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@Jaroslav Jerryno Novotny hi
I need the API to start the process and stream the data to blender
there is a dll file in the API that has all the functions
API dll is located in API_SDK\visual_studio\bin\x64\Release\YOSTSkeletonPlugin_x64.dll
From what I understand the simplest way would be wrapping the API calls with ctypes module
Do you think you can make it work?
@Denis Yes, the way would be to import ctypes and access the dynamic library like dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("plugin.dll"), then use it's functions like dll.function_name(param1, param2).
@JaroslavJerrynoNovotny I was trying to do that, but its a bit beyond my abilities
If you know what is packed within the .dll it's not that hard, otherwise you'll need to go through the source code to find out. Reverse engineering how the library works without much documentation is the time-consuming part.
If you can help me I can pay for your time, I've been trying to make it work for almost a year with few people, and nobody seems to be able do it.
there is a documentation of all the functions
If it didn't work for other people trying, maybe there are some other roadblocks on the way other than just calling the functions. I don't have the device to do the testing and debugging of streaming the data from it to Blender, so I am not sure I am the right person for the job without the equipment. I could try to import recorded skeleton positions from some sample data pack using the .dll library.
I'll research more about it tomorrow (it's 0:05 in Prague now:) and will get back to you. I'll know more and maybe try some things and I'll be more confident if I can do it to take the job.
@JaroslavJerrynoNovotny I can give you access with teamviewer and the suit connected, I think it should be pretty simple for someone who knows what hes going
That would work, ok. What timezone are you located at? I'll look into the library tomorrow, have better idea what the job requires, how much should I ask for it and also if I am truly able to do it :) We can then also discuss better maybe over skype or discord or google hangout.
Great its 5.20 pm here, I am at home most of the time
I think Discord would be best denis#4018
I made a server here:

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