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01:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

@DavidCarlisle -- i've come across a quote that i'm sure you'll appreciate. mark twain, 1893: "In the first place, God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made proof-readers."
4 hours later…
Q: How to make a table of contents for a report?

sphoenix I need to implement the table of contents given in the image. My question is in the how do I generate those sections in the table of content. And also how to write the number in Roman?

Q: Table of contents doubts

kamal I need this kind of table of contents, is it possible?

@Johannes_B :)
@CarLaTeX One question upvoted, ansered and on hold, the other down voted.
@Johannes_B Sometimes strange things happen on TeX.SE...
@CarLaTeX I added a CW answer on how i get the image.
@Johannes_B +1, quack!
@CarLaTeX Quack :-)
2 hours later…
Morning all
@JosephWright Good morning.
@Moriambar: Just two rep points short of the 2k - priviledge .... editing anything here (apart from comments) :-P
@ChristianHupfer lol
@JosephWright morning
@ChristianHupfer Yes, I've been active lately, namely last night. These three days I'll be TeXing a lot in order to provide material for my typography lecture, then I'll be here a lot. Except that the World Snooker Championship is starting :)
yay 2k+!
@JosephWright: You should add a definition of a non-SI unit: \DeclareSIUnit(\rep}{R} ;-)
@Moriambar cough
@ChristianHupfer lol
@ChristianHupfer lol^2 :P
@Moriambar Yes, but it's a long way for you to the 20k privilege yet ... 'Trusted user' ... at the moment I don't trust you :-P
@ChristianHupfer Lol, you'd better not! I still build my rep on bad answers to some obscure posts :)
@Moriambar I know that situation...
@Moriambar We all do ... bad answers for bad questions, bad answers for good questions, good answers for bad questions and occasionally, good answers for good answers ... that's the payment table ;-)
@TeXnician @ChristianHupfer ahhahaha lol. My 5 most voted answers aren't even accepted
But I read Appendix G of the TeX Book
@Moriambar Well, the carelessness of users here ...
@ChristianHupfer Oh I see. Well I learned quite a bit by answering strangers on matters I've never thought existings
@Moriambar That's the reason I started reading documentations. A very bad mistake...
@TeXnician Do you feel addicted to reading manuals? Quit immediately! Cold turkey!!!! Most users can cope without reading documentation ;-)
@ChristianHupfer It's not an addiction, just the quick and NOT dirty way to get some information. But there's still that feeling like here (see first two comments).
@TeXnician ... ah one of my favourite (cough) packages ...
@TeXnician Why is it a mistake? Anyway I started reading documentation when someone told me instead of answering my questions :)
@ChristianHupfer Of course, especially with KOMA it works great (warnings are like documentation not worth reading) ;)
@Moriambar Because of the many typographical mistakes in documentations ;)
@TeXnician Oh well… I live in a world full of typographical horror I can cope with the documentation
@Moriambar Well the real problem is writing a documentation myself, I've tried for three packages, none of them is published, because they look so wonderful (I wonder what LaTeX sometimes does).
@TeXnician Mentioning KOMA ... that's not an example of good documentation, however as well ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Well, but I like the German documentation, makes life much easier. And the warnings, and the package conflicts, and ... ;)
@TeXnician Not everyone knows German… I would've liked to use KOMA, but I've been always scared off them
@Moriambar There's a nice English translation (which is partially interesting to read). But don't be scared, you can always ask this friendly community to get a reference to documentation ;)
@ChristianHupfer Also The Rocky Horror Picture Show LOL! But what is the cause: tex.stackexchange.com/q/364809/101651?
@CarLaTeX I have no idea about the cause at the moment (well, I did not inspect the array package code which provides the m type) -- we should ask the table gurus here, such as @DavidCarlisle or @FrankMittelbach ... or any one that knows more about tables than me, which means basically everyone of the top-brass here ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Oooh, let's wait for a guru's answer, then!
@CarLaTeX: Of course, the arydshln package must be inspected as well.
@ChristianHupfer Yes, without arydshln all works perfectly! Thank you!
@CarLaTeX Well, yes, but as I said: omitting the arydshln package removes the symptom but not the cause. There's seems to be some strange interaction between the m - type and \hdashline etc.
@ChristianHupfer Of course, the perfect storm hahaha!
@TeXnician Every now and then I hear that KOMA as some conflicts and problems. I really prefer book then. Or the mammoth: memoir
@Moriambar I am fine with book and article alone.
@ChristianHupfer I had to publish a novel. Memoir had basically everything I needed already embedded. I did not need anything else besides font packages. I did not need to change any single commands, etc. That's why I chosed it
@ChristianHupfer But my thesis was typeset with book
@Moriambar Tell me the title when you publish it, I'd like to read it!
@Moriambar You had to publish a novel? Someone forced you?
@Moriambar Don't get me wrong, I love KOMA, because it is a great bundle of packages and classes, which provide powerful tools, for sectioning (and its customization), tocs and many other important aspects. But well, you have to play with it to get it to do what you want, if there is some documentation lacking.
@Moriambar Yes, but I like \makeatletter...\makeatother and \renewcommand and \xpatchcmd ;-)
@CarLaTeX the problem is: is a translation of mine, of an English novel. I made a translation specifical for that person, then went through the process of "publishing" (since it's not public, I cannot properly say it's published). I do own the rights for my translation, but I would've to get the author permission to publish it, so tough chance...
@TeXnician That's exactly what I don't want to hear :P
@ChristianHupfer Oh, I see
@ChristianHupfer I am not a package-writer, so I don't know them well
@ChristianHupfer Me too and some \appto is great at some point (like this).
@Moriambar Ops I thought it was your own novel...
@CarLaTeX Nope, that I still have not written. I have a couple of things going with a friend of mine for an RPG manual (I provided some of the background stories), but my own novel is not out of me yet
@Moriambar Well, have you read memman completely?
@TeXnician except for the code parts yes
@Moriambar You have to have too much time...
@TeXnician I went back there when I needed reference, mostly for fancy breaks and whatnot
@TeXnician It's a book. You don't have time to read a book? :) I'm reading (slowly) Proust, so…
@Moriambar And this way your read this completely? That had to be a major task to need all commands/options.
@Moriambar Basically it's documentation and I dislike long documentations (except I write them for others). Maybe it would have been better with some nice stories...
@TeXnician no, I read it once. Just to get the feeling of all of it, and to know all of the things it could do. Then, when I needed something, I knew I read it in the documentation, and freshened my memory by re-reading the needed section
@TeXnician I like both writing and reading documentation. E.g. the TeX Book. I like to know and learn almost all of what I'm doing
this is not limited by TeX. I'm also kind of in electronics. So I read all the 200pages of the microcontrollers documentations, in order to know what I can really achieve using them.
@Moriambar Me too, sadly I'm doing too many things at once, so I have to lower my sights.
@TeXnician I see, that's sad.
@Moriambar Well I'm kind of into Linux, but have you once tried to read the Linux documentation of any distro?
@TeXnician I don't like Linux that much.
@Moriambar Why? It's not that geeky and problematic anymore.
@TeXnician That's what I've been hearing since 2006. But I used it painfully from 2006 to 2010 while I was saving money to buy my mac.
Once you go mac you never go back they say
@Moriambar Yes, and once you are slayed by flying Windows you are not going to have an Apple soon ;)
@TeXnician anyway, regarding OSs, I am an end user I don't like to mess or meddle with them. They are something that make an appliance of mine work. So I'm not that interested in anything regarding them. I just have to turn it on and it has to work for me
@TeXnician I don't like windows. I use it at work unfortunately, but that's complicated
@Moriambar Yeah, I understand that. But regarding being and end user I always had problems finding a working solution for my situation. Then I started to dig into computer topics and since then I'm a "geek" (at least some people say so).
@Moriambar I totally agree. And you would think it's even worse, if you had to control and manage Windows computers for all at work.
You were unlucky. I never had many problems and never had to find a working solution. I passed from windows to linux around 2006, I actually don't recall why, probably had enough of windows, and Linux seemed the better choice. I regretted to have done that, since Linux always had many troubles, and wasn't suited, imo, to be an end-user OS. Example: once I updated my pc and it only showed a background image. I had to rescue it via a windows pc.
I then saw and used a mac and fell in love with it. I used it with no problems again. I think it has the best of both worlds
@TeXnician I am a .NET programmer. I hate programming.
I hate managing computers and low level networking and stuff even more
@Moriambar Okay, probably. And if I weren't able to rescue Linux I probably wouldn't have chosen it.
@PauloCereda I think TUG2018 is a strong possible for me
@TeXnician I think it always depends what one has/wants to do with his computer
@Moriambar Once I was a (VB) .NET programmer. But I switched to a variety of scripting languages like Lua, Python, PHP and am happy with them.
@Moriambar Yeah, and programming at that level is even worse.
@TeXnician I hate programming very much. I was once a PHP programmer, then C, now C#.
@Moriambar At least you became better (PHP is a mess!). C# is at least kind of consistent in design.
@TeXnician yes. But I have to find somehow a way to find another kind of job
@Moriambar Maybe as consultant for programmers ;)
@TeXnician Oh god, I've been a consultant for 5 years, it was even worse! :P
@Moriambar Back to the roots! Or maybe switch to some typesetting-related job (and try to replace Adobe by TeX).
@TeXnician Yes, since a job in the physics area is out of the question, I'd like to find something in the typesetting area, and I'm currently working on that, we'll see!
@JosephWright Awesome! To be honest, it will be a new experience for me, as RJ is a different world from SP. :)
5 of 5 latex-{base,doc,tools,graphics,amsmath} uploaded today
@JosephWright ^^
When I was a little kid, today would be the day of the burning of Judas.
@PauloCereda well, that's not very friendly:-)
@DavidCarlisle indeed! They don't do that anymore, thankfully.
@PauloCereda we still burn Guy Fawkes every November, but he attacked the houses of parliament, clearly a less forgiveable crime
@DavidCarlisle oooh
There is a Tex on Lua?
@SBM You don't like to do research, do you? :)
@DavidCarlisle: any chance of your coming to TUG18?
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle are you watching the WSC?
Hello! Anyone battling with a hanging TeXniccenter on view pdf with Adobe DC? I think Adobe's latest release messed something up. This happened a few years back, and I think hacking the view output profiles helped...
@Matsmath Sth. like here?
Hello there. Marvelous! It was answered yesterday! Thank you so much for your help.
@Moriambar no, probably watch a bit later in the compeition
@SBM ? are you asking about luatex?
@PauloCereda :D :D
@DavidCarlisle I will start with the rocket this afternoon
@PauloCereda anything's possible but probably not
@DavidCarlisle oh
@PauloCereda it's a long way to go....
@Moriambar What is WSC? Warcraft Space Contest? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer World Snooker Championship
@Moriambar Oh, I was so close :D
@Moriambar @yo''s our local snooker expert, I think
@DavidCarlisle Oh thanks, that's why he's not here :)
I thought of going to sheffield… but every year I postpone it
@DavidCarlisle the problem is getting the bbc in italy
Who really wants something like that?
@Moriambar about 40min drive from my parents:-)
@Johannes_B Good question. An author of a bad-style guide?
@Johannes_B ... READ ENTIRELY DUCK...? Huh?
@DavidCarlisle You should visit your parents from mid-april to the start of may every year
@ChristianHupfer You have proven me wrong. I thought nobody would ever read this far.
That doesn't look good
@Johannes_B the line offended my :-P It's a hate line ;-)
@Johannes_B you should set it with tabularx and colortbl and add some coloured vertical rules
Q: Customizing the Table of Contents

kamal I need the chapter numbers as in center not left and page no. also blue or everything is need black color, is it possible?

@DavidCarlisle I bet this was done using a table. It looks ridicoulous.
@DavidCarlisle I definitely agree
and I'm off to watch Selby
@Johannes_B I bet this was not a typesetting program. That was Word or even one of the worse layout mixers.
@TeXnician Ah, the naughty expression.... WORD
It seems so. The person who did this exampe page included also the obvious strings page number, title and page number. The example page was probably created using a word processor and internally using a table. Result: Something unreadable. And then they addded ALL-UPPERCASE and BOLD to make it even worse. — Johannes_B 6 hours ago
@ChristianHupfer Would you like me to correct it to MSO?
@TeXnician No, the correct term is 'THE SOFTWARE WHICH MUST NOT BE MENTIONED HERE', short and easily pronouncable: TSWMNBMH
@ChristianHupfer Could we add some speakability? TheSoWhiMuNoBeMeH?
@TeXnician too long and not fully effective ;-)
@Matsmath You need to change the server name from acroviewR15 to acroviewR17. Ups didn't see the answer below ...
@Moriambar Excellent plan
I hate grading written general exams .... :-((((
@JosephWright Selby is great, but I don't like watching him… now is ahead by so much that the game is somewhat less interesting
I missed John Virgo's voice though
@ChristianHupfer Job decision?!
@TeXnician Well, teaching is nice, but grading the general exams is tedious. But I am finished with the 'Abitur' (something like A-level)
@ChristianHupfer Did you do first or second correction of the Abitur?
@TeXnician First round... .my own pupils/students, second round is not before beginning of May
@ChristianHupfer Does that mean we'll hear the same complaint about grading again in May?
@TeXnician No, second round is quicker -- there are red proof-correction marks from first round on the right margin, which are a guidance, but no credits, of course
@TeXnician: There's a even third round, by the end of May, this time. But there's not much to do usually.
@ChristianHupfer Of course ;) As you also teach Bioinformatics do you have digital exams too?
@TeXnician No, there's no written exam in that subject, only oral exams if the student makes a decision for this. That subject is too specialized and there not many pupils being taught in this direction so the effort for designing general exams in Bioinformatics
@ChristianHupfer So no modern school in sight. An exam written in LaTeX would be funny ;)
@TeXnician I don't need digital exams. I also oppose tablets in Math education -- they are not really useful
@TeXnician \begin{exam} $$ a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2} \end{exam} --> failed since $$...$$ was used :-P
@ChristianHupfer Okay, tablets in education are one thing (I only like the dream of a world without heavy schoolbooks and many folders and only one device to carry). But digital writing... (if I had that my teachers would have been happy)
@ChristianHupfer Maybe you should try \ensuremathskills.
@TeXnician Well, being the only (!!!!) one using LaTeX at school and the other colleagues are trapped with TSWMNBMH
@TeXnician That would be a useful macro, but most pupils have the \skipmathmode ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Probably not, more a \skipeverythingmycalculatordoesnotforme with a preceding \randomizeinputfailures.
@ChristianHupfer I had some (at least three) teachers using LaTeX (if you can call the use of Texmaker assistents and just fill-in of text using LaTeX).
@TeXnician Well, the new math Abitur exam here in my local state has a part without calculator and formulary
@TeXnician TexMaker... sigh... LyX .... sigh ....
@ChristianHupfer Sad. The nice CAS do so many things and then you can't use it full-time.
@TeXnician Well, I prefer back to the roots :-P I have some former students now being at the university or have graduated already who said it was quite well done that I forced them to use algebra with their head and not by a machine. That's not the way of thinking and finding a solution.
@ChristianHupfer Abacus?!
@TeXnician clay pads ... ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Do you also teach low-tech Bioinformatics?
@TeXnician What do you mean by low - tech?
@TeXnician How to do a sexy selfie?
@Johannes_B You have no idea what Bioinformatics is, have you? :D
@ChristianHupfer Bioinformatics on clay pads?
@ChristianHupfer I could ask Vel, he is one, i think.
@TeXnician Now, we use cave paintings and analyze them...
@ChristianHupfer Great. Do you have a complete one displaying a DNA (best with step-wise analysis)? Would be great for every art student ;)
@TeXnician You mean the full human genome, all 3 billion base pairs? Must be a \huge cave or a very tiny pencil ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Maybe you discovered the world's biggest cave by accident. Or some ants researching the human genome (their working draft).
@TeXnician Sounds like Bart Simpson's plan of world domination by giant ants ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Simpsons to teach Bioinformatics? German education...
@SBM If you want to participate or react to a particular conversion, please address the relevant user with the @NAMEOFTHEUSER style or the small little hooks to the left or right appearing on mouse-over
@SBM Best example against ;)
@here Why are you guys after bioinformatics?
@TeXnician :D :D
It should be a really interesting
@SBM there is no user called @here
@SBM We originally talked about @ChristianHupfer's mood while correcting Abitur ;)
Okay @DavidCarlisle @TeXnician
@TeXnician My mood drastically improved, after finishing ...
@DavidCarlisle Would be interesting (like inserting a map of the conversation). We should make a feature request ;)
@SBM it is best to use the reply feature otherwise it is very hard to follow threads here.
@ChristianHupfer After distributing F's?
@TeXnician Disturbing ?
@TeXnician No F's this time
@SBM Not disturb, distribute (give them away).
@ChristianHupfer all G's ?
@DavidCarlisle No, Z's ... ZZZ like in an economics rating ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Z for "Zusatzprüfung notwendig" (extra exam necessary)?
@TeXnician 'Zu dumm' ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Are there some students of yours following this thread?
@TeXnician I don't think so. Basically none of them uses LaTeX and or is aware of TeX.SE at all
@ChristianHupfer you don't think they google for their teacher's name?
@DavidCarlisle Which kind of students do you know?
@TeXnician just human nature isn't it?
@DavidCarlisle They do definitely, but even if they do, they do not find much about me... And if they google for latex they find other 'thingies' and images ...
@DavidCarlisle Update for software human being available: Added core feature Googling ;)
@ChristianHupfer There's just the question what's more interesting.
@ChristianHupfer when they start asking you to explain cricket, you'll know they have been lurking here.
@DavidCarlisle I'll keep that in mind...
@TeXnician Make an educated guess: Boys of age 17/18/19.... will they google for LaTeX or for latex ;-) :D
@TeXnician: The itemize without item guy (?) has posted his MWE ;-)
I will be off for some hours... till later on
Hi, my texlive installation seems not to be working, but in a weird way.
tlmgr --self --all update
Can't exec "kpsewhich": No such file or directory at /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/tlmgr line 75.
which kpsewhich
ls -lt /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich
-rwxr-xr-x 1 joe joe 83424 Apr 7 2016 /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich
So, kpsewhich exists, and is on the path
But tlmgr can't find it
and if I run this:
/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich --help
-bash: /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich: No such file or directory
is there any guess about why the file is there, on the path, and yet can't be executed by bash?
@JoeCorneli TL is frozen anyway. Nothing to update.
that's just a test command
the basic problem is that none of the tex commands work
pdflatex example.tex
-bash: /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/pdflatex: No such file or directory
@JoeCorneli What does ls -l /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich output?
@egreg I'm now reinstalling the thing from scratch to see if it is somehow resolved, and that it should be done shortly; but the earlier result from ls -lt was just the file
sorry, the data was all munged together in what I pasted above
but the ls result is in there
OK, with latest attempt to install I see lots of errors in the log (I had ignored these earlier)
Requested ls command is as follows:
`$ ls -l /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 83424 Apr 7 2016 /usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux/kpsewhich`
@Moriambar: Moriambar - "Two - Answers" ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I am watching snooker, took a break between frames and screwed up :P
@Johannes_B Yes, the one you provided the CW wiki answer
@ChristianHupfer have I not deleted one?
@Moriambar breaking frames, that's a nice feature
@Moriambar Yes, you have, but I can see what you did there -- I see dead people answers ;-) You could have edited the first one and then 'undelete'
I googled for "no such file but the file exists" and I see that may have to do with 32 bit vs 64 bit issues
@ChristianHupfer the match was and is on again… so I went for the quick one: make the biggest mess possible in order to spend more time than foreseen
@JoeCorneli I smell a problem with permissions
@ChristianHupfer No, the other one of the two links. But honestly, i forgot by now hat we had been talking about.
no more snooker for me for more than an hour :(
@Johannes_B Which other link? ....
@Moriambar Indeed
@JosephWright damn red button which I cannot see…
@ChristianHupfer I linked two different questions this morning.
@Johannes_B I won't scroll back
@egreg I've just upgraded Ubuntu to a sensibly recent version and am trying the texlive installation again
@ChristianHupfer, @cfr, @egreg, @Johannes_B, @JosephWright, @UlrikeFischer, @Mico, @PauloCereda, @DavidCarlisle, @Moriambar, and all users that this holy Easter can be a propitious occasion for the wish for greater peace of mind to you and your loved ones.
@Sebastiano Happy Easter.
@Sebastiano Happy Easter / Buona Pasqua!
@egreg :)
@egreg Prof. I was looking for a link on tex stack where there are calligraphic letters and bold font, capital letters that indicate the tensor. I saw it on the text classical electromagnetic radiation3rd - Marion. Dover Pubblications.
@Sebastiano buona pasqua in anticipo
@Moriambar ah you are Italian:)
@Sebastiano Ja, ich bin Italiener
@Moriambar :) ahahahha
@Sebastiano Frohe Ostern...
@ChristianHupfer thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
I go. ciaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@Sebastiano so long
@Moriambar: Heading to ? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ??
@Moriambar Mortarboard badge...
@ChristianHupfer ooh I didn't know it existed
@ChristianHupfer ah… I see. I don't know, today seems possible
but then again it's snooker time
@ChristianHupfer am I hearing you caughing?
I'd really have to catch a question which I can answer well enough…
@Moriambar Caugh you don't hear me but ahead a cough is .... mmmmmh
@ChristianHupfer lol… thanks for the support :)
@Moriambar Strong the force in you it is ;-)
@Moriambar I did nothing ... ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Lol I appreciate the encouragement and the insightful remarks.
@Moriambar Now wait you must -- patience important it is ;-)
@ChristianHupfer yes. Just in time for snooker! I couldn't be more patient :) Cheers!
@Moriambar Have fun with Snooker
@ChristianHupfer Thanks.
@yo' they tell me you're into snooker too
1 hour later…
@Moriambar: You're welcome (I don't know whether the votes are sticky, however, but the badge should stay)
@ChristianHupfer I don't want to belabour the point too much, but sometimes helping in areas that you don't know about causes more problems than it solves. You see this when people have Mac specific questions and non-Mac users try to answer. It also happens with linguistics packages, when non-users of the packages try to answer. It nice to try to answer quickly but sometimes it's better to wait until others with the specific expertise can answer.
@AlanMunn Did I answer the question? No.
@ChristianHupfer Yes, of course. But the comments of almost everyone reflected a lack of knowledge of what the question was asking.
@AlanMunn Apparently I am the only one which is directly addressed by you... why not 'harassing' the others as well? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer the votes should be sticky too :)
@ChristianHupfer Because your comment seems to be the most 'scolding'. Boldface 'any'. :)
@Moriambar Could be ... but perhaps there were too much of votes by the same user
@ChristianHupfer Oh I see… well we shall see then :)
@AlanMunn may I ask why in your dictatorial page of packages you don't mention microtype?
@Moriambar Because it's dictatorial, and I never use it. :)
@AlanMunn heresy! :P
@Moriambar So they say.
@Moriambar Yes, perhaps the votes remain, because it was a one-time action only...
@AlanMunn As in many occasions we disagree ;-) I've almost forgotten that
@ChristianHupfer Oh… of course
@ChristianHupfer :) No worries.
@Moriambar Did you cough? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I sneezed
@Moriambar Four times?
@ChristianHupfer you know, my allergies, being spring… Maybe a little bit more than four times. But four in a row I remember…
@Moriambar Ah, Bless you ... four times ;-)
I'm going for a gold badge now
@ChristianHupfer thanks :)
@Moriambar Post a totally broad question and you will get a bunch of upvotes it
the only gold badge I can have: electorate :D
@ChristianHupfer been there, done that
Q: Is Lua(La)TeX going to implement a better page breaking algorithm

Moriambarrecently I found that LuaTeX can allow for the implementation of a new page breaking algorithm, substituting the TeX paragraph-based one. (see Can LuaTeX change the PAGE-breaking algorithm) Since I had some typesetting problems in a book I recently finished, I'm asking if ever the page breaking ...

@Moriambar That's not sexy enough. It should contain something about TikZ or Ducks etc ;-)
@ChristianHupfer or grandmas
@DavidCarlisle Exactly...
@DavidCarlisle @ChristianHupfer I don't understand either tikz or grandmas. Ducks, well, I don't have any questions about them :P
@Moriambar Regardless: Just ask how to draw a family of Ducks which is totally different to the recent question by @CarLaTeX... the TikZ Mafia will show up ;-)
(please don't mind my answering two tikz questions today by just reading the documentation)
@ChristianHupfer should I ask how to draw a series of grandmas?
@Moriambar Perhaps... or how can I explain LaTeX to the Grandma of my Grandma ... ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I think I will end up like the guy who flooded the site with "how to draw this?" questions featuring the most strange shapes
@ChristianHupfer lool
@Moriambar the guy .... we basically have only such guys here :D
@ChristianHupfer "How can I explain LaTeX to Gutenberg's father?"
@ChristianHupfer I think I'm not allowed to act surprised after I "mocked" @DavidCarlisle regarding vertical separators (and then seeing ~500 questions/day about them)
@Moriambar @DavidCarlisle likes to be mocked about table questions/answers, he has written some tabular-related packages with 'features' ;-)
@ChristianHupfer when I was around 1k of rep (I think 998) I asked a dull question, someone answered it, I accepted and then it was closed right away :D
@ChristianHupfer "some"
@Moriambar s/some/.../ fill in the ... yourself ;-)
@ChristianHupfer =)
@Moriambar Such things can happen. I have cast many close votes as well, perhaps too many, perhaps some too early.
@Moriambar Was it closed as a duplicate?
@ChristianHupfer I think @DavidCarlisle wins the prize for the most elegant package manual.
@AlanMunn To be honest I really do not recall it
It was a scam to boost me to 1k rep :)
@Moriambar Privilege hunter :-P
@Moriambar naturally, also the indentfirst manual wins prizes for high ratio of documentation to code.
@Moriambar Which one do you mean?
@ChristianHupfer he likes the colortbl manual with its elegant formal tables.
@DavidCarlisle Yes, very elaborate :D
@ChristianHupfer I was bored and I make a bet with a colleague (after explaining to her how TeX.SE works) that I would reach 1k rep before the boss arrived. I won
@DavidCarlisle I don't know, setspace is tough to beat
@DavidCarlisle I've always admired the setspace documentation, which until TL cracked down on such tricks, was only inside the package itself.
@ChristianHupfer yes
@Moriambar But really the truly greatest manual of all is the minitoc manual.
@DavidCarlisle: This falls under violation of the Geneva Convention for human rights ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I should report that to the texlive list, texdoc doesn't run it enough times for longtable to line up. personally I prefer the richard of york one later in the document.
@AlanMunn you mean the one that is two times memman in length?
@Moriambar Because what other manual allows you to use it for this:
Q: Is there a collection of national flags in TikZ?

Peter SmitI have tried to search, but I have not been able to found any repository with the flags of the most common countries defined with TikZ. It must be very possible as most flags are really vectors.

@ChristianHupfer such beauty
@DavidCarlisle Richard of York, 'A kingdom for a horse?', that Richard fellow? ;-)
@Moriambar Looks like the attempt to play Tetris with LaTeX ;-)
@ChristianHupfer when I wrote the color package I only had a monchrome screen and printer so "color" was \showbox output showing \special. So a few years later for colortbl i used a few primary colours.....
@AlanMunn I'm speechless
@Moriambar :D
@ChristianHupfer R ichard O f Y ork G ave B attle I n V ain == colours of the rainbow
@DavidCarlisle What's I in English (context: the initials of the colours of the rainbow)? Indigo?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I understood that, but King Richard III was of the House of York, if I remember correctly.
@ChristianHupfer yes same bloke
@Moriambar yes (no one has any idea what is the difference between indigo and violet or why they are not both just purple but rainbows are supposed to have 7 colours and you are not supposed to admit you can't distinguish the last two:-)
@DavidCarlisle I understand. I did not know whether I knew the right name
In italy you can't tell it apart from blue though :D
@ChristianHupfer 3 and a half colours
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Concerning the secondary rainbow the list of colours is in the wrong order ;-)
Guys I'm off reading some TeX and @egreg's books :P bye
@Moriambar Oh come on, you know that the spectrum is continuous :D
@ChristianHupfer that's the answer I wanted to see. It depends on which scale you inspect it :) and you know that too. :P
@Moriambar Given continous index of refraction ... or even complex index ... Oh my, Fresnel's formulas are a nightmare ....
@ChristianHupfer Oh god, it's been 12 years since I last heard about them.
@Moriambar Time to repeat it, tonight, instead of reading strange books on LaTeX ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Since, apart from studying TeX/LaTeX I have the typography lecture to polish up, I think I will choose as a "last alternative" Bringhurst's book
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