 29, 2017 12:28
(lets call this vector B)
May 29, 2017 12:27
- get the forward direction the door is facing from the objetc's X axis (should be opposite direction). If doors are not aligned with object axis, then the only way is to get the orientation from custom bounding box of the mesh.
May 29, 2017 12:20
- get the forward direction of character hips from pose bones (lets call this vector A)
May 29, 2017 12:19
@Tak Hi, I see the issue, it needs to be done with python. This is the way to do it:
May 27, 2017 13:44
Then the character should be correctly oriented in relation with the car door and enter the vehicle nicely. I don't see any problem with hips, they work fine for me.
May 27, 2017 13:42
Looking at the file, you can select the armature, switch into Object Mode and disable all transform locks on location and rotation of the armature object. Then you can position the armature how you want. The mesh will still follow and the animation should work also
May 27, 2017 13:40
Hi,I hope I understand the question correctly-
Mar 23, 2017 09:46
@Tak Do I understnad correctly, that now your goal is to convert a .bvh animation into .c3d animation? The method you are using will work. All the steps can be automated, except fitting an animation to a rig with different proportions. The animation itself have to be adjusted by hand. I am not familiar with any algorithm to do this correctly yet. It's very similar to automating retopology - theoretically possible, but I don't know an automated way yet to do it perfectly.
Mar 22, 2017 12:24
@Tak I have no experience with MakeWalk or MakeHuman. I tried MakeHuman a long long time ago couple times, but never used it anywhere. Most of the things I do have to be custom.
Mar 21, 2017 22:49
@Tak Basically the answer already there is correct. It just needed fixing the scale and aligning the roll of bones.
Mar 21, 2017 22:47
- finally I parented the mesh to target armature again choosing "Armature Deform" option and I tested the result
Mar 21, 2017 22:46
- then I switched the source armature into "Rest Position", to see where it is in space without any pose animation. I moved the target armature into the same spot (down) in edit-mode. I also moved the mesh in edit mode, to fit the armature. I aligned them on the "Hips" bone. Because both armatures have different proportion, you will have to adjust the animation, so the target touches ground correctly.
Mar 21, 2017 22:42
- the hips bone fix solves the translation. To solve the rotations I just used your script to align the bone roll. I worked perfectly.
Mar 21, 2017 22:41
Because the whole character moves from this one bone, they need to point in the same direction, so the animation moves both characters in the same direction (the translation on bones is in local space). So in edit mode I adjusted the "Hips" bone of the target armature to point up, same as in source armature.
Mar 21, 2017 22:41
- now that the armatures have correct scales, I had to fix the "Hips" bone in the target armature. In source armature this bone points straight up, but in target armature this bone is tilted.
Mar 21, 2017 22:37
I deleted the armature modifier on the mesh and I unparented the mesh to be able to scale the target armature without influencing the mesh. I set the origin to 3D point and scaled the armature to 0.094 value. This made the armature really tiny, so I went into edit mode and scaled the bones back into it's original size to fit the mesh using the same 3D point origin.
Mar 21, 2017 22:37
- first I corrected the scale on the armatures, the source scale was 0.094, and the target armature scale was 1.000. They need to be the same. Because the animation fits the source armature, I need to scale the target armature also to 0.094 to be able to use the same animation.
Mar 21, 2017 22:32
These are the steps I made:
Mar 21, 2017 22:31
@Tak Here is the fixed .blend: blend-exchange.giantcowfilms.com/b/2985
Mar 21, 2017 22:21
I think I know how to fix it, I am now testing it on your .blend file if it will work and will post result shortly;)
Mar 21, 2017 22:02
@Tak I'll take a look, I did miss this question
Mar 21, 2017 21:56
Fine, thanks. What can I help you with?
Mar 21, 2017 21:50
@Tak Hi. I am here.

 Room for Tak and Jerryno

Room for Tak and Jerryno
Dec 1, 2016 14:19
@Tak That depends where the point that is used for aligning is located and which axis is the best to lock onto it. The points are all over the place and I chose the axes so that all the bones in a bone chain would be oriented about the same. This will be in the video so you can see how and why I chose those specific axes.
Dec 1, 2016 10:56
@Tak Yes, correct. You can bake, that will remove constraints, then you can change the Tpose with bones, then apply it rest-pose, that will ruin the baked animation, so you then re-constrain and bake again.
Dec 1, 2016 10:37
the constraints would override the baked animation completely, it will work, but then there is no need to bake it because of it. I think only the .bvh export needs baked keyframes (not 100% sure) to export the animation, so the baking should be the last step before export. No need to bake animation before changing the Rest pose.
Dec 1, 2016 10:33
Changing the Rest pose effects the animation because it changes the bones starting reference state. So if you bake the animation into bones, then change the Rest position, it will ruin the baked animation
Dec 1, 2016 10:31
moving the points is less convenient but you don't have to delete and recreate the constraints.
Dec 1, 2016 10:30
"I was thinking to bake the armature's animation before applying Tpose as it will be easier to adjust it's Tpose through the bones not the points, would that be okay?" - to be able to pose the bones by themselves you would have to delete all the constraints. So you would need to delete constraints, pose the armature into Tpose, apply it as Rest pose then recreate the constrains again to move the bones by the c3d points.
Dec 1, 2016 10:24
There is TensorFlow which is opensource library for machine learning and has python API - with this it is doable but a lot of work.