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Sometimes they say entirely ignoring tantrums is a good idea if nothing else works. After a couple of times, the idea is that tantrums don't get him anything. I think attention is one of the major things kids (or people) with tantrums want.
Like, yesterday, I went to pick him up at the daycare. He was perfectly fine, then he threw himself on the floor and started crying. So I just gathered up his bag and his sister and started walking away. He got up and chased after me, crying and stomping and screaming like a Nazgul. Every time I stopped and held out my hand for him to take, he'd stop and throw himself down.
It's extra difficult in public.
And he knows it.
He did that the entire way home. From the daycare, down the elevator, through the shopping centre, to the other elevator, through the parking garage, into the car. I had to literally force him into his carseat. He was punching me and pinching me and trying to run off in the parking lot.
Using violence against you is really not OK.
no, and I told him to stop, I made that clear, but whatever. He's three. He knows he was being bad. He doesn't normally use violence to solve problems.
He was deliberately trying to be bad.
The weird thing? Neither he nor I have any idea what the tantrum was about.
So does he stop punching you when tell him to stop in a very loud voice?
No, because when he's in a tantrum he doesn't stop anything under any circumstances.
It sounds like descriptions of typical terrible-two tantrums that I have read and heard btw. So it's probably nothing to worry about—just incredibly annoying.
I have found one punishment that gets through his blockade. I threaten that I'm going to give him a shower. He hates showers. loves baths.
@Cerberus yeah, I figure. I just wonder about its sudden onset. Just a phase? or is there something bothering him?
@Mahnax I enjoy it, moderately popular in Sweden, many houses have one but I have seen many used for storage.
I think people say it's just a phase.
@JohanLarsson Ah OK. Well you can thank my ancestors.
Then again, it is possible that there is something that somehow suddenly starts bothering kids around 2 years old.
But I've never heard of anything specific that you can do something about.
Have you tried talking about it with him?
@Cerberus it's probably a phase. But it could be something like an illness which lowers his happiness level and makes him super-sensitive. I've been watching for clues but haven't seen anything.
Hmm yes. I have heard of kids with irritable bowels and such.
@Cerberus yes. He usually doesn't have any explanation for why he's behaving like that, except to repeat whatever displeased him and caused the tantrum.
But I don't think that sets in suddenly?
@Cerberus exactly, and I have personal experience with that.
@Cerberus no but who knows if he's not eating something differently these days. his diet goes through phases.
actually I wonder now. Maybe it's the cheerios.
the daycare says he started acting this way after coming back from vacation.
while on vacation the kids ate cheerios every day
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So what does he say when you tell him his behaviour was really excessive and ask him to tone it down next time? (Not that I expect it would help much...)
since then he's eaten mostly cheerios for breakfast instead of oatmeal, his previous daily breakfast food
@Cerberus he just gets defensive and shuts down.
Hmm what's in cheerios?
@Cerberus grain. a little sugar.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm OK.
Experimenting with his diet sounds look a good idea, it can't hurt.
hm, maybe he's gluten intolerant? I wonder.
It is possible.
How reliable are allergy tests people take?
I think they are often non-scientific and flag way too many things?
There's also dairy to consider.
Or at least milk.
My friend was allergic to both wheat (gluten?) and dairy around that age. He cried a lot.
But his mother is rather...spiritual, so perhaps it was nonsense. I don't know.
well, he's allergic to milk and eggs, although we've been giving him cooked milk for months now to desensitize him. I thought maybe it was the cooked cheese but frankly he doesn't eat enough of that to explain all this.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what are they giving him at daycare?
@Cerberus well, I dunno about what kind of allergy tests you've seen. I've been tested many times and seen tests administered and they are pretty good at measuring topical immune response for real allergies. The tests include controls. It's pretty scientific. Better than many medical diagnoses, I'd say.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 he gets a catered lunch and some snacks. But he's been going there for years and I don't think anything's changed.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OIC
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ok, Ok.
@Mahnax I am excited for frappuccino happy hour.
And how well do the topical responses correspond to what happens when you eat it?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I'm not. Working frappy hour is pretty much hell, hehe.
@Cerberus typically if you get a topical response that suggests that if you eat it, you die.
@Mahnax :( That was arguably my favorite part of the job.
Well, we didn't have frappy hour yet, but.
There are other tests they can do too, blood tests that measure how your cells react to certain stimuli. normal people score 0, people with allergies score higher. my son scored in the 30s for egg, but only 5 for milk, which is why we did a food challenge and are now giving him cooked milk products. like pizza or lasagne.
I see.
and believe me, his milk allergy was pretty real. I can show you a photo if you like. not now, but we have photos of his rashes from a couple mouthfulls of cereal that had milk in it.
People with lactose intolerance normally eat cheese and yoghurt, I believe?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Making frappuccinos is boring, in my opinion. Pump pump scoop scoop pump scoop blend.
@Cerberus lactose intolerance is totally different than an allergy.
lactose is a sugar. allergies are reactions to proteins.
well, food allergies.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh no! I'm allergic to cat proteins.
@Mahnax you totally need to make that into a song.
@Mahnax but people are extra excited to get them.
And you get to make noise.
You can't be allergic to, say, a carbo-hydrate?
@Cerberus well, carbs have protein in them. i.e. gluten is a protein. but celiac or gluten-intolerance is not an allergy.
@Mahnax better not eat any cats then.
Why not?
I think those are called allergies in vulgar speech.
@Cerberus because it isn't. it's a different kind of food intolerance. the mechanism is different.
@Cerberus by people who don't know what they're talking about, or who are simplifying for listeners who don't know what they're talking about.
Well, back to class for me. poof
so if you're lactose intolerant, drinking milk gives you diarrhea. If you're allergic to milk, drinking milk makes your immune system go crazy and cause swelling throughout your body which closes your throat to the point of asphyxiation.
I don't have any allergies, I think, except to untrained prolonged exercise.
Lactose and gluten intolerance doesn't result in anything resembling asphyxiation?
people confuse lactose intolerance with allergies all the time. it's annoying. "he's allergic to milk". "well, just give him yogurt then". "Yogurt is made from milk". "But my aunt is lactose intolerant and she eats yogurt just fine!"
@Cerberus no
Are allergies necessarily related to histamines?
So then all allergic reactions feel somewhat similar, except in intensity?
well, it depends.
On what?
some people don't get all the same reactions the same way.
like, I was allergic to legumes as a child. however most legumes didn't give me rashes or runny eyes/nose or anaphylaxis. BUT they did give me asthma problems.
If what I experience is an allergy, I get nauseous, itchy, short of breath, and I feel like I want to lie down and pass out.
I stopped eating beans and my asthma basically went away.
@Cerberus from exercise?
Yes, but only if I haven't exercised in a while.
I dont' think it can be called an allergy because you don't really have an allergen... some foreign substance that is triggering it.
But antihistamines sort of help.
I researched my derrière off, and many other people have it too, and they recommended antihistamine. So I tried that, and it worked to some extent.
If it's not an allergy, then what is it?
It gets worse as I get older.
I had no idea it was abnormal until a few years ago.
Well, anyway, I'm glad I'm not allergic to food, because then you can't really do anything to stop the reaction!
well, antihistamines have lots of primary effects.
@Cerberus you can. we are, with my son.
I took some meds that day and my eyes went red.
Okay, with a pill?
but we started doing that 6 months ago and the tantrums only started 3 months ago
@Cerberus no, with desensitization.
also I had allergy shots as a child to desensitize me to environmental allergens such as pollen and animals.
Well, that's probably what happens when I exercise a couple of times.
that may have also helped.
Maybe it's not an allergy, but then what is it? It feels like what people describe.
@Cerberus maybe. but what's the trigger? it's not an allergy unless a foreign substance is causing it.
@Cerberus sure, the symptoms may be the same. lots of things have similar symptoms as unrelated things.
Perhaps it is a combination of some substance and exercise?
Cold also makes it worse, and rubbing.
i.e. bacterial infections and viral infections. not the same thing, but the symptoms might be.
it could be very similar to an allergy. it might even be immune-system related. but I think in order to be an allergy it requires an allergen.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Possibly...but if it has the same symptoms, and anti-histamines work, what else could it be? Many have have this, but I have never found a name for it.
Something happens in my skin.
But there is no visible rash or anything.
you might be allergic to your own sweat. I just read on wikipedia that that is a thing.
Cholinergic urticaria (CU) is one of the physical urticaria which is provoked following sweating events. History CU was first described by Duke in 1924. The term cholinergic derives from the finding that hives similar to those of CU can be elicited using cholinergic agonists (e.g. methacholine), thus suggesting the etiology of CU to includes events that are triggered by a cholinergic stimulus. Symptoms CU presents with a number of small, short-lasting hives that develops usually in response to exercise, bathing, staying in a heated environment, or emotional stress. Although the symptoms...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Looks like what I have.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm interesting. But I get no visible rash, and it also happens when there is no sweat at all.
You couldn't tell if you were looking at me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 aieee
@JasperLoy Oh, no!
It looks pretty bad.
so there is such a thing as exercise-induced anaphylaxis. however wikipedia is very short on details about how exercise triggers it.
I even get it in a mild form during a brisk walk in winter.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm perhaps that's it, then...let me see.
> Exercise induced events are frequently associated with the ingestion of certain foods.
Very interesting (Wiki).
the medscape article suggests that you should carry an epinephrine auto-injector if you're doing any exercise, or else you might die.
so it sounds like there is something that triggers the allergy, but the exercise in combination makes it much worse.
Phew am I glad I never exercised until now.
Oh, you're talking allergies.
I decide to continue to be glad anyway.
yeah cerb is allergic to exercise.
and probably something else in combination.
Yeah then I can totally imagine how excercise can kill him when combined with exercise.
This room starts making frightening amounts of sense.
Probably lots of pollen this time of the year, might trigger stuff
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Very interesting. I will experiment with no wheat or milk tomorrow.
@JohanLarsson Nope, I get it in all seasons.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hmm you think so?
@Cerberus for best results, cut out any suspect foods from your diet for 3 weeks first.
It's not that bad for me, though; as long as I stop immediately, I can handle it.
@Cerberus That's what I suspect.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But that's too hard!
@Cerberus unless you accidentally push yourself over the limit and then it's too late.
I don't think that can happen. I sense it well in advance.
Sport ist Mord.
Do you get cheap meds in NL?
or do you have drug insurance?
because an epi-pen is pretty cheap when it's covered.
worthwhile IMO
Everybody has cheap insurance, and most medicines are insured.
there you go. get your doctor to prescribe it and you're golden.
Would this pen allow me to continue to exercise when I feel it coming?
Or is it just for emergencies?
@Cerberus That is the most effective way to get expensive medicines imo. To buy them with tax money.
Cold air in the nasal and bronchial passages can induce mucous secretions in the same. This can seem like allergies (it isn’t) or asthma (which it can be, if the bronchia shut down).
Simply breathing hard may be enough in some people.
I don’t know that they know why.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 By the way, I didn't see this in the article you posted, but, after I jog once, or a few times, the effect doesn't happen any more, until I stop exercising for a while, as in weeks or months.
@JohanLarsson Absolutely!
@tchrist Absolutely. I think everybody has that, a runny nose in cold weather? But it doesn't resemble an allergy?
I don’t think air counts as an allergen.
Indeed not.
And it's the cold, not the air.
And it doesn't resemble an allergy anyway.
I think it is very common that cross country skiers get asthma from breathing cold air
think it is asthma
Guys, I just got my first upvote on ELU, whoo!
@JohanLarsson Actual asthma? Or do you mean they get symptoms if they are already suffering from asthma in general?
@Cerberus I wonder if you're not allergic to some stress-related compound in your body. So maybe you exercise a little bit each day, that gets you into shape so that some harder exercise doesn't stress you as much, but if you're out of shape some exercise-stress-related secretion triggers an immune response.
Pretty shitty to be allergic to your own body though.
@Cerberus no. It would allow you to continue living if the exercise triggered a full-blown anaphylactic attack.
After using an epinephrine auto-injector you should probably go straight to the hospital. You might get necrosis around the injection site.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That is very well possible.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Okay, well, I don't think it's that serious.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That is an interesting possibility.
I just stop when I get the feeling.
@JohanLarsson It's not really asthma. It's like rhinitis.
Secretions triggered by the temperature difference and dryness.
Is it the difference, or just the cold?
...well, I suppose if you were in an equally warm environment, you'd be scalding your lungs.
Cold air is almost 100 degrees colder than body temperature (Fahrenheit), so 100 degrees hotter would make it well over scalding temperature.
I don't know if the difference would cause secretions before it killed you or not.
@KitFox What I mean is, is the secretion triggered by switching between temperatures, or is it continually triggered if you remain in a cold environment for a long time?
@Cerberus think it is some kind of inflammation in the air ways, I know they treat it with asthma medecine
@KitFox looks like you are right, googled rhinitis :D
Is this guy Canadian?
Sounds like it.
He needs to stop waving his hands like that.
He's going to bundle it into virgins we can use. That's great!
@KitFox the thing aboot virgins is that you can only use them once.
If you say so. I've never tried one.
They cease to be virgins after that. sharpens pencil
So we named our paint roller frames Squeaky Pete and Silent Bob. I was annoyed just now because I could only find Squeaky Pete.
But here is Silent Bob.
So I'm off to prime. bbs
What is this talk about virgins? Geezis.
No offense, @Jas.
It seems the volume of questions here has dropped.
@KitFox OK!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 depends how you use them.
what is the thing with bronies? Never figured out bacon either...
That's true. If you are just going to slide your fingers over them like that, you could get a lot of use out of virgins.
I actually learned to distinguish Canadian from American from this website, I think.
Canadian girls are prettier than American ones, lol.
Fox dropped the hammer on me for using the word girl once :D
and I thank her for it
@JohanLarsson it may or may not be appropriate depending on the situation. it is a diminutive when applied to an adult. Also there is the cultural context of the patriarchy.
Orly? What's to thank?
@KitFox for the lesson
That girls can be bitchy?
Interesting how he calls you Fox, HAHAHAHA
yep for the lesson I wish you would correct me on every typo but that would create a lot of noise in the transcript I guess
@JasperLoy is it wrong?
@JohanLarsson Just funny.
ok I'm glad then :D
Why is it funny? That is a very deep question.
nice artwork btw!
One will need to go into the philosophy and psychology of humour.
there is this meme about dissecting a joke
@KitFox no, that sometimes it's inappropriate to refer to a woman as a girl.
I am very excited as Debian 7 should be out in a few hours...
@JasperLoy I still haven't installed Fedora 18 yet. Might just wait for 19.
@KitFox lol in context
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 19 is gonna be delayed till July, lol.
@JasperLoy I know. well, 18 was delayed too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And in other news, Ubuntu cut down support of non LTS to just 9 months!
@JasperLoy I like some of what ubuntu does, i.e. their LTS releases and stuff. but I don't like their tech stack. I'm not pleased that they are sticking with upstart instead of systemd and that they are writing their own graphics stack.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I dislike Unity shell, but there is Ubuntu GNOME now, an official derivative with GNOME shell.
@JasperLoy I dislike Gnome 3 and previously disliked Gnome 2.
I prefer KDE but lately they've screwed something up. I get weird errors for no reason in some unidentified subsystem. The error message has no suggested action and the dialog box seems to have no owner and there is no context to the message and clicking OK dismisses the dialog but nothing else happens and there doens't seem to be anything actually wrong.
Also at one point all my icons got bigger and no longer fit in their containers.
it's really odd.
KDE was always too many configurability options for me.
and KMail 2 is very annoying to use.
@JasperLoy I like configurability.
but I also want it to work out of the box. which the latest KDEs do not, in some ways, for me.
lately some KDE apps just seem over-engineered.
Hey @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, does the N4 have a notification LED?
It appears the S2 doesn't have one!
I've been thinking of switching over to Ubuntu again.
@Cerberus yes. it's not as bright as the GN's.
@KitFox What are you on now?
Also, I can't decide between reading Gravity Girl on the deck or going to the driving range to whack some balls.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why would anyone ever not want one, I wonder?
Honestly the notification light isn't important to me.
@JasperLoy Win 7, but XP at home.
it almost never does anything useful for me.
It tells me at a glance whether I have an appointment, or a text message, or a missed call, Whatsapp message, etc.
my phone is only unattended when I'm sleeping. In that case, the notificaiton light is actually annoying.
I never need to check my phone.
@KitFox Oh, I thought another Linux distro! Ubuntu will be installed on phones and tablets by next year.
but you don't know what it is that it's notifying you about.
You could turn the LED off for 8 hours once you turn off the light in your room, or something.
I have the lock-screen notification widget so I can see all those details without unlocking.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How do you mean?
I need to buy kitchen appliances. This is a daunting task.
I use Lightflow, of course.
Blue = SMS.
@Cerberus I mean the notification light is one single bit of information. it's either on or off.
@Robusto Yes, I do not envy you.
Green = Whatsapp.
Red = missed call.
Purple = battery low.
Orange = appointment.
@KitFox Hard to know even where to start.
too hard to remember the combinations
You can pick whichever colours you want.
It took me a day to get used to them.
It's one of the most popular application in the Play Store.
@Robusto Go to a home-show.
@Robusto What do you think, should I read on the deck, or golf?
I don't know how to best play hooky.
@Cerberus Gray: Wassup: A little less gray: missed call; A little more gray: battery low: Somewhat grayer: appointment.
But, okay, I have my answer: many people don't see the benefits of LEDs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I wouldn't know where to find one.
@Robusto Y U has no collers?
@Robusto don't you live in an urban centre? they usually have them a few times a year
@KitFox Golf? No one should ever golf.
Well, not golf. Hit balls.
@KitFox You should swim in the pool.
@Cerberus I am just suggesting a subtler scheme for you.
the trick is to go to the home show two months ago, so that you know what's out there now when you need it.
And I think you should pick a color for your appliances first.
@KitFox You can hit balls during sex.
Rub it in.
@Robusto I don't want subtle; I want flashy LEDs! It's disco time!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why didn't I think of that.
@Robusto Best not to hit them.
Pick the color first, which will begin to narrow your selection.
@KitFox *applications
@Robusto just build a time-machine instead of worrying about appliances. The investment will pay for itself in no, er, time.
@Cerberus No, appliances.
No, no, applications! Whatsapp = green.
OK, stainless steel. Or white. Or ... or .... black.
OK, back up. What color are your cabinets and walls?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Good idea. I wonder if I can crowdsource the solution.
do you want your appliances to be really awesome? cool features? nifty? or just basic.
@KitFox Cabinets will be Decora cherry in wheatstone (wheatfield?) stain. Counter tops are Cambria Cuddington. (Kind of a French vanilla with a subtle stone pattern.)
Do you have objections to stainless? And do you have pictures of those things?
Choose what you like, QED.
This style and color, approximately. But different hardware.
stainless steel looks good just about everywhere.
Somebody named shiny & new would say that.
Stainless will look particularly good with that color scheme. But what's the hardware? Brushed nickle? Black? Aged bronze?
Actually, I forget. I think it's brushed nickel or a reasonable facsimile.
I think you should strongly consider stainless then.
Unless you hate it. Or you want to use magnets.
strongly considers stainless
I hear it dents, though.
You need special cleaners too.
With that countertop, you might be able to pull off white appliances, which I'm guessing would be cheaper and easier to maintain.
We wanted to brighten up the kitchen. But right now we have a white fridge with black oven/range and dishwasher. A mongrel set.
How much exposure will your appliances have?
Exposure? Well, we won't be playing handball in there.
Also, we'll be in out of the rain.
Kids are grown.
Will you have, for instance, a kitchen island that would hide the dishwasher from view?
A range top on the island and a built-in oven?
Dishwasher will be under the counter by the sink. We will have a free-standing butcher-block island.
No range top on island.
oooh! kitchens!
So you'll have a range and oven together?
range and oven should always go together
Yeah, dual fuel: gas range and electric convection oven.
So you could probably do white appliances. I think black would be unbecoming.
Yeah. Fuck black.
But stainless would be cooler.
Is that a particular shade of black? Should it be?
I thought stainless steel was already past its prime...
Stainless would be sexy.
I could always stick disco-ball mirror tiles all over it.
Stainless would say "I am master of this domain."
Meaning I never jerk off?
I think black is sexy.
As sexy as Jacob Black, LOL
As sexy as Jack Black.
@Robusto Meaning you jerk off wherever you damn please, including the punch bowl if you feel like it. But I get the Seinfeld reference.
I was hoping you would.

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