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Q: What is the most damage that can be done in one round on your turn?

Sam LacrumbI was surprised that this question has not been asked. I want to find out what the most damage that can be done in a single round? Here are the rules. Rules from Official Hardcover books only. Any official playable race can be used. No optional rules, other than those listed here. Multiclassing ...

What's the limit on epic boons? "Epic boons are best awarded after the characters complete a major quest, or accomplish something else particularly notable." and "consider awarding one epic boon to each character for every 30,000 XP he or she earns above 355,000 XP." There isn't really an upper limit to the number of epic boons a character can have.
I don't understand "you need a feat to get an epic boon" as that's now how they're described in the DMG. Is there a feat that grants an epic boon?
Is damage dealt by the permanent summons included? What about other permanent effects such as true polymorph?
I don't have a problem with optimization questions but these max damage questions often, like in this case, have really overly-weird premises. Why no magic items? Why is that "average" damage? Why all saves are made and all attacks hit? What is an 'official' rule? Any level? Like, level 20/20/20/20/20/20/20 multiclasses are okay? What is 'consistent'? You unlock the whole Epic Boons section without limit on how many you can have, but only if you also get the one you buy from Abberent Dragonmark? Why? Summoned creatures aren't outside help? etc.
@Pleasestopbeingevil you've got to eliminate magic items otherwise you could end up with a timestop and cheese sandwich where the upper limit on the amount of damage is a function of the number of time stop scrolls you have.
Why are all attacks hitting and all saves passing? Is this to preclude most spell based answers, or did you mean that the target fails all saving throws (meaning the save-base spell/effect is successful in dealing damage)?
@GcL You're gonna have that anyways. You could just say 'no arbitrary or infinite loops' or you could say 'at the moderate optimization level' or 'with this actually reasonable distribution of magical items'.
@Pleasestopbeingevil time stop isn't an infinite loop. It has a finite limit of the number of scrolls possessed. There isn't a way to generate more scrolls during time stop, so the loop will terminate. It just might have a large number of iterations. E.g. 20 scrolls of timestop would be an absurd amount of damage.
The saves passed means a lot of damage spells, don't. Also, do "average targets" usually make their saves against level 20 casters with epic boons? Actually, what's an example of an average target? I feel that my conception of one might be significantly different.
@GcL its not up for debate. If you'd like different parameters, that you think are more reasonable.. write it up! :) This is just what I think makes sense.
@Sam, please remember to be respectful to your fellow community members. Also, chasing reasons for downvotes often doesn't start that explanation on the right foot. And this is a concern that has been voiced before, a number of users dislike t.opt Qs that are minor iterations on the same theme (say most damage), the more generic, the worse. You also can't know the users who downvotes are same as the ones who commented.
(cont.) If you're gonna keep asking t.opt. Qs like this you're probably just gonna have to accept the few downvotes, though there's probably a good meta question in this somewhere, but I'm not sure how it should be asked.
"All saves are passed" seems like an unusual defense.
So how many epic boons can i have?
@Medix2 hey buddy
My big question is the same as David Coffron's, attacks hit while spells are passed, not failed?

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