Please stop being evil

Sep 8, 2020 18:16
Sep 8, 2020 18:14
Because falling shouldn't be run the XGE way, and also 'we jump off and cast featherfall should probably just work without readying, and also creatures fall as a group all the time anyways (e.g. pit traps, AOE spells, group teleportation)
Sep 8, 2020 18:12
the sorcerer can feather fall or not, fall, then the party jumps.
Sep 8, 2020 18:12
the sorcerer jumps
Sep 8, 2020 18:12
So, the party readies for after the sorcerer jumps
Sep 8, 2020 18:11
Because there's no point at which more than one creature is falling that the sorcerer can target.
Sep 8, 2020 18:09
No, because feather fall is an exception to the general rule in that it allows you to interrupt falling. It's also clear that feather fall is supposed to resolve before its trigger (the fall) so there's no problem there either.
Sep 8, 2020 18:09
with the falling rules the sorcerer fall the whole distance immediately before any other creature can step off the cliff (reactions happen after their triggers). Thus the party is out of range when they step off (assuming they do that all at once). You'd need to have the sorcerer also ready an action for this to work without falling being the PHB (or some other non-XGE) version, but then you can't cast featherfall
Sep 8, 2020 18:09
I suppose you could use the fall rules but not the reactions-after-triggers rules (and, obviously, not the simultaneity rules) , though. That would work.
Sep 8, 2020 18:09
Note also that this requires you to not be using the XGE rules for falling or simultaneous action-- if you use either this plan won't work. There's no problem if you are using the PHB rules, though.
Aug 14, 2020 18:58
@GcL You're gonna have that anyways. You could just say 'no arbitrary or infinite loops' or you could say 'at the moderate optimization level' or 'with this actually reasonable distribution of magical items'.
Aug 14, 2020 18:58
I don't have a problem with optimization questions but these max damage questions often, like in this case, have really overly-weird premises. Why no magic items? Why is that "average" damage? Why all saves are made and all attacks hit? What is an 'official' rule? Any level? Like, level 20/20/20/20/20/20/20 multiclasses are okay? What is 'consistent'? You unlock the whole Epic Boons section without limit on how many you can have, but only if you also get the one you buy from Abberent Dragonmark? Why? Summoned creatures aren't outside help? etc.
Jul 30, 2020 16:21
@Anagkai I tried to back up my answer with examples and a little bit of personal experience at the end. Would you like it to be supported with more concrete examples, like citations to and explanations of old D&D classics like Keep on the Borderlands or were you hoping for a more academic sort of support (e.g. IJRPG citations)? I can probably do the former but the latter is a bit out of reach for my currently available amount of effort, unfortunately ^^;
Jul 23, 2020 03:12
That's my 2 cents anyways.
Jul 23, 2020 03:12
But in the current form, being like "what are some examples of game systems that do X, but, like, earlyish I guess" is totally closeworthy.
Jul 23, 2020 03:11
Regardless, it's not a reason to close the question-- I just don't think it shows research effort or is interesting/useful. That's very different than closeworthy.
Jul 23, 2020 03:10
And advice like "If this pregen dude dies, just swap the name and use it again", but I'll need a module for that, it's true.
Jul 23, 2020 03:10
It is if there's a pregen, no?
Jul 23, 2020 03:06
But, yeah, if that's what they want that's fine.
Jul 23, 2020 03:06
Ok. Well, if they edit it to that, I'd vote to reopen. With their new definition of fluff, though, I imagine the first game that officially lets you pick your character's name will work. I don't have a full OD&D set right now, but I'm guessing Supplement I Greyhawk will handle it prolly.
Jul 23, 2020 03:02
What's an example of X game is game-rec and a problem for that reason. "What's the earliest RPG to do X" would be okay, but I don't think that's what the OP wants
Jul 23, 2020 03:00
I think the pluralization there is important.
Jul 23, 2020 03:00
oh, there it goes
Jul 23, 2020 03:00
dang formatting
Jul 23, 2020 03:00
Examples. Systems. I
Jul 23, 2020 02:59
@HellSaint No, this is exactly the sort of open-ended list that is a problem and also why game-recs were banned, separately. Not sure why it got reopened.
Jul 23, 2020 02:59
@HellSaint No, this is exactly the sort of open-ended list that is a problem and also why game-recs were banned, separately. Not sure why it got reopened.
Jul 23, 2020 02:59
I’m voting to close this question because it's a request for an open-ended list, not a question of any sort, and if edited into the nearest question would be a shopping question
Jun 26, 2020 16:47
That also means that the weird difference between the Wizard and Battle Host bonded object isn't a thing, because the Wizard class feature didn't need to say 'not made of special materials', which is relevant for a build I have. Woops.
Jun 26, 2020 16:44
*makes sense
Jun 26, 2020 16:43
But I think the idea that it's not actually iron steel or wood, like, in the same way as Special Materials have properties, but instead only sometimes an actual thing and usually just a lack of material properties in the same way a weapon usually lacks magic, modifications, or other optional additional subsystems
Jun 26, 2020 16:41
Hence the confusion on account of, for me, material not being something added to a weapon but something weapons always have to have, just it's usually iron, steel, or wood.
Jun 26, 2020 16:40
That seems textually supported by the materialless weapon hp and hardness table stuff, but I've always thought those were just helpful references combining object size with 'probably made of iron' v.s. 'probably made of wood'
Jun 26, 2020 16:39
I think I figured it out! I also clicked move to chat before post so now I have to retype this comment. Basically Special Materials are not just less common they're actually different for you, which is why a bone club and a +1 club seem like the same thing here, because for you 'bone' and '+1' are both additions to club, rather than something that has to be there
Jun 26, 2020 16:36
@HeyICanChan You can't get a ranged weapon with shadow weapon, the point is it's made of skymetal in the default description (unhelpfully doesn't specify which, but I think Adamantine is said to be the default there somewhere). But if the (implied) restriction to only mundane, non-modded, ?iron or wood? weapons is not based off of those being (most of) the default versions for weapons in the weapon tables, then there isn't a problem; you just couldn't pick a weapon that was skymetal by default or if you do it's iron instead or something.
Jun 26, 2020 16:36
Also there are a couple of weapons with innate magical effects or which you would probably say have default special materials e.g. the Null Blade and, though not a melee weapon, the Id Rifle, both from the technology guide. Presumably you can pick those since even e.g. a default Null Blade has said properties and Null Blade is an entry on the weapon list in an equipment section and not, e.g., a magic item section.
Jun 26, 2020 16:36
Under the second reading, since the spell doesn't say you get to choose what size the weapon is, is it some sort of 'default size'? Like, if you are an Ogre Mage and you cast shadow weapon you get an (inappropriately sized) Small or Medium weapon I guess?
Jun 23, 2020 19:30
Given your explanation re: Dragon Compendium, did you mean to indicate that all licensed content is allowed?

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
May 30, 2020 07:45
wellp. At least I figured out what game I was thinking of
May 30, 2020 07:45
....and the itch version is gone because now it is on steam XD
May 30, 2020 07:44
sorry about that XD;
May 30, 2020 07:44
It is called Iris and the Giant
May 30, 2020 07:44
Haha! I have found it
May 30, 2020 07:35
Wellp, it's not tagged roguelike. Time to try card game
May 30, 2020 07:29
There were benefits unlocked across runs that let you, e.g., start with different cards at the beginning.
May 30, 2020 07:28
There was a boss which was a giant mimic which, once you defeated it, you jumped inside in order to continue progressing.
May 30, 2020 07:27
and then level 2 always had whatever level 2 had. The minotaur was the first or second boss and the other one was a giant skeleton. In between the two was the cave where the lanes dropped down to 2 for a level and had less in general.
May 30, 2020 07:26
so level 1 always had, iirc, 5 lanes two of which did nothing.
May 30, 2020 07:25
While the levels were procedurally generated the number of lanes per level was set
May 30, 2020 07:25
Most of them had 4-6, I would guess