João de Barros

Jul 10, 2022 18:50
Q: Livros de referência para estudar fonética e fonologia

bad_coderQuero pedir recomendações de livros didáticos direcionados à aprendizagem da fonética e fonologia do português. Prefiro obras que sejam consideradas de referência desde o nível de iniciado ao avançado. Para manter as referências agrupadas são bem vindas recomendações de todas as variantes do port...

Jan 12, 2022 17:04
Q: 2021: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the preceding calendar year. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exch...

Dec 12, 2021 16:31
Q: We're soon Leaving Beta

stafusaGreat news After many years as a beta site, Portuguese SE will soon graduate into a full-fledged site! The main aspect of this change is symbolic: it's a recognition of Portuguese Language's maturity and value for the SE network. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has contributed! In ...

Dec 12, 2021 12:46
Q: Sites com separação silábica e sílaba tónica

bad_coderProcuro um site que faça ou tenha a separação silábica com sílaba tónica das palavras em português.

Jul 20, 2021 20:45
Q: O site mudou de estilo visual?

bad_coderAcho que o acabou de mudar de cores azuis para laranjas. É só impressão minha ou há alguma razão para esta mudança?

Jul 20, 2021 20:20
Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

JNatModerator election #1 on Portuguese Language has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderator is: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For details on how ...

Jun 28, 2021 20:26
Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election

CommunityThe 2021 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks, but this depends on how many candidates there are. Please visit the official election page at ht...

Jun 24, 2021 13:22
Q: Announcing a Pro Tempore election for 2021

JNatSummary: Portuguese Language Stack Exchange will begin the nomination stage for a special election on June 28 to bring in one more moderator. Despite the lack of interaction on the interest check post, I checked with the current moderation team and we decided to go ahead with an election anyway. ...

May 27, 2021 16:06
Q: 2021 Potential Moderator Election: Community Interest Check

Jorge B.English It's time for us to consider holding an election for moderators for Portuguese.SE. We haven't had one of these before here: all moderators have been appointed by Stack Exchange. Right now we have only two moderators. Instead of appointing a new moderator, we would like to hold a community...

Apr 8, 2021 12:23
Q: If i have a 2 questions with 1000 views i will have 2 Popular Question bage?

ClMendIf i have a 2 questions with 1000 viwes i will have 2 Popular Question bage ? Witch question with 1000 views its one more popular bage ?

Mar 24, 2021 13:06
Q: Porque não ganho Inquisitive bage , tenho 31/30 perguntas certas?

ClMendPorque não ganho Inquisitive bage , tenho 31/30 perguntas certas?

Jan 19, 2021 19:53
Q: 2020: a year in moderation

JNat As we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new one, we have a tradition of sharing moderation stats for the past 12 months. As most of you here are aware, sites on the Stack Exchange network are moderated somewhat differently to other sites on the web: We designed the Stack Exchange netw...

Oct 14, 2020 14:04
Q: Should we make the [significado] tag a synonym to the [semântica] one?

stafusaIn the context of tags I see no difference - or is there a relevant distinction I'm missing?

May 1, 2020 22:08
Q: Perguntas do tipo, "será que existe uma palavra portuguesa assim?"

Dan GetzEu costumo ter dúvidas do tipo, "existe uma palavra portuguesa que parece como <assim> e com significado parecido a <assim>?". Seríam bem-vindos neste site perguntas deste tipo? Acho que se encaixaria perfeitamente se fosse uma palavra (mal-) ouvido num contexto português. Mas, no meu caso, esta...

Apr 2, 2020 14:22
Q: Difficulties when learning portuguese

Ergative ManEnglish For non-native speakers/learners of portuguese: What do you think is the greatest difficulty you find when studying/reading/writing/speaking? Is it the difference between ser and estar, inflection of adjectives, pronunciation of nasal diphthongs like ão and õe? What do you find more diff...

Mar 2, 2020 11:16
Q: Let's reach a final decision on where should resources ("recursos" and "recursos-online") go?

stafusaTwo years ago (2018) I've asked whether resources questions belong to the Meta or to the main site and advocated that they belong to the main site (for instance, they are not technical questions, or about Portuguese SE itself) in this post, which got 5 upvotes and zero downvotes (as it stands). ...

Mar 2, 2020 04:51
Q: Is there an European Portuguese free online dictionary that includes pronunciation?

Ubiquitous StudentI'm looking for an online European Portuguese dictionary with pronunciation sound. Is there one?

Feb 24, 2020 21:25
Q: "Low Quality Posts" queue full with no posts

stafusaFor many months now, for me at least, the Review Queue list has been showing the "Low Quality Posts" as very busy (with the red dot), but when I visit the queue, the list is empty. Is it full of posts of mine; is this a bug; or what's going on?

Feb 1, 2020 11:00
Q: Should we have translation golf in Portuguese SE?

Axel TongI noticed in Spanish SE, there’s a challenge called Translation Golf, which aims to engage SE users to actively contribute Spanish translations of a given English text. I thought it would be a good method to stimulate greater interaction and discussion, given the current level of activity in Port...

Jan 26, 2020 17:23
Q: Livros com origens de expressões populares?

RyeReparei que neste site uma pergunta recorrente é "qual é a origem desta expressão". Alguém sabe/recomenda algum livro (ou outro tipo de suporte) que contenha as origens históricas de diferentes expressões da língua portuguesa?

Jan 1, 2020 17:45
Q: 2019: a year in moderation

Shog9It's New Year's Day in Stack Exchange land... A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in that we amortize the overall moderation cost of the system across thousands of teeny-tiny sli...

Dec 11, 2019 11:57
Q: Seria possivel incluir uma tag `morfema`?

bad_coderEu gostava de levantar a questão se a comunidade acha útil e pertinente incluir uma tag morfema no stackexchange em Português? Pergunto isto por várias razões: Sempre gostei de tentar pensar em termos de morfemas - ou análise morfémica, se preferirem. Acho que todos os falantes do Português,...

Dec 10, 2019 12:32
Q: Procedimentos para a sugestão de remoção de um tag que não tenha explicação

Goncalo Peres supports MonicaEnquanto aguardava resposta a uma questão que partilhei, recebi uma notificação de uma proposta de edição, que era somente a remoção de um tag (como vemos na imagem abaixo). Uma vez procurando por mais informações acerca do tag origem-histórica, temos que o tag não tem qualquer indicação: C...

Sep 4, 2019 08:49
Q: When is a question too trivial?

stafusaA question asked today, "Camundongo vs rato!", can easily be answered by merely checking the two words in a dictionary -- writing the question probably took longer than finding the answer (though not writing it). At the same time, it is the kind of question people are likely to google for, and t...

Jan 6, 2019 11:32
Q: Should we delete the tag "alfabeto"?

stafusaHaving been applied to a total of six questions so far, the tag alfabeto seems unnecessary to me. I suggest it's deleted.

Jan 1, 2019 06:12
Q: 2018: a year in moderation

Shog9It's New Year's Day in Stack Exchange land... A distinguishing characteristic of these sites is how they are moderated: We designed the Stack Exchange network engine to be mostly self-regulating, in that we amortize the overall moderation cost of the system across thousands of teeny-tiny sli...

Dec 24, 2018 01:37
Q: Why did Jacinto delete his great answer?

stafusaJacinto had provided a quite nontrivial answer to this question: quotation from Os Lusiadas but now it's "deleted by owner". What happened? I almost flagged the answer asking for it to be reinstated, but thought better ask first, after all, there has to have been a reason for his decision.

May 22, 2018 01:48
Q: Resources for learning Portuguese

андрэFollowing the Russian Resources question, the aim of this post is to gather and list resources for learning Portuguese. I think it is desirable to distinguish between european and brazilian portuguese. It is not, by any means, some sort of segregation. However, since different people have differ...

Apr 24, 2018 08:31
Q: Is there a glitch in the number of visitors count?

JacintoI bumped into this page, that says we’ve been having 5 visitors a day! Area 51 page says 4! This has to be a glitch, right?

Apr 17, 2018 02:21
Q: Should I accept my own answer?

William LioENGLISH: In stackoverflow it is simple. If something solved your problem, you can post it and check it as the accepted answer. However, in Portuguese — being it a Humanity, a language — there may always be one little misinformation, or something essential that could be added. When “I share my ...

Jan 13, 2018 07:45
Q: Should we *finally* allow reference questions on main?

stafusaLet's migrate resources questions to the main site? It's been two years since this question has been asked. It has already received 11 up-votes and the highest-up-voted answer suggests reference questions should be: On the main site I also strongly believe that questions such as Resourc...

Dec 2, 2017 18:19
Q: Seria interessante uma lista de palavras homônimas?

FilburtVocês acham que seria interessante ter uma lista de palavras homônimas no fórum? Eu conheço algumas que não encontram-se por aí em nas listas de palavras homônimas que pesquisei... Talvez fosse interessante ter uma lista disponível para que as pessoas acrescentem mais palavras no decorrer do temp...

Nov 2, 2017 20:43
Q: Resources for learning European Portuguese

IsziBased on feedback I've received from native Portuguese speakers, it seems that most of the online or other language learning resources I've found teach Brazilian Portuguese. However, despite living closer to Brazil myself, my intent for learning is so that I can properly interact with people who ...

Sep 25, 2017 02:12
Q: Sobre o uso das tags tradução e tradução-inglês

vnbrsLevanto a discussão por conta desta questão. Ela utiliza as duas tags, tradução e a tradução-inglês Em perguntas que peçam a tradução de uma certa palavra ou expressão do inglês para o português, considere essa pergunta hipotética Como traduzir a expressão "go the extra mile" para o portuguê...

Jul 29, 2017 19:33
Q: Quais dicionários de português (brasileiro) são confiáveis?

TetLá fora, eu vejo que o dicionário mantido pela Oxford é bem consagrado. Aqui no Brasil, eu acabo tendo essa dúvida. Até onde eu sei, nenhuma universidade tem um projeto do tipo. Isso atrapalha um pouco, visto que gosto de contribuir na Wikipédia sobre a definição de palavras.

Jun 8, 2017 11:39
Q: Sponsor Portugal Proposal

Noah CristinoSo, I proposed this site about Portugal (everything but language), and here there is a big audience of Portuguese users. Is there any way I can get this promoted here, since I'm sure a lot of people here are interested.

Mar 31, 2017 15:04
Q: The Portuguese Language should be in Portuguese?

Jorge B.The Portuguese Language should be in Portuguese?

Mar 23, 2017 12:55
Q: What is a good online source of Brazilian portuguese language rules?

Tony SimonovskyI'm using at the moment (example of a rule there:, but it seems to be rules there are too simplified and lack a lot of details. What is a better resource online to study Brazilian portuguese grammar rules?

Mar 4, 2017 13:55
Q: In which language the questions should be asked?

n3uRoQuiLaI see some questions in english and others in portuguese and I'm always in doubt. The questions should be asked in portuguese, english or whatever? Vejo algumas perguntas em inglês outras em português e sempre fico na duvida. As perguntas devem ser feitas em português, inglês ou tanto faz?

Feb 28, 2017 19:04
Q: Are questions about Mirandês on-topic?

ANeves Are questions about Mirandês on-topic in our site? Mirandês is a language spoken in North-Western Portugal. It is the second official language of the Portuguese Republic. One example question, could be: Em mirandês, o que significa ganar, na frase "l lhobo ne l ganau"? Na música Coqu...

Feb 18, 2017 19:29
Q: A pergunta "What is the translation for “over-ordering”?" nao está a ter feedback suficiente da comunidade?

Bruno CostaA pergunta "What is the translation for “over-ordering”?" nao parece ter sido muito bem recebida pela comunidade. O texto atual da pergunta é o seguinte: I know that in the sentence: The reduction of “over-ordering” was great for our results! "over-ordering" can be translated as "Enco...

Feb 16, 2017 19:35
Q: sobre as variações nacionais da lingua portuguesa

RicardoComo lidar com as variações nacionais da língua portuguesa quando fazemos uma pergunta ? Alguma pessoas indicam claramente quando se referem ao Português de Portugal ou Brasileiro (ou de outro país). Em alguns casos, é possível inferir que provavelmente a pessoa é do Brasil ou de Portugal. Se...

Jan 22, 2017 20:33
Q: Resources for etymological research―Recursos para investigação etimológica

JacintoI’m quite fond of history of phrases, words, and even spelling, and after a year and so here I’ve located quite a few useful resources for research on these subjects (no quite sure we can call all this ‘etymology’, but I need a short title), which I’m quite happy to share. Now there is this dis...

Dec 13, 2016 17:34
Q: Winter Bash 2016

Jorge B.Português No ano que passou já tivemos este evento onde podemos ganhar chapéus para comemorar esta época do final ano: Announcing Winter Bash 2015. O Winter Bash começa no dia 19 de dezembro deste ano e vai até o dia 8 de janeiro do ano que vem. O ranking e os chapéus conquistados pelos uti...

Sep 29, 2016 05:15
Q: Is asking to translate a short paragraph from English to Portuguese on topic here?

sepidehI want to see if I'm allowed to ask such a question in the main site? Would you please translate the following paragraphs into Portuguese? a proposal for creating a remote sensing and photogrammeetry Q&A site in StackExchange Network is in commitment phase now All the instructi...

Sep 26, 2016 13:45
Q: Como lidar com perguntas que misturam especificidades de programação e de linguística?

Eduardo FernandesAchei interessante a pergunta How to distinguish Brazilian Portuguese from European Portuguese porque ela nem é sobre programação nem é sobre língua portuguesa, ou antes é sobre as duas. Á primeira vista, deveria ser considerada inválida mas eu não acho que esta seja a melhor abordagem porque el...

Sep 15, 2016 18:16
Q: Estamos abertos a aceitar perguntas sobre vocábulos ou traduções sem exemplos claros?

Eduardo FernandesColoco esta perguntar depois de ler: Palavra portuguesa para ''Quantile'' (Eng.) Como digo “zoom” em português? Qual a diferença entre curtir e perar? Uma premissa básica é que um signo é a relação entre um significante e um significado. É isto que dá a riqueza da língua, uma vez que as mesma...

Sep 13, 2016 23:44
Q: Estamos abertos a qualquer tipo de pergunta que verse sobre a língua portuguesa?

CentaurusMeu questionamento tem a ver com essa pergunta e pela reação de alguns colegas ao meu "closevote". Talvez para os colegas de além-mar a pergunta nada tenha de extraordinário uma vez que as palavras "uai" e "why" sejam ambas interjeições e tenham pronuncia semelhante. Mas, do lado de cá do Atlânt...

Sep 9, 2016 21:07
Q: Da absurdidade de um limite mínimo para edição de uma pergunta

An old man in the sea.Estou a tentar editar esta pergunta, que tem um erro gramatical no exemplo dado. Com "você", conjuga-se na 3ª pessoa, penso eu. No entanto, quando tento editar a pergunta, recebo uma mensagem de erro a dizer que preciso de alterar mais alguns caracteres para poder guardar a pergunta editada. Há ...

Sep 2, 2016 15:56
Q: Are the tags "etimologia", "origem-histórica" and "origem" synonyms?

Jorge B.What do you think about these three tags: etimologia origem-histórica origem Are they synonymous? Why?