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@ArtOfCode I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure your EKG is not supposed to look like that.
It's a butterfly right?
@RyanM heh, I was learning about ECG's a few days ago :P
but no
that is a graph demonstrating that spam is affected by pandemics
Is that dip when global social distancing efforts started?
Wow, fascinating. Is that TPs?
successful autoflags
so probably more of a pronounced drop than just doing it by TPs, but that's how I noticed it
fp feedback received on [MS] I NEED CODING PARTNER
fp feedback received on [MS] Getting the AZ-104 dump file
fp feedback received on [MS] Android - Open URL from json results
tp feedback received on [MS] Object not getting cloned - Javascript
tp feedback received on [MS] Object not getting cloned - Javascript
tp feedback received on [MS] Duplicate/Clone Javascript Object
!!/bisect jscurious.com
@Rubiksmoose 'jscurious.com' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
!!/watch jscurious\.com
@Rubiksmoose You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#4850 for you.
PR#4850 ("Rubiksmoose: Watch jscurious\.com") opened by SmokeDetector
@SurajRao Yes, this is a known issue. MS could do better, but given the manipulation which SD has done to the post body text, it's impossible to get back to the original HTML. For newer posts, MS has the Markdown and converts from that.
fp- feedback received
There's a noticeable drop in tp as well but it's hard to see without a running average and my SQL isn't very good :-p
@SurajRao Post 1: This does not look like spam
fp feedback received on [MS] Storybook Angular - Inject NgControl
fp- feedback received
Opinion from the more experienced here on this post? It's not really spammy but is kind of survey-ey or job-post-ey, definitely OT for SO, not sure what the desired tag here is.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Contacts API in Salesforce Marketing Cloud by Anderson Mendes on salesforce.SE
fp feedback received on [MS] Cold air blowing from return air vent
naa feedback received on [MS] [How do I replace a bulb in this bathroom light/fan? ](//diy.stackexchange.com/a/202062)
fp feedback received on [MS] Give placeholder to select in Angular 6
@SmokeDetector the original doesnt look like spam either
fp feedback received on [MS] do you want to join any NGO?
@DanielWiddis I was about to give a noob opinion before I saw I already voted on that XD
opinion on this ? spam or naa?
@DanielWiddis It doesn't look like it promotes a product or service per-se... In fact it looks like it desires a service. I'm personally siding with FP on that one. You're right, though: Super problematic and definitely needed nuking from orbit in terms of belonging-ness on SO.
it's looking like today or tomorrow the queue might go under 10k
@SurajRao I can't see any affiliation at least
@ArtOfCode I thought we were missing flag logs for a substantial portion of that time-frame.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, potentially bad keyword in username (91): Can a rogue radio signal from the moon or near orbit realistically go unnoticed? by fuk yoo on worldbuilding.SE
@metasmoke after looking at the domain history I changed it to tp as well (cc @Rubiksmoose)
@SurajRao Difficult for me to say. Definitely NAA, but I can't discern any affiliation.
@Mithical Switched as well :)
@SurajRao looks like you got that because I disagreed with the moose as the 2nd review. :)
(commenting because it's good to see the 2-reviewer system working)
@Mithical :D
@RyanM that's remarkably sudden
Here's the query, I am accepting reviews of why my SQL is terrible and how I could've avoided copy-pasting the subquery :-p
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): LOOKING UP FOR DEVIZES JOBS? WE ARE ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU by julianalu on stackoverflow.com
@tripleee Extra backslashes are convenient when one wants to be able to just copy and past it into different environments, some of which require the backslash on a /, whereas none of them operate incorrectly when there are extra backslashes. Having the extra backslash makes for less work and fewer errors when moving it around. I'm not saying we should have a policy of using them, just explaining why some of the regexes I write have them.
Basically, yes, they can be removed, but removing them only saves having a character in a text file, so, personally, I leave them in when it makes my life even a tiny bit easier.
@ArtOfCode Does that includes autoflags where the logs were wiped?
@RyanM see I just query the raw stats then do the averaging locally
sdc watch cmdrecruitment\.com
Will (whoever needs to allow me to do so) allow me to send automated fp feedback on posts which only have experimental reasons if my bot does a few checks as well and if I'm pinged immediately and will be able to review the feedback myself relatively soon after submitting it?
@metasmoke So many fp's like that.
@Daniil cc @ArtOfCode @Makyen
@Daniil If you're going to review it yourself anyway, why not review it beforehand?
@Daniil what's "a few checks"?
fp feedback received on [MS] Magento 2 - Configurable Product Price
fp feedback received on [MS] Magento 2 - Configurable Product Price
tp feedback received on [MS] Arab population of Palestine pre-1880
fp feedback received on [MS] The secret habit
fp feedback received on [MS] The secret habit
@Makyen i think this will handle all cases of typical 'zero length' or 'whitespace only' links (which are zero-length basically) or "unprintable characters" links (also zerolength basically) will address the cases of zero-length links
@NobodyNada Because depending on the supposed accuracy I might not review it every time.
I wrote it with a testsuite so you can see the expected results and tested 'forms'
@ArtOfCode To be decided still, nothing major.
@Makyen but we do need to do some work to make those as valid testable reasons
@metasmoke Gosh, how many of those posts are there ^
@Daniil my 2 cents: we should not have automated feedback, because the purpose of feedback is to indicate "a human reviewed this post and judged it to be not spam"
Depending on the problem we're trying to solve, we can do it better by just applying the criteria elsewhere
@Daniil From your description, this does not sound like a good idea.
@NobodyNada Technically, no one will know if it's automated or not...
@Daniil and that matters... how?
@Daniil that...just makes it worse, because now it's not transparent
^ that
@ThomasWard It could be automated or not automated. Who knows...
@NobodyNada For instance, if the problem is that we have too many reviews, we could follow Rubik's proposal and kick posts out of review once they meet certain criteria
That would accomplish the same goals, but in a more transparent way
@Daniil True, but we're saying "No, we don't want automated feedback."
@Daniil the transparency is lost, AND we don't want everything to be 'automated' especially on feedbacks
which as Makyen says is what we're saying ;)
@Daniil I just did 41 of the 43 without feedback (2 were unclear to me)
Seriously, if we have code that's good enough to be giving automated FP feedback and be 100% accurate, then why not have that code in SD to prevent the report-which-will-be-FP in the first place?
@Daniil I would want more information on that before deciding. That said, what NobodyNada said makes a lot of sense - perhaps feedback isn't the correct point at which to apply this automation.
yeah, what Makyen said
Can we somehow exclude Islam.SE from the "masturbate/masturbation" watch? 270/286 FP, 8 TP
wording schmording
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): How to make custom Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter by Ridhi on stackoverflow.com
@RyanM Were the TP caught by other reasons? If not, can we create something else which does catch them?

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