@SuperByte Another perspective: I got all my early rep from posting answers. It can be discouraging at first because some answers will get no votes or feedback at all, but keep answering and the votes will start coming in.
Looks like I had about 2200 rep when I posted my first question.
(It can handle any number presumably, but SEDE can't, and I don't think lyxal goes through the effort of merging the CSVs manually)
It also just might not understand the formatting of the header for some
I think the Elo script only catches less than 100 languages, compared to more than 600 that mine can find (with the same 10 answer threshold and duplicates removed)
Completely unrelated: isn't it funny how you can be swimming in water for an hour and then be dehydrated even though you were surrounded by water all that time
@emanresuA Put it this way: I disliked the Lyxal, Redwolf, whoever else was involved swap last time, and I knew who's pfp/username went where. This is going to have many more users involved, and it'll be "at random" for us regular users
Plus, the original wasn't even that funny. Doing it again immediately loses points IMO for doing something unfunny again
@UnrelatedString it was fun watching those involved try to pretend to be whoever they said they were, but it got old and confusing fast :/
A potentially better idea could be for a "Werewofl" style game, where everyone is assigned a random user and have to imitate them. People can "accuse" others of actually being a specific user, vote on it, and if correct, that user is "out"
@cairdcoinheringaahing The issue I see with these rules as written is that people have no incentive to actually imitate their assigned user. The better they are at it, the more likely they are to get "out."
Minimum number of changed tiles to permit knight passage
code-golf path-finding
Given a chess knight K that is only allowed to step on permitted tiles X, output the minimum number of . tiles that must be changed to an X tile in order to permit a passage to the destination D.
@DLosc I may have gotten the rules mixed up a bit: I'll use real users for simplicity's sake. Lyxal is pretending to be Redwolf, but isn't doing a good job of it. Therefore, emanresu A (who is pretending to be Lyxal) says "I think Redwolf is actually Lyxal", and everyone else still playing votes if they agree or not. If the majority agree - and emanresu was correct - Lyxal is now out
For example, if emanresu said "I think Redwolf is actually caird" and a majority agree, then Lyxal (pretending to be Redwolf) would say "nope, I'm not caird" and it would continue
Of course, this would require everyone to be honest if they were found out. Also, someone could just nominate every possible pairing and eventually win, but I'd hope people wouldn't do that
@DLosc No, so "Redwolf" (being played by Lyxal) would say "No, I'm not caird". Now, all that means is that anyone other than caird is pretending to be Redwolf, but it doesn't reveal who is
So the convo would go something like this (it may take a while for me to type this out):
> Redwolf (pretending to be caird): "Hello everybody, did you know that Jelly is the best :P" lyxal (pretending to be Redwolf): "Uh oh, I just ordered 16 terabytes of ram from this store, and now I have to call them, but my phone's running out of charge and I don't have a charger" emanresu A (pretending to be lyxal): "this is sus. I think 'Redwolf' is actually caird pretending to be Redwolf" lyxal (pretending to be Redowlf): "Nah, I'm not caird, try again" caird (pretending to be emanresu A): "I'm plat like Aaron"
@cairdcoinheringaahing So in this case, lyxal, due to his poor impression of Redowlf is now out, and the game continues with just caird, Redowlf and emanresu A. And so on, until there's just 2 people left
@DLosc But, due to the profile picture switches, lyxal pretending to be Redowlf has Redwolf'd username and pfp, so "I" refers to the user behind the screen aka lyxal, who isn't known by referring to themselves in the first person
So emanresu's accusation is saying "the profile that looks like Redwolf is currently being run by the person that is caird". However, the person that is lyxal knows this is wrong, so says "No, the profile that is Redwolf is not run by the person that is caird, but by someone else"
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ohh, okay. For some reason I thought you were proposing this game instead of the profile switching, but you're proposing a game that would run on top of the profile switching.
The only issue is that chat is linked to main profiles, so you can see who is who by clicking through. But, like all games, we'd have to assume some basic intergrity
@DLosc Yeah, the profile switching "just for the confusion" I'm against, profile switching for a game? I'm down
also would probably want to link chat profiles to windows phone or something so we could not swap on main so we don't have to avoid using main to avoid accidentally cheating
In fact, although I'm not sure how, it's possible to create site-specific servers, so it may be possible to create a room on e.g. a Windows Phone.SE server, and use that
You'd need to be either a mod or have 1k rep on the site tho
i'm not participating (in fact if i'm not a huge fan of the swap in the first place but i'll let y'all have your fun) even because i don't want to make my identity confusing
and even if i were it'd require SE to demote me and promote someone else, in other words, no that isn't happening :P
@hyper-neutrino Not necessarily. You and the other CGCC mods could indicate to SE that you'd like an additional mod to join the team, they'd hold an election, the site agrees to only vote for PyGamer (with a dummy second candidate to make it competitive) and PyGamer gets mod powers :P
If the first thing Dennis does after a 2 year hiatus is the profile swap, I'll personally insist that the entire site does a profile swap and never switch back
Can we reopen this so it can be hammered as a dupe of this? As noted in the comments, the first is just \$a(n) = 98a(n-1) + a(n-2)\$, so they're essentially identical, and closing it as a duplicate makes it more useful than leaving it closed as unclear
Trap the persistent hero in a maze
Last time a challenger tried to thwart your evil magical deeds, they got trapped in a maze that you created to be as small as possible, giving up only a few steps from the exit. Now there is another hero on the way. If it ain't broke, why fix it, so you ask the ...
Ragged list addition
Let's define the operator \$+\$ as follows, using wrapping list indexing:
a+b,\space\text{if }a\text{ and }b\text{ are integers (regular integer addition)}\\
[a+b[0], a+b[1], ...,a+b[len(b)-1]],\text{if }a\text{ is an integer and }b\text{ is a list}\\
If we have a finite list of elements we can determine the probability of any one element being drawn at random as the number of times it occurs divided by the total number of elements in the list.
For example if the list is [2,3,2,4] the probability of drawing 2 is \$\frac 1 2\$ since there are \...
If the integer is only a left-truncatable prime, return "left". If the integer is only a right-truncatable prime, return "right". If the integer is both, return "both". Otherwise, return False.
Truncatable Primes
A left-truncatable prime is a prime number and when the first digit is successively removed, the result is always prime.
A right-truncatable prime is a prime number and when the last digit is successively removed, the result is always prime.
If the integer is only a left-trunca...
This is a quite compressed 65024-byte exe file. Requiring to output the content is absolutely no fun.
But you aren't. Actually, you're to do something opposite: Output a binary of same length, such that no byte equals to the byte at same position from source.
This is code-golf, shortest code win.
@PyGamer0 well, maybe i misunderstood what a "generation" is. in my mind, i was thinking it was the same as in conways game of life, where each step is a "generation"
but my thought was: if you simulate multiple steps, you're not outputting the 'next' step
Count count count.. code-golf
You have a list of integers and start counting from the first term to the next and continue from that to the next and so on..
How many times you counted?
For example given [2,5,3,8] you start at 2 and count to 5: 3 4 5 (3 times)
then from 5, 4 3 (2 times)
and finally...
problem: I programmed the sim to attach the moons to the planets they belonged to, which makes sense. However, I neglected to account for the fact that children of objects are affected by the rotation of their parents. :/