Luis Alvarado

Mar 22, 2022 16:05
I am just reading all the replies here and If I can say one thing is: Be truthful and real. Being a moderator is very hard work and an intensive experience. Imagine you are already a moderator, how would your day to day look like, what will you be adding as value to the askubuntu community and how will you be improving on the platform.

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
May 20, 2016 16:27
I have been almost dead for the past 2 years establishing in Costa Rica, but I am know settling, so should be more active like before (cleaning site, tickets, etc..)
May 20, 2016 16:17
Hi @Rinzwind ... or should I say... MY NEMESIS!
May 20, 2016 16:14
Thank you @cl-netbox
May 20, 2016 16:12
BTW anybody know of how I can set the askubuntu chat to show on my desktop without me having google chrome or firefox opened? is there an app?
May 20, 2016 16:11
@Pandya Thank you sir
May 17, 2016 18:32
How are you doing, how has everything being
May 17, 2016 18:32
Thank you @jokerdino big hugs, was a tough year but I am back
May 17, 2016 18:27
all good
May 17, 2016 18:27
@Seth Hi buddy
May 17, 2016 15:05
+1, excellent answer videonauth
May 17, 2016 15:03
On which answer?
May 6, 2015 20:47
see you soon
May 6, 2015 20:47
ok guys take care
May 6, 2015 20:43
Like a paranoid panda or something
May 6, 2015 20:42
I feel you are a bit paranoid @ParanoidPanda
May 6, 2015 20:42
May 6, 2015 20:42
perfect then close firefox, open it
May 6, 2015 20:42
there you can see your extensions and also the addons
May 6, 2015 20:41
May 6, 2015 20:38
see the extension list in your firefox
May 6, 2015 20:37
just in case
May 6, 2015 20:37
you could go and check for extensions
May 6, 2015 20:37
then you are fine
May 6, 2015 20:36
are you using firefox/chrome?
May 6, 2015 20:35
I would guess to the Download folder, Cookie place for the browser ~/.cache folder or something like that
May 6, 2015 20:34
May 6, 2015 20:33
or crazy
May 6, 2015 20:33
or hacked
May 6, 2015 20:33
or XSS hacked
May 6, 2015 20:33
maybe they got IRC hacked
May 6, 2015 20:33
no idea
May 6, 2015 20:32
@ParanoidPanda appears clean for me
May 6, 2015 20:31
May 6, 2015 20:31
Another year, another race
May 6, 2015 20:31
@Rinzwind Hi... NEMESIS!!
May 6, 2015 20:26
May 6, 2015 20:26
do NOT come back if you don't ace that finals
May 6, 2015 20:26
You can do it
May 6, 2015 20:26
go Serg go
May 6, 2015 20:21
And that's it I think
May 6, 2015 20:20
That's the holy grail of commands

 StackOverflow en español

Charla sobre el sitio StackOverflow en español
Aug 13, 2015 19:15
Nos vemos pronto y estare pendiente del announcement de Tim. Gracias Juan.
Aug 13, 2015 19:09
Soy yo o somos puros moderadores de diferentes sitios los activos aqui ^^
Aug 13, 2015 19:07
Aqui un post interesante sobre el tema que mencione arriba:…
Aug 13, 2015 19:04
ya lo he reenviado a unos 50 contactos
Aug 13, 2015 19:04
Alegre del correo que me enviastes
Aug 13, 2015 19:04
hola @JuanM
Aug 13, 2015 18:59
@jachguate Hola amigo, con respecto a tu ultimo punto, por experiencia en Costa Rica, Venezuela y Colombia te pudo confirmar que si alguien dice ordenador o fichero quedaria un rato pensando que es eso a diferencia de computadora y archivo (Mas por influencia de USA en casi todos los paises latinos). El punto de esto es, un solo pais que en su mayoria dicen estas palabras versus unos 20 que es muy poco comun escucharlo.