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A: Feather Fall Spell in 5E - Target Validity Issues?

Thomas MarkovI ready my movement until Sorcerer's turn to walk off the cliff. You are correct to observe that feather fall can be tricky to coordinate during the heat of battle, and that without proper coordination, it would indeed take several castings across multiple rounds. But there is an easy way around ...

Note also that this requires you to not be using the XGE rules for falling or simultaneous action-- if you use either this plan won't work. There's no problem if you are using the PHB rules, though.
I'm not sure how XGE's falling rule complicates this.
with the falling rules the sorcerer fall the whole distance immediately before any other creature can step off the cliff (reactions happen after their triggers). Thus the party is out of range when they step off (assuming they do that all at once). You'd need to have the sorcerer also ready an action for this to work without falling being the PHB (or some other non-XGE) version, but then you can't cast featherfall
With that reading of the falling rules, you could never cast feather fall since you would never see a creature falling.
I suppose you could use the fall rules but not the reactions-after-triggers rules (and, obviously, not the simultaneity rules) , though. That would work.
No, because feather fall is an exception to the general rule in that it allows you to interrupt falling. It's also clear that feather fall is supposed to resolve before its trigger (the fall) so there's no problem there either.
That's what I I dont see how it complicates this situation at all.
Because there's no point at which more than one creature is falling that the sorcerer can target.
So, the party readies for after the sorcerer jumps
the sorcerer jumps
the sorcerer can feather fall or not, fall, then the party jumps.
Then how is feather fall ever able to be cast on more than one creature?
"creatures never fall at the same time" seems like a pretty odd reading of the rules there.
Because falling shouldn't be run the XGE way, and also 'we jump off and cast featherfall should probably just work without readying, and also creatures fall as a group all the time anyways (e.g. pit traps, AOE spells, group teleportation)
I can see a strict reading of simultaneous effects maybe complicating things, but not the falling rules.

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