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First text
Gah why am I so bad at this
My name is capitalized, I didn't see it at first :P
i hath arrived
Hm, I'm not sure why I'm so bad at just letting people be able to write in here
Welp, I guess Gray is an owner too
There we go :D
so timing
main obstacle is work/school
Like right now, I need to go back to studying
Yeah, that might be tricky to work around
double agreed :)
At least make our characters?
Oh there's like a pdf player's handbook right? That's important
I can usually spare an hour or so sometime between 4-6
That could work if I get my work done early
my work hours are kinda weird and sporadic right now, but in general I work 8:00AM-5:00PM my time on weekdays (Detroit time, 8:22 PM), and i could make free hours after that on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Hm okay
(you don't have to add me to the list of owners, North)
@matt Eh, I trust you
Does everyone have a little time every day to check over the room and update?
my time is three hours ahead of you, so i would be free after 2PM your time i think?
@Graylocke Yeah
@Sciborg I'm sort of free on Wednesdays....
i DM my main campaign on Wednesdays :P
What's the edition for DnD we're using?
I have no obligations after school other than tutoring (unpredictable) and a 2-3 club meeting Wednesday
Because it could work with Mick putting up the current world state and wait for our actions which we post during the day and then it being resolved in the next post. Or something
5th edition, unless you prefer a different one
We can do it that way @Graylocke, would just be a bit tough during things like combat
@Sciborg I'll reserve Wednesday for studying. It's a bit awkward timing anyways bc I have mock trial practice from 1:45-3:30
@Sciborg Perfect
Sure - just means combat needs to be a time set aside :)
I can walk you guys through making characters, too
i really don't know why I requested access to this thing .. i have no idea what dnd is
@Anonymus25-ReinstateMonica Does that allow you to text in the chat?
Gasp - you're pirating the book? how dare you :p
so i found my old character sheet that i never got to play with, but i can't understand it
I actually don't know 5th ed :) I am too old skool lol
I had a player made but like I'm pretty sure I lost it
I say 5th edition
Especially bc Mick's the DM so
i have a physical rulebook for 5E
You'd have to re-explain a lot of the rules btw @Sciborg bc it's been a LOOOONG time since I've even looked at the stuff
I have pretty much all of the physical books, so if you need a specific physical book lookup let me know
I don't mind explaining the rules, no worries :p
Do you remember how rolls work and everything?
How about every person choose their characters and everything else that doesn't require dice-rolling and then urm 'borg can roll the dice for us?
I have a level 5 character
@Sciborg You just roll the dice and add then up and they have different effects
@Anonymus25-ReinstateMonica Perfect!
Yup, in 5th you roll a d20 and then add modifiers.
can I un-opt in?
wait shouldn't we all start at the same level?
@bobble Agreed :P
not just bringing outisde leveled up characters in?
We should all start at the same level, that way nobody is more powerful than anyone else.
i was thinking we could just make 1st level
@bobble Yeah. @Anonymus25-ReinstateMonica You midn if you use the same character but like at lv 1?
Also - reconfirming that we are trying to play this as a team and not a series of individuals ;p
So base stats stay the same and starting equiment
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Just because it has 3 classes
Paladin, Barbarian, and Blood Hunter, which ones should I delete?
I believe Paladin and Barbarian are in the 5th, don't know about Blood Hunter
Blood Hunter is Critical Role, super OP, have a Blood Hunter lvl 10 character
I won't allow Blood Hunter, no. We will start with 1st level.
I'll delete barbarian and blood hunter
and um, no offense intended genuinely anon, but this game is kinda for my PSE friends who i know and invited. i don't really know you well enough to DM for you and i didn't invite you to this game.
Hmmmm, but I can play
We can let him play, no?
@Anonymus25-ReinstateMonica I think it's more about how comfortable 'borg feels
with again no offense intended, i would rather he not play.
Okay. I'm sorry anon, but 'borg's the DM
Maybe once we get to know you a bit more :)
Hm @Sciborg I initially was going to ask if my character can lose a hand in exchange for like idk an additional magic level or something, but I realized I can't use bows and arrows if that's the case
@Sciborg are there any "Session 0" "non-book" style rules you like?
You could still use a hand crossbow one-handed, though?
i would have to check if loading requires a free hand, i believe it might
Eh, it's not the same
Well, I can reload a cross bow by holding it with an extra stump, but probably just like double the reload time
@Graylocke Session 0 non-book rules are basically: we're using 20-crits and 1-crit-fails, we are a cooperative team, and goal is to have fun :P
Anyhow, I don't get any skills in crossbow as wood elf so
i'm not sure i have to say this but i do not want to have tics in fantasy world
Can longsword be wielded with one hand?
:) Also - do we have a "squik" button we can push?
You could choose a feat that allows you an extra weapon proficiency if you choose Variant Human, but unfortunately you are an elf :p
Nah, I wanna be a wood elf
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Yup, longsword is one-handed
@Graylocke what is a "squik" button?
@Sciborg Don't you get like a disadvantage on your rolls for one-handed for longsword?
asking to tone down gore/violence, i would think
"Nope! This is not a thing I want to RP!"
I make a rule of never doing anything like that, so no worries - but obviously if you're uncomfortable tell me!
yeah - but not only violence/gore ... just allowing players and the GM a reasonable way out of things they are uncomfortable with (regardless of whether it "makes sense" in fiction)
^ agreed
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Longswords are versatile, so one hand is fine
We can have "squik" be the safeword
I trust you, just making sure everyone is aware that everyone else is aware and agreed :)
i hope it will never come up, my campaigns tend to be very light-hearted without much gore or nasty stuff - but obviously good to have a button :)
if you say "squik" we will stop
@Sciborg Okay, I'll have my player go with one-handed, but work perk do I get?
i call being a dwarf cleric
Do I get a dragon pet? (kidding)
i like being support, and dwarves are cool
Can I get a starting pet wolf for trading my hand?
I can make a cool backstory like
You can have a starting pet, but it can't have combat stats unless your class allows it :P
Maybe a baby wolf pet buddy?
Do you allow "reskinning"? :) Same stats different visuals?
I can make a cool back story like "big bad wolf bit my hand off, baby wolf saves the day"
@Graylocke Absolutely, go nuts :D
Baby wolf saving the day is the most wholesome backstory, i love it
Cool :) Wood elf dwarf I am
Though dwarves and elves don't like each other but like
i can like your wolfy and tolerate you because of it
Maybe you and bobble have like a Legolas/Gimli dynamic :P
We have wood elf ranger and dwarf cleric, I'm curious to see what Gray's making to round that out
Wait, can I?
Does wild form allow that?
Oh - I thought North might end up being a druid after all ^^;
Wild form?
Do you mean wild shape?
That's druid?
That's a Druid-specific thing
Wild shape, yea
Are you playing a ranger or a druid?
Oh drat I can't use metal weapons
You must be making a druid then, i was confused
Wild shape only allows you to turn into animals, and at your level it's CR 1/4 or below iirc
You can use a staff or a scythe I think
(considers switching to ranger)
Gotta go see ya!
Ah, seeya :)
Well if you are going druid, I will go ranger to make a completely wilderness survival party ;p
D&D: Wilderness Survival Edition
Now with extra bobblies
If you are going ranger, it... sort of isn't too bad, I should probably go some magicky thing.
I had thought they were going ranger because of the bow
He must have been looking at druid
clerics get spells, right?
i mean not the flashy ones but spells
Bow and longsword, yes... :)
Yup, clerics get spells :) depends on your domain
Yes! still undead smackin and healin I should think
Have you picked a Domain?
even in 5th
it's been a while since i looked at the rulebook
I can tell you about each domain from my book if you want
sure, probably better
i have 10 minutes before dinner
Your options from the vanilla book are Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery and War.
Which of those sounds like your thing?
not war or trickery or tempest, those sound mean
So Knowledge, Life, Light or Nature
Knowledge - you value learning and understanding, you get a bunch of spells relating to identifying things and knowing information and controlling people.
Life - you value life and positive energy, your spells are all "bonk undead"
and/or healing, too
Light - similar to Life, but more fire involved
bonking undead only matters if there is undead
Life is basically Healing Cleric, while Light is Undead-Killer/Fire Cleric
afk for like a minute, emergency
Everything okay?
sister needed help cleaning bunny litterbox
bunnies <3
what's Nature?
Nature - you value the natural world and are very druid-like, your spells let you talk to animals, protect your allies, and control beasts.
All of those domains are associated with gods you worship, as well
knowledge & nature are my top 2 then
If North sticks with druid, the elf/dwarf thing wouldn't be so odd if you chose Nature ^^;
Knowledge spells at 1st level are command and identify, Nature spells at 1st level are animal friendship and speak with animals
I'll do Nature then
Ooh, okay - Nature it is. You get animal friendship and speak with animals as your Domain spells
eesh, i don't want to command people
You also get the power "Acolyte of Nature," meaning you learn one druid cantrip of your choice and your selection between Animal Handing, Nature or Survival skills.
At 1st level, you know 3 cantrips and have 2 1st-level spell slots. Domain spells add onto that.
You don't have to prepare them - they're always prepared
looking at the list of druid cantrips i like guidance
if i touch people they do better!
it's my mom's power
Guidance is really fun :D
So... since we are going a very nature-focused party...
So for cantrips you have guidance and 3 Cleric cantrips of your choice, and for 1st level spells you have animal friendship, speak with animals, and 2 other cleric spells of your choice.
sorry, my mom is a bit angry (at sister), i have to leave for dinner
will look up all that stuff after
okay - seeya <3
help gray now?
sure! i gotchu gray :p
What kind of character are you making?
I think perhaps... well... I am torn because it will depend on North a little ^^:
We can have two druids or two rangers! it would be funny :D
I am thinking that we need some arcane magic if we have a ranger.
Hmm, we are a bit light on spellcasters
So I was considering either a wild-blooded sorcerer or a fey-patron warlock
Ooooh, both fun :D
and reskinning a wood-elf or perhaps a gnome of some kind into catfolk >.>
I mean, you can totally just be a tabaxi :p
sure :P I was trying to stick to core book ^^;
No worries - I have Volo's Guide if you need me to look it up :)
Tabaxi get really fun powers
So I am hesitant to cause weird disruptions with wild magic surges which will annoy people :/
They can be pretty funny, though
@Sciborg I was reading their stat block :)
Tabaxi get Dex +2 and Cha +1, Medium size 30 ft. walking speed, Darkvision 60 ft., [Feline Agility], [Cat's Claws], [Cat's Talent], Common and one other language.
The Feline Agility power is particularly great
Hmm nice
Are there many "here"?
I haven't started worldbuilding yet, so i'm not sure :p
But you can be an exotic race, no big
Tabaxi are fluffy floofers and must be protected
I was just trying to apply the 5th ed backgrounds to see what ideas occurred to me ^^;
Please do :D
Just thinkin that all 3 characters seem more likely to like nature more than our various home places
I'm fully down for making a nature-centric campaign
Maybe the plot takes place in a giant forest?
How would a dwarf end up in a forest?
True, yeah. Just brainstorming
I mean it could also be an evil/magical forest
Oooh, i like the sound of Magic Forest
What's your backstory so far?
I want to figure out my spells and abilities a bit
Okay @Sciborg I decided to actually opt for ranger
Nice! :D
But I think my family didn't like my nature magic stuff and so I went looking for other people who liked nature
So I am thinking an exile plot that puts me far from home and having found some other like-minded friends
I just can't go without being able to use a sword
Sounds like bobble-character and Gray-character have similar motivations to go Adventuring
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Rangers can use swords and be melee rangers, no worries :)
I'm still sad I can't use long bows ;-; but I guess I can use throwing knives, right?
As a ranger you can use bows >.>;
Technically yes, but throwing knives are pretty weak
Can't you?
You might want to go for the melee ranger archetype if you're thinking sword
@Graylocke My character only had one hand/arm
Oh right - I forgot ^^;
@bobble are you picking out spells at the moment?
Well you don't have to have all bases covered. :) You can rely on your friends too :P
I'm on my phone, mind linking to a spell list?
I wanted to be a sniper ;-;
@Sciborg Can I get a boost to my one-handed attacks since I don't have a left hand? Kind of makes sense anyways because constant use of only one hand would make the other hand much stronger
Okay, these are your cleric cantrip options @bobble
And these are your 1st level spell options.
Oh I can get guidance from here too
Wow, I can't use shield either. Yikes
Also reason I asked for a link is I have no idea what those do
It's tough to make one hand work in D&D in combat, so perhaps you have a sort of prosthetic or magical arm replacement that you use for wielding stuff?
@Sciborg Okay, yeah, that works
But only when fighting :P
Get yourself a hook :D
the magic arm goes away when I don't need it
Sounds good :P
Yay! I can be a sniper now like I always wanted
@bobble you can use
but it might not have all the descriptions, so if one is missing let me know
Wait what is gray then?
Gray is picking between Wild Magic Sorceror and Fey Patron Warlock
With tabaxi (cat person) as race :p
Go with sorceror!
Those are cool :D
Are there stuff in DnD that are like naturally scared of wolves?
Not off the top of my head :P
I need a favored enemy for level 2 that would make sense in my back story :/
What led you to fight the big wolf?
Well, I don't know if I want it to be a big bad wolf
Maybe a big bad something else
Oh wait I get favored enemy at level 1
I'll take Guidance and Mending from Cleric and switch to Druidcraft from Druid?
Unless there's something bad about that that I wouldn't know
Sounds good - the Domain spells don't count as "spells known" so i think you can pick 3 cantrips total
Do I need something more combatty?
Nah, you have me for physical and gray for magical
Sorceror is focused on combative magic, right?
Looking for Level 1 spells now - I get 2, right?
Yup, you get 2 not counting the Domain spells you got.
Are demons considered aberrations or celestials?
Demons are considered fiends.
Ah, didn't see that
I am trying to decide because a fey-patron'ed warlock does have the insatiable curiosity and the pact boon which is really weird and cool
Okay, so urm, my backstory is that my family were actually wood elves who started to trek down the path of becoming a dark elf
Dark elf as in drow, or?
Wood elves don't just turn into drows, right?
Or can my parents be drows while I'm still a wood elf?
Since we're going to be nature people Purify Food and Drink maybe? Unless that won't come up
Drow is considered like a race of people so becoming one would require polymorphing, it's not a corruption thing so much as just a born thing
Ah darn
Okay well then
My parents were part of a cultistic group who wished they were drows
But maybe your parents are drow and adopted you?
Well they die so it doesn't really matter
Oh :P
@bobble It may do... especially if we are trying to fix wilderness lands :)
Someone in the village angered the chaos goddess, so she sent a pack of demonic wolves (dire wolves? I don't know what they're called) to kill everyone in the village
(implied question: will purifying food and drink matter?)
@bobble Could come up, sure!
The wolf bit my hand off, but a baby wold cub scared the big bad wolf off
Wait actually
Let me see if I want to be outlander or hermit
I dig this
So, goddess sends pack of dire wolves because your village was doing Cult Magic
You escape the dire wolves and befriend Baby Wolf Buddy
What's an outlander background?
Outlander means you come from a remote village or non-civilized place, so that makes sense here
Is it better to be outlander or hermit for ranger?
So I'm now choosing between Bless and Cure Wounds
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Either one makes sense with ranger, so whichever you prefer
@bobble Cure Wounds is a healing spell, and Bless is more of a "you get buffs" spell
Ugh, it's so much scrolling to get to the background oage
Oh, I can just make my background up
Well then
Bless would let me hit both of you at once, but I like the flavor of having to actually run to you guys to cast Cure Wounds.
(Far Traveller for me I think :) )
choices, choices
Nope, going outlander
So my family was murder and I was saved by a baby wolf cub
Does the wolf cub have a name? :p
I'm going with Cure Wounds
@Sciborg I figure one out, not right now
So Guidance, Mending, Druidcraft, Purify Food and Drink, Cure Wounds, and the ones I get for being me but I forgot
What else do I have to figure out?
There were three things to choose from for something, I forget why
Okay, so you've got spells. And we don't have ability scores yet, so i'll skip things with that
You have armor proficiencies (light armor, medium armor, shields)
You also have weapon proficiencies (simple weapons)
These are things I have, not things I choose?
Yup, they come with Cleric class.
Hehe, "I was, in fact, raised by wolves"
I like that better
Dire wolves killed my family
Real wolves saved me
I bonded with a baby cub
I love that
You are Tarzan, but with wolves
More things for you to write down @bobble: You are proficient in Wisdom and Charisma Saving Throws, which i will explain later.
Okay what do I have to do
Once I get back to my character sheet I will write this down
What's next on your character sheet North?
Ugh, I don't have the character sheet up
stage gasp
Hold on, got to find an unblocked version
Can you email me one, actually 'borg?
Sure! Do you want a form fillable one or a Word document?
Both, and I'll see which one works
I have a physical sheet; would it be better for me to have it online?
Gotcha - can you OTS me your Puzzling email? i do not know it
@bobble Either one is fine :)
To me?
Interesting email :P
One sec
It's my spam email :P
Okay, sent

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