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oh well
@mousetail My fault, one should never say "every"
@UndoneStudios Active users today don't even know Kamila Szewczyk? Looks like I'm old already.
Can you give a example of a answer that's obviousy impressive even to someone unfamilar with the language?
Quest for tetris
i mean, you know cgol, nvm
Like this:
A: "DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!!"

Kamila SzewczykMalbolge, 20775 and 2334 bytes Probably I didn't beat anyone with it, but it was incredibly fun to make. bP&A@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$T"!~}|;]yxwvutslUSRQ.yx+i)J9edFb4`_^]\yxwRQ)(TSRQ]m!G0KJIyxFvDa%_@?"=<5:98765.-2+*/.-,+*)('&%$#"!~}|utyrqvutsrqjonmPkjihgfedc\DDYAA\>>Y;;V886L5322G//D,,G))>&&A...

And this:
A: "DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!!"

Kamila SzewczykSeed, 6013 3942 3884 3865 3848 bytes 6 26861502285539102515901397070256150365632044978239636357177681292397718710660221735065504805108826282592670282262905779855845828299870996061109156561171771135550956468418415202248003337547937321765614798006118562588120066703859817091676793284978625032847731...

Not one of the APL answers.
@null Well I'm only 9 months old, so yeah.
@null People just assume it's good because it's long
Or because that language is really hard to write anything in
@mousetail Well, can you reverse engineer Mersenne Twister?
No, because I'm unfamiliar with the language
If we had access to _random, yes.
@mousetail I believe that already implies it's impressive/effortful enough.
@null unless she just made it up
By that logic every pearl answer is impressive
which is 89.7563% likely
@mousetail What is pearl
@mousetail you've fell to the trap?
@UndoneStudios ?
@null a lang, apparently?
@null that's my possibilities of her making up mersenne twister being reversed
@UndoneStudios Seed is on TIO...
I don't get how people write Seed programs without reversing MT
If you managed to do so I think you will get as many upvotes.
@null Actually I am making a CGoL answer to my RGB challenge
@UndoneStudios AnD?
@UndoneStudios wat challenge
apparently twas you who isn't active
Q: RGB to hexadecimal

UndoneStudios Based off a Scratch project The pen extension in Scratch has a set pen color to () block. The () is normally a color dropdown, but you can also use the join()() block. In the join()() block, normally a hex value is in the first input, but the second is just an empty string. However, many new Sc...

I'm not active
I only returned two days ago or so
kinda explains why the only reason you love Kamilia is cuz she was active when you were
@UndoneStudios If I see it I will downvote it because it's not written in Rule X3VI, which is, THE ONLY AND BEST 2-STATE CELLULAR AUTOMATON.
@Ginger ah!
hey who filled the starboard with random stars
Here @mousetail now manage my HR
@Ginger don't startle me like that at this time of night!
@Ginger Not me, obviously.
@lyxal >:)
@Ginger somebody starred my "> beeches" message
in other news I think the word spreading is working
@UndoneStudios Which is, not me.
Lyxal is still active?
@Ginger it sure is
we have reached 19 followers for the Langdev.SE proposal
@null I sure am
@Ginger obviously
@null "active" might be an understatement
@lyxal Good thing.
@null you've got a long way to go sigh
how many consecutive days so far?
@Ginger if it wasn't for covid, probably 1.5k
@UndoneStudios What?
1.2k probably actually
aw darn I lost my streak
but I just had to accidentally miss a day because I just happened to be too sick to use SE for a single day gosh dang it
I literally nearly got 50 days but broke at 48
so now my streak is only 134 days
despite the fact I've still managed to see 99.9% of the last 3 years
@null you've missed a lot
so welcome back
@null I managed a thousand-day streak that ended in July this year and now it's a meager 134
@UndoneStudios Oh
@lyxal Good thing
I'm pretty sure that this is emanresuA trying to get Area51 working :p
the comments from the devs are the best part
I had a lot of trouble too
@Ginger I doubt it
@Ginger Is emanresuA A_?
We've known Area 51 is very broken for a very long time. It's ancient code that's barely been touched in just as long and as far as I know there are no plans to touch it. The only real reason Area 51 is still up right now is that it still works, kind of, to the extent that it could possibly be useful, and nobody can really decide on whether to scrap it and start over with something else or actually invest the monumental amount of time it would take to "fix" it. — animuson ♦ 7 hours ago
see, even the devs agree that it's zucked up
> If I see it I will downvote it because it's not written in Rule X3VI, which is, THE ONLY AND BEST 2-STATE CELLULAR AUTOMATON.
@null different people
@lyxal just curious.
see I told you my Valentine's CGoL answer would get downvoted
and even Ginger booed
@null I haven't seen A__ for about a year now
Bad thing :(
@UndoneStudios Link?
It's not done yet
there is a reason why I called it "Valentine's answer"
@null although the funny thing is that A__ and EmanresuA might as well be the same user - they've both been major supports in influencing Vyxal :p
@UndoneStudios eh?
9 mins ago, by Ginger
@UndoneStudios that was not in reference to you lol
I just said that as a greeting
also, please rember that the A51 proposal needs people to vote on question ideas in order to progress!
@Ginger it wasn't very nice of you to spookle me like that especially when it's night time smh
> boo
I've seen no one use "BOO" as a greeting
> as a greeting
@null we do minor quantities of frightening
@Ginger yes and what do we do abt it
you vote on question ideas
and propose question ideas if you have any
A New Kind of Greeting, by Stephen Ginger Wolfram.
we need people
we need 40 question ideas with >= 10 score
ask people
Apr 10 at 11:12, by Ginger
Mar 7 at 12:39, by Ginger Industries
yesterday, by Ginger Industries
Feb 3 at 23:32, by lyxal
@GingerIndustries Dang bro don't doxx me like that
40 is a lot, 10 is a lot
I've done my part
@mousetail ik, I guess it's to make sure that the site is, yknow, good
Yea but it seems unlikely we'll reach it
(we also need 41 more followers)
by advertising in discord
Anyway I can post 4 more questions and am out of ideas. Anyone who has reached their question limit want to help?
@mousetail well the proposal's only existed for a day and we already have 19 followers and 2 question ideas with >= 10 score, so I think patience is needed
@mousetail I am in the same situation
btw if we do get this to exist who'll post the first question?
Or I guess why not
maybe Radvylf
@Ginger I agree
the real question is who will be the mods?
Is Radvylf automatically the first moderator?
@mousetail probs
@Ginger Redwolf
@Ginger we elect them
I think once the site becomes operational there's an election
@mousetail one of the first
He's under 18 though
^ ninja'd
protem mods are chosen when site creation happens
and they run stuff until an election can be done
chosen by a vote or just automagic "first followers"?
How are protem mods chosen?
@lyxal yeah we can elect him for that
but how?
@mousetail good question
and do they still have under-18 limit?
so is the site logo and stuff also set when the site is made? because I propose the esolangs.org lime logo (which is CC0 licensed)
@Ginger lime logo? why?
we need something else
the lime is a language design tradition
SE chooses the mods apparently
@Ginger I'm curious why the logo of Esolang Wiki is lime.
Robert Cartaino on July 27, 2010
There’s a bit of a leadership vacuum inside the new Stack Exchange communities in public beta. We’ve put a lot of responsibility on each group to take ownership of their own site. The Stack Exchange team can act as guide, but we don’t always have the domain knowledge to understand the needs of each group.…
@null Ask the Limers
(idk who they are)
ok so according to that blog post the best way to become a protem mod is to just be really active on the site
also brb
Ok I'm active
@Ginger meaning all of us (Excluding null)?
@UndoneStudios I will be soon!
But actually, my name is TwilightSparkle/HighlyRadioactive, but not null.
Ideally you'd be active on many sites
I guess
so am i
So time to post a lot of answers on code review
im not
@mousetail gasps
our arch-enemy?
@mousetail How to use CR?
I never really get it.
code review
@UndoneStudios you say arch-enemy I say perfect platform for advertising certain esolangs
@null Post some code you want to review or review some code
as in, verbose answering
basically make your code the opposite of golfed
The way how CGCC works is clear, you post challenges and you solve challenges.
@lyxal :)
The way how CR works is clear, you post question and you solve questions.
@lyxal i only made ACCUMULATOR
available on my website
@UndoneStudios Well, then I'm posting Code Review stuff in CGCC in the last three years.
That's what I'm doing.
One Time Only
@null Then quit us
and back
ok @ginger
you have to be active on the beta site
give us a crash course on being a protem mod
But who will be the mods while the site is in beta?
pro-protem mods
i think
whoever nominates themselves and is chosen to be a protem mod
what is the requirement for being nominated
is over-18 still there?
Sad, it seems reddit is no longer active enough to farm karma on askouija so I can't quickly get a new account enough karma to post the language on r/programing
if so Radvylf is out :(
@mousetail what would you want to post there?
because I (a certified redditor) could do that
@UndoneStudios I think you can try to talk less aggressively.
the langdev se site
well duh
the account would probably get banned so I don't want to use a real account
but what message
@mousetail But why?
r/programminglanguages is probably a better fit
I'd suggest all of them
@null I'm always aggressive, I'm a nerd, I'm a programmer, I am a maths enthusiast and a topper, and I'm singled out for that
@mousetail knows
@UndoneStudios I'm a nerd, I'm a programmer, I am a maths enthusiast, and I'm not aggressive.
Probably in some communities, but not here.
@null maths topper?
@lyxal Are you interested in designing and building programing languages? We're trying to build a community about that on stack exchange. However, we need more follows and questions to make that happen.
@mousetail I have an awesome idea for one, but i need this website to happen so I can make my lang happen
which is also why I'm aggressive for it
Go ahead and post that
If we all post the mods can't ban us all
For that mods need to exist
I mean the reddit mods
I'm not on reddit
I've too many accounts to manage all
I'm not on reddit
Well r/askouija used to be a good way to join reddit
but today it seems slow
@mousetail But if we all post, will the people even want to join? :(
for some reason @null's been copying me
A few probably
@null no one knows
until we try
Personally I think that posting about something multiple times is a very good way
...to make people hate it.
I was about to complete that
but you did
with "to make people kill it"
> are you interesting in designing and building?
Sound like typical spam.
I need another lang so that I'm not at a level where people see me as someone who can't create a lang
but we need to work as a team to make this website happen
who knows what could come out of it!
@null ye lmao
So what are we gonna do about the Radvylf mod thing?
@null but spam doesn't typically come from an account that is 4 years old and has 23k reddit karma
It's not our problem
y'all realise other people might be interested in modding the site, right?
@lyxal Oh well, good point.
@mousetail In a way, it's mine
In what way?
@lyxal we should ask
@mousetail If I seriously don't get some questions answered, I won't get another lang off the ground
and langdev.se will help me in it
but if its not released becuz some issues I won't get another lang off
Ok then propose those questions. You said you had some slots left
so far so good
@UndoneStudios Also you can ask questions during the LDW
Sounds too "self focused though"
@lyxal noice
@mousetail left ball wicket? no wait what is LDW?
Left democratic wing?
Language Design Workshop
@UndoneStudios left directed winger
@mousetail That mean's radvylf's site is redundant
It's the same thing but not in chat
and not specific to golfing
@mousetail done. Now radvylf must retract his proposal unless it truly is something different from LDW
I've added 3 more questions
@UndoneStudios There's room for both, the format is very different
@lyxal I've added -1 questions because i have no idea what its about
@mousetail now your confusing me
just saying you should not give up on a language just because you can't get your help in a specific format

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