Hello, I am designing a software system that will help people learn programming. Could you take a few minutes to fill in a survey about the tools and resources you currently use, or previously used, to learn how to code? forms.gle/rTfmzB6jTMy9y4Bt5 (I'd also like to speak with anyone who has time in a short interview!)
Hello: would anyone here have time for an approximately hour-long interview on your experiences as a Mathoverflow user? My interest has to do with a project described here: cs.ox.ac.uk/projects/MSM
Hello, this is a call for abstracts for an upcoming meeting to take place at the Mathematical Institute in Oxford. Perhaps someone here would like to come along and talk about the mathematical culture on Mathoverflow?
@egreg I'm now reinstalling the thing from scratch to see if it is somehow resolved, and that it should be done shortly; but the earlier result from ls -lt was just the file