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> You have reached your question limit
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See the Help Center to learn more.
Holy shit fuck it
dang rippp
The problem is, how do I revise a duplicate
probably not a good idea to repost a badly received question
yeah... but if the q is too similar to another one u really cant do anything
then what should I do
Should I create a new account?
i really dont know, i havent been in a scenario like urs before
@NumberBasher most likely not a good idea
The what
I'm going to try it for sure
On second thought I'll revise this
its discouraged to make new accts but i dont think its explicitly not allowed
unless u start upvoting ur other acct or something
then u could get in trouble
I'd advise not deleting posts - that only makes things worse
A: What can I do when getting "We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"?

ArjanNote: The Help Center contains articles addressing question bans and answer bans. Why am I getting this message? As stated in the tour links on every site, Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer sites, not help forums. This implies that all questions should be objective, answerable, a...

@NumberBasher go over your closed questions and edit them in order to get them reopened
the qban is from the 6 connecting dots posts you posted, got closed and downvoted, and then deleted in quick succession
@NumberBasher that won't do anything to help:
> No. The automatic ban is at a lower level than account. If you do end up creating a new account, it will also receive the same ban.
It's ip related
@AidenChow it's disallowed to create new accounts in order to circumvent bans or suspensions
> If you are banned from asking questions, then writing a few quality answers that get upvoted might enable you to ask questions again. But as the internals of the filter are secret, there is no way to know for sure.
Maybe try answering instead (see ^)
@hyper-neutrino oh, ok, thanks, but i thought it was the dupe
(from the post lyxal linked)
@AidenChow ok
@AidenChow lol I was just about to post that quote too
We must have been reading the same part at the same time
lmaooo yea
i was skimming through it
i was thinking about upvoting with another account but figured that would be bad
@NumberBasher uhh no, that would be a hella bad idea
even if the computer was stu[id enough, people aren't stupid
how do i log out
figured i would try see if q ban is off
tho think not
if u look on top right, u should see some tabs, like inbox and stuff
click the one on the very right
it should show a logout option somewhere
tells me the email is wrong
r u trying to log into another acct ?
anyways any advice on improving the god damn fucking questions?
@AidenChow yeah but i give up
not sure, hyper neutrino said ur q ban was from ur 6 connecting dots qs but all of them are deleted except 1
did u delete them urself ?
do i undelete them
but they are also closed
so undeleting i think doesn't make it better
yeah they are all pretty much dupes of ur original connecting dots q, i dont think u can do much about that
@AidenChow technically two, one closed, one open, both have answers
Which is fucking bad
Plus there's nothing to revise about a dupe
I think
i think ur best bet is to post more good answers, maybe ur q ban can be lifted that way
But i suck at golfing shit
i'll post 100 answers in this
Q: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

caird coinheringaahingA repost of this challenge. Meta discussion. Sandbox post. Body of the question similar to the original Robber's challenge This cops and robbers is now (08/03/2018) closed to further competing cop entries, as robbers may no longer be competing to crack answers, but feel free to post new answ...

:\ not sure if thats a good idea
actually, definitely not a good idea
or should i just override my connecting dots question with another question via edit
@NumberBasher i dont think u want to completely replace the q with a completely different q
theres already answers to that q
and also it will probably be rolled back anyways if u did that
yahs, shit
if nothing else works, u will have to resort to this:
> If you're unable to improve your existing questions, you'll get the chance to ask a new one 6 months after your last question. Your ban is immediately reinstated once that question is posted, but a single question could be enough to lift you out of the block.
(from Help Center)
u probably dont want to wait that long tho lol
@AidenChow yah that sucks
i would much better make my friend upvote me than that shit
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 800 bytes I am asking. He is awake. I said, she is out there, Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! O...

@NumberBasher not a good idea, the votes will be reversed anyways, the system can detect that kind of stuff
i'm not sure if the system can reverse the question ban unlift
i'll try to find a better solution
@NumberBasher i think the best solution is to post good answers, its ur best bet at clearing the q ban
the problem is
@NumberBasher need a hint, is it on esolangs ?
i can't post a good answer because I can't golf
(or i golf bad
does not really matter, as long as ur answers are positively received, then u r golden
if u really want to, u can also try learning a less used lang, and using that to code golf so that its less competitive
i'm not persistent another problem
so no learning i guess, i would be better codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/247370/111945
it's even featured
@AidenChow quote this
wdym by quote this
it's even featured
reply to is it on esolangs ?
@NumberBasher this isnt really a problem, for example, i once got +7 on an answer even tho it got golfed by about 50% from other ppl
all im saying is that i was really bad at golfing in that lang (it was in python lmao), but my answer still got positively received
the same can happen to u
@NumberBasher oh thats a pretty big hint
it reduces it down to only a few langs
@AidenChow you could bash it
i thought it was deadfish but apparently not
ive been trying all the other ones, not working
@AidenChow wait
it was supposed to be deadfish
did i do something wrong?
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 274 bytes push=1; goto 3; push 100; line 11 push; goto 11; push 10; pop; equal 1; goto 10; pop 100; push=80; push=10; pu=push; go=pu+1; goto 20; pushe=1; goto=10; this=10; line=19; NGGYU~~; push=go; b=99 max push; ch=b-68; goto ch; Never~/ Gonna/ Give/ You/ Up/ ,/ / goto 02; 100;

maybe i implemented deadfish wrong
curse it
could u show me where u r running deadfish ?
i thoiught a was increment
all you have to do
is to replace stuff before the OH DO with this
huh that prints 100 down to 2
this some quick revise
@AidenChow shit
this now shhould be currrrrrrrrrect>
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 800 bytes ibbfibbfsdbfsibfbffsfbfbi Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! Oh do! O...

one more Oh do! should do the trick im pretty sure
check this out
7 mins ago, by Number Basher
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 274 bytes push=1; goto 3; push 100; line 11 push; goto 11; push 10; pop; equal 1; goto 10; pop 100; push=80; push=10; pu=push; go=pu+1; goto 20; pushe=1; goto=10; this=10; line=19; NGGYU~~; push=go; b=99 max push; ch=b-68; goto ch; Never~/ Gonna/ Give/ You/ Up/ ,/ / goto 02; 100;

ok posted crack answer
7 mins ago, by Number Basher
7 mins ago, by Number Basher
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 274 bytes push=1; goto 3; push 100; line 11 push; goto 11; push 10; pop; equal 1; goto 10; pop 100; push=80; push=10; pu=push; go=pu+1; goto 20; pushe=1; goto=10; this=10; line=19; NGGYU~~; push=go; b=99 max push; ch=b-68; goto ch; Never~/ Gonna/ Give/ You/ Up/ ,/ / goto 02; 100;

Mojibake (Japanese: 文字化け; IPA: [mod͡ʑibake]) is the garbled text that is the result of text being decoded using an unintended character encoding. The result is a systematic replacement of symbols with completely unrelated ones, often from a different writing system. This display may include the generic replacement character ("�") in places where the binary representation is considered invalid. A replacement can also involve multiple consecutive symbols, as viewed in one encoding, when the same binary code constitutes one symbol in the other encoding. This is either because of differing constant...
@NumberBasher idk enough langs to puzzle this one out
i only figured out the other one cuz of ur hint lol
@emanresuA CMC: Mojibake the given text, e.g. "þjóðlöð" → "þjóðlöð"
@AidenChow i forgot what it was either
u literally posted it like 10 minutes ago and u already forgot?
or 20 minutes actually
but still
@Adám That requires utf-8 decoding
Which, let me guess, APL has a builtin for?
@emanresuA Well, I guess taking raw UTF-8 bytes would be valid per default, so all you need is to display the corresponding Latin-1 or so
@Adám Do you need the hyphen?
I can't tell if that final face is happy or sad.
@AidenChow I remember again
I just saved it so I won't lose it again, anyways
a hint, the name of the language is 4 letters long
(and it is in esolang
(not made by me
bye for now
> Write python code to create an algorithm with a time complexity of O(n log n)
Stupid programming question +1
CMC The letters a, b, c, d, e f represent single digits and each letter represents a different digit. They satisfy the following equations: a + b = d, b + c = e and d + e = f. Find all possible solutions for the values a, b, c, d, e, f
@NumberBasher mergesort?
simpler than you think
@NumberBasher loop for n log n steps?
that's pretty simple :)
sleep(n log n)
from math import log;F=lambda x:[0for I in x*log(x)]
my version is shorter :)
math import log;F=lambda x: sleep(x*log(x))
i mean, it works, right?
@graffe nah it is technically O(x)
@NumberBasher why do you say that?
if you don't count the calculation of x*log(x)
the time complexity refers to the time
...um ok
@graffe fyi txtpad.cn/ferg
@lyxal had a sneaking suspicion it's just keg again but after changing several lines of code to make the interpreter on github work it gives the same 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 as on tio 🙃
@graffe I found them using APL:
 r←0 6⍴0
 :For i :In 0,⍳999999
     (a b c d e f)←10 10 10 10 10 10⊤i
     :If d=a+b
     :AndIf e=b+c
     :AndIf f=d+e
         r⍪←a b c d e f
Could be more elegant, but ran fast enough.
@UnrelatedString as if I'd pull the same trick twice
And besides, the syntax of the cop doesn't make sense for Keg
It wouldn't do anything
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

lyxal???, 307 bytes +- 2 3 4 5 6 7 @2@ @1@ @9=| 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |89| )88) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9...

i could have sworn i remembered something where the flanking at signs meant something
looks LIKE befunge
could be 2d but i think not
random guess a golfing language
i think it is on tio
it's confirmed on tio but not up to date on tio to the extent that this program will not actually run on tio
@Adám pretty cool. TIO?
the language is on tio, but only an old version
random guess golfscript if you ask me
@graffe ATO
golfscript hasn't been too actively developed :P
@Adám ah.. you missed "each letter represents a different digit. "
I did indeed.
Hang on — I have a more elegant version coming, where I'll fix that.
@graffe me too
so yeah not looking like any of these
>>> r = range(10)
>>> for a in r:
... for b in r:
... for c in r:
... d=a+b;e=b+c;f=d+e
... if len({a,b,c,d,e,f})==6 and a in r and b in r and c in r and d in r and e in r and f in r: # lazy for mathematics
... print(a,b,c,d,e,f)
1 2 4 3 6 9
1 3 2 4 5 9
2 1 4 3 5 8
2 1 5 3 6 9
2 3 1 5 4 9
4 1 2 5 3 8
4 2 1 6 3 9
5 1 2 6 3 9
@UnrelatedString random guess 05AB1E don't ask me why
@NumberBasher amazingly I think that is right!
what is this for ? len({a,b,c,d,e,f})==6
@UnrelatedString Hm, maybe have a look at the transcripts after Dennis left and before caird started compiling the lsit?
uniqueness presumably
@graffe no repetition
oh yes
yeah @UnrelatedString
@emanresuA i feel like caird would have probably gone through that when he started the list but good idea
it's a terrible way to do it but it works :)
a lot are redundant
ok here is another puzzle
for instance r should be range(1,10)
@lyxal Honestly I feel like this is a language where ~ is the range operator
i think what's more likely is after dennis dipped the language's creator just didn't bother requesting an update to begin with
i don't think so? :61139234
that's... a good theory
CMC I have two types of square tile. One type has a side length of 1 cm and the other has a side length of 2 cm. What is the smallest square that can be made with equal numbers of each type of tile?
@emanresuA i would say push all preceding numbers or reverse
where outputting is implicit
@graffe i say 5x5
@graffe Wait, there are none, are there?
no it doesn't work
@NumberBasher try drawing it
@NumberBasher len({a,b,c,d,e,f})==6 and a in r and b in r and c in r and d in r and e in r and f in r -> len({a,b,c,d,e,f}&r)>5
@Adám there are some!
10 should work
@NumberBasher tell me more
u mean why or what
> smallest square
@UnrelatedString what happens when you do {a,b,c,d,e,f}&r ?
i think 10, 15, all the way up
actually wait r isn't a set is it
@graffe Yes, silly me. Non-elegant.
@UnrelatedString interesting
yeah it's not so uh len({a,b,c,d,e,f}&{*r})>5
@Adám that's cool
@UnrelatedString cool
i think it is 10, 15, all the way up
@NumberBasher can you explain why?
can i use math
so the square's side length must be 5x obviously right
math is good
because 4x+x...
and then you try 5 is bad cuz you can't fit 5 2x2 on 5x5
but you can for all up
i think that is enough
you could more rigid like
> but you can for all up
but i'm lazy
2 hours ago, by Number Basher
7 mins ago, by Number Basher
7 mins ago, by Number Basher
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 274 bytes push=1; goto 3; push 100; line 11 push; goto 11; push 10; pop; equal 1; goto 10; pop 100; push=80; push=10; pu=push; go=pu+1; goto 20; pushe=1; goto=10; this=10; line=19; NGGYU~~; push=go; b=99 max push; ch=b-68; goto ch; Never~/ Gonna/ Give/ You/ Up/ ,/ / goto 02; 100;

It is:

- 4 letters

- esolang

- available in esolangs.org

- not made by me

- <s>doesn't support markdown sometimes **i hate it**</s>
@Adám thanks!
try not to stack quotes that hard
it's clutter
Yeah ok
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 274 bytes push=1; goto 3; push 100; line 11 push; goto 11; push 10; pop; equal 1; goto 10; pop 100; push=80; push=10; pu=push; go=pu+1; goto 20; pushe=1; goto=10; this=10; line=19; NGGYU~~; push=go; b=99 max push; ch=b-68; goto ch; Never~/ Gonna/ Give/ You/ Up/ ,/ / goto 02; 100;

ATO down?
Looks like it
> /ATO/runner: 4: /ATO/runner: Cannot fork
And there's a blinking red light next to "legal"
@Adám it's like evolution!
how does it work now?
I'll add an explanation.
who wants to solve this in bitcycle lol: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/247300/…
the input is string of bits, perfect for bitcycle :p
oh wait there are two inputs nvm
a bit blind
hmm maybe not, u can have two sources
check this out
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

Number Basher???, 12345 bytes +π5œÅu‰++´k+JO+za%Î+†+Å5DZÓXDv˛5ˆ◊+Á5c[\"Utp9j>ƒ+>l(s0‰Å=jLÏ++>+*+T‰\+y?>‰h+ŒE4+Ó++>++˚NˇgPım6∫+S++>DfT+ßd=ˆ+Q"B+q‰lˆ+H+˛+Y>ÅX+x+ST˛+´m&Nwˆ+ƒ {V#∂+j+\i_xƒÎ+>+a´++@+++hˆE1+UE´ÁD`w+Ω=BˆPˆ>)++f++%3+PS+n+¨+Å∫VıPZf=+ç>+UÂ+;+¨l˝Ï(++!6++†6∑I+∑aY+´!+œN>+B+˚z†++˙œ+\+Cç v+¬`„ß+dS¨O√†ˇ++Á+b...

@NumberBasher its brainfuck
@NumberBasher is that brainfu**?
pretty neat
should've made it 100000 bytes
saw the +'s and >'s and thought it was brainfuck
@NumberBasher That's 15942 bytes, and 12345 characters
which char took 2
Most of them. Just from the start, π, œ, Å and are all multiple bytes
quite a few of them
@NumberBasher unicode
the ?
some characters need 2 bytes to be stored
@cairdcoinheringaahing ok
@NumberBasher That doesn't render on most systems
@Adám dang
how da hell u type that
lol i can imagine
Also shows how much information is crammed into APL's glyphs.
@Adám damn thats a really nice explanation
Thanks. I hope it makes sense too. Maybe I should have included that you need to read it mostly from the right.
A: The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

emanresu A???, 13 bytes :+1_#_@#-d',: I rate this easy.

You are free to post any and all answers you want to that, but that's now 10 in the last few hours, into a challenge with almost 200 answers already. Might be worth only posting difficult to crack ones for a bit?
I think it's kinda easy with the right perspective, but I also think it's interesting.
@Adám fiendish :)
It's a language that most of y'all know, but packed into a format that's unusual.
@cairdcoinheringaahing risky move
@cairdcoinheringaahing For what its worth, you can post easy-but-funny ones in here as CMCs, that's 100% on topic :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nope
Damn, it really was a (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) risky move
Duh, I just spoiled it, didn't I?
Kinda :P
Although, that'd be a galaxy brain misdirect if it was slightly "wrong" (e.g. also output 0) :P
Oh well [._.]
@cairdcoinheringaahing For what it's worth, I'm trying to get in while the challenge is active and people are actively guessing and trying. My first answer was a burst of inspiration combined with an hour of fiddling around, which sparked a bunch of other answers, and then I had another idea.
@emanresuA Yeah, that's not the problem, it's the multiple "easy to crack" answers that are being cracked in here, not even in a robbers thread. If a cop is so easy to crack that people can do it within minutes of someone advertising it in here, I don't think it really needs to be added when the CnR is that old.
Plus, my phone has been vibrating non-stop for the past 6 hours, and I'd like some peace and quiet :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can't you silence that notification?
@Adám I can silence the SE app, but then I wouldn't get notifications from chat pings or other things
Much easier just to post in chat :P
Sure, but that requires that others change their behaviour, instead of you adapting.
@emanresuA that was some quality fiddling
Got to say, I dislike the fact that the "Your question has been closed" banner at the top of your own questions kind of encourages you to delete the question :/
wait does it
what the hell
It doesn't go "You suck, go delete this question, click this giant red button", but it makes it a lot more obvious that you can delete it
depending on how familiar you are with how things go (which is probably "not very" for most people with closed questions) it seems almost like you're expected to delete it
like maybe there's some reason community moderation can't delete it for you so as a formalism that duty is passed to you, the disgraced asker
Not only is deleting closed questions actively harmful for users on or close to a question ban, but for questions like the one shown, leaving them up and visible is a great way to sign post to the original dupe target for later questions
who would even think of adding that button in the first place?
Like, when I wrote up that question, I couldn't find anything similar to it while it was in the Sandbox, because the terms used in the dupe are completely different to the more mathematical explanation I use. Having my closed one around helps direct people who will go "Oh, factorising a quadratic could be a fun challenge" to the duplicate
@UnrelatedString It makes sense if the question is closed under certain reasons / conditions. e.g. a negatively scoring, zero answer question closed as a dupe can get deleted, or a question closed as "blatantly off topic"
at that point would it not just be grounds for vtd
Yeah, or the Roomba scripts would get it
But it's quicker to allow the user to delete it themselves
But, to just include it no matter what? That's stupid
what are roomba scripts ??
There are 5 scripts that automatically delete posts meeting certain criteria every once in a while
The three main ones are:
- questions that were closed >9 days ago, with score <= 0, no accepted answer, and all answers scoring <= 0
- unanswered questions with score <= -1
- unanswered questions with score <= 0, 0 comments and <1k views
The other 2 are similar, but run on meta IIRC Other 2 are for migrated posts

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